Van Tour Solo Woman Living in a Class B Van

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and decided i would come out um and travel and enjoy the world good so you're retired oh yeah yeah i'm going to be 69 this year so so old lady you're tired on social security yes and uh so tell us a little bit about how you got your van i had drove by it for three years it was sitting at this guy's house every time i go to diamond to the town zero where i'm from and um i finally went in knocked on the door one day and i asked his wife and she said call him so a month later i got back with him and he said oh i'll take a thousand dollars for it a thousand dollars i said i didn't want to tell him how excited i was because i was so excited ah it was a steal because it's all original everything's in it the toilet the stove refrigerator it's real it's got everything so i meandered and finally we got it and here she is and uh i'm assuming that with four thousand dollars you had to put some work into it oh yeah i took um i sold my cow bought her i sold my hogs and i bought all my new tires um i sold my goats because i had my tonic faint and goats and i put a new engine not new engine new brakes all new electrical wiring hoses and everything under the engine so she's there's fifteen hundred dollars in there because i know it's going to arizona and i'd be putting her through somewhere so i wanted everything inside to be original i mean new and working correctly right so being a thousand dollar van you just went through it spent the money made sure everything is in good shape yeah and everything works when i took it in and had them tested everything for the hot water heater works i mean the refrigerator it works got three-way it's a dometic it's everything um sleeping camper up there the ac works i was in heaven i mean she's everything so just what you were looking for a little home on wheels a little helm on wheels she's my safety factor when i get somewhere and then you know i'm at home because i'm a homebody person but having her i can take my home anywhere you're not homeless you're just uh on wheels i'm on oils now instead of having real estate you have wheel estate yes and she's she's magnificent i couldn't ask for me and miss tippy here just the two of us it's perfect fit good and i i did a few little things inside to make her fit mean the bed and everything and so how long have you been doing it now um well i started in august of 2016. hurt my knee took eight months off and stayed in san angelo texas took off in june and here i am so uh since june would be four or five months and some before then yes and in coming here i learned so much all of us getting together like this it has been marvelous because i've learned that i don't need the electric i can live without it and get things going a different way so i'm in hugs heaven so you're enjoying your nomadic life i'm loving my nomadic life no no regrets no regrets no since i come here got to meet people and find out i wasn't so much alone and stuff and your your web where i go in and i found out i could learn how to greet meet other people and invite them into my campsite oh i'm ecstatically happy right so being part of a community is very important to you yes getting to know that i like being alone but there are times when like this we're all in separate spaces here it's marvelous but we're together where we can have the meeting in the afternoon it's been a godsend for me to keep on going and keep on rolling so well as i told you earlier in as uh fall comes on we gather towards the desert and move that way and although we're in leadville colorado but we're still kind of moving that way and so it's easy to find community over fall and winter that's good that's good because that that makes the summer then you know you'll have more friends that you can contact and talk to and you won't be so much out there alone right very good so would you mind if we took a look at your rig no please so let's start on a tour outside let's show me what you've got going here uh hand painted by me oh you did you spray paint no i used a brush i brushed the whole thing what kind of paint did you use um it was an ultra or something i bought a home depot it was for metal it was just a brush on just bought a gallon of paint and started at it yep i still got something left it looks great i got 10 ply tires because i wanted to make sure i could get down the road i'm not going to be changing there's four brand new ones from discount tire give them a plug um he's kind of dirty but she goes down the road she gets 10 miles to a gallon i have done my own screens which is marvelous because i have miss tippy your puppy yes not such a puppy anymore but your puppy she has everything this is for when you're in town i have water i have electric my gas tank my dump i have black and gray water because she's old which is a different system when you're newer once being a class b it has everything yes all my goodies that i carry with me my hose for water my barbecue grill the last of my home bases of pictures this is the hot water heater it doesn't work but everything else works so she's she's just a beaut and i went to and put in my reflectix painted them brown put them in my windows there's my um what's that then thing called lucy light my lucy like so yep she's it's great the coleman on top works everything works the windows all work pop her up so she was a steal for me a thousand bucks is one of the best deals i've ever heard of even though you put like a couple thousand in repairs that's usually you spend five thousand and then split spend two or three thousand repairs still the original here the curtains are original zipper works on this the doors everything is pretty well kept original seats are the same same blue coating carpeting throughout and i just put down rugs to protect her and he's wow so why don't you go ahead and show us the inside of your beautiful little home okay welcome to my home um i have a propane stove two burner uh the tank is down underneath it came with its own attached tank i have a sink right here which i do not use my water system it just goes too fast i'm afraid of leaks so i keep my water and that i have two gallons up there all of this up here is a bed it pulls all the way out you can see where it runs and pulls out and i've got it full of whatever i need laundry extra paper towels everything stores up there i got my food cabinets silverware drinks whatever you want so this is just a large storage cabinet toilet tissue tank stuff for the bathroom everything down there i've got pots and pans and skillets and odd dishes because i do make fudge i brought my fudge dish with me you know just everything there's a microwave that came with it and you're running it off of a generator uh i'm not running it now i'm just camping now i use it when i plug into electric did you occasionally plug in oh yeah oh yeah yeah that's that's my main thing that's why i'm going to new mexico well you're going to get a new mexico state parks pass yes and i'm going to pay the four dollars for electric per day so that i can save some money and it's a little easier than the ice because she works so well anyway this is and laugh at this i have my own toilet both tanks work really well i carry my own water so you do use the toilet oh yeah yeah i use the shower from time to time when i'm plugged in it gets a real powerful shower it's wonderful so but that's only when i'm plugged in it has a tag i have clothes hanging here this even works off my house batteries she's just turned out to be marvelous anyway i rearranged the seating back here where you sit these are the original cushions under here and they go straight back and then there's a little place here for tools well i added a board right here and i can push it back to make the bed smaller or pull it forward okay it just slides in and out there's my yeti i was charging my tablet and phone with it yeti electrical device not yeti cooler no it's an electrical 400. anyway someone turned me on to this wonderful plug-in thank you and it does everything so i don't need the yeti anymore this is my bed and because i am five foot four i can kind of sleep like this and then tippy lays here that's just how i sleep in my van kitty corner with the dog beside me yeah this is tippy's cushion she knows that when she gets up here this way she can look out the window have her view this is tippies and this is mine and i play my heyday and it's just wonderful food clothing makeup earrings nail polish human winter clothes videos tv it has everything i mean down here i have tools i have the jack i have my uh i can't open it because i've got this stuff here this is the wonderful part of it all the breakers they all work and my house battery is back here i put these in for storage and they're marvelous you just put a bungee here and when you're camping and you're you're not using them you undo them and let it hang and then you stuff in your drawers simple simple simple made the mattress myself how do you make a mattress i took a uh futon and i took the stuffings out because i didn't know i got it i was at apartments so i took the futons i washed it i had some inch foam so i put two of them in here some blankets and i bent it into the 32 inches that i wanted to sleep on and i duct taped it [Music] and the walla i have a bed and it fits here perfect where a mattress sticks up like this and i couldn't get it down and when i'm plugged in i have tv i have videos i don't really my cable doesn't work that well but i do have a cable all the windows have screens it's just she's marvelous i'm thankful it seems like a wonderful home it is for me it's me and tippy it it's perfect it's small i mean you're it's certainly not a mansion but it's everything you need oh it's it's yes it's perfect it's it's perfect for me for all because i'm i'm a very quiet person like to be alone i can pull in i can park even in town even with the tailgate we got back here i can still park in town and back up and people don't even notice that i'm there i can kind of stealth with her then that's the thing i like is no matter where i go i fit in and when i'm out here i put out my rug and make my little patio and i have my home so welcome to my home thank you for coming and this is granny jo go check me out on youtube granny jo sparks bye thank you so much uh bye and everyone like us on youtube subscribe to the channel and we'll talk to you later [Music]
Channel: CheapRVliving
Views: 356,388
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: live, living, car, van, RV, Fill-time, nomad, gypsy, camper, camp, boondock, travel, class b, granny
Id: 0XonAx8vQQg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 53sec (773 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2018
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