Varkyn Guide Pt.2: Fight Mechanics + Sample Fight [Octopath Traveler: Champions of the Continent]

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how's it going guys she's your cats here and welcome to part two of my barking guide in part one we went over many characters that you could try using in your party to take on The Barking Cup in this part we're going to go more in depth on the mechanics of the fight itself to understand the best way to navigate your way through and defeat it just like last time with the glossum guide part 2 I'll be putting a sample fight afterwards as well so you can see how I approach the fight before we begin we of course have a couple quick notes first of all the varkan cup is challenging late game content and not everyone will be well equipped to take it on as soon as it releases but don't be discouraged as the arena content is permanent and you can come back later and try again once you have more powerful weapons higher levels or new additions to your roster secondly since this is a guide after all we will be spoiling anything and everything for the fight so if you want to try to tackle this fight blind please close the video now and come back later now then let's get right into the varking Cup starting with the Enemy stats varkin himself has roughly 320 000 HP and 28 Shields he's supported by the scholar ad on the left and the dancer ad on the right The Scholar has around 175 000 HP and 12 Shields while the dancer has around 155 000 HP and 16 Shields speed wise all three enemies have fairly similar speed levels with the dancer being the fastest at 283 varkan in the middle at 276 and the scholar at the bottom with 269. because of this it could be a good idea to adjust one of your healer's speeds to be in the middle of the enemy speeds so that they can heal in between the enemy team's attacks if all three enemies can all attack in a row without any of your healing in between this could result in some deadly combinations that result in your characters getting 100 to zeroed for weaknesses varkan himself is weak to swords staves and Ice The Scholar is weak to swords Spears bows and light while the dancer is weak to Spears bows tomes and Ice unlike the tiki land and Blossom cups where the enemies had common weaknesses amongst all three of them the enemies in the varking cup share weaknesses between at most two enemies the scholar and dancers share the spear and bow weaknesses while the scholar shares a sword weakness with varkin and the dancer shares an ice weakness with varkin of course there's one more very important enemy in the varking cup that we need to look at being a master strategist varkin has some pretty serious tricks up his sleeves once he's fallen to around half HP or once both of the ads have been eliminated varkin will summon a wisp at the end of that turn this wisp cannot be realistically killed taking only one damage per hit and has a hundred thousand HP the point of the Wisp is to effectively change the rules of the battle in varkin's favor the first thing that the Wisp changes to the fight is that it will dispel your Buffs at the end of every turn the turn that varkin summons this wisp it will not perform this dispel but it will every turn afterwards this spell means that Regens will no longer work since the regen buff will be dispelled before your characters have a chance to heal from it once the Wisp has been summoned you must change to using burst healing or health regeneration through accessories or staying in the back line in order to keep your units healthy additionally you'll want to be diligent about upkeeping debuffs on the enemy team instead of utilizing Buffs for your own at any given point the Wisp will have one weakness which matches one of varkins and it will rotate that weakness every turn to one of the other two at random it will also put up a permanent counter that will activate whenever its weakness is hit which deals several thousand damage and can likely knock out one of your units in a single shot this will not activate on Thief Shield cracks though so feel free to use them if needed this weakness counter mechanic is designed to discourage using random Target or AOE abilities and limit your attacking options for this reason in part one of my varking cup guide I recommended focusing on units that have single Target multi-hits such as Fior Sigrid Trish Sofia and Helga over units that have random Target or AOE multi-hits such as Lucetta and as light despite this there is actually a certain point in the fight where you would be able to attack the Wisps weaknesses without getting countered however this requires some pretty specific circumstances that I'll go into more at a later part of the video in theory you can also use skills like analyze to reveal the Wisps weaknesses without needing to actually attack it this could potentially allow you to attack with skills that would otherwise be considered unsafe however none of the units with analyze that are currently available in EN at the time of this video's release are really suitable for this fight so maybe this will be a more viable strategy to take down varkin in the future for the enemy attacks let's start with the two adds but with the scholar and Dancer primarily attack using dark magic The Scholar has a one hit single Target dark as well as a one-hit AOE dark he can also use a one-hit AOE Tome attack and a buff skill that increases the magic defense of all enemies for three turns the dancer has a one-hit AOE dark and one hit AOE fan for Buffs she can cast a team-wide magic up that lasts for three turns as well as a team-wide 15 speed up which lasts for three turns this speed up will increase the enemy team's speed to 317 on varkin 309 on the scholar and 325 on the dancer lastly she can cast an AOE light defense down debuff on your front row varkin himself is of course a light attacker he can use a one-hit single Target light one hit AOE light and three hit random Target light which inflicts light defense down for two turns per hit this is a skill that you might recognize from Odette as she has the exact same skill in her kit unfortunately this time it's being used against you notably this light defense down debuff can stack with the debuff applied by the dancer which can result in some pretty ridiculous light damage if you aren't properly buffing and debuffing varkan can also use a two-hit Tome single Target which isn't really a big deal and he can debuff one of your characters magic and Magic defense for three turns upon reaching around red HP varkin will give himself a permanent magic up his spells can deal some pretty nasty damage once this buff is in effect I remember in some of my early varkan attempts his light AOE spell knocked out three members of my front row at the same time because I wasn't respecting his damage potential be sure to upkeep debuffs as much as you can to avoid this from happening to you finally his Aura attack is a three-hit light single Target compared to his three hit random Target this can easily 100 to zero a single unit if Markin has the proper setup apart from deleting your Buffs and putting up its weakness gimmick the Wisp also has a couple attacks of its own typically it will use a 3 hit random Target light that inflicts light defense down for two turns per hit just like varkan's version of this spell it can stack to make your characters significantly more vulnerable to light magic additionally for its other attacks it can also sap a chunk of SP from your entire front row or it can remove 3bp from a single Target once varkin reaches the 50 HP threshold it will start to act twice per turn as well there are two ways I recommend approaching this fight but both of them start the same way the first unit that you'll probably want to be targeting in this fight is the scholar since there are many great options for warriors to bring to this fight as well as him only having 12 Shield points it's very easy to single him out and bring him down quickly compared to the dancer after eliminating The Scholar there are a few ways that you can approach the next section of the fight the first option is to focus on and eliminate the dancer as quickly as possible which would result in the Wisp being summoned immediately after this method comes with some pros and cons the first pro is obviously that you won't have to deal with the dancers Buffs and debuffs anymore additionally this will cause the Wisp to be summoned immediately after she's knocked out which means that you'll have an opportunity to attack and reveal the wisp's weaknesses before it puts up its counter when varkin reaches around 50 HP this can potentially be helpful if you have characters with AOE abilities such as Cardona since you'll be able to see when the Wisp is or isn't weak to certain attacking types however this strategy doesn't come without its cons the Wisps showing up means that your Buffs will no longer apply and you'll have to swap to burst healing immediately additionally while the dancer being eliminated means that she cannot debuff you anymore unfortunately the Wisp comes with the light defense down debuff of its own which also deals damage at the same time since it's a three-hit random Target light attack personally I'm of the opinion that it's not worth going for this method and I instead recommend going for this second method the method that I personally prefer going with is trying to juggle damage between varkan and the dancer to try to line up koing the dancer around the same time varkan drops to around the 50 HP threshold when he summons the Wisp this would allow you to keep your Buffs around until that point which in my experience gives you a much easier time during this phase of the fight as you can use your regen as a safety net while you can cycle allies back and forth to get your SP back before entering the later phases of the fight this does require a bit of HP management between the two enemies but I personally don't think that it's too much of an issue once you're in the back half of the fight you want to emphasize speed and efficiency the longer you let the fight drag on the harder will become since varkin will cast increasingly powerful spells and the Wisp will chip you down apply debuffs and steal all your SP and BP all the while you're unable to use any regen you can try to use your BP in a way that can bring down varkan's Shields as quickly as possible utilizing multi-hit basic attacks sometimes sacrificing a bit of extra damage on your nukes in break can make the difference that allows you to break varkin a second time before he can explode your team in a few turns so be wary of your options instead of just playing the same old strategies finally once varkan has been defeated the Wisp will KO itself at the end of the turn now let's take a look at the composition that I'll be using for the sample fight since this Arena has a greater emphasis on speed and high damage and can punish compositions that can't win fast enough I'll be using three five-star units for the sample comp compared to the previous two that I used in the tiki land and glossum cups those five-star units in the sample comp this time around are Sophia Fior and Teo while Teo is definitely not the optimal choice for a regen Caster compared to anyus he's still a pretty serviceable unit and I'll be showing how I approach the fight when using him instead while my 4 star units are max level and awakened it's still worth noting that using appropriate 5 Star units such as Viola and Cardona would be preferred if you have them the four star units that I'm using for the sample composition are Kurtz Helga Sigrid Ramona and Noel cigarette and Helga are the attacking units with Sigrid having a very solid three-hit sword attack while Helga has spear AOE and two hit ice Ramona is an ice attacker as well as a burst healer and Magic defense buffer for the later stages of the fight Kurtz and Noel are here to make sure that varkan's magic stat is lowered as much as possible at all times to minimize how much damage we're taking and this will be accomplished through a combination of Kurt's anti-attack and Noel's Elemental Crush all of my units skill sets are identical to the ones in part one of my varking guide with an emphasis on single Target abilities rather than random Target this means I will not be using the random Target debuffing skills on Sofia and I'll be treating the Wisp as though its weaknesses are completely hidden even though you will see some of them revealed in the upcoming gameplay for equipment it's definitely recommended to use sacred fours on all of your units if possible in this particular Sample video I'm using sacreds on Sofia Kurtz Helga and Ramona with ephemera 4 on Sigrid innocent 4 on Noel and weaker weapons on Fior and Teo to compensate for their Awakening one for defensive equipment everyone should be running magic defense up hoods and robes for notable accessories I have a dragon scarf 4 on Sofia and an ebony Dragon scarf on Fior since they're my most valuable attackers that I'll be using the most throughout the fight I want to make sure that their SP pools are as healthy as possible I put a bit of HP investment on Sofia and Helga but for completely different reasons Sophia has plus 200 hp and 20 SP on her accessory in order to help her survivability since she's relatively frail on the other hand I want High HP on Helga in order to more effectively use her full HP taunt passive without also putting her in danger apart from those the rest of the accessories are some pretty standard options with a skilled Warriors emblem on VR Warriors emblem on Sigrid and Ice Room 2 on Ramona now then let's get right into the fight alright let's get started so for our composition our main attacking Force obviously is going to be Sophia and Fior the way we're going to do the fight is we're going to have uh Fior and Sigrid look to take down the scholar ad as soon as possible and then we're going to go for the strategy where we try to have varkan hit around 50 HP when he summons the Wisp around the same time that we KO the dancer so we're going to start here with uh Teo casting his fully boosted region on all of our Frontline units just to make sure that that's being uh applied on those units and then for our turn two what we're going to do is we're going to have Kurtz and Noel come up from the back line and cast their uh Magic down it's going to be curses anti-attack and Noel's Elemental Crush uh on varkin and we're going to have our Warriors continue to attack The Scholar oh my God so we're not looking to break on the next turn I'm still gonna do one more turn of prep before we go uh we're gonna have Sophia move back up to the front to attack the dancer a bit more I'm gonna use one more collapse charge here and we're actually going to have Ramona cast and AOE uh Magic defense up buff just to lessen some of the incoming damage foreign as far as what skill I'm going to use I'm going to be using the two hit AOE for this so that it also puts some of the damage onto varkin at the same time that's pretty much what I'm gonna be doing for most of my damage while the enemy is in break instead of just going for the collapse charges and then as for Sophia's turn she does have a lot of s u a lot of BP right now so we're just going to go ahead and use one of those just to make sure we're not wasting any of that and we'll have Teo cast another turn of region okay so I am going to be looking to get a break on the dancer coming up uh and in order to set up some defense down what I'm gonna do is I'm going to have uh both noelle's Elemental Crush as well as Sophia's Tome defense down applied on the dancer to make sure that those are targeted correctly and then we're going to do fully boosted sword attacks on Fior and Sigrid to do a lot of damage while the scholar is in break foreign next we're going to look to set up the dancer for a break so we'll go ahead and uh this is also going to allow for uh some HP regen or some SP regen on Fiora and Sigrid as I have been using them in the front line this entire time and we'll go ahead and also have uh Ramona just use a heel just make sure everyone is nice and topped up since I do have a couple units in right now that uh do not have HP regen such as Noel all right and now we're all set up for the break uh what I'm gonna do is I'm going to have Sophia initiate the break with the multi-hit skill just to get in the extra damage from the subsequent hits meanwhile I'm going to have Fior and Sigrid switch back in from the back line and we'll also just get in some more region and then uh on the next turn we're going to have Sophia use her AOE ice spell instead for the brake damage so we'll go to the AOE spell uh we're gonna go with the same rotation that we went with last time for The Scholar and yeah we're just kind of just doing our thing here okay now that the dancer has come out of break we're going to have her we're going to have Sophia switch back to Kurtz just to reapply uh anti-attack on varkin just make sure that that uh capped 30 magic down debuff is staying maintained we're gonna have fiori use her collapse charge again and we're going to switch to Ramona here to use uh her defensive buff and uh yeah that's pretty much good and now we're all set up for a break on our next turn all right we're gonna break with the two hit AOE uh uh yeah we're kind of just doing the huge and we'll have Sophia switch back to attacking the dancer [Music] all right so this next round of attacks should eliminate scholar and I'm going to take this opportunity to also cast Elemental crush on the dancer just make sure she's not doing very much damage either okay [Music] okay now with the scholar out of the way what I'm gonna do is uh with Fior and Sigrid being as low SP as they are I'm gonna go ahead and utilize this time to uh have them swap to the back line and have Helga and Ramona do a bit of work and in the meantime I'm going to actually have Helga reduce Mark and shield points a bit now we're going to be aiming for uh both the dancer and the um and varkin's 50 phase to uh start around the same time uh let's see how do we want to I'm not gonna cast a fully boosted regen from tail because I'm gonna do a fully boosted one next turn once Helga and Ramona are in the front row because Teo is the fastest uh he's not gonna be able to apply Regen to them this turn so we're gonna do it next turn and so what I'm doing here is I'm basically just prepping the dancer to go down to uh one shield for when I break uh when I break later uh but that's going to be quite a bit later uh let's see so I think we just go with the exact same thing uh I think for this turn we could just also apply some magic defense up just for a bit of safety cast this here and then I'm gonna have Noelle makes sure that varkan is properly debuffed we'll go ahead and use one BP just to not be inefficient and the dancer is all set up for later once we're ready to come to her we're gonna Swap this to varkin I'm gonna go ahead and use uh Sophia's Tome skill on him uh let's see I want to keep getting a bit more SP on my back line so we're just going to keep these units here cast some more Regen myself now let's go ahead and put some more anti-attack how many how much is this gonna set up this is going to set up uh I'm gonna use max boosted on Helga and we'll use max boosted on both Helga and I think I'll how much do I want to use on Ramona I want to give Ramona enough uh BP to use later on potentially for staff multi-hitting so uh I think we'll just use one BP from Ramona and then this is going to put varkin and the uh ad at just one Shield a piece and sets us up for the next turn okay now we're basically ready um we have quite a bit of SP back on our Warriors so it's time to go in I'm going to also break the ad at the same time with a uh with an AOE spell from Sophia and as far as Sigrid what I'm going to do with Sigrid is I'm going to cast a 3bp skill on this turn but I'm not going to use any BP on the follow-up turn because I specifically want uh the BP to be usable for multi-hits and let's see and we can just go ahead and uh put some more debuff use some use this turned on putting some more debuffs via Noel after this next round of attacks we should be in a good spot to uh proceed forward we're gonna have collapse charge Max here AOE here um I'm gonna go ahead and just put this isn't going to actually matter once the Buffs get dispelled but I'm going to put Elemental Boost from Noel onto Sophia uh even though this isn't going to land on her before she uses her attack this could potentially lessen the incoming damage from varkin because it does give magic defense up okay so we didn't quite actually kill the ad at the same time but uh she has low enough HP that we can just go ahead and knock her out on this upcoming turn so I'm gonna have a so the Wisp is not going to have any weakness yet because it doesn't generate a weakness on the turn that it's summoned so we will go ahead and just go ahead and do something like this we'll just AOE this uh I don't care too much about Helga's BP anymore because uh she can't like multi-hit with uh attacks and um what will we do with Noel this turn I think we'll just uh we'll just have our cast like wind here just in case I guess okay we're good now the Wisp is out it is going to generate a weakness and put up its counter field on our next turn so now we want to start swapping to our single Target abilities uh on this particular turn I'm going to use Sigrid Max attack and is there anybody that's not full HP there is not so Teo isn't really doing much on this turn uh I guess we'll just have him swap to the front line okay we'll have uh we'll have him just heal himself I'm gonna bring Ramona to the front line use a bunch of attacks here this is gonna be nine Shields broken and we're getting real close oh boy okay varkan is going to be acting last on his turn because he's using his or attack this is a perfect opportunity for me to just get my healing in and I am going to break on this turn with a three hit from Fior and we're going to follow that up with uh some Max boosted attacks on our next turn uh I'll go ahead and use Ramona to heal on this turn though all right Fior is out of SP unfortunately as the Wisp did Target her with that so on this turn we're going to swap her to the back with Helga so that Helga can attack with her ice spell and then we'll just have a Sophia continue to attack with ice uh see Ramona acts before the Wisp I'm gonna use Ramona for ice attack on this turn and then we'll have Teo top up Sophia's HP as well and we should be good okay now this final part of the fight is just going to be all about eliminating varkin as fast as I possibly can I'm Gonna Keep Helga in the front for this turn just to get uh some more SP back on Fior we'll have Teo heal himself so varkan has now uh now that he's in red HP he has implied Matt he has implied a magic up buff on himself that is permanent and lasts for the rest of the fight so hopefully the fight won't last very much longer and he won't be able to bombard us with 3 000 damage light AOE just for the sake of bringing this guy's Shields down as fast as possible we're going to go ahead and have Ramona do a quad attack I'm going to use Teo to top up Helga and we're getting real close to the Finish Line guys oh here comes the big one all right we are seeing Teo go down here but just because of how low varkan is from this stage I'm pretty sure we can just finish him off with our last few attacks so we'll go ahead and just use uh our strongest available nukes uh uh three hit here is great and then sure Noel get him Noel uh uh yep and then once varkin is eliminated the Wisp will eliminate itself at the end of the turn and we are all finished and we did take a couple deaths but uh that's just kind of how the fight is towards the end of the fight it really is just a Race Against Time uh as barkin's damage just really starts to ramp up you really just gotta be able to finish him off as soon as you can and uh there we have it so that is my sample fight for the varking cup uh I know this did go a bit long this fight does have quite a few intricacies and uh some hoops that you will want to be jumping through and watching out for so uh uh if you guys enjoyed the video then go ahead and let me know down in the comment section below thanks to everybody for watching and I will see you guys in the next one bye
Channel: ShizukatzCotC
Views: 13,250
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Octopath Traveler, Octopath Traveler Champions of the Continent, オクトラ大陸の覇者, Octopath CotC, オクトパストラベラー, オクトパストラベラー大陸の覇者
Id: x4gfsBkZ2RY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 56sec (1916 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 03 2022
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