Varlamore SLIGHTLY Buffed Rc Rates

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on Wednesday Vore got released which was a huge update including new Hunter methods Rune crafting runes and of course a new piece of pvm content the Coliseum nothing from this update necessarily interested or affected me until I got a message many hours after the update talking about Sunfire runes why would I care about this well I do kind of own the first and largest Essence running Discord that I created back in 2018 when I was doing 200 mode run crafting at zmi before they removed the ability to tree P Ence in the cave when the tree got removed we all moved to lavas to try to figure out the meta and optimize the method and now I figured if Sunfire runes are going to be the new meta why not do the same thing I never thought I'd see the day where my stubborn ass is doing a quest without the quest Helper but we need to do Twilight's promise to access an easy teleport to The Altar and Quest complete there we go so you might be wondering why would Sunfire runes be so much better than lava runes there's a couple easy reasons here first of all lava runes give 10.5 XP each whereas for some unknown reason Sunfire runes give 13.5 which is a 30% increase not only that but lava runes require the management of binding necklaces and Magic andb whereas for Sunfire runes we literally only need to use a rune on the alter so now with this parrot built we can essentially teleport straight to the alter to make Sunfire runes just a quick teleport to the city and then I think this guy right here and the alter or I guess I should say Shrine is right here so using a fire room with a Sunfire Splinter will give me three Sunfire runes at 99 without the [Music] outfit after I figured that out I spent some time talking to Essence Runners and I didn't buy any Sunfire splinters yet but of course as soon as I was just about to luks got a quiver and showed that it required 150k SPS to charge so naturally they went from 500 GP each to 3K I waited as long as I could but now my Runners are waiting for me so we have to buy them looks like we got some GP back and I spent about 890 GP each I guess that's not that bad with my Runners waiting for me it's now time to finally test this out I'm kind of nervous to be honest I haven't run crafted with Runners since a year and a half ago and these Runners aren't exactly cheap I'm paying 7 mil an hour for each of them so I don't exactly want to spend too long trying to get a good hour for science this is even only about me though every single one of these Runners has never run Sunfire runs before so this is new to all of us so many misclicks can happen here the X hour looks good so far yeah of course I can't see it I'm just glad I noticed this before I did this for 60 minutes okay here goes for [Music] [Music] real [Music] all right there's already so much downtime this isn't it maybe my Runner saw a t on the Flor and stopped to pick it up or maybe his PC shut off you had to restart it before coming back not sure but let's try this again I need a clean start for a fresh hour [Music] the 27k experience gained in and just now seeing 400k an hour for the first [Music] time [Music] just about 30 minutes in now and we're almost at 410k an hour I think I should be able to [Music] climb 413k and only 20 minutes remaining as [Music] well [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] coming up to the end of the hour we did get over 400k so I'm quite happy with that I'll call it at a comfortable 408k an hour something pretty funny about this is that I just made 100,000 Sunfire runes in 1 hour I don't even have the Rune crafting outfit these were 300 GP each on Wednesday but I'm pretty sure they're going to crash very hard and very quickly so I thought I hired five Runners but it turns out somebody else showed up and didn't really tell me so I ended up using six Runners that whole hour costing 7 milph each Runner that was 42 mil spent for 48k XP an average hour at lava runes with Runners is 280k an hour and runners cost 7 mil an hour each there as well making this very similar in price the price of shards versus Sunfire runes well it's hard to say what these will stabilize at because sometimes I'm buying shards at 600 each and sometimes they 1 1200 but with the Rune crafting outfit you make 4.8 Sunfire runes per Essence so hopefully the market will stabilize to just about break even there so you guys just watch me get 48k XP in 1 hour however enjoy the absolute machine who DM me in the beginning of the video to check these out did some testing only paying four runners assuming all of them have a colossal pouch you can get 350k an hour XP the reason this is so close to the six Runner method is because the runners are trading two inventories of 25 and then one more half inventory for the remaining of their colossal pouch so in conclusion lava with Runners are basically dead now this method is easier cheaper and faster of course not everybody can afford this method or lava with runners in the first place but I hope you guys found this video to be interesting and I had a lot of fun Theory crafting this as well I know I will get asked in the comments if anybody wants to run a ringcraft so just join and follow the rules there that is all for today so t for watching ing everybody and peace out
Channel: Jcw
Views: 30,197
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: osrs, rcing, runecrafting, varlamore, runescape, skilling, runners
Id: Jt9VIMdLkuU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 1sec (661 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2024
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