Vanossgaming All Grand Theft Auto 5 Doomdays Heist

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baby I wanna shout why are you here why are you in my apartment it's it's the apocalypse right I'm just trying to enjoy my last few days before the apocalypse oh oh and enjoy without you oh who is that guy who are you homies how you doing what uh whoa who's this guy with the big ears and the bald head this is weird oh [ __ ] me hold on give me a second damn it who's this guy when this I hate when this happens oh hello hey how's it going still then clean off those turd stains on your jacket did you what turd they have no turd stains are you so dark - did you get a tan what are you talking to me man he's coming over to see my friends on our last few days alive and you're talking all kinds of [ __ ] what the hell are you just all weird [ __ ] it's the Hat what are you wearing sex mat all right boys listen up listen the apocalypse okay it's happening right now a window it definitely looks like the end of the world listen listen it's coming soon okay that neck tattoo new dual ears no it's always been here it definitely has not your boyfriend's name on that yeah what does it say is this it Westen Wesley Wesley this is westerlies always been on his neck what is that expression where did you get that full beard I don't remember you having such a thick beard it's been a while since I played GTA see that cloud that's not a regular cloud that's from Electronic bomb on the other side of those mountains okay no that's an alien vape cloud dude the aliens are coming that's where Snoop Dogg lives that's just the smoke from all the we D smokin right now that over there though on the left see that is the Domesday cloud yeah but anyways guys we have two choices here we could either one enjoy last few days on this earth you know just drink have a good time or two we can save this planet and do what's right for this country and this planet so what do you say guys who what are we gonna do huh what are we gonna do there's this is if this is what the end of the world is like I'm okay with this give it a doomsday dig baby yeah delirious isn't doing the I just went from being sober to blacked out oh I'm gonna you wanted these really rare bananas guys guys guys guys we're out of alcohol literally never enjoyed any time with you guys unless I'm completely blackout drunk so I don't I don't that's my that's my [ __ ] well I guess we only have one option now since we're out of alcohol yeah that's to save the damn world bar and I'll do it but first we must dress for this mission let's [ __ ] do this [ __ ] oh my god oh you me funny [ __ ] [ __ ] perfect all right in there [Music] [Music] we're [ __ ] two guys doomsday doomsday doodoo Tuesday going up oh [ __ ] no the world has a vagina let's go inside the world's vagina this is crazy wait why don't our car change it to this that's weird going down this is what we're imagining this is what we're imagining we look like hell yeah oh no you built this all yourself Wow side hobby this place is nice to people who know how to sit in chairs cool what are they doing where we take over the world save the world damn this is a nice place no glove guy your own doorman that's right you girls get in free and cut in line at this facility oh no girls allowed that's right equality baby equality oh I'm good at these I'm good at these tests clearly did not pass passed oh please please don't please remove all metal objects no any loose change belts shoes quick here you go home come on sit come on through Oh go back go back now anything metal you may have on or in your body please remove lots of right testicle in the war okay and how to replace I think I got a free pass because this helmet is literally stuck into my skull so can't really take off any of my clothes because of that so I was a good sound I like to sound it out one and since I own it I'm good for yeah that's a good excuse for having a metal Buffalo oh look this guys are typing a comment on a YouTube video delirious you want a shittiest youtuber your videos are garbage I like I like how we set out on the mission to save the world and this is what we're doing this is it boys this is where we're gonna save say hi setup what's the storyline of this [ __ ] there they explain it when you first like the Leicester yeah what I left but I left to get noodles I missed the presentation of the breakdown of the whole apocalypse of how and why the world's gonna end in how I'm supposed to save it why because I left to get [ __ ] noodles hell yeah all of us to look this squad looking at him [ __ ] ridiculous yeah oh we are so cool this is the squad jerrican flowing boys whose day here we come oh my god you're so stupid let me ride with you Evan we're going on the map my favorite part about all these missions is the first 4 minutes when Lester just never shuts the [ __ ] up don't push me off don't hey [ __ ] oh hey boys oh we're late we have to grab some food he only has two days to live anyways let's go boys grab our cars let's do this oh damn all of this is sick baby back to the [ __ ] future you going no Glock you're gonna thou unfuck you man how do we fly is this the car that could fly yeah Oh a b c d who will see i'm gonna go get the d gonna happen I'm gonna hoist when you get close you have to pull out your phone let's start hacking them going for a going after the D again one voice how do you pull out your phone when you get close to you I hacked them I hacked them off to destroy the target mode Oh boom-boom hacked destroy that I have to destroy them now how do I shoot what's the button to shoot X X and lb to shoot Oh Oh extra change wet ball there you go going down yeah got him boys edit swords are on the water okay oh we got to go find more of them oh we got it we gotta go drive this thing on water now Oh press edit the Overlord whoa hey boys oh you could do it immediately you don't have to be in the waters how do you have a wire this is his hover mode this is hover mode and then eventually we can fly I'm going through the future boys I'm gonna hack him on my hover car get hack [ __ ] get a hack let's go let's go let's go nice hopefully have enough speed on my yeah it's like Free Willy it doesn't like to free with it when he just over Barack yeah wonderful reference delirious wonderful oh [ __ ] airplane oh it's a big [ __ ] to leave this thing oh we got a happy fast I'm hacking it we all have to hack them it might make it faster it's really slow pullback to fly Oh Oh careful oh my god whoa what is why you can just hover that high in the air this is amazing I want to land on the lane once it's in the air I'm close I'm right on top I'm hacking here we go baby it's don't touch him though you'll [ __ ] him up I'm about to get on top of it yeah I'm landing on this [ __ ] oh he's pulling away a little bit more bad guys oh [ __ ] they're shooting me and me you got him we got him oh I took him out what oh there we go we destroy it wait for us wait for us oh we can land on like on top of maize bank and go anywhere let's not try any stunts let's just finish let's just all go home on up I'm going down up under this this breach right here IG I literally just set up nightly stunts I'm here boys what up hey yeah the most amazing Heights crew ever yeah actually doing pretty good we got those files by the way what what data are we collecting entire there porn history why do all of our improv conversations go to porn land on the roof of the newest government facility in infant rate as no book says the server farm and undetected to recover a dedicated Oh guys we gotta get how do we have to get more we have so much ya listenin here we have to go to the enemy's server farm and observe how it's related to saving the world it's not this is just more of us [ __ ] around a slip or we got to sneak all right oh [ __ ] we look dope thank God oh the choppers here Jerry came from when Delta mode we appear off enemy radars and maps is the enemy facility Wow it's conveniently really close to ours we're literally neighbors down the street animal facilities immunity [ __ ] oh [ __ ] his bad guys he enjoys security of gamepad to secure snipers a [ __ ] how do we climb down this no go oh you're hilarious man let me get one let me get one if it's got a dildo hold on heaven all right Evan coming over here you jump balls let's building clever let's building didn't someone shot him and the alarm because because that guy saw me and for half a second before he died it's so stupid so I guess we can't use the dildos nope we can't use the dildos [Music] [Music] we lit one of them live where is he where is he he's over there my OCD won't let this guy sir he's gone he's gone [Laughter] Wow there's guards down here around here Roman what do you do okay yep I am one shot let's go let's go let's go yeah get to the roof get to the roof lay out lay out the people parts and then we push Oh oh my god in the back that's pretty [Applause] serious wait guys hurry it up I'm looking right at mo I'm looking at my own ass okay let's go we're good we're good time to fly yes go baby we're out here we go boys continue alright boys we didn't really save the world yet but plug in yet so wait where we are we taking a nap was gonna end tomorrow you know that right it'll be a nap that's all it would just be a night who okay no we did I just mean when did you get in my bed did you get a double a double decker all I know is I went to bed by myself and woke up next to that who's Jaclyn is that one of your new employees no go ahead Christmas tree oh yeah guys I got it all festive joy I'm glad you have time to do up a Christmas tree when it's the end of the world hey man I see those he got boxes they're the green warriors Tyler's the Beretta that's a box of elephant poop oh nice I got that last year yeah and then the one on the right of it the rectangle one that one's delirious it's a it's a 12-inch dildo yeah yeah sure nice recovery we both know why you didn't pass that metal detector yet a 12 inch metal rod up your ass and she all arrested or Zevon yeah all those boxes there yeah all yours and they're filled with money oh nice what what time wave what currency Bitcoin Bitcoin yeah all right okay finally let's get back to business [Laughter] [Music] this gets broadcast to the world like the apocalypse is upon us but don't worry one man is gonna save us he is leaving those lips I saw a lady walking down Rodeo Drive the other day she had the exact same lips are these our missions the plan go today IAB and enter inside our porn we just got porn now they're trying to take it just porn everywhere once again great improv boys [Laughter] Goes Down the world falls okay it's about porn she going to improv class and just like every single skin a minute wait a minute wait one of these cuts knowingly you better fix this I need [ __ ] I'm not trying to do a fight here on minimum wage all right give me my money [ __ ] just split it evenly I'm the one who paid into [ __ ] Oh give me more lowered him to 25 up me to 25 put delirious on 5 and you take the rest anyways you know I'm kind of liking a selfie like my friends well just know that you don't you just know your friends you paid you pay to say that there's gold boys teams I'm [ __ ] ready dude come on boys get in there you can hit the [ __ ] out of him with this go on you [ __ ] it up we're here to kill people [Applause] what oh yeah that's right this is lose minor oh he's got so many dudes here all right here we go take two yo here we go baby hey we're back coming down your elevator shooting dead as well all four okay [ __ ] I just had a piss washer by accident I'm the slightly drunk I got an idea I'm throwing grenades no Laura I don't like that idea we got him oh oh you're not gonna save doomsday we're gonna save it first jordu last night I died too I mean I didn't die Wow delirious thank you hard those bullets killer Jesus woman yes equality [Music] [Music] but I gotta boys I got him come on boys come on we're okay we just need to kill everybody oh yeah what we gonna do here sit down guys is a great time to be playing some games guys my red cars in this video game look over there there we go it was a fun video game congratulations I can have that sweet 16 I've always wanted hey guys there's out a couple of beers oh it's starting starting the end of time is starting it always starts with the storm no it's raining it never rains here no glow we're in a drought obviously it means something no no since when have you seen it rain in a desert ranging jingling ting changing ranging on the first day Christmas I ate a whole piggy delirious Christmas carols includes your favorites use the water cannons on the RCV to prevent the Russian agent I'm destroying stolen horn Wow you mean hard drive wow those Russians yes I was trying to steal or porn what's the water cannons what is that we will find out now I control it to be a passenger watering the world they're all clearly very green how much water is in this [ __ ] truck infinite amounts imagine you ran out epic stunts we gotta take a hard left right here you think we could do it our last hard left right get that woman wet get us closer we don't know the guy stop stop the vehicle stop the vehicle [Music] this is a tactical delicate mission he's running around shooting [ __ ] RPGs the only way I know how to play hey I got away your [ __ ] RPG I don't have a CG we got three fires to put out back here we heard that there was an emergency here emergency die mergency hornist a little hot for consumption right there right there right there right there we have more we have more we have more fire for fire come on there we go we're moving we gotta move [Applause] we're gonna die already [Music] [Laughter] I'm taking this footage crime capture this footage capture it there's more this oh my god come on this one is the last one see [Music] okay all right he's gonna take damage stop that was the lyricist purpose I trust me read and backup trust me look at my kills look at my kills you guys all need to shut the [ __ ] up all right come on come on come on come on what's the filename on this one [ __ ] [Laughter] Oh oh now now we escape oh okay not putting on my video days not over though the days not over because how long are these [ __ ] days we did so much today it listen I feel like the days are getting longer I thought we were dead today the world is ending tomorrow you said that yesterday yeah no that's still the same day every day every day the apocalypse moves back one day it is it's the same day and what you guys getting for Christmas or what you get for Christmas depending on when this is posted oh oh I got a book filled raccoon bags you get a helmet for Christmas no I've always had my helmet I would just you know let myself breathe but if it bothers you so much there you go hey you got a helmet for Christmas I did not I did I had it I was just taking a breather [Music] [ __ ] you know what I'm just gonna leave just [ __ ] in the video it's over all right I get to talk about you nobody cares nobody cares shutout throws the nails over you're getting organized whole let up nay let them let them don't let her don't let the video what did you get for Christmas my finger hi God it doesn't ever like the map is like a sad always home oh yeah it's gone know what all in one day it was just they put it up and took it down on the same day god damn it oh no the Christmas tree is gone guys because it's January 17 you make this clip I did miss it [ __ ] I start doing [ __ ] for me of [ __ ] here wasn't even intro lyrics was like hey look they took you on the Christmas tree so I just I just responded in then I just didn't I walked the other direction yeah hey look you don't have a helmet you look there's no Christmas tree oh wait you lost your helmet already hey did you see another guy who looked just like one who ran by like a second ago you didn't have a helmet you don't know them then shut up well if you don't know and now you know picture for Tia that's age of 14 I think that yuppie [ __ ] that guy let him die don't cry for this [ __ ] no one else will deserves a little [ __ ] on it honestly they got the gun looks more nervous looks like him and his boyfriend took some like risque photos or something together like inconspicuous why do you got a big duffle bag nothing what's in there condoms condoms condoms cotton gummy worms it in does do this it's a nice car man it's a it's a McCleary p1 Evan like a McDonald I like going me off condoms pick me up and those are some those is some pretty common words but I don't know if anyone's ever said that combination I'm stranded with me condoms some super drunk Irish guys just stuck out like locked outside of his house what the [ __ ] why is that car upside down it's doomsday man it's happening machines are taking over Oh hold up hold up oh my god there's a [ __ ] mini-map excu agent 14 oh god I think I just have a feeling that they might know that okay get the guy upstairs you've been calling about you but you're not shooting them I've stairs I'm staring out are killing everybody else for you guys agent 14 there was yet hey [ __ ] this guy's a [ __ ] boys boys listen he updated our Gago so we could see them so I think if we turn our goggles on we can see them new strategy get out of the way nobody minds maybe [Music] their faces awesome they're [ __ ] scary all right oh oh yeah we feel now we feel them now oh my god the proximity mines just put in [ __ ] work aye aye aye [ __ ] that's one down this guy's went down oh there's more behind us Oh get out of my [ __ ] way I got this guy he's dead I got him we're going right there up above I think there's it's the [ __ ] not a drill Jesus ask him he's one down yeah right now he's dead oh you did damn this guy's going down too he is dead boom let's go we need the helicopters yeah well probably don't them oh really oh I see them wait no I don't either shooting at me oh my god they're telling me I'm dead okay I'm using Jews oh don't worry I got one I got one I got him they're both dead oh my god I have a hair of life I gotta eat some snacks 8-8-14 yeah he ran he can't figure out how to get in Hazen Thomas are you serious sir sir doctor you followed that off the thing oh he's coming to us he's your puppy then get in this [ __ ] thing Evan go get your own you crash this and it blows up now it's out he comes out he doesn't have a pair of shoes I cannot numb baby what I take on the gold I'll do that I got platinum suck my [ __ ] alright so uh I was a successful another hour of the day [ __ ] drink coffee [ __ ] the world is ending what is this mother [ __ ] eating what are you eating you can't bring it your own food you gotta buy from the cafeteria looks like some fries beans cucumber and tomato slices that's the most disgusting meal I've ever seen who left her ramen ahh hey who threw that can on the floor it was the guy Bobby I clearly saw it what the [ __ ] who threw his can on the floor huh slinging pain our damn employees I sold I say what I saw you swap the clown out for somebody else we got a lot of choices here yeah drink another one of them soda you won't do it again oh that would be so late the significance of the cans listen to the kids [ __ ] slob just keep doing it boys you need to get a trashcan in here or something there's three cans further away than the trash I always wanted to say that between us we are a little my God gives a [ __ ] Nova the pro-gamer yeah been jiggling joysticks since the age of six I wonder if there's something new from the last pipes we did or was it diff yeah it was a submarine okay in this mine I found out this isn't a mine actually Nova's new sex toy it's a twenty eight sided dildo oh yeah oh no you're a freak you know this thing this thing wasn't always brown under constant surveillance so make sure to try to impress the camera by dancing come on come on so we got an escort all turned about to escort to protect a brother named again I actually I can't recreate that noise [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] all right let's do this was it pay attention and then I heard this why does they do always get in trouble what the hell hey he's open around me I won't put her out what do you know what I'm just open about very protected you oh yeah saved them already and now we got to protect them again all right we back do it back in town the boys back in town [Laughter] burgers yeah well the phones in my car does anybody want to get my car no no the Construction Yard all of us you didn't get in they don't wanna join me we're getting the number four [ __ ] you I'm getting it oh go get her number getting number one day she Judy hey your voice for now can I have your number can we just do it right here on the highway says fat is the new sexy oh she going I need picked up or can you come over here and knock my car out of this tree what world away I got my car stuck in a tree don't worry I'm here I'm here to help you no my car stuck in the tree get out here to help you that you've went over my car we're coming to save you laughs don't worry now it still needs flipped over now it still needs to go over that sounds like a job for delirious in and no claw yeah I'm gonna let you guys do it [Music] come on flip this [ __ ] [ __ ] over flip food before blows off drive off figure you got to get to the fire no the friction from the air is crazy it's it's not going so fast anymore guy Evan can I get a ride uber for wild cat where we're going I have no idea see that these guys are working undercover they block that rocket no they were working for the other side they did that on purpose for the pony killer let's go [Laughter] and then I can kill them with the truck let me slap them let me start the last day I got up I got him I got dying there's two other vehicles alive here he's still alive yeah watch this cargo flying in front of you [Applause] we gotta kill me we were taking care own problems worry about yourself [ __ ] I was gonna make it we're already is the pull out your your heat-seeking missiles Thanks pull out your digs Penny's chocolatey can I get it I got a dick latte we need be absolutely need these we're we're supposed to follow the helicopter the ten know how follow and predict yeah we're way my I'm getting in an orca sable okay Mabel Mabel aw shoot yeah [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] oh no my cars no all right now we know you could die that's right enthusiasm I got this I got this get out away citizen ambition Senna Senna get that [ __ ] that was terrible Wow we're right there he's coming my gosh this way in high action watch him boy yeah trick shot did you dude hit him super fast dude he goes so let's go keep going keep going I'm coming up behind him you take it as mr. hope I just lost a [ __ ] wheel the longest in the history of missions is over yeah amazed it was that golf cart guy haven't sent him the highest so he gets platinum what's going on over here what does the band also issue boy vanoss and I'm here making another vlog with h2o2 boria's of wild cat we're gonna be waiting for this train yeah we waiting for it damn train don't say about the one a train walk it yeah look at that sunset look at that beautiful oh [ __ ] that pig has had a heart attack Oh Oh God probably was eating too much bacon it had a harder all right everybody listen up okay we lost one of our men he goes by the name of I am Wildcat okay very sad day it has taken many lives who are you oh no you put me but one two three playground strip all right Louie listen up it's the last day on earth and we must save the earth from the doomsday yep don't think the end that we gotta save they are from the end day no next week is only today dude one more DJ all right so delicious fast Louie van ask me first [ __ ] letter hey my lunch just said the order again start again start again hey launch this into no you [ __ ] launch into period storm [ __ ] literate launching save this is like that movie interstellar we're like one hey you know Pacific Rim is coming on Friday wants to get in the Batmobile are we gonna save the world or what we're gonna say we're gonna save Gotham guys before we go in there yeah give us a pep talk and I'm gonna provide the soundtrack [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah okay all right okay this is where it gets serious you cannot die one life one opportunity is everything you ever wanted all right spaghetti didn't like your mom too Harry oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] dying okay I'm really [ __ ] hurt I'm really really [ __ ] hurt don't wanna die we all left delirious together by the lyrics look you guys go hold on yeah blow us up got it you committed suicide yeah I believe this is the end boys this is the end for all the porn [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] and get on the toilet all right guys [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] did it is Rams and the c'mon stop [ __ ] come on dude this is how we lost one man we can't lose another [ __ ] that I'm not good at fortnight I got it I got it what the [ __ ] is this exactly that's gotta come on [Applause] get the [ __ ] out of here helicopters [Music] okay don't worry don't worry oh [ __ ] oh it's cool must be then keep looking you're right what's the city just blow up all the weed the week and now enjoy a bunch of bonus clips about Nova's hole for [ __ ] sake three guys go into your hole and three men go into my hole before us that's really a good bonus clip don't [ __ ] use that out of context alright your contacts what are you talking about no I [ __ ] yourself my finger is meant for delirious butthole what happened got a gun I got a good oh is that the new gun in GTA yes oh let me try let me try let me try let me try hold on bang Wow the hero conviction stuff why would the convention be in the middle of a side street I like how we're just blocking traffic yeah you guys you guys anyways back to blocking traffic what is your character like so creepy whine how is he why do you look like a pedophile I don't look like a pedophile like a registered sex offender I never thought I'd say this but it get for Louie you say you sleepwalk what the [ __ ] Louie yeah what the hell is wrong with your clothes something's really wrong I know doula here this is what happens when you get too successful with YouTube money and just do a bunch of cocaine that's where you look like cocaine is a hell of a drug I taught it to my new job [Music] yeah dude this is sick yeah those rims look at my rims my moneymaker now this is delirious is a driving service he has an app for it but there's only one driver on the app only him thousands of dollars on the app and it's only him this place it's called the liquor hole I'm going into the arcade know all about you there's always put Leigh rias at the end of everything that he does welcome to delirious are you saying this or no oh it's that guy wake up wake up to the bar come to the bar you're gonna run into the cutsy and do it what are you guys doing hey girl hear our fortune it's opening you guys are bad listeners we're just trying to have a meeting he's just running around in the background playing tag I'm just so excited I ain't just ran past the screen like really fast this is the arcade this is all of it well you got a do Michigan thing get this place cleaned up dude listen I don't do freaking missions all right I'm successful GT a veteran all right I could just buy anything all right so this is what it turned out Louie turned out to be a crackhead I had a burly rias job and this is what you you have now you have this see arcade what move what the hell you into lately see I'm homeless I haven't changed clothes in like six years what up team with the plan we're gonna go do things in order for us to play the everybody that's this is our this is our arcade also that's not a real gun I've murdered people with these fingers ha I'm sure you have over starting this mission there's a few tasks we need to do in order to open this arcade setup all right somebody somebody somebody get a four-seater I got the perfect for theater this thing electric does this look electric to you you're getting maybe 3 miles a gallon man we got to recover the equipment in order to make van out the arcade more popular all right let's do this oh you go ha what are you oh boy we're not gonna make it oh this is why we're never gonna finish the heist if you're wondering why we instantly cut and wear it differently of course because someone destroyed this last vehicle last two vehicles insert the clip there wasn't a cut anymore no bullets wait there's two of me what I saw one just standing in the doorway I see two of you I know there's been two of me all along creeping in the back all right we need we need a car we need a car we need it we need to go to the casino inconspicuous so I'm gonna get as a perfect car okay so order the uber loose car again oh yes oh cool it's a rape van cool you didn't get in I got candy is this a real areas I do Boober pickup and I also bug spray houses okay oh wait we got five oh we got five Oh all right don't worry Dora lose them wore in not a scratch all right because you know we're here to spray your bugs and we're here to rid yourself of your life eliris is here to rape people Jesus man it's a rape van that's found on these days but but before 10 years ago is totally fine spin the wheel you can spin the wheel listen we are scoping the place house yeah we don't want to draw attention you oh wow okay daga Wow let me go we go boys here we go here we go that was wimpy that's no that's the key that's the key you gotta do it you gotta be nice watch don't get the car oh oh no no no no that's Pitt oh it looks like a spin that wins a t-shirt oh nice half of what I won loser we're gonna waste open we scoped them I feel lucky oh addicted he's playing Twilight this is the one delirious played and won a lot of money the one I played was this one right here date deity of the Sun Bret show you guys out lucky I'm gonna do it one time this is why we're never gonna finish the heist guys come on can we please take this seriously [Applause] number five sucks this is why we're never gonna do the heist what you talking about what scoping it out cuz this guy David Blaine yeah I was sick man oh he did it again that was so dope look he's gone look he's a good at disappear right now oh wait no oh there it is alright let's get out of here oh now we got to enter the casino guys I'll go take a picture of the security camera yeah I don't see one shoe the guard taking pictures continue to scho bugs you know or let's exit leave remember guys succeed in life just got to do the minimal hey someone see if think it's that's someone's car at their savings did it that's the real players car yeah that guy's car we did it we completed the high bought all these guys enjoy before he gets in here hilarious you're so late Delors we're in that casino for five like there's nothing sadder than a group of people who are playing video games in a video game I got the high score you know I'm proud of myself very proud well you guys erasin I hit a woman you know there's a world out there where we could just drive around in any car we want and crash into people blow things up right don't drink any more would you order you order to make this oh wait so let's see it can I get closer to the door taking the same route the guy we never think of and this is why we're never gonna finish the heist all right well now we've pretty much done everything else in the game except for do the heist so let's get to it oh wow yeah it's right I'm gonna get serious now we gotta go scope all access points Dragon Ball Z will our heroes through the height I took this one oh yeah we actually did take those pictures yeah put that one that's it the first one yeah it wasn't that angle and everything I take this picture in the bottom left is like a dick pic oh sorry right [Laughter] unplanned myPlan thing that he just said what happened Louie oh you're losing connection you got disconnected what what what did you what you can you add it more to the arcade yeah I've been making money since new look at this you like it yeah okay look you got space monkey 3 dude we already have that where's Louie when you need them a game that made Louie famous all right boys get started with this next part of the mission yeah we're all gonna have a celebratory shot of whatever you call that thing that makes you pass out make this shot yeah yeah wasn't one Macbeth let's try to see who can get closest to the door closest to the door all right I got this I'm gonna get it's so close to the door all right new objectives new objectives we got a scope all access point we already do this we scoped out the casino but there's option do we do the optional do we just go do we go back there vault copy now let's just scope out the ball here we go here we go look at this yeah yeah hey look like a Brian here you gain some weight look at him run oh sorry sorry brain you look a fuse actually where are you did you did you join mice did you Jew he didn't join you from idiot phone essentially the contract to join the company you didn't sign it that's what happened oh yeah he's not in the company I guess we just have to do this without Brian know which one we write it in Brooke with the Carver's new what is new is this a four-seater no it's not okay yeah everyone observatory the observatory to observe yeah as everyone can see in our the bottom of our screens it says go to the observatory yeah if I was a part of the crew I'd see that too or you could just edit it in there also you could edit a like a yellow line on the mini-map to the whole story here is terrorizing us actually undercover cop five oh yeah you smell bacon it's me horse horse meat was this this is like a secret Club got a thirsty here yeah we need to know the password to get into the secret club I think that's your secret Club dude oh I found it how'd you find this little rent-a-cop over here this guy huh we have to hack his phone Oh forty forty five percent fifty lost is you it or just one probably faster if we all did it whoa who shot him Brian the cover cop that was a boy we gotta lose the fuzz Brian you shoot them rifle in your hand are you really gonna let that undercover horse back in the car hey we gotta go to the casino dude did we fail that first one no no I got his phone so instead of just hacking this phone I just stole it super enthusiastic guys come in bring your phones out and we got a search for Wi-Fi invite me to the club I can't see any of the fun just walking around with a finger on me hold i'm just pretend just pretend you're trying to get a signal take those strength is getting stronger just imagine that you're pulling up your phone now and is that Larry David oh oh oh this thing is getting really strong I mean strong oh yeah what's the signal of we're looking Wi-Fi i hope i got it executed camera oh god taras can't see this oh no oh look at that security we can't have guns when are you gambling yeah maybe we should have restarted the mission can but we've gone too far [Laughter] no no way he way to carve it up I guess I mean it's probably not a great car but it's the car behind ya it's not that nice jeez calm down dude he wasn't a car what the hell good job man you did it thanks for not inviting me to the group you didn't get in your vehicle get in your just get in yours just get in yours I don't want to get nish guys I'm will Lisa go back to the casino we can roll the wheel [Laughter] [Music] all right it's time for the next section you wanna be stealthy like a cat oh I like it or do you want to be tricky you want to use a disguise Oh guys I like that one or you want to go in like tons of retards yeah loud stealth this is what we call it yeah yeah I mean like Ocean's eleven style right there yes by the way we could probably pick to be like bug men or firemen or George Clooney Matt Damon Joe Pesci yeah my favorite my favorite actor in oceans and Ocean's eleven alright so we have to we have to choose weapons of odd mark weapons what oh we have to get the weapons yeah there's a lot more stuff before we actually get to the theme okay alright let's take a vehicle that's a low profile style boys yeah I wasn't trying to do that but damn it I feel like I'm missing out we're having the time of our lives back here we got to get a plane everybody get in the plane everybody get in we got to go to the airport to get another plane we're flying a plane to go get another plane why am I in the front again wait wait wait I want him to come back oh thank you Ken I think it's gonna force you to get in the front are you serious No Oh God come on all right I guess I'm your goddamn co-pilot Peter for the flight no sir there's no penis please put down your screw gun the enemy right here right now we did we're not blowing it up we got to break the back door so we can jump in there that I was the only contestant on that plane contestant further from that and I do that plane ot fort don't ever call it that you guys can have one bottle of your finest delicious bubblies sir chuck-e-cheeses that way we're here oh we're here yeah we're here no more drinking no no no time for drinking you have to kill these guys no we weren't but they were on a team no they're not they weren't oh that's on you man what do you mean man should've been standing there they were on our team Oh we just gotta steal this shoot what are you doing you know I you know you deserve that we're stuck oh boy I got we got a car kebab will keep what you picked this oh my god dude all right maybe I can't pick this up with the cargo but I got it I got it oh yeah you could do that like guys it wasn't my fault I got shot in the face getting getting getting getting in and getting what are you doing what are you doing you have a very tiny brain delirious I must say okay oh my god guys we got to exit with white Kia dog okay this is the exit yeah easy where we're still embrace you dumbass just turn the corner always look awfully familiar here's the exit yeah yeah okay now we only have to escape four stars of the dangers this stage if they got the water I think I got I got I got straight as destroys more fluffy more fun theme dodging we've we've a Dodge you didn't either sure yeah yeah delirious yeah I like how we did all of this to get guns we didn't even go to the gun store tea is ready where do you learn to drive you have your license in real life delirious [Laughter] no we're losing it we're losing them no I don't escape hey attention okay that was real close okay find an alleyway find somewhere here's an attic no we got it we got it we got it now we're innocent what a bunch of idiots did with India yeah Wow look at that seam that we just got that scene we just got yeah you guys didn't think I could ever know [Laughter] looks like I got fired did you really walk in there just know how many outfits do you have okay you came to the right party alright let's do this right it's been months of preparation preparation H our boys you're ready to do this what right so what are we doing what's next what's next dude we're gonna steal some money we're gonna we're gonna rob a liquor store whole time we've been prepping yeah yeah because none of us has IDs and we can't get yeah this is all a big plan to get a couple beers look at that cut perfect Oh perfect okay okay let's hear it let's hear it let's hear let me hear these compliments I was thinking about naming my next kid Evan regardless of gender okay I like that I like that oh okay okay when I plug my premium sorry I could too many people talking too many people talking I think everyone should go and click on the link in your description and go buy merch for Christmas Wow anyone else I I didn't say he wasn't genuine so I knocked him down oh we look so we look awesome guy hell yeah I we don't look suspicious oh hi boys this go he's driving me nuts Wow we're here but the book the bug stars are here yeah yeah hey now hey sir do you guys you guys hire some bug exterminators okay cool listen what the cockerel get is less than the casino okay cool cool cool cool Wow Wow yeah I've never been in this part of the casino Oh what are you doing are we supposed to do that guys nervous I'm nervous I clap when I'm nervous [Applause] [Music] hey where's the bucks where's the body what here's the spray I just walked where you're not supposed to oh the guy gave us the ring um yeah way to go man way to go all right how do we do this how do we do this sneak my guy okay so look across all the way at the end of the room you see that interests that's what we need to get to so we're gonna take out this first guy here then we're gonna try and take out the guy in the in the tuxedo over there I'm not moving I'm not being a blink whoa dude what there's a loud sprint all right I'm taking a tuxedo man shut your goddamn mouth Lester you can serve them through your stink bombs they're [ __ ] and even birth in that room yeah I walked in there there was one guy and then another one just appeared in the corner Oh wha what what wait what what wait what all right whatever happened I'm like this this is so much better we're wearing exterminator outfits yeah cheap delivery that's right yeah yes right yeah you all have sleep apnea during the day yeah wait hold on let me see if I can use a keycard yeah look let's go up the stairs because then we can yeah did you apply for a job here during the time that we finish the mission oh okay there's a camera right there wow that's a big-ass cat all right kill myself okay someone else needs to go no way Brian oh boy wait how did you not see you take him out Wow how did he not see you Brian he told us to swipe at the same time wait do they think we're don't be seen there's a security camera right here yeah don't be seen about the camera wait what easy guy okay don't we deserve it Oh what is going on why didn't they see something hey ever tell me nothing you know they put on baby rookie manga thanks man you guys gonna do with your half of the money I'm gonna put it in a really conservative Wells Fargo portfolio yeah got it go get the money but up oh you're gonna die I'm my family my dog [Music] [Laughter] [Music] open the door oh just go just go just go there's a guy that's gonna be here you got him you got him you got hmm there's their creep they're still pushing out okay Brock are you okay cuz we're coming carry him off oh my god that feels good got a little good at [ __ ] automatically go which way we're going behind the desk watch out Oh God ever get there get there holy now we just have to lose five stars Oh a new checkpoint we've been doing this heist for so long that it's snowing Christmas everybody come on guys we have to do it again because I forgot to record sorry guys I really want to avoid getting a parking ticket so I parked we throw these cars like in ten years ago uh-huh these yes cars I don't need look I got the look of the Irish on my side it sucks that snowing watch this we're gonna slip through right here we have a legally when I remember no one can die yeah oh my god oh my god dude I am so close to dying dude I don't have I don't have a checkpoint I don't have a checkpoint you got a no we just have to lose the colors to come oh no don't look at our back wheel this works oh we've got no wheel in this snow is our plan there's no place do there's no planes go first I go far side okay it's the holidays man I'm so scared right now yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna zoom past this guy right here everything we pursued left go left go left cuz there's a guy right there dude I need a new car wait till you see my car wait till you see ours what up boys you escaped five stars with look at the buyer look at the look at the damn fire there's your damn it's no glues cousin [Music] [Laughter] [Music] maybe a sympathy for me just was so busy you couldn't change it you know I bought the arcade so you guys go get yourself all right about the yo man I'm here to party we finished the ice yeah we did him off I know that's what I want to hear we're definitely pushing her off the building do you think she's cool what is he staring at her boobs I'm just leaving yeah yeah we're falling in love oh god I forgot some butt and he has no neck good it's the body structure of a turtle avert your eyes guys avert your eyes hey man you need a little romance right we did it oh look at it oh yeah we are all right you want to blow it all off the casino let's go glad we all brought our masks we'll never know who we are yeah why aren't you wearing a mask glasses he bought a Dollarama Oh [Applause] put on the internet tweet it make the skin make beautiful edits with that perfect clip [Music] you
Channel: VanossGaming Funny time
Views: 350,619
Rating: 4.7436242 out of 5
Keywords: VanossGaming Funny time, Vanossgaming All Grand Theft Auto 5 Doomdays Heist, Vanossgaming All Grand Theft Auto 5 Doomdays, Vanossgaming All Grand Theft Auto 5, All Grand Theft Auto 5 Doomdays Heist, All Grand Theft Auto 5 Doomdays, Grand Theft Auto 5 Doomdays Heist, Auto 5 Doomdays Heist
Id: 2z73WBF6KS4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 26sec (7046 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 10 2020
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