Vanilla Ice: The Money Suge Knight Extorted from Me Launched Death Row Records (Part 5)

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so you signed Away part of your publishing which was worth around $4 million um now at the time at the time more now and this money actually was the was the seed money that launched Death Row Records correct okay now your manager Tommy Quan in an interview said that he had already taken care of this paperwork weeks before the incident that's what he said himself that he took care of what he already signed over the publishing to um to Chocolate weeks before oh no he you have to understand that Su Knight went to him as well oh he approached him yeah but see Tommy's not g to tell you Tommy's a secretive dude man he's like I ain't putting no Target on my forehead I don't know anything man okay but you know there's a lot of stuff I'll leave out and I'm not going to incriminate anybody here or nothing stupid like that but I you know some of the details there will never be unfolded but I'm gonna tell you right now that this was all a strong arm from Suge Knight to basically come in and take publishing money and then that's how I knew who he was and I knew he was coming I didn't know he was going to be in my room when I checked in at the Beverly Hills Place there but uh there he was and then I already kind of okay I sensed this was coming I know who you are and all that I had no idea that chocas was involved in any of this he walks in beat up and they put him there to get the collection of the publishing which basically was Su nice money that's how it ended up in in death row okay so I interviewed Virgil Roberts who was the president of solar s who Suge was doing some work with the time that helped work with death row originally this is what he told me on camera he said that Suge was managing chocolate they approached him and chocolate claimed he wrote all these songs for you and he goes well prove it he goes well I have all the original lyrics sheets so he brought him the lyric sheets he goes well this doesn't prove anything he goes well go back and look at the original release of uh Vanilla Ice's album and my name is on there once he saw that he said okay that's enough for me to believe this he gave a $400,000 Advance which was the most sugar ever seen at the time then he filed a lawsuit with Emi and once the fuit the lawsuit was filed Emi agreed and gave them the publishing to chocolate right so so Su and chocolate come in and they tell us this story about how he was from from Texas they had a club there where had open mic and he would go and he met Bobby Winkle's gu his Vanilla Ice and they changed a lot of things and then uh sued brought chocolate out to California he was managing chocolate he brought him out and said uh you know you need to be in California if you're going to get a record deal and progress in your career so he said he was at uh I guess shook hadman his apartment and he was watching MTV and he saw Bobby Winkles doing iiz baby he said that's my son um and so uh I said yeah right so you know what's you know what kind of evidence and proof you have he says well I the the lyrics that I wrote for all these songs I left with my girlfriend in Texas I'll have them send have her send them so he sent out the lyrics sheets I saw those but you know lyric sheets is something that you could make up right I mean go home theight and write them um but there was a a record that uh I think vanill isa's manager was Tommy Chung they had released an independent record in Texas with Vanilla Ice and on the record they' given chocolate credit for the songs Okay Capital Records had picked it up and when they picked up uh Vanilla Ice and put out his records they hadn't given him credit for the songs so I said okay this looks like pretty good evidence that you did write these songs and so at that point in history uh we had a joint venture deal with Sony um and it covered music music and Publishing and so I called at the head of Sony's publishing I said I found somebody that I think has written H songs and vanilla I said on millions of records and those are songs that we can get a piece of he said great make a deal so I gave chocolate $400,000 advance to do a co-publishing deal with him and Suge was a manager and he was getting I think 25% that was the most money he had made in his life right he just made 100,000 just made 100 Grand I know it's uh it's funny man how it all unfolds right it's like there's so many Avenues to this and people just wanting to get in my pockets for a little song I wrote when I was 16 years old it's so funny and then they try to come out 30 years later and get notoriety or something it's weird how this is like were they in my living room when I was 16 man I was 10th grade drop out I mean are you kidding me motocrosser in Dallas Texas I don't think so all this uh all this came to a a thing when sug Knight found out that Vanilla Ice is someone we should Target to get a lot of money on and it worked and death row came out and Tupac came out because of Vanilla Ice Snoop Dog all of them know it I'm friends with Tupac you have to understands I'm friends with all these people I know the truth I know everything that you don't and you wish you knew about everything hip hop from puffy to everything from Bigg e to to all of it all the you wish you knew and I won't elaborate fair enough streets know streets know how do you feel about sh getting 28 years in prison for the killing of Terry I don't have any comment about that fair enough I think that might be something probably that people kind of probably were just coming after Suge in many ways and this was an opportunity to put him down for something I think I think I don't know I don't know the whole story behind that I heard somebody was trying to kill him so he just punched his car and he he got beat up by uh by bone he backed up and then went forward hit bone and then ran over Terry who was his actual friend which was an accident and I think if it wasn't Suge it would have probably been self-defense but since it's Suge and the whole history and you're part of this history of course I do not take any sides on this I plead the fifth don't know anything to even comment
Channel: djvlad
Views: 143,800
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Id: KnPUQLzCra0
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Length: 6min 23sec (383 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 23 2023
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