Valeo alternator repair,common problem brush change.

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hi guys its mark here from West Rolex in today's video I'm going to show you how to quick fix a value or Tamara demo stairs have been fitted in vehicles for years and years the main problem in their moons and them in the Mountaineers is that the process go in them it's a simple job it's quick it's cheap and most of the time would either solve the problem completely because that's what happens with a lot of them or it'll get you to the point where you can go to the mechanic or to the auto electrician to do the job proper always this is one of them value walls now the effective range of vehicles for all these folks wagons they can be fitting them for anything really now they come in different shapes and sizes but the best way to recognize that's the one you have it's just to simply have a look at the author and there's always going to be a sticker same value some at some stage at some point as you see this one's at the back the back plastic cover there and in case of this odds near this one actually has a sticker on the side but as you see it always says Valeo and Zeiss bill the numbers there and says value here on the green now this is the old here I'm going to be doing today now if the audio isn't charging we take your turnaround obviously and this is it no there's always the black plastic cover at the back of them which has to be taken off now sometimes dim plastic covers like in this case there's no news holdin it just pops out we're in this we're in this alter the plastic cover is held by two screws here and on the other side here but the one I'm showing today is not held by anything so we just simply take off the cover get the screwdriver leave a read off that'll come up very easy some other means to do spots now what we see here is a rectifier which is never a problem in them and regulator no the brushes are always situated in the regulator and that's where the problem is most of the time now it could be different regulators I see this one has a blow here someone's have boards or different assemblies on them but that's what you want to take off the regulator off there of the or Taniya now is regulators on the motors are usually held by three screws don't hear one here out there now some of them myself might have one here and you won't hear one there it could be different layout but generally it's the regulator looks looks familiar to this one now what we do we just take them off normally there are seven sockets now if our bolt off just pull up the radio and as you can see the brushes in it are very very short now to be hundred percent sure it's a problem the best thing to do is to have a look at this lip ring and as you can see the top one the top lip ring is blackened a bottom one is shiny now that means there was no connection being made there at the top staring means the top project is gone now a newer alternators the newer regulators what you can see is inside there where the brushes are situated the brush is put pulled back is held by a little plastic piece inside of the cap now the best thing to do to take that to take that cap out is to simply just get the small screwdriver show it underneath the brush inside there and just break off the little plastic thing and then the cap will show off the plastic blockers the idea I knew is that they are easy to be they're easier to be assembled if they are when they are manufactured new so break off the piece inside and shove the cup out now let's brush cap shove off the brush now in here you can see with to process now this one is relatively shiny which means it was making the contact but this one on the middle its blackened this means this is our problem brushes are our problem and change them will silly will bill you simply solve it have to change brushes we have to loosen them there now because the brushes have deletes going along this usually just a silicone bubble here putting on all of them simply what you have to do is just break it off and we've told them connect easier now the next thing to do is get a hacksaw or if you have grinder or grinding stone and all what you have to do is just get them tips off and level them I'll do it and I'll show you guys how it should look after you have it done now guys this is done as you can see the tops are off and these surfaces are quite shiny what we can do now we just heat it up with the solder iron and the brushes would simply hop out I show it here how it's done now if you're going to be done with yourself it will be it'll be a bit easier for you if you just put the bubble of solder no see one brushes out and now we just heat up the other one and the other one is out now what you want to do as well is you want to give them sausages another shuttle shot of iron and make sure you have a visible holes in there so you can pull the new leads from the brush out to them just like this see you can you can see you can see it you can almost see through them you can see through them now but before we were going to change our brushes and before we do all that the most important thing is to have a good look at the slipping stare now these slip rings as you can see if you've seen my videos before and some of them I just explained how to see is the slip ring this bad or good now as you can see the bottom slip ring the surface there is quite uneven there's a little track code in but that doesn't mean it's gone the bottom one is actually quite good now then on the top here this one it's blackened so first of all we use do we have to give a little cleanup with we just fine sandpaper to make it nice and shiny the other thing is the track inside is actually quite deep if you put your finger down you can feel the edges quite sharp now this lip ring is done fair bit but it's still usable after changing the brushes and cleaning the surface this was distilled will work for a for a good bit when the slip rings are usable as long as you don't see the dust as there's no plastic going through them if you clean up your slippering and just turned around the rotor if you can't see the plastic through it means it will work so let's clean it up and change the process now regulator no guys we have our slip ring lefty cleaned see the top and the bottom are shine you know it's time to put new brushes into the regulator now this this is the reason why I'm making this video because them two brushes they fit all of the value alternators for the last manufacturer in the last 30 years it's the same set of brushes they never change for the last 30 years so even if you're all seems very old there's only one type of brushes thought of that we have our regulator here now what we do first is put the spring through no did you brush make sure the lead is kind of straight local enough now shove your lead gently inside and there you go it's control now the next step is just shove the brush in make sure it brush kind of comes out like that then fold the lead over like that and all what you have to do is get a pliers hold the lead use the pliers and put a drop of solder onto the connection there now guys we have our bit of solder here just it's not as easy to do it on your own but we'll try to do our best no serious older heat it up now the important thing to remember is while you're doing it is that you want this hole to be blanked off by the solder as you see in this situation we have succeeded now all what you have to do now is just simply break off the wire and our brush nice and flexible in there never use too much solder because what can happen is this solder can run down the copper wire and can harden the wire and it'll simply break off then do the same thing with the second brush and it's time to put that back into the rip or tear nuggets or brushed or change now we are going to fit the Riveter back onto the other simply what you have to do is pull the brushes back with your fingers and slide the regulator over the slip rings and now we have to put our three balls back in where they were so one here two of them there and now we just have to simply tighten them now we are all three bolts tightened and this is our cut which we haven't forgot what what you do is just put the cap over the reg and just simply slide it down like that and that's it the cover goes on just like that and the auctioneer is good to be put in the vehicle and it will you could be hundred percent sure it will work now the Mountaineers come in different shapes their sizes what the general rule of the Tom is that there's the Russians are exactly the same and every single one of them if you think and if you think the slip rings are good enough to work just change the brushes put everything together and to work away and it's simple it's as simple as that it's never any more complicated than it is in this I suppose in this case sometimes there's only two bolts holding the cover and that's about it there's always three bolts holding the regulator has only two brushes in them tighten all the slipperiness diagnose the brushes if you think that will solve the problem it will definitely make the option of charge again and it's a cheap job as one know it thanks for watching the video and remember as I said it's valuables near and they are like that for last 30 years they're all the same regulator all the same brushes it's a simple cheap job I hope you get it done rightly and it worked wait for you please if you liked the video give us a like and subscribe to our channel for more interesting videos stay tuned thanks
Channel: WestronicsIrl
Views: 1,301,737
Rating: 4.8237405 out of 5
Keywords: valeo, alternator, regulator, repair, sliprings, audi, vw, skoda, seat, brushes, soldering, diagnose
Id: aVvPzwtxdrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 35sec (695 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 15 2012
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