V8 S-10 Total of $2600

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all right guys I'm back with Charles this is episode number two on Charles what does that mean let me put it on the screen for you Charles is cheap hot rod affordable reliable LT1 engine swap that's how I got the name Charles anyway I've done a lot of Charles already in this episode number two that's coming in this video things like getting a tag on it driving I've been to two car shows already um and I'm really floored by 300 000 views in about three weeks that's nuts that's crazy to me I love it thank you um the amount of comments I think it was 800 something somewhere between 800 900 comments which by the way I've read and replied to all of them I guess half those are my replies and I think it was seven thousand something likes love that thank you and on the comments if it makes sense to me if you say something like your exhaust you need some kind of flex it's going to break that's about this we're gonna have these this is for flexing things like you need a fuse coming from the battery I've already added that fuse that's later in this video I gotta hook up a flat wire harness kit so I'm going to hook the trailer on my hotel lights on the trailer I've already started working on the truck bed trailer there's a lot going on in this video and I think what the first five minutes I've got it less than five minutes this was a 44 minute video in episode one I've slowed I've shortened it up and sped up some parts sounded a whole build in five minutes that's coming up next if you want to skip ahead to the five six minute Mark you can get into this episode I just picked this one up five hundred dollars and then today I found this engine and this transmission 500 for the transmission 500 for the engine 500 per truck I'm seeing a theme Here now to my grinder metal on here made a line there took a hammer and chisel tapped that metal out of the way foreign all the motor mounts are in place okay today's mission was engine sitting in place bolted down it's like a clearance around the headers foreign Explorer unknown Year anyway the conversion universal joint uh going to go in here if you want the numbers off of it 3-3130 and inside the truck I just mounted these three gauges oh really I just mounted this this holds the computer the computer is going to go just like that so I went look at all the radiator hoses this one is the right size it's got a bunch of bends I'm thinking I can take this cut it somewhere and make the top and bottom radar hose out of one hose thank you [Music] just I found this old school topper I like it kind of a farm truck look foreign this is off my first car my Camaro was in 1969. I went ahead and put the hood on it's lined up pretty good other than the front bumper the front end is done foreign the truck I've got this pretty Chrome Bull Bar I thought I'd never have a use for it so I'm gonna try to cut an angle out have it come up you know cold air and here's a shot of the custom chrome cold air system Cinder it looks like seven and seven eighths and then right here in the front it's measuring four and seven eighths so that's three inches difference so this is what a c cover looks like now the Z28 emblem pops right into place all right guys that's the whole build the whole story on Charles as far as episode one in episode two we've got a whole list of things to do so here on the chart before we can get it on the road we've got to have tail lights brake lights blinkers this was being held on by one screw in episode one it was this rusted screw it was really hard to get out I got to find some Replacements and they go here these little Clips go right here on this dashboard I've got little Clips I've got plenty of screws here in the garage and then on the actual tail light I've got a clip here if we go to this ugly one that I don't want to use I've got two clips so I'm going to steal one of these suspected a handful of bolts this is the original we're gonna replace that there's probably eight that match four for this side four for that side and these little Clips I got a little bit of oil on those keep them rusting I've already got one in place this one I just retorted it so it holds onto the metal better it goes right here [Music] it is now time to put this baby in place and these light bulbs all look good I'm gonna bolt it all together that's so much better than an old rusty junk that was in there so this one is done we're gonna jump to the other side and this truck used to have a stick on the back window that said spare parts racing spare parts got the Clips off of it spare parts got the Clips off of it get past these two have spare parts that's how this truck was done so cheap the first time okay here on episode two we jump back to episode number one tail light wiring is done so on this bike trim I'm glad I've got it and there's only one tab that marks where it goes we'll put that tab in then we'll eyeball it I'm thinking maybe one screw here one screw there and that screw will actually give us more traction when we're stepping up and down on that if you don't like those screws it's sure better than not having the trim on there and now we just finished up rear bumper trim check that off we're using black this time and so on the second list this is future stuff it's not necessarily for episode number two some of this will be uh this and this and probably uh cut out remote operation I need to also add Locker um posi something to do with that rear end maybe change rear end gear gears I want to drive it first see if I like these gears if it needs to lower needs to be higher so I'm in the truck and I just realized something here where it's Tech engages I was debating between ammeter and voltmeter I just realized there's a volt meter already in the truck if you look at it it already works why do I need two voltmeters so I'm gonna find some wire hook up the amp meter and if you want to see it work I'm going to fire it up when you hit the starter it goes down when it starts charging it goes up and warning the exhaust cutout is open [Music] so here's a shot of the tail lights all finished and I would have got more done today I've been helping the boy on his tree house and also I went up to town and I got attacked title and insurance on this piece she said what kind of tag do you want there's three options in God we trust the county tag some other option or do you want antique tag I've never had an antique type before I went with that it's blue one day the whole truck might be blue and then I paid an extra ten dollars I got the title printed out so title tag it's got insurance I bought gas tonight I'm thinking tomorrow morning we'll do a first ride up on the highway and there it is taking insurance I just checked it off the list so this has been tail light day I got the teles back out it was easy because it has all new screws anyway the wiring harness someone had cut the plug off I don't need that on the parts truck I've got this plug we're going to plug it in it even has the tag lights where this one had the tag lights had been removed I can even show you somebody cut off the tag lights and we'll get this in we'll get the teles back in check that off the list and this came off the parts if you remember the black bed that came on this truck that's now Parts uh what the plan is to take that bed and let me just show you hold on so I've got this newer bunny style and I want to make a truck bed trailer this I bought it probably a year ago 200 bucks for the whole thing I need to start selling some parts so I can get some of this money back anyway I'm gonna take this bed off and that black bed that came on Charles is going on this Frame use those Camaro wheels those tires that rear end the frame I've already got the tongue which is here's the tongue for it that'll probably be episode three or four where we make a truck bed trailer to match and when I say match not in color but it's a square body style get rid of this new stuff [Music] so I just did a brainstorm how can I check my backup lights before I put the tailles together well if you take the color receptor put it in reverse the backup lights come on that means I can have backup lights anytime I want to if there's ever a vehicle inspection let's see your backup lights I've got them anyway I could be going down the interstate doing 70 put on my backup lights and confuse the people behind me and that's the tail light installed there's the backup light the marker light the tail light the blinker everything's good let's do the other side it is final tail light test time [Music] oh no missed some one parking light on the passenger side we now have both parking lights we are good to go okay brand new plan on the exhaust cutout I've got this this is the plate that closes the exhaust cut out I've only got one I've marked the center I've got this I've got this hole saw if I cut a hole in the middle well that did that problem solved closed open if it leaks too much it won't let the sound we've already committed because this is the only block off flight I have right now but you can get more I've already marked the center I've got my whole saw let's get to cutting foreign custom exhaust cutout it is a manual cable to it I may have to extend this for the cable I don't know yet but I did patch up those holes with some tag welds it's all put together straight a bolt on see what it sounds like [Music] we can now check off cut out remote operation [Music] [Music] [Music] we made it to the gas station first time at a gas station in this truck pumping some gas and don't look at my seat belts yeah we got them but they don't work so we gotta get new seat belts I'm thinking bucket seats with maybe some racing seat belts and no cup holder I need some kind of cup holder in here so first trip out and I brought it to a car show well the car Show's there so technically not at my car show but at the car show [Music] [Music] [Music] so I'm back from the show it did good on the highway it likes being on the highway anyway uh in episode number three or four or five somewhere real soon we need to get this windshield fixed get a rear view mirror get the windshield wipers on get this cow panel on not that older cow panel then windshield wipers and then drive it and I think the color it is right now just leave it like this for a while and at the show I picked up a tag for the front we're gonna get that on there real quick like probably in the next few minutes some here at the boys tree house and we've got Charles Charles is hauling back Lumber and tools to help work on the Treehouse that's nice of him and for the list of comments suggestions somebody said at a fuse the electrical system your exhaust has to be flexible and many people comment about adding a locker so I want to go drive my truck but probably not in Hurricane conditions with no windshield wipers someone to drive Charles but maybe not in this weather this is Hurricane weather there's even alarm going off anyway uh water's flooding into the garage I'm not gonna still work on it but we're not gonna drive without windshield wipers in this kind of weather so I'm here with Kevin it's raining like crazy anyway I just got a whole bunch of boat stuff on clearance that's a future video but it's where I'm gonna use on this truck I'm thinking for the ammeter I need a wire anyway this was five bucks can't beat that so I'm just finishing up some wiring I added this 30 amp fuse it comes from the battery straight to the fuse goes into the ammeter comes out goes to that block let's go hit the key and see what it says foreign [Music] [Music] all right that was not on the list but we can check off amp meter [Music] foreign [Music] exhaust I use a piece of bed frame or two Muffler clamps it's a really solid system but it probably needs to be flexible plus it's a little bit out of Center and when I put in the lower blocks that's about an eighth inch away from the rear end when you get on the bumpy dirt road that's the noise you're hearing it's not going to move it over inch or two that way plus make it flexible and get rid of that bumping noise that's next to the list there's also a small fight going on between the custom receiver hitch and the spring [Music] there is a whole bunch of clearance between the exhaust pipes and the rear end I did a lift kit on the bed frames with a couple spacers we can check off exhaust and on the hitch there was some clearance made with a torch so when I drove this truck to the car show the other night when I got home it smelled like plastic was melting and I felt this and it was kind of hot so I just made a heat shield got a diamond plate that's going to block that header of the extreme header heat I just got to screw it to the firewall that should solve that problem awesome I just tried out the old rusted ball for this new one I found some clearance so I'll take that this one can go in the hitch [Music] that might be too low we might use this one [Music] I might paint it first then put the ball on it and then testing where we took the torch and cut off the hitch parts and then moved the exhaust over that bump is the bump stops I can live without so if you're wondering what happened to the traction bars we can't put them on now if we did they'd be about an inch clearance between the traction bar and the ground I live on a dirt road you'd be getting stuck every time and we also need to put new shock on the list that one's leaking just came back from road trip number three everything's running smooth two little gas much better on the heat shield so next on my list I want to wash these windows because it's really hard to see this topper on anyway went to the dump took off some trash and I like to check the metal bin this time there was a piece of angle iron this there was some hose clamps and this toolbox it's not the best toolbox but it's better than some ones I have so I just cleaned off several years worth of moss mold whatever it was I'll do a little final cleaning and then we might put a little sticker on there it's got this nice pvt parking permit I have no idea what it goes to I like it number 1647 that's going to be staying shout out to the Volvo guy he sent me these stickers all right guys welcome back to the office trying to wrap this video up and the update is I just bought some more things this about 22 it's a plug and play wiring harness so I get the trailer on here I got a lowering kit that it's actually going to lift it this is a two inch right now there's a three inch on there I think sometimes it's perfectly level but if anything in the back it's gonna be squatting I don't want a squad truck so I'm gonna take three inches off that's going on a truck bed trailer and let's see what I said about oh the muffler flexible kit the fuse the front tag so we're up to about twenty five hundred ninety dollars if you count the spray paint I got some black spray paint let's just say two cans that's about 10 bucks we're up to twenty six hundred dollars grand total right now let's get these installed let's go for a drive let's get this video out getting warmer I gotta go your way Mom it's the camper [Music] set these trailer work hits but I got the one that was made for this truck it's just a simple plug-in those you'd have to splice I don't want to splice I want to just plug in so I'm gonna rip this open go underneath plug it in and it's done so under the truck once you unplug it there's a male there's a female you put this in there plug the mail in plug the female in hook up the ground wire and you are done it's like what five minute job and then just like that we're done so the three inch is now out the two inches in I use the right to strap to line everything up and from the other side I gotta take the three inch out put the two inch in and the bump stop has this much clearance over here that much clearance over there all right let's re-measure this is in the front looks like four and three quarters and then in the back with the two inch blocks looks like about five and a quarter so about a half inch higher in the back once you put a spare tire back there or whatever you're hauling should be level and then here on the future truck bed trailer I don't know why it's so high it's ten and a quarter inches we're gonna need I've got the three if we had another two to it it'd be level with the back of the truck it's a lot of blocks maybe we can get rid of some Springs we'll see so just checked lowering blocks again I added front spoiler if you want to make some suggestions here what else we can add or what order we should do these in I still need to do windshield rust repair get a new windshield get a rear view mirror I've already started a truck bed trailer stereo I don't know when that's going to be foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] foreign
Channel: chud327
Views: 88,384
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chud327, chud, project, how to, diy, truck, s-10, chevy, chevrolet, v8, z28, lt1, fuel, injection, loud, fast, swap, conversion, speed, spin, burnout, car, show, camaro, cowl, hood, street, race
Id: TP8xWBlMP1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 26sec (1646 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 19 2022
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