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so dudes once again we're going old school it's time for another random emo challenge you guys know how this works we have a giant wheel of all the emotes the more emotes you have the better loot you get and then at the end of the video we hit some pretty nasty shots so stick around also if you guys can guess this emote right here you gotta hit that like button if you guess it correctly the like button will turn blue hit the subscribe button hope you enjoy the video hi boys we're back with another emo challenge first up vault ready ready for vault play evolve oh i'm not ready for people's walls i faulted my emotions this is our guns boys so you guys know how this works whoever loses first gets the last pick first place gets first pick when you guys know how it works you guys ready for the first one i'm gonna win this one hey we think that uh henry's gonna be doing the biffle i don't know dude you guys are really both bad at the okay the first one here we go all right here we go next what we're doing we got what we got what's it gonna be what's good i don't know oh zombified i think i got this one here we go oh no oh look at me why would you buy that emote dude none of you have it i can't find the thing to get to it it's under traversal traversal am i the only one that oh flicko has it oh my god all right so you guys know how this works me and flico are still going for first second place you guys are gonna either rock paper scissors or let's do wrappers to score card or mode they did the client side so uh rock paper scissors you guys ready so whoever loses this rock paper scissors they get last pick and they're most likely gonna get the crossbow okay in three two one go oh you got cut boy so henwy gets the third pick says you get last pick half of the crossbow bot all right flicko we're gonna do three more attempts ready ready easy wins yeah right i'm the bigger sweat here i literally have sweat in my armpit right now ooh treat yourself treat yourself wait what treat yourself oh it's just stupid emote why is that one we like people dude there we go look look get your stupid candy from the stupid barrel you stupid idiot sorry i'm very angry right now yeah wait flickr doesn't have it dang it i do i'm just struggling to find things all right two more we'll do two more if we both tied then we'll end it with the rock paper scissors here we go boys what we got oh do i have this one i don't make shovel dynamic shuffle i don't know if i have this one dynamic shuffle what are these emojis what are you doing this is a stupid dance yeah i don't like this dance either but we got it crap all right flickr you'll sweat let's go to the next one here we go what is this one oh what we got what we got uh paddle royale paddle royale paddle royale flickr doesn't have it flickr doesn't have it flicker doesn't have it flicker doesn't [Applause] you don't have a name [Music] you're a little sweaty you know that all right so we have to do rock paper scissors because you're a sweat nobody likes sweats unless you're wearing sweats you little sweat you know what i mean yeah we're going to do scorecard because i can't tell what flico's hand is doing he's gotta just make it all right ready scorecard three two one go i got a nine you got a seven i win what what what do we have since his client side what do we have on your guys zero and seven you had a zero you need a seven yeah hey it only counts on my client my client's the better one so i get the first pick i'm gonna choose the hunting rifle what are you guys gonna choose okay yay have fun with that you bought okay okay next one vault your this next one here we go okay what is what does yeah welcome welcome henry this is the next one now you guys ready yeah ready i'm ready i'm ready i'm ready i'm ready do it here we go here we go we're dabbing on dads right now with a baseball bat uh what is this shimmer shimmer shimmery numbers i think i have it oh you guys ready you guys ready uh-huh i'm gonna win this action dang no dang it your boss don't have it okay well you know what i do have you know what i do have what the power of thor oh hey you know what both of you both of you do the scorecard and my client is the one that counts okay okay three two one go one and one you both got one you both got one three no no it's my client my client side two all right ready three two one go henry wins three to four i got seven to three what are my six months you have lost we're gonna do three more attempts and then we're gonna go ahead and do a scorecard because you're a bot and use that dumb skin got him here we go wow yeah you're not gonna have the skins though you look like a skin got him oh oh 100 got this you know what you know what this is a representation of me because i am well let me if i don't know if i don't let me find it i am short fire lit dude you're fired bro if you hit the like button it'll turn fire no no no no no i tried it all right next one two more now we're doing the thingy here we go give me something good give me something good that i know i can win it ooh statuesque what is this what is what dude imagine not having this remote box why would you get that wait is that from the ice set or something i don't know but i'm beautiful you gotta pretend to be a statue sometimes you're just reaching up you know to pick that little apple or they picked that little that little booger from your nose you just gotta reach over the apple all right you guys ready so that was oh no fleek all right so last one here we go and then we're gonna do scorecard to see who dabs headbanger head banger would i be a head banger or like music person would you pretty good would you go to my concert long all right flicko score card time you ready three two one three eight dagger i got a three flico got an eight did i wait wait did i win on my screen did i win on my screen no it was a three on you and an eight on nico my skin as well all right flico you get first pick go ahead i don't dude all these suck what do you mean i juice one of them is clearly the best dude not that okay what do you mean dude that's what i wanted all right you know what you know what you know what you know i'm going to take remote explosives you're going to get something that one in this one i am dino mike and i get moving yeah you get movement you literally all right so again guys as you know this is all vaulted season four vault your foot are you guys ready for the foot oh what's it gonna be oh we got a pistol we got a rapid fire smg dual pistols and six shooter are you guys ready what we got here oh i know i got this one i'm pretty sure i got this one no you don't you're an idiot got him here we go wait you guys there's no way you don't have this you guys don't have this isn't that the mommy no this is not the mommy song who i thought i had this cute guys are you know what you know what hey we can choose do we want to give them another attempt at this round yes or no yes yes i mean they're going to get out next round anyways all right here we go here we go here you guys are bots dude all right what is this floss no what [Music] flick out you know the emote that i want that i could never get that you have oh wait wait wait wait i know which one is that i was like that i can never get it's impossible for me to get i can't get it henry's got it no dude wait niko do you have this emote so bad no that's not it flico what's wrong with it i found it i couldn't find it in my inventory all right so since then we got another chance they're going for the first and second place me and sydgey are going for the third and fourth and i don't want the six shooter man all right let's go ahead and score a card ready yup [Applause] you have lost on vault your foot you guys are gonna score card just see who gets first second in three two one hey five and one five and one five [Applause] go ahead take the first one what are you taking what are you taking what are you taking what are you taking i kind of want these dual oh i wanted pistols two all right hey we go ahead all right now it's my turn so boy since we're playing on instant reload wait oh whoa oh wait it's not on isn't real right now whatever the game all right so vault your foot in next one is in you got oh no did you just put a c yes i put c4 there go ahead and pick that back up let me pick that back up there we go next round we got the shotguns the drum shotgun all vaulted are you guys ready all right i'm ready let's do it oh what is this harmony oh no oh no is that it i'm harmonying dude i don't i don't think i have it well i i i have this one i have this this counts right this goes oh yeah harmony dude harmony wow oh no you guys are doing it wrong oh no i don't have it all right so flico you win this round now us three we're gonna go for third second third and fourth place are you guys ready i'll just work out while you guys are doing that okay i went to the next one it's jitterbug oh no oh oh i don't like the sound of that uh i'm just gonna jump off the edge you know i all right so now you guys are gonna you guys are gonna score card this time we're gonna use sigils client to see who wins wow this is gonna lie though you can't trust them ah you can't lie if you lie i'm gonna foot you okay three two one go get rekt four versus three yeah i see four v three two four and three as well all right sizzles finally all right flick out did you already pick your gun flicker what did you take well i picked the gold one dude how would you lay the gun down so we can actually see things how'd you follow the video oh the heavy shotgun all right all right all right you know what you know what unit also you know what i'm gonna get since there's instant reload no no no no no no double barrel shots all right sigils you're next what are you taking well you know since there's instant reload i'm gonna go ahead and oh you got a blue chair that's not bad all right so fault your foot in and last one is feet i'm sorry there's no like button here i'm confused no but vault your foot in feet you guys oh i know what i'm grabbing when i win all right we got some good stuff in this we got feet this is all about movement speed are you guys ready hey give me something i have um wavy t wavy t i think i know which one this isn't i do not have it wavy t [Music] oh i have it oh wait i have a jew flickr doesn't have it flico has it dang it flico i will get you out and make you a foot okay all right here we go here we go what's this next one what we got phew what are you saying what are those noises you're making is everything okay man it sounds like a laser installer is that how you pronounce few you see they even did it that's a nice phew look listen you guys not no that's not it you don't lock it up and that's not same thing right sometimes all right you guys know what to do all right flico this time it's your client's side for these bots my client's side okay that's nervous yeah no no no i mean like we all saw at the same time all right so gets last uh and we get started all right flico we're doing three more and then we're gonna fight it out well yeah says he's cheating over there i got this one i 100 got this one flico you think you could beat me huh you think you're better than me huh you think that you're just so dab that you dab one on your dad huh i doubt it here we go yeah you think oh i got the one ammo that you don't have and you can never get it well i got this one dude who doesn't have the windmill dude yeah yeah yeah you know what you know what i said you guys don't have this one you get nothing from this round what what what what my dad all right next one here we go last one that we're gonna do scorecard with uh henwy being the client side oh eagle what is this oh there it is yeah get it so stupid i love this so much no you are not backing what is wrong with you get out of here i technically got more than henry all right so me and flico are now gonna do a tie off we're gonna tie our shoes whoever can tie them with the tightest wins ready wait what all right and we get you it's your client's side three okay okay one [Applause] what do you see you got a zero and deco got a nine are you kidding me wait did i win every single one i had it on my screen it was a nine and a nine oh wow all right flico took that i'm gonna take the impulse nades last what are you taking what are you taking you're taking the blues oh yeah all right uh sigils you get the shadow bombs have fun without your butt oh i'ma bomb your shadows i don't know what that means all right boys we got our stuff let's go fight to six kills guys remember hit the like button to feed your cat i have a dog are you guys ready first six kills in three boys one two i don't know what else to say one goat i'm already going i'm already going i'm already going where's everybody on my tweeted hole i'm a balloon boy are you serious you just got dressed by an infantry rifle oh my god you know what wait no no stop stop stop yeah you just pretend no no no my six shooter doesn't work dude okay i gotta test the six shooter i wanna see if it does the instant reload i don't think it does dude you guys are dying based on that one thing you just happened why does the sick shooter suck dude why did i take it i thought it was gonna be good with instant reload yes don't spray me in the air so fair oh we hit those you are dying you were idiots all right get it because like flicko what's up flica where are you where are you hey stop it i have one question he's getting bullied oh it landed on me that wasn't nice why are you like this huh well because i'm here to play fortnite with you who blew up my spawn i hope it was yuki who's you wow he's inside of someone no you can't double shot me cheater how did you get there did you just land out of the sky yeah i cheated out gotta you go oh hey no no no no no where are you where are you don't shoot me don't you like that no i can't see anything headway henry [Music] they did a hundred damage to your face oh hey what how are you crossbowing you don't even know where i am ah you're somewhere between bolivia and bellavia i don't think you're saying words where are you at boys huh no not a handy covalent oh why do i hear them can we if you get crossbow and we got crossbones okay i was just did you just crossbow henry i was pretty much standing still oh no i'm just cranking i'm cranking to hide i'm cranking height cranking height cranking height crank gonna hide i'm cranking to hide i'm cranking the height cross bump cross cross where are you at where are you at hey hey hey hey between me and the man with 15 million subs oh i forgot to hit 50 but guys thanks for 50 million [Music] get over here rifle is moved oh the infantry rifle is broken [Music] oh my god dude these vaulted weapons are insane if you think these vaulted guns are insane hit the like button also hit the subscribe button for new rounds here click this next video to watch the next video we'll see you dudes next time
Channel: SSundee
Views: 3,728,482
Rating: 4.9486856 out of 5
Id: vouw7INDuP8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 49sec (1189 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 20 2020
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