V-Tip French Long Acrylic Nails

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hey guys welcome back to my channel so today i'm going to be showing you guys a tutorial on this v cut french extra long acrylic nails um but before i get into this voiceover i want to thank you guys so much for getting me to 30k it is super appreciated i am so thankful for each and every single one of you guys for subscribing to my channel i know i've been super inconsistent but i'm trying to get back to uploading regularly so please bear with me um it's been so much going on but right now i'm just prepping now with a um fine sanding band um i got the standing band from my local beauty supply i make nail supply but you guys do ask me where i get certain things from that's why i'm letting you guys know um but i mean i think any fine sanding band would work but mine is from the nail supply so i'm just going to prep the nail to remove the oils and the shine off the natural nails so that way we won't get any lifting and as far as the thumb i'm soaking off her thumbs because she came in with her um acrylic still on so just to kill time i'm just going to um soak that off while i prep the rest of the nails so that way we're not like waiting too long so um afterwards you don't see in this video but i do like shape her natural nail so that way um there's like no nail at all because i hate to see nails growing under um the acrylic so with these tips i'm just i'm going to cut the top of the nail and then i'm going to apply it onto her natural nail these tips i got from amazon i will try to leave the link down below but i'm not sure if i will because i'm not good with like finding the things on amazon again i don't know why but if i do find it i'll leave it down below i did it once before and somebody said they couldn't see it so i'll try to find it for y'all but um if you do type in extra long stiletto tips i'm pretty sure it will pop up and it will be similar or it will be the same tips that i'm using in this video so my client typically gets um a long to extra long um tapered square so these are this is why i use these tips i've heard people like bathroom these tips like these aren't real tips you shouldn't be using these tips well i'm going to use them because they were creamy so i'm just going to apply it on all 10 nails then cut and then shape okay so next we're going to cut my client's nail to the xylene street once that we're going for a long glance and what i do is i typically cut the first hand to my client's desired length and then the second hand i'll cut it a little longer so then when i match um the nails side by side they're the length that she actually wants it at because what i did when i first started i would cut the first hand to my client's desired length and then the second hand i would try to guess the length and the other hand would be shorter so now my client had like shorter nails than what she originally wanted so keep that in mind if you want the nails like to match always cut the second hand a little longer than the first hand and then mash them and then cut them evenly i don't know if that makes sense but you get what i'm trying to say so my client likes a square look she doesn't like the nail tapered so i'm going to just clean it up a little bit and try not to file too much because again she likes them square she doesn't like them tapered square afterwards i'm just going to blend the tips with my clients natural now so that way we can get a smooth [Music] application [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so after i applied my primer um i'm going to lay my acrylic thank god my client reminded me to hit record because um this video wouldn't have gotten out to you guys um that's another reason why i don't upload as much is because i forget to hit upload and um hit the record button and it's like important pieces that y'all need to see so there's like good ass tutorials that i have but i can't upload it because there's pieces missing so typically when i do long to extra long nails i use three to six beads depending on the nail and the look that i'm going for so um [Music] yeah i use i use a lot of beads in this video but typically with like shorter nails i'll use two to three depending on the the length of the nails but in this video i'm doing um more than three but um i usually start in the middle and then my last bead is at the cuticle you want to make sure you clean it up as much as possible around the cuticle so that way you won't get any lifting and then i will apply another bead on top of the layers that i applied first and then i'm going to do the same thing with the other nails as well when it comes to this step and then afterwards i'm going to cut the nail into a the acrylic into a v-shape and the tool that i'm using i got from [Music] where did i get it from i got it from michael's i believe i don't know it was a craft store it was either michael's or hobby lobby one of them but i'm pretty sure it was michael's because i don't really shop at hobby lobby but um you just want to make sure your acrylic is super cleaned up and tight um you don't want acrylic being too long lumpy on the side so you want to clean it up on the sides and then i'm going to shape it into a v and then take the acrylic off if that makes sense you just want to make sure they're lined up properly side by side and then that's when i'll like remove my acrylic and just slide it off with the um i don't know what this tool is called honestly i'll find out for y'all i'm leaving in the description box so yeah i just want you just want to make sure all the acrylic is off um so then when you apply the white and when you drill you don't want that pink to show underneath because i've made that mistake with like leaving pieces on the nail and then when it was time to drill off the white or the color that i added you can see that pink underneath the white if that makes sense so i'm going to do that with all 10 nails and then show you guys the next step after that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so here we're just going to reshape our v cut outline you want to make sure you don't miss this step because this step is like the most important one if nothing looks right your outline is going to look right and you just want to make sure you file side by side and make sure that the v is even on both sides so that way when you drill off the color that you decide to use that outline comes back to life [Music] [Music] yes [Music] yes [Music] yes [Music] yes [Music] myself [Music] [Music] do [Music] so here i'm just going to apply the color that my client wants to use which is going to be white and i'm just going to apply it at the tip or on the side and just work my way side by side just to cover the whole clear part of the tip and you want to make sure it's covered completely so that way when you get to shaping um the color isn't coming off while you're shaping so make sure you get as much of the clear as you can so that way you get that that crisp outline and it's not looking like weird on the side [Music] yes [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so here i'm just going to reshape the nail again my client doesn't want them tapered square she wants them squares so i'm not going to shake them as much so i'm just going to clean up the sides a little bit and you want to make sure you're holding your client's skin so that way when you're shaping it your hand file isn't cutting your client i used to make this mistake a lot and my clients would have like cuts on their skin so you want to make sure you're holding their skin down and while filing so that way you're not cutting them [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] myself [Music] okay so here i'm just going to drill the nail this is like my favorite part and it's super satisfying but i like to start at the tip and then work my way to the top and then clean up at the cuticle area another tip would have to be cleaning up the sides a lot of people don't clean up the size and it gives off that boxy look i typically don't like the boxy look but if you do then you don't have to do that step but i like to clean up the side so that way that um um filing that i did at the beginning isn't there and it's like super smooth on the side so make sure you get the those sides so that way um it's like super clean and smooth and not boxy looking [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] yes [Music] yes [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] you [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] yes [Music] so [Music] all right so once i'm done drilling i like to go back over the nail or the cuticle area and just clean up any acrylic that i might have left um on the skin so that way we won't get any lifting [Music] [Music] all right so here i just like to go on the side of the nail so that way my side view is clean and there's no acrylic underneath the nail or hanging on the side of the nail and i'm just going to do this to all the nails so that way they're just like super clean and crisp on the side all right so next i'm just going to buff out the nail so that way i don't have any specks on laying on the nails and when it's time to apply my top coat the nail is super smooth and there's like no bumps or like specks on top of the nail and that just like irritates me that's like my biggest pep you've seen like crumbs on the nail and that just bothers me so make sure you just buff out the nail really good and completely and run your finger through it so that way you know there is nothing like left on the nail [Music] all right so next again i'm just going to go over with my hand file just to get that crisp look on the side and there's no like extra acrylic left on the side of the nail and this is like super important because once you get like that side view and there's like extra acrylic laying on the side that just like bothers me that's like a pet peeve of mine so just make sure you clean the sides up at the end with your hand file so there is no like extra acrylic laying on the side of the nail [Music] yes [Music] all right so i didn't do too good with recording this step but i'm just going to apply abby the gel on the nail just to hold my crystals in place and this gel is like the best gel i've ever used nothing else works for me but ibd joe and i'm just going to apply just a simple um stone at the cuticle and i'm just going to cure it for 60 or 90 seconds i believe it's 60. [Music] all right so next i'm just going to apply top coat this top coat is from not polish i do have a discount code if you guys do want to get this top coat you can use my coupon code which is going to be d d e e and um i believe you get 10 off but this is like the best top coat next to koopa i'm either using nail polish top coat or koopa top coat they both work amazing for me but i'm just going to apply the nail and then apply the top coat to the nail and then i'm just going to clean the sides with my fingers so that way i can still have that nice shape so make sure when you finish applying your top coat you just clean clean the sides off with your finger so that way there's no like um extra top coat just like sliding to the side and if that happens you'll lose your shape so make sure you do this step all right and lastly i'm just going to apply some cuticle oil just to um hydrate her cuticles and um that'll be all for this video thank you guys so much for all the love and all the support you guys show i hope you guys enjoy this tutorial and i hope you guys learned something from this and um please like comment subscribe do what y'all do and i hope to see you guys in my next video you
Channel: Deenailslayer
Views: 677,543
Rating: 4.9247427 out of 5
Id: N4rCeV2H4a4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 43sec (2863 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 03 2020
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