V8 Twin turbo 450hp bug sounds awesome

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[Music] welcome to episode 15 of v8 stealth beetle you've heard it and now you've seen it an incredible piece of engineering a lot of challenges and hurdles have have been overcome to get to this point and I think today we can talk about some of those challenges to do that obviously I'm gonna ask John to join me hello John I don't know very very nice tell me more thank you a very big point in in our development obviously is the fact that she's now running what initially started out to just be a dream of building a one-off car for me my own little baby has now turned into a production line John a lot of people put big engines in beetles either hanging out the back or they're in a big bulge at the front what makes the v8 stealth beetle different Doug from the beginning ours adamant that I wanted to mid-mounted engine as per the gt40s the engine sits in the middle of the car and to accomplish that the only way to really do it was to take the body off put it one side take the Beetle chassis dump it and start again which is exactly what we did we started to build a new chassis and mount the engine where who want it was the gearbox where we want it and the four-corners back the way we wanted it Sean that makes a lot of sense you say you take the body away what what happens in that process we take the original body you take it off the chassis we have to cut a whole lot of the inners away the front section here gets removed completely so that we've got space to put the new suspension so apart from the front being modified and cut there's a lot of work at the back as you can see there's a lot of metal missing here and we need all the space for the new engine the new gearbox the new suspension the new brakes the turbos all the stuff is going to fit from this point all the way back a lot of the dashboard we change so we have structural change is happening inside the car before it gets panel beater sprayed etc all those changes have to happen because when I'm finished with this process I want to be able to take the beetle body stick it back onto this new car and it must still look like a beetle that's absolute criteria for me [Music] one of the questions we get a lot on the social media following is what is the engine and gearbox what is the powertrain that you're using here what is sitting behind the driver's seat dock we decided on using the Audi 3.6 and/or the 4.2 v8 it's a nice and light plant it's small compact easy to get it in here and just to make it that little bit more crazy we've slept too big turbos on to it so we end up with 450 horses plus on something that weighs short of a ton so we could say it's the craziest production beetle on the planet very much so John you mentioned there a lot of horses I mean what 450 horsepower that's a lot of power how does the chassis handle all of that part our initial chassis was a tubular mile steel spaceframe chassis and I'm not saying it wouldn't have coped with the bar but we decided to make it even stronger and lighter so we swapped to aluminium so we're using a high-grade aluminum to build a box type chassis we've ended up with a product that's lighter than a mile steel we are just on 80 kilograms but there's significant up in strength of the chassis and as I said I mean that's how also because I built these days it's absolutely the way forward aluminium is the future of all Chester's absolutely [Music] [Music] right up front in this episode I said that there were a lot of challenges that had to be overcome and one of the big obvious ones is that the original 50 year old beetle was air-cooled this big mother is not air called it has a radiator and with it I assume certain complications let's talk about that just before we get into the radiator story I think it's important to clarify for those that maybe on you to v8 stealth beetle that this is not a production body by any shape or form absolutely doc this is the body that we use while we're doing development work it's just easier if we don't have to worry about getting little scratches and Nick's on it so yes this body is purely for development it will never go into production and the gulf colored body by comparison as we've seen in previous episodes is a body that will go into production that's one ready to go to germany in fact and at the end of this episode we'll have an update on the body that arrived in the workshop just two months ago because of the engine plant that we have in the back we have to try and cool this baby down so we have a radiator in the nose of the car we also decided that we didn't want to see louvers on the front of the car we don't want this big gaps here and air intakes and stuff so on the v8 stealth beetle we're forcing the air in under the car under the nose this whole section gets closed just to give you an idea so there will be a panel that climbs in here all this is closed there is forced in through the radiator and then through a whole lot of vents that the air will exit the car again Gyan thanks I think we've pretty much touched on the major challenges that you've encountered in the development of the car I really do like the aluminium chassis and I like your aluminum fuel tank we had very little room in which to to build it the fuel tank we also have to get the air conditioner and a heater core in here for the car for the interior but we've still left with a good 50 liters of fuel and as a 50 liters of fuel in there right now no but there's a good 20 litres in there an afro drive absolutely [Music] [Music] well we think that's a pretty fitting end to the year the v8 stealth beetle is alive and running we're all going to take a short break now to recover and we hope that you'll enjoy the festive season in your own special way 2018 is going to start with a bang as this peek at the first right hand drive production body just back from the Power Shot will indicate here's hoping you have an awesome time please share this and our other videos subscribe to our YouTube channel if you like and we'll see you soon [Music]
Channel: V8stealthbeetle
Views: 743,962
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Keywords: vw beetle, vw, vw bug, vw bug turbo, vw bug street racing, vw bug engine swap, v8, v8 engine, v8 supercars, v8 beetle, v8 cars, v8stealthbeetle, component form, components and chassis, chassis build, volkswagen, beetle, build your own car, audi v8 engine, kafer, Kafer, fusca beetle, fusca turbo, fusca/beetle, Coccinelle, Best Bits, audi v8 swap, vw bug mid engine conversion, mid engine v8 vw bug, for sale, v8 beetle build, volkswagen beetle with v8 engine, twin turbo vw beetle
Id: ka2qcp1JXwY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 13sec (553 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2017
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