Valorant Couldnt Update Something went wrong with the update, even after repairing Fixed-Riot update

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hey guys so in this video I'd like to talk about how to fix this problem as it said couldn't update something went wrong with update even after repairing please contact our clear support wizard so they can work their magic to get you a fix so they don't have to contact with anyone I can fix it for you so just exert and refresh multiple times go to task manager go to task manager if you came here find valve games she couldn't find that then that's good so what you have to do is just right click here go to properties and the computer multi-mode make sure this - checkmark and applied first ok that will click open click yes and there you go there is a Rob date so what did I do I do nothing I just restart again try again so yeah don't what don't lose patience for the first time keep trying it will work it will update if you're watching this video you probably don't have patience patience is a virtue let's say can play my game or not just as I can thanks for watching
Channel: Ditech Gaming
Views: 119,245
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: O92yjARa6nc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 46sec (106 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 21 2020
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