Van Gogh Brought to Life | His Heart-Breaking Story & Face Revealed | Royalty Now

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hello everyone and welcome back to royalty now where we recreate famous figures from the past and talk about their history today we'll be talking about Vincent van Gogh the quintessential tortured artist his life was filled with many self-inflicted hardships that would take him down a somber path but ultimately lead him to his passion for painting we'll talk about his troubled life what he really looked like and then reveal Becca's Recreations at the end so let's go ahead and get started was born on March 30th 1853 in Sundar Netherlands his mother Anna was from a prosperous family and his father theodorus was a minister in the Dutch Reformed Church although Theodore's salary was pretty modest the church provided him with more than he could ever need including the house they lived in Maids Cooks gardeners and even a horse and carriage from a very early age Vincent's mother would instill in him the incredible importance of family but also drilled into him the importance of keeping their families high social status he would end up the eldest child out of six with his sister Anna coming next then Theo Elizabeth Willamina and core he'd be schooled at home by his mother and their governess for many years but in 1864 the van Gogh was 11 years old he was sent off to boarding school in Siva bag away from his family for the first time Van Gogh was inconsolably upset he would beg his mother to let him come home to the family that she had assured him should be his main priority in his life but he was denied his education was too important their social status was too important homesick from the start Vincent would spend the next two years at boarding school and then be transferred to a middle school in tilbeck 40 miles away was actually here where he received his first painting lessons and although he had loved drawing when he was younger there's no evidence that Vincent showed any interest in these lessons at all he hated being away from home and it was no secret to anyone that he was incredibly unhappy any free time he had was spent alone on long walks through the countryside of tillberg which he would later describe as some of the most beautiful landscape he ever saw this period away from home really affected Van Gogh he'd become familiar with the sadness that he would suffer bouts with for the rest of his life but it would be that same sadness that would Inspire the style and subjects of some of his most famous works in 1868 after two miserable years in Middle School his father finally took the hint and he was brought back home Vincent would later describe his youth as cold and sterile luckily for Vincent it wouldn't be long before his life finally began to look up his uncle sent was a successful art dealer and got his nephew a job at a major auction house after finishing his training in 1873 Van Gogh moved to London and began his work at a prestigious auction house over the last few years Van Gogh had developed his taste in art and had become obsessed with seeing as much of it as he possibly could he would go to Paris to the Louvre and to Amsterdam to visit every Museum he could find it wasn't long before he learned to love paintings by Jean françoisier and Julie Berton who were part of the realism movement many of their paintings would show the lives of the peasant class with no filter something about their paintings seemed to strike a chord with Van Gogh and he decided that he would someday find a way to help them somehow someway foreign ly afford a room of his own in London his younger sister Anna moved in with him in order to find a job in letters to Theo he writes about how much he loved to walk with Anna through the city at night falling in love with London again and how much he adored the time they spent together was the happiest he had ever been and the people around him would later say that 1874 was the happiest year of his life with everything going right for him Van Gogh fell in love with his landlady's daughter Eugene lawyer in August of 1874 he would confess his love to Eugenie hoping to make her his wife unfortunately for Van Gogh she was already secretly engaged to another man and she outright rejected him Vincent was beyond crushed by this and it sparked in him that familiar feeling of sadness that had plagued his years at school this one event would set in motion years of what can really only be described as chaotic self-sabotage by Vincent he began to isolate himself from everyone including his sister foreign which used to be so sweet to Vincent became a nuisance by December she would write to Theo that Vincent had become strange and unfriendly he was also irritable and hard to live with he even began to despise his job and although his appreciation for art remained is discussed at the trade of art group all of these incredible masterpieces of art were being sold to the highest bidder made him sick in an attempt to help Vincent snap out of it his father and Uncle arranged a transfer from the London office to Paris but the move only made Van Gogh even more reclusive he began to read the Bible alone in his room and in letters to his brother Vincent began to quote scripture more and more often in 1876 he was fired from the auction house he would bounce around from job to job for nearly a year before he realized that his true calling in life was to become a priest [Music] but school was never Van Gogh's strong suit and he would fail his exam to enter the University of Amsterdam so instead you found a post as a missionary in a very poor coal mining town in Belgium but during the winter of 1879 Van Gogh was struggling with his faith why should he live so comfortably while the people around him suffer he would begin to give most of his possessions to the people of the village resorting to living in a small Hut only weeks into his posting the church began to disagree with his personal brand of Christianity he was taking God's words too literally they would say and his poor living conditions were undermining the Dignity of the priesthood Van Gogh refused to listen and was let go soon after [Music] seemed that no matter what Van Gogh did no matter how passionate he was or how good his intentions were he was doomed to fail at whatever he set his mind to with no money no belongings and his faith shattered Van Gogh would manically decide to walk 50 miles alone to Brussels before telling anyone what had even happened at 27 Van Gogh fell deeper into depression than ever before for a full year Van Gogh did nothing finding no interest in living much less finding work he moved back in with his parents but they were increasingly disappointed with him and Vincent's father threatened to send him to a lunatic asylum he moved out and found a place to stay in a small village in Belgium with nothing to distract his troubled mind Van Gogh began to draw looking out from the window of his small rented room he saw the unfiltered lives of the peasant class and remembered what he had told himself so many years ago somehow some way you would find a way to help them if you couldn't do it through faith he would do it through ART at the suggestion of his brother Theo Vincent would go to an art academy to study seriously Theo had always had a kind and unwavering faith in his brother now successful art stealer himself he would begin to financially support Van Gogh in order to allow him to commit to Art full-time he'd continued to do so for the rest of Van Gogh's life never a lover of formal education Van Gogh's time at the Academy was short-lived and he instead decided that he would learn how to paint from other artists in late 1881 he was introduced to oil painting and watercolor by the realest painter Anton malfe Van Gogh greatly admired muffa's work with color and nature but within months of meeting they had a falling out and never spoke again 's friendships always seemed to end quickly and badly and anger or hate but I think Van Gogh's real emotion comes out through his paintings when Anton died suddenly a few years later mango painted this beautiful Memorial to him in 1883 Van Gogh moved to Nune during the two years he lived there he would develop a work ethic that would allow him to produce more than 200 oil paintings along with countless sketches and drawings every day he would go out and paint something but some of his subjects became recurring favorites of his like this old church its Spire can be seen in the background of multiple paintings throughout his years in animal what's interesting about the old church is that Aspire was never actually there its real roof had been torn down almost a century before Van Gogh saw his paintings as a tribute to when the church had been a Beacon of Hope to centuries of people who had lived in the village and I think as a tribute to when religion was a Beacon of Hope for himself although's Faith had been destroyed he was beginning to find it again but when his father died suddenly in March of 1885 his grief was overwhelming and when he decided to paint the church again it was no longer The Beacon of Hope he had painted before [Music] but only a few months later Dio had secured a spot for Van Gogh at the auction house it'd be Van Gogh's first chance to show the world his work he would send Theo this piece Vincent saw this painting as the culmination of years of work and would later call it his greatest painting but initial reception to it was very cold even Theo Vincent's greatest fan would eventually tell him that his paintings are just too dark and too monotonous to sell if he wanted to be successful he would have to learn how to use color although initially hurt he knew that Theo was right for three months straight and go would obsess over color theory his style begins to shift from dark muted tones to more vibrant colors for the first time but it isn't until Theo asks him to move to Paris in the spring of 1886. devango really begins to excel he would first get comfortable with blue in the spring then the summer was red and even at this point you can see how much his work has improved but by the end of 1886 his art is almost unrecognizable color has transformed Van Gogh's art and soon he begins to catch the eye of other Parisian artists he would meet artists like unread and Tallulah Trek who would paint this portrait of him and also Paulsen Yak whose pointillism style depended on Tiny dots of complementing color to make an illusion of color in his painting an idea that would greatly influence Van Gogh's later paintings in just over a year Bango improved immensely the easiest way I can show you just how much of a jump he made is to compare his own self-portraits in the spring of 1886 when he arrived in Paris to this one made in the spring of 1887. Van Gogh's hard work with color shines in this portrait but you can also see obvious changes to his technique with shades of pointillism and unique brush Strokes coming through as well bengo would take these new techniques and paint over 200 pieces over the next two years trying out different styles and honing in on his own but by 1888 bango's physical health had begun to deteriorate his obsession with painting these last few years left him with little money for necessities malnutrition paired with years of excessive drinking and smoking had left Van Gogh with missing teeth and a horrible cough in an attempt to nurse himself back to health he'd move away from his hectic Parisian life to a coastal city in the south of France when he arrived he rented out a large house that would later be known as the yellow house the yellow house would become one of Van Gogh's most prolific painting periods and by the summer of 1888 he began to decorate the walls of the yellow house with the pieces that had been inspired by his time in aura many of these pieces have gone on to become iconic selling for millions of dollars each Van Gogh was finally emerging as the artist he had always wanted to be and soon an idea would come to him to turn Aura and the yellow house into an art colony where artists would come from all over Europe to learn collaborate and Inspire each other but in October of 1888 a series of events would lead to one of the most bizarre moments in art history Paul gauga an established and well-respected artist agreed to come and live with Van Gogh after months of his pleading Bango knew that he alone could not make the art calling into a reality and in his eyes he saw gogon as the key to his vision's success he chose to come many would follow but in reality Van Gogh's brother Theo was paying gogon to go and visit Vincent you see Theo was gogon's art dealer and had promised him 150 francs for every month he stayed at the yellow house gogoan had always seen the trip as nothing but a way for him to save enough money for him to travel again and he never had any real intention of staying nevertheless during his stay he would teach Van Gogh how to paint from his memory instead of sketches and Van Gogh would create this painting of his mother called memory of the garden at Eden but it wasn't long before gogan's true intentions began to show Van Gogh cared so much not only about earning gogan's respect but also making him believe in the idea of an art colony they began to fight almost daily and on December 23 1888 it all boiled over [Music] in the days leading up to the event rain had kept the two painters stuck inside the yellow house with nothing to do the tension between them had only grown and they both knew it was only a matter of time before something happened when the fight finally did happen something in Van Gogh snapped and according to google Van Gogh threatened him with a razor estata Gogan might have finally told Van Gogh his real plan that a stay in Aura was just a way for him to make money to leave Europe again ruining Van Gogh's vision of the Art Collective he had put all his hopes into and marking yet another failure to Fan Go's miserable career after Gogol stormed out Van Gogh would suffer from a mental breakdown began to hear voices and and his enraged manic State he sliced off his left ear he then wrapped the severed ear in wax paper and delivered it to a prostitute that go golf frequented Vincent was found unconscious the next morning and taken to a hospital when he woke up he claimed to have no recollection of the event he'd remain in and out of the hospital until May of 1889 when he was admitted to the Saint Paul Asylum at the Asylum Van Gogh would be hit with attacks of what is now thought to have been epilepsy and his depressive swings worsened in an attempt to help the doctors allowed him to paint the garden and its flowers a field with its trees and even his own portrait hiding his missing here [Music] but one night while he was looking out of his window he began one of his most iconic paintings The Starry Night some art historians believe this dream-like painting may have been inspired by Van Gogh's own hallucinations While others outright deny the theory as a possibility either way this painting along with others completed during his time at the Asylum are the culmination of years of work and show Van Gogh at the peak of his abilities in May of 1890 after a full year Van Gogh finally left the asylum Bengal would move to a small town 15 miles outside of Paris called duve a couple of weeks after arriving he would write to his family that he could feel that he was starting to get better and that he was painting a lot when he heard news of Theo and his wife having a son he felt a small relief of happiness for the first time in a long time he would paint his brother this painting for him to hang in the baby's room but these moments of Happiness would prove too far and few between [Music] when he sat down to paint wheat filled with crows he later wrote to his brother Theo that he made a point of expressing sadness and extreme loneliness in the painting it was the last painting he ever finished on July 27 1890 Van Gogh shot himself in the chest they would die two days later with his brother Theo by his side [Music] although Van Gogh lost his struggle against his mental health his life mission to inspire and bring joy to as many people as possible has been fully realized I'm sure it would bring him a measurable happiness to know just how much his work means to people and to know that it was right in the fact that his true calling was to paint his ability to show emotion through his art pain sadness loneliness Happiness joy will forever immortalize him and the one thing he truly loved art if you are ever in a dark place and need someone to talk to please do not hesitate to call the suicide in crisis Lifeline at 988 you are worth it I promise you so let's go ahead and talk about what Vincent van Gogh may have looked like in real life which is actually harder to pin down than we might think according to the van Gogh Museum Van Gogh painted his self-portraits not particularly for self-expression or studying his own appearance he painted them simply because he wanted to experiment with the human form and models were often very expensive there are 35 self-portraits of Vincent and only one photo portrait of him [Music] each self-portrait is a really interesting window into his mental condition and one we even see him with the bandage on his left ear in another we see dark dramatic colors and angles reminiscent of his mental anguish at the time [Music] of course it's notable that van Gogh looks different in each portrait although his General facial features are there each time we've got red hair defined cheekbones and a slightly hooked nose the details change with each version sometimes features are subtle other times really exaggerated Van Gogh's image was also painted by other artists and I think these capture a really beautiful less stylized version of Vincent I've used this self-portrait for my Recreation after looking through them all this one somehow seems to fall perfectly in the middle it's also comparable to his photo portrait as a Young Man kind of looking like a thin aged up version of that image I've also created a version of what Van Gogh might look like today just for fun so let's check out some Recreations of the amazing artist now [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Royalty Now Studios
Views: 395,827
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Keywords: real face of, what historical figures would look like, true face of, true faces of, real faces of historical figures, true faces of historical figures, what historical figures would look like today, royalty now, roylaty now, vincent van gogh, van gogh, van gogh real face, vincent van gogh documentary, van gogh documentary, van gogh ear, van gogh biography, vincent van gogh famous paintings, famous artists, greatest artists of all time, who was the greatest artist of all time
Id: b42RGyUlY9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 0sec (1320 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 07 2022
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