VanossGaming 3 Hours of Gmod Deathrun Part 4 | Video Old

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[Music] all right so what's going on ladies and gentlemen as you can see we're at a warehouse why are we at a warehouse you might ask well it's because we're not making any money on you hello advertisers they're running away they're scared we're not advertiser friendly so now we're we're here to do our training all right if we pass the test we get a job okay and then we cannot even compare for minimum wage yeah but as a last effort I mean we're gonna record it make a video you know unless did you ever what's the test we had passed dude we gotta pass through the warehouse without dying so why do we always ask them sacrifice our life to get a job load a video that's what real life is like all your earnings in school this is what it's really like out there you will die yeah it's like some of you simply won't make it in the real world Wow not real so in order to determine who is death during our warehouse training I know why is there someone death I don't know we're gonna we're gonna use these [ __ ] squirt guns yeah advertiser friendly weaponry right here all right bubbles of love everybody grab a corner all right on go three two one heightened price heightened quit your glitches bubblicious I can I love summer oh man Brock has the advantage he's wearing a tank top [Applause] okay ladies and gentlemen welcome to your new job the first test to get the job here talking to you okay one shake is that ladies and gentlemen welcome to the warehouse of ear tubes you you gotta walk the plank [Applause] [Laughter] at least we he lived a long happy life in there hold on let us know what this traps all about mr. pilot Brian Laden ministerial copilot speaking yeah guys I gotta be going to add this command a I'm Batman Bill Clinton but whatever okay you're gonna get crushed you gotta time your moves all right pushes to bite night one or Archie where's she wish interested that was some pressed ham right there how does the funny one what is this factor to boundary yeah what I wanna make here hey hey listen okay next time there is no button here last one had no button this is all about game those double jumps boys get your Crouch jump try and clear it what's he what's he careful ah yeah you guys didn't hear that is safe it's a if I say if you could jump though although you're on the gas Lori the gas too far alright this is just a simple bill didn't did he say this was the u-tube factory so right here is YouTube making new channels you go on the conveyor then you got a jumbo jumbo Tom Tom Tom Tom Tom wait wait a second where's like you hear people tick logically alright it's just a conveyor belt what can he do just make a goal the other way around it's not a threat it's not a threat at all [Music] okay next up another lava trap GOG I bet if I start idea verify [Laughter] my [ __ ] boys smoked ham lots of ham on dish map maybe they make ham here we go down we're going down right what did I die on did you see that no where look over here over this wall look up right here cockroach watch it there all this Brian there my question what what do we get paid if we get the job we can negotiate well stretch out the minimum about 550 per hour is that minimum rates and do 60/40 how about that 60/40 for a 10-year contract well make a huge kid will make a huge the biggest factor of all time button pushing and thing moving hey hey Brock Brock you want to see something see you see that black hole that's your [ __ ] after YouTube [ __ ] you destruction Jane hey Mowgli you hear that joke it's inappropriate fall on my head things have gotten more interesting [Music] in this company no one got the job there's a new Foreman in town we're making tight jeans the new Foreman in town and I look like a sheriff while we make it a nice doing sir why are we making tight jeans cuz this is the moose knuckle Factory [Laughter] [Music] [Music] hey be nice what happens here I mean [ __ ] you made what we won't look in yo know if Brock was looking he sent off right when I landed on it Oh see Esther like gon do it to all of us do all of them oh well spacebar did walk should I go for Evan should I go for it yes oh no it's done you jump it and then you jump after you do better set that is pepper no code stomp approach them cross jump since but it worked so I got hurt the guys Dory this isn't the track there's no trap here guys no trap no trap actually unless all of us backup and I'm staying here I'm letting everyone else go because no you die there all right you should be happy to initiative man we need that at this company it has initiative all right so for this one will go to be two at the same time all right okay right I'm switching side cuz I know Brock wants be dead you all enjoy this I haven't yeah well I'm gonna choose my side wants Brock prices the bar I have two lives it's push it's push I pushed it before you even got there so wait oh I'm going to the left hand side then I know it's the unsafe now hey come over to the left-hand side it's safe come on come on I actually did mean to push the right one what do you go to the same side twice I don't think you I don't know I've won like yeah all of us all of us do guys hold on I know wait I know the key to this all right you ready mm-hmm what was that oh you got me no no no wait and Bryce vision so you guys have a chance to challenge the winner I've got a job no you don't have it yet you gotta fight to the death with the person whoever gets through here if no one gets through then you got the job - you got through you triggered that one you're through you're through no brain aah I'm gonna die I'm gonna die which is about 2/3 but till he's like once there no no toko I'll tell you one go go [Music] the Terminator ended in somebody please drag my body to the finish line please alright so show you and you you both got true and you gotta fight each other or else you he do do alright say one of us get the job or just one of us doesn't eat do do one of you don't eat [ __ ] now three four two three four one two go [Applause] [Music] being in the bottom of the description yeah yeah good job I didn't want this [ __ ] old job anyway [ __ ] this look look it's kinda like a snowfall alright everybody welcome to the vanossgaming map okay no no no the thumbnail going across the sky bow actually actually vanossgaming death front does bring in a lot of views keep it true death run yeah I'm even gonna copy a stump down use the rainbow background welcome to Super Monkey Ball depth run and that for plan and we got a question why what's Super Monkey Ball it's a [ __ ] video game and GameCube another games where your monkey in a ball and it's super [ __ ] great alright move online okay so we got a game mode within a game mode to choose who's the guy to kills people in this game mode are we doing that with bananas why cuz it's all bad you [ __ ] get it we kill each other with bananas whoever dies last or farts not [ __ ] know we always picking a random anyway after the [ __ ] up thing to becomes dead they're gonna kind of like this Jesus Christ she's not talking about how this guy is a new here oh hey by the way Scott is a new player model who's got quickie hair there's no longer woody she won't be sued by Disney huh yeah big head he looks like you don't look at bird's nest he looks like a grown up Jimmy Neutron that's one in his late 20s you got a change pair model they could sue you for that as well you know that right we need a new player model today we have a special guest on our show this is Zac Efron he's here to promote his new movie Noah is worried about getting [ __ ] suit what about you mr. pancake store i Hobbs coming for your ass all right to determine whose death we're all gonna pull down our pants without our bananas and have a fight you ready all the time as a kid okay here we go on go three two one I think I think Wildcats in that hot air balloon over there he's talking we know that some light speech it very fast I'm very fast so I'm gonna be over here and I'm gonna press the trap I will listen to this pig the traps the bananas bananas could be the trouble you're Anna's are good for you yeah they're supposed to be healthy you can see uh oh [ __ ] you do collect your bananas oh why would it go out that's the dumbest this Maps up step right up to the next trap that won't work well alright here we go Oh bananas go again you go Oh Evans in there Oh Evans not in there it was rocks go ahead go ahead bear come on Brock you got it rock on in there eat that banana boy you got a that is a vicious hair comb because a big giant hair comb hair comb good job Evan this is an appropriate time to promote your come on Scotty just come out what here we go on Zac Efron you've got this even take the bananas oh [ __ ] Brock's making it through the trap oh [ __ ] nice job alright boys step right up okay all right stepping up stepping back stepping up stepping down what's the trap here with I'm gonna get all of you I'm gonna get all of your hops over there trap yes it's over here [Applause] I've got to double this map [ __ ] are you you jumped in front of it oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] why did I bounce dumb buy/sell jump oh my god you said thanks I kind of lost count of how many lives are lost alright so I think there's four maybe Tyler's really mad because we don't offer him a bunny there maybe he wants a banana grab that banana don't give them oh yeah the trap isn't even until over there so [ __ ] I got blue stand back stand back I haven't lost the life yet okay go on go on holy [ __ ] see you I'll see you I'll see you really smack down you won't be like the rest like this one looks it's a bomb wait wait I don't have a trust this floor why are you randomly like maybe dick sucker you like dying together - no I hate dying this is obviously gonna spin when you walk across yes I get this for you go down one I don't know how this works to use to eight you have to do this Oh go go go go make sure you do this don't remember [Music] he's too good he's playing Super Monkey Ball before that's right I was joking I was joking in the intro I'm a master at this game what do you think I like bananas so much this thing is a speed thing I think it's the speed thing boy wait promote your new movie Zac Efron go it's your chance this is like Baywatch just like they watch what he's not dying what is this [ __ ] this is a [ __ ] they dumped cards oh here comes the contestants who dududududu have to walk in a straight line you couldn't do that we're close to the end holy [ __ ] it's just like that come on let's do this as a team I got pushed to the right side what oh oh yes for the hood hoho I see this option here Marcel just [ __ ] camping over there was like two stars two stars two lines issue live still oh he's a good friend friend this is the end I don't know this a trap yeah of course it is there's like a pretty go know every money back closer knock on door no that's not enough that's not it either oh that is okay bro I got this I got this what see it no don't be fooled wait till he's like halfway through don't be fool it's a long way to walk right there keep going [Applause] it is quickly go brach ready I'm Braco wait till he gets around halfway every time you damn [ __ ] alright boys because nobody won this round let's run we're gonna determine the winner I'm a good old competition of you can't respond you're dead my goodness you guys doing my victory pose look at that all right Evan since you won we got you a little present behind this lovely shower yes is your price are you ready to see your price I'm ready okay let go rock it in here look how shiny it is yeah whoo you sumbitch oh I like it I like it man oh there's some balls okay wait wait wait wait wait wait sorry [ __ ] stop all right are you guys doing [Music] yes I can just like I'm back in Russia and it feels great and me and Noah are not from America so that thing that we say is relevant so welcome to throw two hours no terrorists no glue no Terrace who you're talking to on that headset this map needs to be more patriotic [Music] [Laughter] pictures no paparazzi please if it's been out of here escort him out of here please there will be no freedom of the press in my country I got him as you can see our military power has tripled since I became president we have space-weapons wants to come at us we're just gonna dab on these haters surrender we're not going to surrender we're not going to threaten now we're just gonna dab on them yeah all right welcome to the Trump tour I think it's a pronounced laughter welcome to the Trump Tower we're gonna go all the way to the top why last man I don't [ __ ] know wife no one told me anything we gotta get to the top of Trump Towers who could shut down his Twitter account yeah he's doing it he's doing it trying to tweet crooked vanoss is it jerk Oh actually texted that to you I'm so sorry all right man we have a mission okay we gotta make it to the top of Trump Tower first water right there first one that makes two the top is the new president he's trying to stop us no [ __ ] all right man ask for president here we go even though I'm not American let's do this good start there start the exit polls are looking good all right come on you can make it come on you guys shame someone press this button isn't that a trap but you know there's a picture the president here guys look okay no good no you go he's got a dog he's done he's doing the Carlton dance what's going going a little yeah don't touch the door hey this is not the code oh I really like to show that Olivo I really let my realtor show a picture that penis right now the one let's blurt out code oh god there's just pictures of penises everywhere is gonna be really hard to edit oh here we go boys here we go create Rockets Creek Rockets great create raghida big chocolate from one line to the other can we make it we make it oh I got this I don't want to see those get deported come on pressuring me too why [ __ ] it I'd rather be in Canada [Laughter] [Applause] kim jeong-hoon loses his best friend huh best friend I'm putting my money on this one [Music] [Applause] let's go [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] tell me what's happening you got it he wants to kill Delors come on hey everyone create a wall you spotted us in the Cabana the Kaffee wait wait wait boo me once shame on me fool me twice you fool me once me twice [Music] me nice [ __ ] Gina I'll take one for the team boys same just kidding same just getting same [Laughter] I don't know how many lies I have I have dying yet I have three I feel like I have three - don't thank you yeah I think I have two one didn't expect that as I was saying though I think they go across adapt I need a man to help build a wall who wants to dominate themselves volunteers for America's for great cars thank you great guy what a fantastic guy served your country well uh-huh I'll defuse this bomb is it appears that I need it for North Korea well I guess I'd use it for you look look at sky oh [ __ ] right here is this his deal you do that and then that'll be this faction for when I go oh no one go go go three two one nice didn't even use a babbling idiot all right next one this face no I don't want to do any work [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] it's easy you do this and then come back and you did this and you do that let it format and then 100 I wonder if you survive if you're underneath it go underneath it did you count on it we'll see we'll see everyone gets one free pass I'm gonna duck I survived almost all shotguns oh my god it's a camera what up what up van Oster you're still in your dish your boy I'm here I've been captured at Trump now subscribe for more more death haha [ __ ] one more trap this is way low this is the wax trap yes Trump is it you can leave the vatta's party to victory you got this you got this oh are you serious a Canadian just conquered Trump Tower what look at all this knowledge oh yeah is my long that I get that this is what your win this is your wages this is what's in the basement of Trump Towers holy person to be a Canadian American president very impossible but you've done it you live it's written in our Constitution that you can't do it and you still did it yeah Wow yeah it's written there the only way to do is by completing a garrysmod death run man I'm see the fine print [ __ ] as president a pardon you for all illegal [ __ ] you've done and also give you one scoop of ice cream you want to get one I get two because this is your one scoop I'll get the loan oh you just get a scoop of ice cream some [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] you oh yeah yeah at your scoop you've accepted that oh wait don't do that that's legal I'm going back to Canada welcome to the haunted school of death you're gonna show us your your costume panda no what's your Halloween costume hold on I'm working on it [ __ ] bat big dick calm me baby dick calm his children head down a little bit more honestly I like the pig dick better I'm a pumpkin all right so to determine whose death today it's gonna be whoever is the oldest because technically whoever's the oldest is closer to death great idea so how so how old are you Ryan I am 26 years old right I'm 12 all right how old are you they're not [ __ ] 12 yeah I am I mean yeah yeah bird years four years absolutely okay how old are you in homeless years you're like you're like 107 right one year being homeless feels like 20 a clock or a watch or a calendar you have no clue [Laughter] [Music] you brisk mornin in a Barren where motor squeeze [Applause] mutters clearly is your mama picking your dad's a human well that sums a pig [ __ ] at me anyways this is why I didn't want to say how old I wasn't you guys are making things really awkward and uncomfortable for me okay it's like your mom's a pig she pushed out a baby she was like I'm gonna name it okay hold on who the [ __ ] is this guy write to me remember me I died and the Dead come back and had him oh no you that guy's still dead this is just a costume he's just trying to pretend to be well better than everyone all right boys so why are we here huh I don't know you told us a [ __ ] company yeah you were like meet us at the high school in like 45 minutes we all showed up Brian that's your cue it happened here this very day ten years ago it happened here ten years ago to this very day he was a friend of mine a homeless friend used to pinch his nipples and his pen jobs for crack he was suffocating himself while pensions nipples watching the girls volleyball team out laughing through a word shut the [ __ ] up they say his soul still haunts the school to this very day we don't know how he died but I just know he died the way he wanted to go and he hunts these very corridors actually there he is right there with a camera exorcism complete hi boys if we could escape from the homeless go together wait well the thing Falls and hey haunted homeless the plan oh you have to pay our case pick one so if you walk under it what oh this guy [ __ ] that's Harold that's my friend Jesus Christ they're gone random deathtrap oh oh oh come come to my giant swollen testes this is this is a representation of what he would do to us right Bryan has lost life go Bryan's nipples in my nuts come on in boys I'm communal austell I've eaten myself the iodide is the first trap I think you'll have enough time to see the pumpkin drought one sec what's that I want to know that night that you died while pinchy [Applause] there's a there's a trap there you know [Laughter] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] alright cuz this is kind of getting close to the end everyone has one life okay oh my god the scariest trap yet the most disgusting vile food on the planet what is this there candy corn look at them they're disgusting I don't want to land what's a candy corn it's a key piece of candy that tastes like [ __ ] [ __ ] wax if they're disgusting oh I've seen them on Sabrina the Teenage Witch before that's what these are entirely disgusting it is the only thing I know [ __ ] handy corn your button here way down there oh my god how how do we even do this on it to step on it Oh Tyler okay lady keep it percolate Tyler good look terrorize if you ever seen those movies final destination yeah do not cheat death more than once young man okay so laggy on my screen I did my cell that was worse than mine all right okay so we're Halloween hi we you know we just what is that no it's like a personal start to the round for yourselves like all right solo commentary welcome to Q magenta we have a 400 why why don't we invite him to session my joke did that he just got like in North Korea I can snuggle you stupid [ __ ] oh my god [ __ ] learn to shut up for a few [ __ ] so you're watching for the clip you little [ __ ] small [ __ ] pigtail dick [ __ ] oh your cheney can you short told you what at the same time don't cuz I love your footage so you were on the second round please ignore the giant scorch mark with the outline of his I'm not going first on this one [ __ ] ugh I'll go first oh she's not gonna quit he's gonna [ __ ] he's gonna mind holy [ __ ] he's not gonna push it one sec who are you going to see it yeah okay it's like [ __ ] just kidding I'm going I'm going I'm going I'm going yeah okay what my dancing shoes on before I get all funky again again selective explosions traps are different for me and welcome back to the homeless testes again to descend upon your foreheads [Music] alright guys I'll do it all die for you guys what a great guy really appreciate your sacrifice Evan I'm gonna die on this one by going first [ __ ] dad whoever has two lives two eyes right SQLite Breit has two lives okay no just go ahead and sacrifice one that's fine idiot anyway you just walk on them and then stand and then walk on the next one I'll actually die on the trap part ok [Laughter] chance give me a chance guys and then ok [ __ ] look he's inside the back Brian remember what not to do here [Music] [Music] I realize before to do you said that the best part was he started yelling from like like the cones here he's like oh you had so much time to react yeah this is the I got you what it stopped okay trick or two oh [ __ ] right you made it to the end so we get to pick which door is a bad one which is your good one I think you're talking about this [ __ ] trap that was last year's Halloween one remember that looks like a cookie monster Cookie Monster I keep like wow okay you made it but we have onion pandas love to make it trick or treat no I died in a girl's locker room squeezing my teats you know what you get to go through for that I was very good rhyming I liked it no he doesn't [Music] I know you got an allergy to dogs dressed up as the Cookie Monster so do you wanna want to try and step yes office huh knock on the door real quick yeah just pass by distraction no that doesn't work for me all right Marcel you and I were the only two to complete it what do you what do you feel you feeling a trick or a treat a trick or a treat I mean the tricks pretty [ __ ] lame looks like we got a little why do you guys just look like pictures on my screen I because you put more effort into your videos all right so when are we gonna count this down Marcel maybe we should have one of the losers countess are you ready piggy yes are you ready I'm ready Marcel are you ready you ain't gotta get ready let's go easy okay that weighs in correct this way how we feel about this way this way is looking good all that's a dead end all right let's go back this way [Music] [Applause] how convenient the boxes labeled losers I can't imagine what this button will do what do you want what do you want wait I know you want and you got your tree but I'll be your trick if you want me to you know be good we could we could talk about it you know for a little please no next person Anthony try and convince me why I shouldn't press this [ __ ] button right now you press the button I just want this trick right here what about you lobster [ __ ] alright everybody okay basically mu cranberry Underpants ain't cranberry sauce oh god okay I'm really thankful for you having us here yeah thank you for having us yeah welcome okay what I said oh he did all right as I was saying welcome to a late Canadian Thanksgiving okay oh it's an American Thanksgiving no no Thanksgivings over no I think I'm the tiebreaker here I vote America mark are you talking about you're wearing Canadian Underpants you are wearing Canadian Underpants you actually your entire alpha is exactly exactly what do you think falafel for my best friends that are here with me today you [ __ ] panda Moo my best friends thank you for you [ __ ] serious oh oh I mean sorry and uh Moo these pumpkins over here Thanksgiving is not about being thankful it's about eating turkey that in Black Friday what do you mean why gotta be black that's what it's called what do you say it's just a regular Friday to me why isn't a Black Friday it's I didn't I didn't make up the right you saying that all Friday's gotta be black now huh no I'm just saying saying because there's a lot of crime going on to that special day okay it's just it's just a regular Friday okay since tension and it's black alright anyways so the determine who is turkey death today we're gonna we're gonna do the only logical solution and spawn the corresponding character to this very holiday there goes okay okay all right all right mashed potatoes yeah that's what it is it's leftovers from Thanksgiving that already happened no it didn't happen this is fresh all right so is it got it red or blue red or blue I got it yeah I think it's a I don't know is he lying I don't know I can't tell if he's lying okay what if I pressed it you already press it dear comments-section once you know that there's a little bit of framerate going there's a little bit of framerate going on and I can't fix it yeah Jayant Turkey from what I whoa the turkey fryer fire like the pumpkin no Downers no no what what's wrong no what flashbacks the knives the knife hurdles oh [ __ ] yeah oh yeah no it's pretty easy though did you know bad experience with this one boy last year that was last year we've trained too hard we've trained hard since then yeah super hard from person this was a different person you're a hero now I've got the skill but determination first okay all right got this I got this I got this I got this vanish scrunch up see look at that look at that I'll stay here here I'll wait for you guys I like these nice cuz it's a no pressure on me give a button that's it ya know why I don't sound I don't think you're gonna have to use it I know quality hubba it cut me the big-ass button right there well it's two lives down through the back oh all right look at that I cleared it come on over to corn hub let's go that was a corny [ __ ] joke bro it's pretty corny all right I mean I knew something's gonna [ __ ] say that okay it makes it even harder you got blindsided oh my god that [ __ ] was amazing she's gotta be generous month you gotta be smooth like butter okay we like but just don't and don't be too salty okay don't be too salty no no no no no [Music] and that was a very quick round Jesus this is impossible man Wow hey how many lives do you have in stock Oh Mike you stop with those Hey oh wow I said it it had to not see that at all Oh watch out for the giant what is that a pumpkin a giant turkey scrotum what the [ __ ] is that that's better than Apple that's no Apple No that scared me down to my core geez I come on we got a we got a this is gonna move freaky maze or some [ __ ] Jesus yeah this is my expertise right here come on pumpkin step up this is gonna be all y'all's gonna say piece of cake but that's my god damn it it's gonna be easy as pie pie often vanishes around me I'm sorry all right that's why I'm a bit husky Jesus Oh God I get it start the chord again so you have more turkeys this time yeah we share more turkeys give us for turkeys sure be one with the corn okay okay okay okay so you go corn boom all right now you just gotta wait wait wait perfect Oh and then you gotta wake er wait wait wait wait you don't know because one of them could be really fast make sure they go like that yeah yeah all of them yeah yeah yeah why because I'm in the space the man why am the lion I better not die from this if I die everything be for nothing please please yes you can say you could say this this trap is canned corn Oh cuz I you know I got in there I can I kinda got it in the can okay I was that was like a one-off Evan that was like a unicorn of a joke it's a good job go somebody somebody somebody give me give me a little little pie pun or something Evan I like if you make all the right jumps I think you can get this in 3.4 seconds every nice want to say that you're like a really good friend to me and I only have pies for you you know what you just being nice giving me pies he's got like like eyes for you stupid stupid go back to corny jokes ha ha ok so this one you actually sprint this one it's me of those like things you used to play with in like preschool yeah yeah the wood blocks oh yeah yeah yeah I don't think hey dude say something else I could like pretend to go get them hey this oh my god I just told my take very good advantage of that distraction you guys are just dying for don't [ __ ] it up I can't die from the strap cos already died so you might as well not waste it on agreed or you it just slingshot as you to the other side holy [ __ ] The Legend of homeless gaming has arrived oh you see for my Eagles be just taking flight I was so scared holy [ __ ] that was insane I'm just I'm just zeroed in guys don't get near those winners you'll get smoked ah jump something I should probably put a tag on so he's gonna die wait wait wait wait I just want everybody to make sure we put the right links in the description I'll get it I feel like is I feel like it's just gonna kill me if I'm standing here I'm still gonna live oh oh I know I think I'm gonna die oh we prematured uh-uh-uh what no he didn't press it what was that explosion was there an explosion apparently there was I didn't hear anything hear anything what you're lying you're just trying to make me go and nothing happened oh listen come at me come at me it's all right it happens like one now Marcel but you shut the [ __ ] up oh [ __ ] I'm here boys I guess I still got two lives or I could still I could still get this for us yes gosh I didn't know there was a trap at the end all right I'll make sure to leave that in the video as well yeah all right make sure you don't fall into this bottomless pit over here the gaming God has spoke again I am the Lord all right it looks like we could all make it yeah okay so to be fair because I only have one life holy [ __ ] big turkey okay okay turkey big turkey he's zoned in he's just like looking straight as yo as soon as you're halfway is gonna president we do know turkey from ooh Anthony would you like dark meat or light meat well you see I'm uh I feel comfortable answering this question judging by your choice in women this dark damn it no sir there's no safe space in between is there nope grass no safety from these turkeys maybe it's about doing a little like hop hop hop I've got a jive Turkey over here making a move no you didn't you have 88 health dollars from the fire no was it yes it was yes it was yep up and claim your turkey yes all right boys let's carve this yeah since you're all my best friends we're gonna share the turkey okay all right oh my god I am a [ __ ] man-child if I've ever seen one what are you eating the turkey are you doing someone else well I mean part of the turkey there's nothing else that has proved corn no more there's no more things you could say that have to do with corn I mean like there's no more ponds or anything you're done there's gotta be Libby there could be you court confuse me that you know no that's pushing it it's way too far you guys know that one day two corns who were best friends were walking together down the street one of them stepped off the curb into a speeding car came around the corner and ran him over oh my gosh the uninjured corn called 911 friend the injured corn was taken to the emergency room the hospital and rushed into surgery after a long agonizing wait Doc's relief doctor finally arrived he told the uninjured corn cob I had good news and I have bad news the good news is that your friends gonna pull through the bad news he's gonna be a vegetable all right piggies and gentlemen welcome to Christmas 2018 death run yes as you could see got a few presents for all of you okay justice yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah all the blue ones are delirious for delirious exactly exactly but all the rest are for you three okay look I got exactly what you guys want okay I got a bunch of Yeezys for a Terrorizer cuz that's he loves that and their little oversized but that's okay we got a bunch of blow dryers for 4:07 oh thanks man yeah yeah your hair's not pretty yeah yeah [ __ ] get it and clothes from Baby Gap hey [Laughter] Leary's I got your gift this year Secret Santa surprise [ __ ] Merry Christmas laughing whoa whoa what are you doing stop stop it don't ruin Christmas oh it's [ __ ] new it's always this [ __ ] the [ __ ] every [ __ ] time on the 25th of December we remember the birthday of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ ah he's over in order to remember it's fine I'm a Catholic and I'm allowing this day it's cool fine I was not gonna put it in for the record but so for anybody in the comment section wants to start talking [ __ ] I gave them the Catholic seal of approval all right the way we're gonna determine who is death today is by a good old game of Christmas musical chairs famous long tradition all right here we are so whoever wins this game of musical chairs get the pick who is dead all right [ __ ] pick me no chance no well now yeah because you said that okay three two one go so I get to pick delirious to be honorable I will not pick you which one of which one of you which one of you got [ __ ] who didn't lose but then got killed Bryan was there Scottie you're done you gon die today why do you hate Christmas look at this it is sagging belly actually hate Christmas I'm an actor okay Jesus everybody's got three presents on the board yeah you gotta do this on the countdown okay so while he's not looking you're gonna they say I was just kidding why did the Christmas president yeah oh I like this one I'm nice I'm nice I'm nice I deserve to live oh me too I did push it what are they doing they're moving the buttons are moving I'm so confused I pushed them I don't know what hell is if you got balls going the red one go in the naughty boy all right let's go boys that actually not work I don't know I push the button rusty doesn't count agreed I'd ready to catch these balls these balls I got a guy I got this I got to go first you bout to get skewered that you get Michael I can do this as soon as you did there I can ah stop it [Applause] of a [ __ ] there's a nice trap activation totally Wow [ __ ] Oreo not sponsored get that [ __ ] out of here they didn't pay to be in this video he's gonna help brand Oreos that you get from Mike Kroeger put that [ __ ] in cookies hey should you go even crouch-jump though you don't have to crouch jump it's actually really difficult to not jump all the way across like you have to really try hard Oh God everybody gives yours go get yours yeah get the blue one they're gonna spin and kill you probably what do you think they're gonna do [Music] there's a trap right here present see the way that President is glitching it's gonna do it Oh bro it's not glitching it's just walk across you won't do it all the presents you got these presents are blue watch your head I think the Christmas tree is gonna fall you said dots a little overkill on that one all right last trap you make it have to make it [Music] [Music] [Laughter] all right back to this those cars for Christmas okay right delirious have you been naughty or nice alright alright so odds are he did press it okay I am tired of this trap everybody stand back delirious if you go he was with him use item oh I didn't see that okay with this oh yeah anybody hey you need more prisoners I do peasants peasants oh my lord breakfast you guys again pretty far I'm kind of scared do I do I have to live too oh yeah I have one life okay you go oh [ __ ] [Laughter] [Applause] okay hold I rock paper and scissors between a Scottie and Tyler all right I'm ready and win this they're talking to each other on the phone okay I'm just kidding it's all I'm just kidding well why can't you did Lucy you have to go yeah there you go there's no way you're gonna make it [Music] [Applause] okay everyone has to make it so if you don't go you have to just reset the train and then you have to go again I feel like we should go one at a time anyway first person lives they [ __ ] jump holy [ __ ] I think I have to jump over this year right 1v1 between you and the drain wait it comes from the left side right yeah thanks for some [ __ ] Jenga alright so it looks like it's a tie between the piggie arias and 4-0 show buddy to determine who's gonna win we're gonna play a good old game of Jenga are you ready ready who goes first I guess I go cuz I made it first yeah sure yeah I go first yeah alright that works mine my leg when you do this if you pick one you have to be commitment you have to commit yeah you don't you could read pickin Jenga alright I got what we are gonna put on top now right yep let's go next I can go next leg why not oh my god it's so laggy cuz I'm the host I can't pull it out I can't pull out a pit out whip it out [ __ ] this up look everywhere that's ballsy okay he's got it you deserve that well deserve my fours you good luck you know which one to go for yeah baby oh my god because let me get well get oh my god this this way from why I toes a terrible boring idea to embrace this is so good [ __ ] come out I'm impressed this thing is still standing nobody's want to move anymore dude one of them is this one seems ballsy but you [ __ ] oh my god Oh Oh kill me good [ __ ] luck buddy zero this one right here this one right here it's almost out that's the one I tried to be eliminated GG congratulations wait for your present you get this [Music] here 2018 no it's not 2017 that's right it's going to be 2018 in the near future homeless people could fly that's right [Music] all right anyways as you were saying for us to make it to the year 2018 one of us has to live through all the death traps of you know all we have to do is wait for the time to pass yeah we're currently recording this what to use if we're recording this on a 28th of December no no no but you're not gonna watch it see we should upload it at a time that when you start watching the video its 2017 why am i the owner dies how do we choose death we play a game of uh do we play a game 1v1 right here yeah yeah yeah yeah air hockey right here I'm gonna win yeah yeah things are different than 2018 you see your hockey machines are different in 2018 I got stuck okay all right in the spirit of Christmas and the future of the world away we're gonna determine who is death is buy a gold game of Christmas presents oh yeah cuz it was just Christmas you know so I just want to give you guys some belated Christmas presents I'll take the teal when it matches my underpants yes you get to cheer on us regrets agreeing yes we do one time should we do one at a time or all at the same time at a time that's the toilet paper man you guys have large toilet paper rolls when you've got a budget like mine that's toilet paper hand towels bathing towels bed sheets it's everything [Music] did you get no glue when you let see stuck to the ground Wow spoiled milk from 2017 my other present [Music] [Music] [Applause] Panda you got a new piece of clothing all right your death because you died oh you know because it is your bar oh yeah that is right for Evan you should be the bartender and you're going right all right so to celebrate New Year's instead of drinking so since none of you guys have money or drink alcohol except through except for this guy but he eats alcohol we're gonna play some obstacle course games okay go to the gym and lose weight the obstacle courses yeah don't hey-hey-hey-hey-hey give up drink the red means you're gonna be drinking a lot in 2018 the blue means you'll be drinking a lot of water 2018 what are your choices I win by default that's right alcoholic wins I'm looking at your television programming here for cable you only have YouTube videos I recognize that guy in the in the to meet video who meets the guy right next to the meet cup noodle hair that's my brother yes order a table like they're gonna fall soon as I touch them this is a great year so far you sure you guys aren't drunk yourself a drink on the house doesn't matter your guide for this trap can hit my balls this time [ __ ] what do you guys want huh you guys want something to drink you don't have hot chocolate this is a bar tired of my my get sued anybody hey anybody want a Jager Bomb with you you gonna close your tab all right we just got a new we just got a new air system at this bar yeah it's the filter the air of the beer farts and beer burps let's be innovative in the floor system go through the chairs that does work hops along the chairs in this chair shares uh-huh you're not gonna press it huh why it's a beer chamber that was piece of Swiss cheese I've ever seen in my life anybody want something from the top shelf huh Oh top-of-the-line beer right there what bottle that was really just you wanting to do it the homeless man has high alcohol tolerance that's right okay what do you want what's what's what is it gonna be who's weight or quit drinking if I quit drinking I'll lose weight oh yeah that's right decision I know it has the wrong decision for an Irishman are you ready love sex what is that going on over there this video is sponsored by love Saks link in description hashtag Minnie lad I'm good I found a few drinks over here before I play with all right right on the line I'm clearly gonna shoot at me right no yeah take so many balls in his face yeah I successfully killed all my customers I just bought it from that man part dollar delicious delectable treats or disgusting all right if you want a free drink the entire bar okay it's hard kids come on patrons if you make it through this part you get repeated what if this is so sort of sick you'll crack all anonymous we're so close to this thing about cashews can you do cashews drink it yeah no one's ever gonna be able to have that drink go past it [Laughter] I'm gonna set up like like a little area where you can drink drink all you want yeah I quit drinkin I quit man 2018 in sight oh yeah trying to play it off who wants to go for a swim they're very quick don't forget you're gonna die no no no no I'm here with all lives I'm just gonna stay true to my decision and move to Canada side or be lazy I've already chose it I've already chosen yeah I'll be if I'll be honest I've lived outside for the last 12 years so it could like to be lazy just like last time I'm just kidding haha he doesn't mean he pressed it yet though hey the odds are that this one's safe though you're the odds are more come on y'all could be father and daughter I mean mother and father [ __ ] posturing nice together at last a juggler a many ladders is there more than one of you others you know or whatever I a sexually reproduce oh wow guys you get me you get to share me jiggly you get me on Monday Wednesday Friday Saturday there's got to be something in the adoption paperwork or we're not allowed to do all right we only have one life we both have to make it past the soccer balls okay wait still I could still tie this guy you don't make it all right when even when you [Laughter] [Music] guys making YouTube videos 2011 and this is the first time I've ever won a death Oh God - to a Happy New Year and making a new pair of underwear see your price let's see what it is oh damn a lot of drinks a lot of drinks for you on the house and what's this press the button oh oh here we go Oh oh well it's good thing the the guy in the hockey mask bought this place from three oh here we go another continent white why did the video I don't know I'm [ __ ] scared is this a gmod scary math shaves tennis shoes in the year 2018 I put together a resume and it's time to get a job yeah happy new year and what's going on here who's this who's this guy this is my new friend Walter not not copy written oh nice it's Walter key yes that's right Walter II who's this who's who's this lovely friend over here Panda this is just buddy [Music] I'll take his spot I'll take his spot [Music] there we go body has been replaced poor Walter all right this bonus cliff has gone on long all right listen up class welcome to the winter semester of the ban on superhero school replace real quick Vanna heroes is spelt wrong on the sign over there listen this is not about education okay this is about being heroes I have come here from from many miles many miles from from the garbage can at the vet behind the building I would like to become a superhero like you all right so the first step to become a superhero is that you guys need to become in shape okay you guys have to get in shape as you guys are clearly overweight [Laughter] body now matches its head shut the [ __ ] up I'm like bursting out you you are looking ready for Thanksgiving what have you done to me look at my titties I got big old titties so clearly you guys need to get in shape okay I'm a shaker I'm an ultimate pride shape alright we're going to ski we were husky the Lyrae what's the door the storm out there there's a storm behold trash get [Laughter] your home hey everything hungry okay men I will be coach death today okay I got that yeah and I will show you how to become good superheroes would be like chris farley up in this peach so you're gonna die okay all right Beverly Hills raccoon let's do this how many lives do we get I mean I yes what are the lives how many are you till we flunk out all right you guys each have three FS on the board oh my god we need to get through here we need we need to become the superheroes that we know in our hearts that we are there's how much do you bench already look at it one life has been lost [Music] we gonna swing back no you know my specialty is baseball bats anyways I hate the rope climb I could never do this as a kid you got one one friendship test friendship test let's do it yeah ready three two one go you're the best heroes known to mankind oh come on I have to do this in a first-person mode okay wait a minute all right so let's move moves going first first I'll go first hey come on you got this bro fly across that bad boy fly across it come on oh nice waterproof I'm gonna make it legit Lee this time not a fly mr. raccoon man let's say I that's what I'm here for we're not a fly all right people say it raccoons couldn't fly until they saw me today they saw me to do bounce off the water oh [ __ ] what the hell you walk all the way a low-carb diet right there hey bird you're late to die yeah whatever I truly want to be a superhero you have to make it less once something gonna shoot out of that no never you're gonna be the goal you're gonna be the ball this year yeah eBay later today I'm gonna come gonna teach you have to steal the best food from the best trash can this is what heroes really deserve yeah kids not your training facility my training facility I bought it for $1 water for a dollar yeah whatever man so okay let's think about this okay [Laughter] [Music] I guess you deserve that oh I pushed you into the [ __ ] way Polly what come on you're not allowed to do that sighs always uses his resources advantage all right I thought I got that repaired last year easy to stand on the edge and you can't trap you in it a psychic Oh no gadgets allowed do not walk through this way sidekick super job yeah Wow how many tennis balls does it take to kill a superhero a thousand you know what we're all gonna be on the [ __ ] toilet round thing now yeah you know how many pucks I give I don't give a [ __ ] gonna win this one's actually really slow like there's actually a pop yeah it is you got one all right students it looks like two of you guys made it till the end I purposely let you guys win so you guys can build confidence but the tiebreaker today to see who passes ultimately is this game the clock of death guys ready yeah on go oh man three two one Rock I know oh alright alright guys since I won gotta go ahead and change this I can't even race it I can't even erase this gonna change this school oh wait you can only do you want ha ha you don't have the budget y'all the budget to replace all the signs I found the a-pillar movemove you you're gonna be hilarious what I got something for you get some snacks oh that's why you shouldn't ever eat Tide Pods right there if you think the top half of a suit is gonna get a homeless man laid pues me I took all the money I earned from YouTube last year and went to Goodwill and got the finest seat jack so now you and the suit smell like [ __ ] and you're just in time for Valentine's Day shopping that's right the winner of death one gets to be my date oh god the real prize is whoever wins gets to see me take out my false teeth and gets tried I just hang out next to the dinner shop whenever they throw old ones away from dead people I just take them from you know it's normal right yeah where is the Death Zone right here use your front desk you get this well stand on it because all right so we all just were all contesting to be his date it's like a dating show except the legion of die the losers dying the winner gets throated this sounds like a Japanese game show all right all right tell us a little bit about your your vetting process here for choosing your date oh okay well welcome first of all this is the Valentines shop as you can see we're out of stock of everything but one thing you are all shopping for tonight is yours truly that is right the winners of this deathrun get a [ __ ] oh Anthony what do you look for in a date what do I look for in a date yeah here number one is usually a pulse for to be too picky these days it's rough dating market on homeless people calm because none of all most people meet Doug there's nobody on the site wait wait what type of meaning for different occasions I wonder if it exists I'm get on my phone right now it's like a trashy tinder cuz we all live in dumpsters let's go on to private browser just check both homeless people me-80 doesn't exist right now m ee t doesn't exist either guys become prime opportunity here for a business a business venture that's right boys sell your bitcoins it's time to invest in the real future alright it's time to go shopping for this man's throw it yes let's find anything we've only two things in stock looks dangerous regardless of uses of the trap huh oh [ __ ] jumpers easy these guys three hearts okay on the board all right oh my god that cancer does not count that doesn't count [ __ ] off that one I'm not counting them up video [ __ ] welcome step on up to the next empty shop [ __ ] [ __ ] whoa where were you guys shopping for by the way what can I help you find dildos a big chocolate heart my heart doesn't like ends those are ends and I tried to catch myself a bunny rabbit but I failed what is these it's like the perfume the key it's like perfume I bet they [ __ ] explode my God my perfume Jesus over this it's not as much perfume as an old woman wears this another random stretch with to the bread lines on it what are you selling on the Shelf what is usually in stock here invisible underwear now you can't do those all count you have no more lives of this entire video I do - [ __ ] leave wait mr. Chan color covered strawberry that's right I feel like all we have to do is make the jump I don't think that was like bunny man stood in the wrong spot oh you gotta choose one yeah I gotta do this one piggy okay sure one two three [Laughter] beautiful what you got down there on the floor is that are those pregnancy tests oh boy no I think that's the box of those hearts those go on sale two weeks after Valentine's Day we know who's getting throated no no not necessarily gonna make it through these traps either no one wins I'm just gonna mail in man ceman throat myself getting his sloppy seconds so I guess you know gotta get it ready and [ __ ] he's not gonna [ __ ] oh my god candy not anymore so long I just could control myself see the little man fly man if you're if you're an adult and you meet me in real life and you ask what I do I hope you land on this video there you go all right welcome to busting Jeepers sex Emporium that's let's see here we got some saws bustin jeepers a great male stripper named porn star bustin G [Music] there's an urban dictionary definition bustin G bar a complex sex move in which one dresses up as an androgynous fifteen-year-old lesbian then sings obnoxious obnoxious pop songs and a high-pitched nasally voice before busting a nut in the face of teenage America for some reason teenage girls can't seem to get enough of this and then the quotas I don't like Justin Bieber or his music but I respect his ability to bust in giba repeatedly the faces of young teenage girls across the nation that's how you busted busted G BRR no yeah me too what Oh yep oh you guys should come down I don't want oh yeah and you see in our fine selection of saw blades just saw blade was dangerous what you want what you want what you really well which one is it left or right oh look how bad of yourself for the answer I save here you guys are all gonna die oh oh oh we found the answer has he done it yet let me do it it's rainin he's still standing there oh he just used it it's the you gotta go through the left one mind games mind games oh don't let busting jeepers Buster's jeepers all over you all right that jeepers ladies yourself no no no see stop it you are 90% there I want to do it legit like that you know just lap in there two in the pink oh you're gonna have this one Wow all right I'm gonna try the Wildcat maneuver okay you already use the trap so it's safe what the [ __ ] Tyler you just jump straight to it I'm adding a level of difficulty with this elite crotch juice shush up all the way there's been two traps how's it there no there's been more the realization cleaners all right here we go here we go here we go what way come on I say let's go [ __ ] all right you got it holy [ __ ] hey press it yeah what's this one again falls down that kills you because it's a start [Music] how many lives you got you are dead three I am not dead I have one oh I think I have three oh [ __ ] my god watch this okay let's go watch it oh you forgot about the cabbage stupid dammit what the [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm big oh my god shears body bouncing in the Valentine's Day Stuart comes [ __ ] alright guys let's just none of you could beat this big-ass long ass difficult ass dragon a strap the first person's complete the stretch max yes dragon acid these dragons are so many dragons what a lot of other breakdancing anyway first person should complete this trap it's the [ __ ] sucked I got it I got it oh here we go I'm afraid to stand over here by these people oh I didn't make it past this are you gonna speed so [ __ ] oh I made it okay don't go here we go Candice oh you won all right looks like we have a wiener on the wiener so as you remember the grand prize for winning this competition is I don't want it [Laughter] [Laughter] all right everybody welcome to the official 2018 vanoss Winter Olympics okay are you guys ready there's nobody here we talked about it's televised we're talking about we have everybody in here we got we got all the important countries you had the [ __ ] body nation where are you from sir the home of the nation it's not where I'm from it's where I'm at changes every day [Music] and Canada so to determine who is death and today's Olympic we are gonna play a game of musical chairs oh and all my life for this yeah that's right that's the first event the Winter Olympics is also what the hell what happened to your suit oh you know I figured I'd want to be more aerodynamic for the Olympics I removed it right but by that I mean they had to return it well apparently the bunny has a different strategy what it is flabby body [Laughter] [Music] to offer weird yeah you've been working out bunny doesn't even have cankles he's got face alright here we go the first event of the Winter Olympics musical chairs in three all right - [Music] that's right very fitting what I died I lost 160 pounds try this one new weight loss tip you wouldn't even notice how many pounds you shed all right hand uh yeah this is what you always wanted a fan meet up so here you go I put it together for you yes join the you guys each have three goals on the board okay all right yeah all right [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] honestly you lost a little weight would have been a problem I won't kill I won't kill whoever goes first you go okay that's fine well you gotta save it for the fourth person too fast for you you're burning to death sir I I could burn to death look guys I'm burning calories there looks like a nice brisket it's safe it's safe bunny here we go all right so what's here oh it's country Panda do it for your country who's my country done for me Oh God we got a curl guys look at that I'm gonna curl myself over there can't pick it up it's too heavy the team is sponsored by vanossgaming Legion you have to go pick up the one in the middle I feel like you're trapping me there's a few more than I expected I'm still slipping [Laughter] [Music] welcome to this [ __ ] Olympic map where only the important people get a flag on the wall over there who didn't even put my map my god damn flag on the wall what the hell maybe you showed up on time no look over there Brock Wildcats Scottie Marcel were they they did not leave I turned up and I don't even get a flag on the wall I've been to the future and back and I got don't even get a flag on the wall this is some cereal right I'll be it and I'm gonna kill all of you especially you all right you like this you got this you made this map you have the smallest package I have ever seen and what a six-pack look at you at 6:00 i'ma grow another shower baby things wound up like a butterfly tongue so what happened in the future because you died of obesity in calories all right you ate all the Easter eggs this is their coat he's not that okay you just woke early Easter he's full of eggs welcome to the Winter Olympics you can pay your title okay so welcome all right Anthony yeah oh you're going you're gonna go first you're gonna go first first yeah worried none of these are your fans you know what happens here because we showed up early mm-hmm he knows we hope to the future I was wrong staving important people in the future that wasn't so bad your light here money I didn't want any I didn't want to know I'm not gonna do it no shade don't touch me watch out for the big manor break them now it's a little how yeah way at all just passed out I haven't BMI of 42 so I would know okay Jamaican bobsled team come on yes see the thing is I don't think I even need to hit the button I think you're gonna hit the Irish man only wants the Canadian to die so you guys are safe go ahead he's been targeting me for termination killed by the hockey puck you can't write such beautiful justice I'm pretty sure anything in this map if I die from is ironic mm-hmm no it's all ice oh my god there yeah okay right below you Ryan hey ohm do you think how stupid do you think I am there's nothing there worth my time I'm sorry there's not it's okay there is not you were the one who was upset that your flag wasn't on the wall and now now you don't want to see what Sun [Laughter] like a trouble hey new bride knows new study but come back what are you a dog why did you come back all right boys the test of friendship all right the two of you have to go at the same time chose the right one because through the dark tunnel I'll be your one fan in the stands is it safe to assume with Faiz is big around is the red sequoias that you can SWAT that up there is this I'll take one for the team got a slippery banana oh god there's a car down there apparently oh I love the Olympics this body's buried [Laughter] okay boys oh my God look at all the [ __ ] finals Brent here he's got a merch store in this map and I can't even get a flag so you're gonna buy one oh what buy one of those what do you mean I was about to plug his merch and then you [ __ ] jumped Anthony that's your Matheny plug that I'm sorry all right no this is the last Travis Bryan now this is not a last fat no you gotta jump on the ice hockey puck fly catcher for fat boy at the end looks like it comes down to this Canada versus homeless man team homeless national represented country m'lord and here we see the homeless nation yes yes there he is there's all one competitors of them firebenders airbenders and there's me cardboard bender we'll take our representative colors I'll take red for Canada and you'll take green for the color of your poop and the Canadian I have a Canadian side I don't trust he didn't taken homeless actually took something home besides the competition for taking a [ __ ] in public parks they actually took cold in in the Devron this is the big moment for homeless all right it looks like Canada has won the Winter Olympics once again so pay our respects we will here the Canadian national anthem a Oh Canada the land of Tim Hortons famous people like Avril Lavigne and Ryan Gosling and Jim Carrey and Drake I know I was confused that he was also Canadian but yet I see is that [ __ ] [ __ ] blew my mind Oh Canada you're not really part of America you're the part they did not [Music] [Laughter] that's all I remember from version to version you have maple syrup and poutine her native land true patriot love in all thy sons command where's the maple syrup trips from the trees and hockey players upon all the chart just want to IC do an Irish accent when you sing in the committee or the Kadett ah [ __ ] to th for with the maple syrup we're not Marge Simpson come from is that mergers that sounds like a local pita file in my Park I go for the homeless [Music] you guys here for the the st. Patrick's Day party yeah yeah big googly panda a nice house yeah this talks about it lives like hidden alley and now he's guys do I hear you yeah come on your house you got to you got to come around the side door I'm hanging out I'm hanging out in the living room okay Oh your neighbors with this guy okay my couch I see those bags of [ __ ] by the way I don't want a septic tank wait a [ __ ] snake is out of the moment by shooting that futuristic weapon had too many bears okay just try to help him up oh he's down if you want to watch the TV see that window there right next to the trash cans and look in there all the cable you want for free if you're living the life all right well in the spirit of st. Patrick's Day are we all gonna have a beer yeah what about a whiskey I've had a couple beers today 30 beers stop drinking all of them we're not gonna be able to grow my beard my beer okay I'm going now I'm leaving jiggly's turned into a shark slowly turning red and yellow all the pee and blood that's coming off this bud give you some of that beer all right let's go let's let's hurry up and get this done before the actual people come for the real estate back here to be stuck like a panda look how festive his underwears think it's actually mold but you know what let's roll with it I'm going first goodbye oh you son of them okay every time you die you take it from off every time julia has something stupid you take a drink of water I'll black out the bunny already plans the first trap over there he's having a stroke from the clover drink you're going to take the first shot man [Music] okay friendship cast are you going for the green for the money or the yellow for the gold I'll do it I always do it I'll do it both of you guys go through at the same time counting it down all right I'll go three two one all right for this next trap I really don't want to die to this the water's warm I don't want you guys you just jump we all have there we go try it twice on this hat like that do it again [Music] [Music] [Music] all right Irish all I know is I got blessed with the holy water go back in your hat bunny [Applause] yeah look at the new cryptocurrency the vanoss coin alright Easter Bunny where's the work though where are the eggs what st. Patrick's Day what do you do what you doing where are the eggs he just checked me yeah lucky game right first person give me a shamrock shake that's a free pass serious you almost just killed I didn't put the hit out on your life alright guys which one am I gonna choose guys I'm hitting very shaken vulnerable right now here we go I mean you want the green side I did the friendship test last time I'm going stand right in the middle right yeah my head no wait what it didn't press you press the yellow one oh oh no one went through together one yes this is all the beer from before there I'll show you it's like this okay shows how it's done hmm my eggs are in those hats over there [Laughter] doesn't matter I forgot all right who wants to have some pot a pot full of macaroni the two pots are gone that's why wait did I do not reset that one no that one was still good back here I'll reset it all right okay I never said this before but hey who wants to have some pie what are we making room my golden couch right the golden couch my favorite strand of I think they were loonies we are we gonna get some fresh today [Music] he's waiting we're just in the delivery of owl no was this this then gets you all the time but you didn't see this one last time UDOT wife already died to the main idea do you want to see it yeah you can go to the left beat this one you like jump then you got a jump on top of the barrels alright you want to go at the same time alright do a barrel roll oh can you bless them with the water please oh yes man that screws me okay puts the rainbow lotion on its skin or else in place Wow this is for one can of Coors Light [Music] it's the psyche you out baby so you guys are going to in one at a time I get it I get it I get it boo this is your one chance so one time in your life that you could win something know how to fake me out yeah get the prize opportunity one win not miss your chance to win do not miss do not one chance one win do not miss you [Laughter] all right delirious this is your trap I'm gonna do two to three sixes here we go and whatever my head goes wherever I'm looking it's the way I'm gonna go right yeah you are left this is the green one make sure you guys just went too slow oh look at that giant toilet seat behind you that's what got me this won't kill us well I've got my pot of gold you get a free pot of cold [Laughter] what a great job Munoz tremendous yes where's the blessing juice all the blessing juice in here guys I'm almost out of here we can make it if we don't if we don't do it this time [Laughter] spider my chair just really farting but no so when I hear me taking New York subway [Laughter] [Laughter] and this craft is brought you by Prussia you just gotta believe remember thinking it crushed the barrels alright you know the you know the routine stand on this person whatever [Music] [Laughter] the first time anyone has ever died oh [ __ ] we're here we're at the end the last trap you'll waste bed run that [ __ ] is that it's not how you say speed Ram it's the speed wanted I have to make it to this trap you right in what yeah sure yeah but because we already played four rounds even if I die should still win is that cool with you [Music] [Laughter] there was no winners what there's a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow yeah I wanted to get there the actual winner the case is the classic drinking game all right Evan are these hats gonna be for sale in your shop er yeah they're for sale right now there's only one available all right some of these hats aren't real okay just like just like in the real drinking game never mind all right yeah every spoon and go move cheaters never surrender [ __ ] cheaters never surrendered kids never give up look yeah job which one oh my gosh okay this has to be safe yes [Music] [Laughter] for the start oh we all know it's just a couple of pandas he don't stand for panda bars novartis big yeah some fun make it a ball what can I get your finest BJP please [Music] [Music] [Laughter] all right the leers I started recording again is very good I am going to make if I make this hoop it means that you have to you have to uh you have to yeah I don't know what if I make this hoop it means I your Chad Oh Oh God ah so you just decided that on your own yes my channel alright if I end this server right now I get the channel right back No [Music]
Channel: VanossGaming Funny time
Views: 735,247
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VanossGaming Funny time, VanossGaming 3 Hours of Gmod Deathrun Part 4 | Video Old, VanossGaming 3 Hours of Gmod Deathrun Part 4, VanossGaming 3 Hours of Gmod Deathrun, VanossGaming 3 Hours of Gmod, 3 Hours of Gmod Deathrun Part 4 | Video Old, 3 Hours of Gmod Deathrun Part 4, Gmod Deathrun Part 4 | Video Old
Id: jj8mcYh_9tQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 182min 22sec (10942 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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