ValueAtTime Expression- Adobe After Effects tutorial

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- [Evan] This is Evan Abrams and in this After Effects tutorial, we're looking at one of my most commonly used expressions in After Effects, it's the value at time expression. Now I'm hoping that this tutorial will give you a lot of value for your time. Yikes, brutal puns. We're gonna talk about what the expression does, how to use it and we're gonna check out a few examples to hopefully inspire your journey to get a little deeper into expressions. So please, follow along and we'll get into it without delay, that is two more pretty brutal puns which will probably make more sense after the tutorial. Anyway, I'm Evan Abrams, this is the value at time expression in Adobe After Effects. (intense music) All right, so as you saw on the intro, we've had this wonderful trail of circles goin' around, and thanks to the value at time expression, I only had to put key frames on one of them, and all the others follow along because they're all referencing the value of that first leader at different times. So it's one of the fun things we can do with this expression. But what is it really doing? What does value at time mean? Well, here's our first example. We're looking at this wonderful clock situation. We have key frames set on the rotation of this pointer. So the pointer is turning around. And let's say the rotation is gonna start here at zero. So at zero seconds, the value of the rotation is zero. And here at five seconds, the value of the rotation is five. We can tell because we've put key frames on it. So we've chosen those values, now with these followers, these little lines here, and really all they are, these followers, just this layer here. So if we rotate it around, we'll end up with these kind of cardinal points, these clock points. I'm gonna hit EE to call up the expression that we've written on the rotation of that follower. And what we've written is thisComp.layer, meaning inside this comp, look for a layer, and which layer specifically? Well, in this argument in these parenthesis for the layer we're saying, look at the layer named pointer and then dot, or more specifically, look into its transform, more specifically, its rotation, and then even more specifically, its value at time. So value at time really goes here on the end saying, hey, we're lookin' at this thing, more specifically, give me its value at time. So we're putting this little period, this decimal, this full stop and then we're saying value at time. And then in its argument, its parenthetical, its parenthesis, we wanna say, what time we're interested in. So what time are we talkin' about? Well zero, and zero in this case means zero seconds. The value at time always wants you to tell it a time in seconds. For all of these followers, all of these little things we've got arrayed around, we've just chosen different times. So we've chosen time five, four, three, two, one. So at zero seconds, it was here. And then at one second this value's gonna be here. Okay, that makes sense, we can visually see that. Two seconds, oh yeah, it's pointing at the one that we've asked to have the value at time two. And so on around like that. So, if we were to change what the value is here at zero seconds, everything is going to adjust because it's at a different value at one, two, three, four and five seconds. Similarly, right now we're looking at linear key frames. If I easy ease them, by hitting F9, notice these go to new locations because at one second, thanks to this easing, this is the location it goes to. So, when we're thinking about the value at time, just remember, if you change anything about that property, then everything else is going to adjust accordingly because we're looking at the value of that thing at a certain time. One of the most common ways we make use of this is to create a trail of layers. So, here we go, here's a nice little example. Wee, we've got this arrow that goes around, and then we have this trail that comes out behind it. So, we've done a few extra things here. So let's talk about how the expression changes how we manipulate it in order to make a trail of layers. I'm gonna remove a bunch of these, 'cause they're not really important right now, but we have a leader and we have a follower. So the leader, we're really just changing its position. So the position is just goin' along, havin' a good time. Going from here to there to there to here, good for it. And we've gone ahead and gone Layer, Transform, Auto Orient and we have it orienting along the path, so it's turning, havin' a good time, it's flowin' along, nice. So if we wanted to put a trail of things behind this, we might say, oh I know, I'll just add the echo effect on here, right, we could do that. You could stick an echo effect on and tweak the number of echoes and you'll end up with a bunch of triangles. But instead, you might say, well, I wanna trail of different colored triangles, or I want a trail of hexagons, or I want a trail of circles or something, who knows? Who knows what you need? Here's how you might accomplish that. And I say might because there's many ways to write this out or to arrive at the same thing using expressions or using any methods in After Effects really, but here's one way. We take our follower, and our followers, maybe they're always gonna be underneath of each other and they're always gonna be under the leader. So, I've gone ahead and written P, a variable named P. And you can write var, variable P if you like, is equal to this comp.layer, and inside our parenthesis, our argument for the layer, we're saying, look at index minus one, meaning look at the layer that is index three, 'cause that's whenever we write index, the index of this current layer. Index minus one, which would mean not three, but two or the layer that's always above. So index minus one is always, hey what's the layer above me doin'? So look at that, look at its transform. Look at its position and that's the end of that variable. So P is equal to the position of the layer above. Let's make another variable. And the other variable is gonna be called D. D for maybe, displacement perhaps? Or delay, and D is equal to this comp.layer adjustment layer so we're lookin' up here, and then the effect called slider control and then we're lookin' at the slider of the slider control, which in this case is set to five. And then we're gonna multiply that by this comp, so we're lookin' at this comp again, dot frame duration. Frame duration is how long each frame lasts in seconds. Variable D is basically five times the duration of a frame, which is five frames. If this is one, then we're looking at the duration of one frame, which is great because the value at time would like us to tell it a time in seconds. Which is why we're making that frame duration change. So our final line is P, which is looking at this position, dot value at time, so we're looking at value at time of that position, and then what time, what time are we looking at? Well, we're looking at time, which is gonna display whatever time the play head is, so right here time is two minus D, and D is five frames worth of seconds. So, this is at the position that the leader was at five frames ago and that is always true. So it's always lagging behind by five frames. So if I were to adjust this slider here to like a one, now it's only one frame behind. And because we've set it up that it's always referencing the layers above it, I can go ahead and go duplicate, do, do, do, do, do, do, duplicate a bunch of these, all of them, each layer is referencing the layer above it. So, then if I go ahead and increase this a little bit, you can see that we're able to make the tail longer, shorter, more spread out, less spread out as we like. So we could have the tail grow from being no tail at all, as this thing kind of stretches out, then we arrive at a five and then it's gonna, maybe it's gonna pack itself back up, whoop. And it should pack itself up by here, boom. So we could do that kind of thing. Since we're now able to introduce little key frames into how much of that tail, that's because we're packing all of this stuff into that value at time argument. So, if you want a delay of some kind, that time, the value at time needs to be time minus something and in this case, we've linked up that something to a slider control, so we have a little bit of control over it. If you're gonna make multiple incidences of something, you're gonna wanna link these properties and variables into slider controls so you can control all of them with one slider instead of havin' to go in and manually change each of the incidences. But that's how we might make a tail. There's another way we might do it, because right now all of these layers are referencing the one above each other. Which is okay, but like I said, you can rewrite just about anything in After Effects to look at things a little bit differently. So, you could make all of the followers look at the leader, so instead of referencing each other, they reference only back to the leader. So P is equal to that, and then we just slip in this little bit in here. So instead, the delay is getting shifted in accordance with what index value the layers have. So it's just another way of basically writing the exact same thing. Expressions are a little bit like any language. There are multiple ways to say the same thing. Some are more verbose than others, some take more lines and some can be a lot more efficient. You can often say the same thing with fewer words and the same is true with expressions. So let's look at one more example to hopefully, cement the value at time for you. So here we have a null object. We're just movin' its position all around. It's going in this fun little path. Wee, it's goin' up here, around there, good for it. We've written on these circles, this expression. P equals position of that null, awesome. And then X is equal to, and we're looking at a slider control again. And each of these layers has a little slider control on it. And so, let's say we set this to like 50, all right? So the slider is set to 50% and we're using the linear expression, we've talked about the linear expression on this channel before, but we'll say it here. The linear remaps things, it remaps things in a linear way. So we're basically, taking the value of that slider control and we're remapping the value zero to 100 into the value zero to four. Now why would we do that? Well, the animation of the null takes four seconds, zero to four seconds, so I can now use this slider control to describe what percentage along this path I want it to be at, which can be a good time, especially if I know this might actually end up changing. So if I start altering this path, you'll notice all of the circles are changing their position based on where this path goes. So if you have comps that need to be hangin' out along the path of like a rocket ship or something, or if this is like a video game thing and it needs to Pac-Man, eat up all these circles, well you can have them hang out always on this path. They will always be along the path of this thing. And that keeps it all controlled, so you don't have to manually stick key frames on all of these things, you can use an expression to force them to always be along that path. Now, we've been using this on rotation, on position, you can use value at time on any property. Any property at all. For a little bit of extra fun, try applying it to the time remap property of a composition. And it's fun to kind of delay animation using this method. Anyway, I think I've taken up enough of your valuable time. Hopefully this gets you started using the value at time expression. If you like learning about After Effects, motion design, expressions, please subscribe to this channel. It's the kind of thing we talk about around here. Try to get a tutorial up every week. Make sure you subscribe and turn on notifications to find out when, slash if that happens. If you have questions about the value at time expression, or any expression really, please let me know in the comments or reach out to me on Twitter @ecabrams on there. Or get in touch on the Facebook group, links to all that in the description. If you wanna get your hands on the project file that we just worked on, if you wanna see these examples and play around with them and understand what's goin' on, head on over to Links to that file are in the description in the cards. Go check that out, it's available at pay-what-you-like pricing, every little bit helps keeps the channel going. And that is pretty much it. Thank you so much for following along and if you subscribe to the channel, I'll see you around the internet.
Channel: ECAbrams
Views: 60,712
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adobe after effects, after effects, adobe, after, effects, fx, mograph, motion graphics, motion, graphics, vfx, visual effects, instruction, tutorial, tut, how to, how, to, help, tips, tricks, after effects tutorial, motion graphics tutorial, vfx tutorial, value, at, time, valueattime, valueattime(), expression, value at time expression, valueattimeexpression, coding, action script, javascript
Id: xFT6W9uSwbY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 35sec (755 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2019
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