VAN TOUR | Ford Transit Converted Into Beautiful Tiny Home - Van Life (Starts Now)

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hi everyone so we bought a ford transit medium wheelbase high-top van that we got converted and we would love to show you around so come take a look inside hear the birds and see the sun um to start with we have a lovely mat which welcomes people as they come in okay so welcome to our campervan that is currently unnamed because we want to have a night in it first before we name we name it but this is it this is her this is she we know we know she's a she um and yeah this is it so what we've gone for is the basics before we go deeper into it we've gone for a completely wooden van inside everything's made of wood um and we've sort of got wooden cladding wooden ceiling we've painted pretty much all of the wood to decorate it to finish it and seal it and everything but we've left the top um sort of left as wood it's the only bit that's left it would the top and i think it's got a really nice effect you know white to that white paint to wooden top and we just we just oiled this and just kept it as it is so yeah this is it so what we've got for straight away what you'll notice is we've got fixed bed the fixed bed system so rather than having a bed that we put down and put back get out and put back up again and mess around with we both know janine and i know that we're not those types of people that put away beds at the end of the day or put away beds at the start of the day and put it back out again before you go to bed we just won't do it we'll end up staying out all the time anyway so we opted for a bed that's here all the time and to make that possible we've had to put these indents in here so this is a completely insulated van every single part is insulated this will be more insulated than the indents so the indents are on both sides and they are literally just to give an extra 10 15 centimeters worth of space for my six foot two's body to sleep in and for janine as well so i've tested it out already and we and i can definitely sleep in there as well so by going widthways in the campervan by sleeping with ways this is one of the first things that we had to work out because if we would have gone sort of lengthways in the van then we would be out here which means that we'd have no room for anything but a bed so by doing it with ways we've got a bed in here plus a small dining area plus a kitchen as well sticking to the bedroom um we've also got the back doors which are also cladded as well and our brilliant guy who converted the van at super harriet super moon campus he put these amazing portholes in there as well they're just like being on a ship or whatever or submarine sort of we've also gone with there's there's a bit more storage than it looks like in here as well we've got sort of this storage here which is for our clothes and overnight stuff and you know bathroom bits and all of that for both me and jeanine um we haven't actually stayed in it we're staying in it tonight for the first night so we'll let you know how that goes but we're going to be working that stuff out as we go but this is our main clothes compartment cabinet here all of the cabinets have these um poppy buttons on so they fix and when we go driving off so long as we remember to close them properly again nothing will come flying out so that's really really cool there's also um obviously there's a cabinet here and there's a cabinet here as well on the ground which we sit on and there's also a cabinet behind you but i'll show you that in a second so that's the bed the bed is as it is that's a fixed bed uh underneath the bed is a garage so another reason why you have these high raised bed not just to make it awkward to get in and out of but you have them high up so that you've got some garage space this is called a garage so to open up from the back doors we've got lots of storage under there so we'll show you that in a bit so also built into the garage and the underside of the bed is a fridge this is a little um 12 volt fridge and it is tiny but it's built into our bed and this is really really really important stuff um you've got to have a fridge we actually had a fridge before that was a freeway fridge we got it got that with the van it was a park converted van this was and we thought that might give us some advantage but in actual fact in the end um we ended up taking it right back to its water to the insulation and starting it fresh which if you see our previous videos you'll see that so we opted instead for the 12 volt fridge uh 12 volt fridge is brilliant because we've got a solar panel on top of here and it basically uses just what it needs it's not on all the time it just comes on when it needs to to regulate the temperature and it works really well the only thing that we might struggle with is it's quite small um but you just make do with what you got so that's that's that and it's also got a nice box in there as well which is a little freezer so enough to store a couple of jars of ice cream or some ice or some frozen fruit or you know whatever we haven't worked that out yet so that's that also down here as well built into our bed and our garage is a diesel heater so this what these these panels you see here this one controls the heating so and the heater blows out from just below here so really central really central in the van and we've tested it and it's really really good once the doors are all shut and we put that on for i mean it's a bit we're on top of a hill now once the doors are all shirt we put that on it warms the place up in no time at all and then it can go off again we can do it to go off at uh uh certain temperatures as well so it's got a thermostat involved in it so that's really good and it's got a little remote as well so we can sit in bed and um click the remote and off we go so so that's a really really big deal also built in just above the fridge is our this is our says how much power we've got in the batteries so we know we're on green we know we're all right this is all of that is all of the power that goes into our leisure battery our leisure battery holds all of the things that we run all of the usbs and the fridge and all of that off run off the this leisure battery the laser battery is charged by the solar panel on the roof and it's also charged by when we're driving as well uh it feeds it it charges it as well so if we have a dull day the solar panel is pretty good it's a 240 watt solar panel um which is which is excellent seems to do exactly what we want it to do but if it is a dull day say winter i think most of the year will be fine but if it's in the winter time then we'll we can turn the engine on and it'll chart or go for a drive and it'll charge the battery so we should be all right um but we'll cross the winter bridge when it comes um so that's not there and then we've got the lights here as well let me turn the lights on as you can see so we've got spotlights throughout the throughout the van which is really good and then we've got our usb some more usb outlets as well because usb really is the only thing you want to be charging using whilst you're inside the van we do have electrics in here this is where our electrics are kept in here there's huge amounts of electrics but inside there you'll see here down here is our inverter plug so the only request that we had for anything that wasn't usb was that we could charge our laptops and we could charge our laptops in there just off the standard power we presume because it's a lot more voltage um that it will be it will take it will drain the battery more so we haven't tried that out yet but it's there anyway so we can charge up our laptops on the on the road we also have these plugs here as well these two and two more uh 241s and these are for when we've got hookup we've also got access to electric hookups so if we went to a campsite we can hook into their um their electricity from the outside so that's all good so that's the electric sorted also got these as well as the lights we've got these above our bed we've got these reading lights and they're actually coming on but it's daylight at the moment so see these reading lights these are touch control and they've also got usb plugs in the side of them as well so we can actually lie in bed at night and uh or before we go to bed and plug our phones in and have that and uh janine on her side of the bed she's got somewhere where she can rest her phone plug a phone in at night and put a coffee cup in the morning which you will be using a lot of on the subject of power we have also got this this is also a 12 volt apologies for getting the voltage is wrong they're basically all low volt that we could run off the solar panel the leisure battery with no problem everything takes very little amount of power the lights take very little amount of power the fridge very little amount of power um and this is a this doubles up this is an extractor fan so it's just above the kitchen area so it so it takes so it sucks the steam or whatever out for ventilation but it's also a fan as well so it bring it can bring the um the air in as well because on this the back of the van so the cab's got obviously wind down windows but the back of that the van hasn't got any so we would rely on that in the summer uh this summer um so it's really really good uh works very well and it's a skylight and it's you know we can shut it off to any level of lighting we want it's waterproof so it does all of that um so that's all of the power then the only that if we move on to the kitchen now so we've got the pantry up here which we've got loads of different things up here and they all stay in thank god they don't fall out um because it's been designed to sort of slope down so they all sort of stay in this area when we're driving on like rocky sort of ground um we have got our kettle here but as for the kitchen we've got a cupboard here which we are going to be using for all of our food so our tins and tea and coffee it's not very big um but we have a spare bit of room in here if we need to put any more food in um so we'll use that for extra food um so we have got a work top along here that's made of oak it's a really nice bit of oak actually that we managed to get and um we've got like a chopping board to go on the sink which obviously you can take off and there we go like that and so that is that bit the reason why our kitchen is quite big in comparison to other camper vans some people cut off their kitchen there and they have sort of a smaller sink and a smaller cooker and they have a seating area here but we opted to not go for that because we wanted a bigger kitchen area we need the prep area and yeah we just wanted a bigger kitchen so we decided to work a few things around to make that possible so yeah so that's what we've decided to do we've got our herb garden here um and up here is our spice rack we've got two spice racks um we've got loads of spices which is really cool um i absolutely love this area and yeah so we bought these i can't i think we bought these from amazon and i added a little bit of string here a bit of rope just to make sure that they don't fall off and it works as well they don't luckily um we've tested it out on some real uneven roads and nothing falls down so thank god that's really good um this is our hob this is the only thing that we got from the original campervan conversion because we bought this van as a converted van um originally it was very sort of old-fashioned looking i'll show you now what it used to look like and we this is the only thing that we kept from that um because we like it it's really nice and it's got a grill as well in here down here we have this is where our gas is stored we've got a gas canister at the back here and that obviously operates the cooker and then we have next to it this is where we keep the water for the whole van and that is a grey water tank and a fresh water tank and it's operated by a pump um which is which uses electrics and but it doesn't use that much electric so it's really absolutely fine off-grid um yeah so that's really good and next to this liam spoke a bit earlier about this this is where the um electrics are for the whole of the van and we have a cupboard in here which keeps all of our kitchen our essential kitchen stuff so like our mugs and our cutlery we've also got another chopping board which is made out of this oak and yeah some plates and bowls and things like that it's quite a big area so um we can keep all of the sort of main bits and pieces in there um yeah and in here this is where we are going to keep our laundry so we've got like just a laundry bag and we're gonna shove everything in there so it's kept out the way um and we can also access this point from the back there's another door just like this one at the back so when we go for walks we can come off come back we can come back and take our shoes off and if they're sort of a little bit dirty or anything we can sort of wash them down and put them straight in there so we don't have to come round and wear our dirty shoes in here we can just put them in a bag or something and pop them straight in so that's really handy and it's also a seat and this is our dining area now this has been this one this took us quite a while to figure out because we wanted the larger kitchen so we decided to pop this here and um we have got some brackets on the floor that you may have seen a bracket there and a bracket here and what this bracket does is it holds the pole for our table and we can actually move um our dining area to be either here if we want this space um sort of free so we can have a dining table here or alternatively we can have a dining table here now i think we should demonstrate this so i just want to show you what our dining setup is so this is the pole the leg of the table and you can see it's got some sort of bits here that in grooves in a little bit and it's got the same pattern as down here so you just pop it in and twist and there you go now at the table and you pop it on top like that and you've got a lovely table now this is good but it's a little bit squished for me and liam to sit next to each other so we have got another dining area that i'm going to show you now okay so before we move on to the dining area uh there's a couple of features over here that are really really important to the whole thing this so simple is a blackout curtain um this stops this has multiple uses but uh one of the main ones is to stop people looking through the cab area into our little home at the back so all of this remains sort of stealth sort of uncovered which is really really important and it also stops daylight coming in as well um so we can sleep or if we want to sleep in the daylight so yes if we move that to one side then behind it the second most important thing is this this is a double passenger seat but it's also a swivel seat nice which makes it not only a passenger seat for the cab but also a dining a dining seat i'll show you so all you do is put that across there and move it around like this like that and there we have there we have an extra dining area so as you can see now it opens the whole cab out a lot more it means we get to use some it's also the whole van out a lot more and it gets means we get to use the cab in the daytime as part of our dining sort of thing as well so it's really really really good space saver space and larger as well that wasn't there before so yeah absolutely essential to our whole van that's where the swizzle see so what we get to do again just similar on the other side is take this out and then put this in like that that pops in really really simply and then we've got ourselves and this goes on top of here and we've got ourselves another dining area seat there seat there happy days or workstation or whatever so two separate dining areas that we can make you we can utilize this one's a really really nice one i think for um alfresco dining sort of thing so you've got the doors open nice views just like this one we got here today and yeah looks really good okay so the wind was up here so we couldn't hear liam so well he was just explaining how we accessed the storage area under the bed called the garage it's a huge bit of space which you can only access when you open the back doors obviously when you do this you get the view of the whole van from the back but more importantly you get the view of where you have parked from the comfort of your bed which we are looking forward to doing in the near future the artwork we chose for the walls we felt went so well with the look of the van with a kind of mexican theme with pops of pastel colors we will leave a link to where we got these in the description to this video in the garage we have some extra water containers for much longer trips the diesel heater which is our heating system it runs off a very very small amount of diesel and it blows hot air into the van this is especially good because it doesn't rely on electricity we have more electrics at the back the fridge our camping chairs and table a toilet which we hope never to use but it's always there just in case and a paddle board which liam is very excited to start using as you can see we have a lot of spare space at the back of the van so we plan on getting a barbecue further down the line and just on the outside of it we've got fully blacked out windows all round apart from the cab which keeps keeping it legal so actually it's very hard to see inside anyway we want to keep it really really stealth we don't want anybody to know what we're getting up to inside there we don't think it's a campervan off the cuff even though they look properly they'll see the big old solar panel on top and the solar panel is a 240 watt solar panel so um it's powerful enough to hopefully to keep us going for power for the whole year off grid so we're completely off-grid campervan and that's the way we wanted it so we hope you enjoyed our van tour um just to confirm that we didn't actually build this ourselves we got um someone to do it we got harry at supermoon campus who is in east sussex um and he did the whole conversion we did all the decorations um but he did the build and i'll leave a link to his website in the description below and we can't recommend him enough he's he's been so brilliant um he's fitted uh he's fitting his whole van to our budget our budget hasn't been the highest um because it's quite an impulsive thing all of this but he's really fit it's fitting into our budget and he's customized it and made it our own exactly how we wanted to be and with his uh leading by his uh expertise as well so yeah his his details will be below in the description please contact him if you want to get a van yourself um and yeah we tonight we're gonna be sleeping in this for the first time um out in the wild here up on top of this hill um so if you want to see what we get up to tonight and our future adventures around the uk we'll be traveling for the rest of the year around the uk then please subscribe to this channel if you like this video hit the thumbs up and uh yeah we'll see you next time okay so this is us for the first time in the back of our campervan of campervan to embark on our first night of wild camping ever in this campervan
Channel: Those Happy Days
Views: 3,723
Rating: 4.9118943 out of 5
Keywords: vegan, vegan food, food, vegan food uk, uk, VAN TOUR | Ford Transit Converted Into Beautiful Tiny Home - Van Life (Starts Now), Van tour, tiny home, ford transit, ford transit 2007, ford transit mwb, van conversion, van build, van life, van life UK, uk van life, van lifers, vegan van life, vegan uk, uk vegan, uk travel, travel uk, tiny house, campervan, camper van, quirky Campers, travel Britain, vegan food, uk van conversion, vegan travel, vegan travel uk, travel
Id: TAQa--ccsoY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 36sec (1356 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 20 2021
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