Vampires - A Hellsing Monster Manual

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cannot attack me the loss of your legs summon up your familiars transform your body heal your severed legs and stand the evening like most people who grew up loner outcast and we're practically raised by the internet I've always had a love fascination and appreciation for vampires and the lore associated around them my affection for the dark predatory monsters goes all the way back to watching the original Universal monster movies with my dad as a kid seeing Bela Lugosi's dark and ominous stare and throwing his victims and then later getting into shows like Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel there's so many different interpretations of vampires throughout fiction and I love how everyone puts their own little spin on it well except for this of course over a decade later and I still stand by that vampires do not [ __ ] Sparkle but anyway while getting into anime and manga as a teen Helsing stood out for many reasons one because at that time period it was one of the glorious and most adult manga had seen read but also because Helsing put a very unique and signature stamp on what their vampires are and could do so I'd like to cover what exactly has them stand out from other vampires as well as kind of give this its own monster manual treatment where I lay out the powers abilities and weaknesses and if you have any chance of surviving an encounter with a vampire in this universe so let's sink our teeth right in so we all know the classic example of vampire right I hope so but if not here's a very very brief overview vampires are commonly seen as undead creatures that used to be human and now survived by draining the living of their blood or life energy they've been interpreted as everything from really sexy to straight-up demonic in order to become a vampire in most lore a person must have their blood drained by an already existing vampire and then drink the blood of that vampire afterwards the human will die and then resurrect as a new vampire a creature that is now immortal and must subsist on the blood of the living in Helsing that's pretty much the same with two very specific requirements one is that the human must be of the opposite gender of the vampire turning him so male vampires can only make female vampires and vice versa and second that the human must also be a virgin virginity when it comes to religions is oftentimes seen as being holy or pure so perhaps when it comes to making vampires it has to do with the corruption of the innocent making the idea of a vampire being more demonic if you're taking an innocent person and turning them into a monster this way it's not like you can just desire to become a vampire and then have it happen because if you already have that desire within you odds are you've probably gotten laid at some point and now you've missed your chance and the gender differences adds to the seduction and corruption aspects of it perhaps luring you in by sexuality especially if it's supposed to be a virgin so that's definitely a factor and Helsing is filled to the brim with religious subtext and virginity and sexuality is something always on the forefront of controlling the people when you look at it through the lens of religion or the lens of anything for that matter however the unique aspect here is that if a vampire bites somebody who is not a virgin and does not kill them that person does change into something else but instead of becoming a vampire they become what is called a ghoul now a ghoul in the Helsing universe basically means that you are in a zombie-like state you lose your humanity and are like a slave to the vampire that created you but not a thinking speaking coherent slave but like I said a zombie just mindlessly following around their commands there's more two ghouls but that would be its own separate video and I want to keep this one sticking to just vampires because there's a lot to go over and ghouls might get their own video so back to vampires and what's the blood transference is done of a version of the opposite gender of the vampire this new vampire is not fully transformed yet to have all of its power and ability unlocked it has to drink human blood on its own vampires in Helsing have a ton of powers and abilities that we will see here in a moment but a fresh brand-new vampire just only has the basics and hand strength speed focus stamina summer generation but won't be able to unlock its full potential until it's drank the blood of a human on its own the funny thing about all this is that despite specific lore on vampires most the vampires we see in the series are what is known as artificial vampires again I think I'll save that for its own video but it has to do with a Nazi organization named millennium and performing experimentations on people to make them into vampires for their own evil purposes but as you would imagine these vampires are significantly weaker than true vampires and also cannot create more vampires on their own but with that out of the way let's run through the classic vampire knowledge of powers and abilities and compare it to Helsing let's start simplistically and work our way up so the most basic ability is the enhanced strength and speed Helsing definitely has this and this is seen in almost every single piece of vampire fiction that has ever existed vampires are stronger and faster than normal humans in Helsing vampires are shown to tear through people tear them apart with their bare hands and their mouths they have quick reflexes and heightened speed beyond that of any mere human moving on we also have healing and regeneration given the fact that vampires are technically already dead it would make sense that they couldn't be killed by conventional means many vampire TV shows movies and novels have they're vampires able to take bullets or regenerate limbs you're basically just shooting a corpse that's really strong and can move probably faster than your bullet Helsing takes this leaps and bounds though and vampires can take almost any kind of damage that you can possibly come up with and keep coming back Alucard the main character who is you know also the most powerful vampire of all time and the most opie character ever is able to have his entire body hacked to pieces even his head severed and still be able to reform himself now in a lot of media decapitation is actually one way to kill a vampire and we'll get to the weaknesses here shortly but for that one specifically decapitation vampires here don't seem to need to worry about it at least when they have awoken all of their true power and potential like alucard but then again Alucard is pretty much the most powerful vampire to ever exist so you have to give him that little bit of credit to vampires have also traditionally had abilities to hypnotize or enthrall their victims to put them in a trance-like state to make it easier to overpower them I talked about Bela Lugosi signature stare earlier and the entire purpose of him doing that stair is to have that concept behind it Helsing treats it similarly but Alucard also uses it to get through situations quicker so that he doesn't have to have full-fledged conversations which makes me feel like it might be the most useful ability on this list think of all the human interactions that I would not have to have if I could just hypnotize people and then be on my way but then we get into more complicated abilities like how about vampires being able to turn themselves into bats or other animals vampires have been said to take the form of bats to fly or wolves or other creatures of the night that they are connected to that darkness thus connected to animals that would be awake and thriving during the night well Helsing does this in a way but takes it to the absolute extreme Alucard is shown transforming and shifting his body into various creatures but sometimes not even a full transformation but part of his body turns into a dark like mist that then takes the shape of a wolf that can then attack in its enemies and that same wolf can also basically open its mouth and form a low cards arm holding a gun and fire off guns at the same time while there's a wolf creature and other black mist crazy [ __ ] happening at the same time it's absolutely intense and terrifying and plenty of other dark creatures I'm sure on the list of possibilities and vampires here don't need to turn into an animal like a bat to fly they can just kind of channel that ability regularly to fly or levitate when the situation calls for it and what about the blood draining well in classic mythology the idea of drawing blood from someone was that the creature was feeding on your very life force since blood is what keeps us moving and alive it's the natural thing that we can use to understand the whole idea of draining someone's life force but in even some mythology vampires just drain our energy without needing to litter suck the blood in Helsing had shown that draining someone of their blood does in fact steal their essence of who they were as a person or if you want to think about it this way steals their soul after a vampire drains you they have access to everything that you were as a person your power strength memories desires and well everything and when you've killed and drain as many people as Alucard has well you basically have the power of literal armies inside of your own body and of course we have immortality and this is also a common power of vampires in every single piece of glory in that they are a dead body resurrected so as long as they keep draining people of their blood keeping themselves alive they will stay alive but also true in other media as well in Helsing that without consistent feeding on the blood of others vampires will become weak and more corpse-like as it's the blood keeping them powerful in the first place so the longer they go without blood the more of a decaying corpse they will become so with all these incredible powers what on earth could you or could anyone do if they had to face a vampire in the Helsing universe the most classic way to kill a vampire is a stake through the heart this is how Dracula is ultimately defeated and the Bram Stoker novel as well as how Dracula spoiler alert give you a couple seconds here to see if you want to continue the video before he was Alucard was defeated by having a stake through the heart done by the original van Helsing and how he was originally defeated by human hands but Alucard of course was sense able to be revived so this could just be the fact that alec hart himself is such a powerful vampire that he could be revived and come back from being stabbed in the heart with a stake and that maybe a stake through the heart would work on a standard vampire but we don't actually get to see it in action so it's very hard to say though it is alluded to that the heart is a vulnerable spot for vampires but most characters are fighting with guns or bladed weapons so a stake never really comes into play throughout the series other than like I mentioned that one backstory moment the second most common killer of vampires is sunlight they creatures of darkness and can only come out to hunt during the night in many stories they either sleep during the day or just avoid sunlight altogether Alucard is seen in the daylight however once again spoiler alert Alucard is dracula and even in the Bram stroker novel as well as in the Dracula movies Dracula himself has an immunity to sunlight to a large extent it's just a staple of his character in fiction and in a lot of times while in the sunlight he can't use his powers but it does not kill him or affect him now other vampires are mentioned to have a weakness to sunlight but we don't actually see a vampire in direct sunlight other than like I said Alucard yourself so it's hard to say how much damage that it would actually do to a vampire in this series maybe we can infer that the longer a vampire has been around and honed its abilities the more impervious to sunlight it becomes but still I think we can all agree that they don't [ __ ] Sparkle a weakness to silver and other holy or blessed weapons is around a lot in a lot of other fiction as well in Helsing itself in Helsing Alucard uses guns and bullets that are made from melted silver of a Christian cross so he's covering all of his bases there and the bullets are super effective in harming vampires and other monsters an interesting one in classic lore is vampires not being able to cross large bodies of water and this is actually specifically important in Helsing and the legend seems to come from vampires not being able to leave their land of origin and this is why Dracula brings along dirt when he leaves Transylvania apparently bringing soil is a bit of a loophole though I don't know what would happen to them physically if they actually just tried it because that's not really explored another couple of weird ones that are not addressed in Helsing but I just thought were interesting and I wanted to mention them is one a vampire needing to be invited inside someone's home in order to enter it I don't know if this just isn't a thing but most of the scenes in Helsing are in public places or outdoors so it doesn't really come into play ever it has something to do with one's willingness to submit to darkness you know letting a demon inside there's also being weakened or my garlic and that's another one that is not addressed garlic has been used to ward off evil spirits and usually anything involving blood which according to Google some say it might have something to do with preventing po Faria I don't know if I'm pronouncing that right but it's a term that has to do with having irregularities in heme a chemical that is in the blood which I just thought that was pretty interesting there's also a vampire casting no reflection like having the lack of a soul but again not really addressed in Helsing and a very odd one is if a bag of rice or grain is spilled a vampire would need to stop and count every single grain of rice I really don't know where this legend came from but I guess this is where they got the idea to make the count from Sesame Street and I kind of just want to see Alucard blow a hole through that puppets head while he's busy counting some grains I'm going to hear you squeal like a pig yeah that would be awesome but anyways guys tell me what you thought of this and what you think of the vampires in the Helsing universe as a whole I tried to cover everything I could remember about traditional vampire lore but I'm sure that I forgot something and I'm sure you'll let me know in the comments but anyways let me know what you think about all of it and how it compares with what we see in vampires and other fiction compared to vampires and Helsing also if this video gets some love let's say at least 5k views and maybe like 100 likes I'll make some more Helsing lore videos on the artificial vampires ghouls and other things that are mentioned in the series other than that guys thank you so much for watching this video I really do appreciate it please give it a thumbs up and a comment really helps it be seen the algorithm share it with other Helsing and vampire fans oh yeah maybe subscribe to I mean if you're a vampire they're gonna be around for a hundred and hundreds of years you're gonna get bored at some point and you might want to watch some more video so just hit that subscribe button other than that guys I hope you have a wonderful day and I'll talk to you in the next video
Channel: RealLifeRyan
Views: 125,646
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hellsing, hellsing ultimate, vampires, alucard, dracula, lore, monster manual, anime, manga, sunlight, stake, bram stoker, van helsing, integra, seras, ghoul, atrificial, valentine brothers, kohta hirano, crispen freeman, count
Id: BMnk4ZWhIOg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 22sec (922 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 15 2020
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