Varlamore Hunter Is OP for Irons (Tips and Guide)

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hey there today I want to show you why the hunter Guild is amazing for your Iron Man account and give you some tips and tricks I've learned along the way I'm doing a 100 plus Hunter Guild rumors so I got 112 and I've almost gotten a green log with the pet the huntsman's kit and almost the full outfit without the boots according to the wiki that's still being made the full set bonus apparently gives you 2.5% catch rate increased and also increased chance for rare creature part by 5% you get tons and tons of useful supplies for your Iron Man you get these B blessed bone chards that you can use for the new prayer method as you can see here from around 100 rumors I that's about 100K XP for prayer right there for those 20K shards they're about 5 XP each but you can use sunfl splinters which you actually get from hunting the new antelopes and you can use these to make each of these give you 6 XP each instead of 5 XP each so that's a nice additional drop you can get you can Bank a lot of herblore supplies like Kit's teeth for secondaries you get a lot of rainar and other types of herb drops from this and lots and lots of birds nest if you don't enjoy doing bird House Runs as much Additionally you get lots of Hunter meats that are actually some of the best in slot Foods now some of them heal even more than some of the best fish in the game but their healing is spread out over heal overtime effect as you can see right here not everything is track but this is loot from 60 of my hunter rumors just to give you an idea of what some of those herb drops cash and bird houses will like after 10 Hunter rumors you'll be able to get the quel whistle that'll let you teleport straight to the Hunter's Guild to get it you just go up this ladder right here and you talk to this guy to claim it to recharge the whistle you want to come up to him with meat in your inventory from wall py foxes Kays or antelopes and then you use them on him and he'll charge your teleports you can get increased teleports by getting the blueprints from the hunter sacks there's two different blueprints you can get for the enhanced whistle and the perfected whistle and just to show you those sacks right here I'll open a couple just to show you some loot I got three money some meat and some logs a little bit of everything at 7200 you can do the expert rumors that's the one that I do to get a rumor you just go down the stairs right here and then you want to talk to either of these guys acho or TECO right there and I'll actually show you how you can basically set a block for a hunter rumor just kind of like a Slayer Tas block so right now he wants me to kill the saber-tooth cats and then if I did not want that rumor I could talk to Teo right here and then he'll ask me if I want a different one to hunt for him instead and then he'll give me one now the one he gives you stays so if I decide not to do this and I just go back to AO for my other one I can pretty much Perman L block a task which in my opinion you want to do for Razer back kits this one in general is probably the worst one because you have to track it and it just takes the longest takes the most attention and all that so I would recommend if you get a Razorback kbit leave it on one of these guys and then just get your tasks from the other all the other Hunter Rumors in my opinion are not that bad if you find one you absolutely hate that's not razor back kbits then I would just leave that on one Hunter and then do all of your rumors from the other expert instead now if you decide to do razor back habits make sure you bring a opal ring Enchanted which is a ring Pursuit this shes you a one in four chance 25% to show the entire tracks of the whole thing instead of having to search five times you get one search you go to where the tracks in and you're good to go just like this boom so now I'm going to go ahead and do my hunter rumor and show you what it looks like with you get a piece for my inventory set up I always like to bring a chisel hammer for birdh house runs and to chisel down some analou shards a knife for setting salamander traps my Tackle Box to start bringing fishing nuts for my salamander traps Bone Crusher Bone Crusher makes almost every single Hunter rumor better because it buries the bones instantly so that's one less thing you have to get rid of out of your inventory your inventory fills up really fast when you're getting meat antlers bones hides and all that at the same time time I like to bring an axe because deadall traps and pit traps you need to get logs and there's usually logs nearby the cut room pouch with my teleport to my house coins so that you can do the Falcon kits where you need to have money for that and usually you want to have nothing equipped that way when you get there you can go straight into it and then my huntsman's kit which you get from the rumor sacks it can hold box trps butterfly Nets your outfits teasing stick jars and Hunter Spears you want to make one of these because the hunter spear is basically a better teasing stick that gives you a 5% chance to lure the monster when the cats jump across that I'm about to show you it has a less chance of that happening a lot of the hunter areas you can get to by fairy ring so you do want to have a fairy ring close by in your house I'm going to f it for mine also once you do have the quel whistle a nice thing you can do is sometimes you'll forget if you got like a keit or the cats because they both have saber-tooth in the name maybe just forgot what your rumor was or you feel like you're doing the wrong thing cuz you're going dry you can right click hit rumor and it will tell you so I have the razor back kit which is good because I was about to go for the cats over here the kits are right here it's a deadall trap so you can only place one this is the best spot because you can catch the snowy Knight right here the butterfly and then you stand right here and then while you're waiting on your trap you can catch it every single time it spawns so you get increased XP per hour specifically in the spot for this test that's a good little tip right there and now I'm just going to loot these until I eventually get the rare Hunter piece that I will then take back to the guild get a nice around 5,000 XP drop and some loot now sometimes you get lucky sometimes you get unlucky sometimes you can literally get the rare creature part on your first catch sometimes it's in the first five and sometimes you have to catch like a 100 chinampas or 100 swamp lizards it's a lot of RNG once you do eventually get the rare creature part it'll play a really satisfying noise and they'll also tell you in your chat soon as you get that you take it back to the hunter that gave you the rumor and you'll get a lot of XP like I said and yeah I've really been enjoying this Hunter update it's gting me so many supplies for my Iron Man banking heror supplies banking prayer XP I've also even got almost 1,000 chin from this which I had none beforehand because I was already 99 range and didn't fill the need to this is actually kind of nice because you can use chins and stuff like the TOA monkey Rim so I have uses for them and it's also gotten one of my least favorite skills which was Hunter before this update that was my lowest skill at like 73 I believe and now I've leveled it all the way up to 82 doing over 100 Hunter rumors I'm really enjoying that's Reviving like the old content of RuneScape all of these different cool hunter creatures we had in the game that pretty much were just not viable to do and I'm not even I don't even know how much xp an hour this is but it feels really good I even try to weave in birdhouse runs in between my hunter rumors and I've been just leveling left and right and getting amazing Iron Man supplies so I highly recommend trying this out especially if Hunter is one of your l skills thanks for watching consider like and subscribing for more Iron Man or RuneScape guides and good luck hunting
Channel: Darkhood
Views: 6,304
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bm3WZz07X9Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 7sec (487 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2024
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