Usopp Is A GEM | ONE PIECE | Reaction 17 & 18

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it's hard not to read the title episode 17 I know it's right in your [Music] [Music] face imagine having nails that long no oh what the heck play time gross is he out again oh you can see him oh ooh Luffy he just wins by being and annoying yeah [Music] [Applause] exactly the kids got him they shoveled him in the [Music] butt oh oh my gosh teamwork that was a cool transition but I want to go back to them that was [Laughter] great it's all flashing before his ey no there's no coming back from that uh-uh monkey remember that name he's so cute oh I'd be like I don't want him [Laughter] yeah he needs some food yeah [Music] got oh he's not going to tell the town he meant it he doesn't do it to be the [Music] hero he's so sweet they're all be that protecting their Village my heart they're so [Music] sweet [Music] a they're all just waiting for him they like miss him no he won't okay stop because they love him too a he's going to become a pirate for real ooh this is new is this his music woohoo a they're only nine how bittersweet just like his [Music] [Music] dad oh [Music] no just like that Aus oh how fun this is really fun wow right in the Bulls [Music] are am I [Laughter] [Music] Cry [Music] oh [Music] onion they're [Music] dreams no no way [Music] cute oh interesting oh my gosh wait we know what it is is it okay oh my gosh this backpack is [Laughter] huge can't fit to the door take the house with you oh no too funny the go Mary Mar's alive alive yay so sweet going Mary that's so cute she wants to be needed no it's like it's wasted on him he'll never [Laughter] remember foree [Laughter] spee stop [Laughter] a this is so cute what stop so heartwarming there they go y you just wave I love this remember when he was running through the first time and he said like oh now they're all excited or whatever yeah it was true he's like they love me yeah wait she said her sickness is gone is this what she's talking about oh she wanted to stop him oh okay oh okay that makes me feel better [Music] [Laughter] for oh he got his nose from [Music] her [Music] for oh no that's so sad [Music] stop no yeah a so [Music] sweet [Music] oh are they going to run through stop they're going to carry on oh I love this oh no a that one was too good no too good oh my gosh that was sweet I love what she said at the end that usopp's lives were always about the joy of living I know and now they're fighting to live yeah not to die fighting to live not to die I love this I love this I love this I love this it's just such good writing like it's so well written I don't know it's just kind of subverts your expectations like you think you know what's going on yeah but then it's something never let them know your next move really good and I love how they were like what are you talking about get on get on already yeah he was is already part of the crew all right yeah love Usopp love him we have the best crew we do have the best crew we don't even have our cook yet look at him so true Captain [Music] M Sor sleeping of course that is so cute amazing that will that will strike fear into their hearts Fe your talent 50 50 years it's funny Luffy just automatically believes [Music] [Laughter] [Music] him there we go there it is stop this is so exciting straw hats oh oh my gosh it's [Music] perfect no it's perfect this is so cute yay so Thunder oh are we going to an island yay oh my gosh I'm so excited we Treasure Island yay Nami why are we going here I guess for Treasure how fun adventure a she's so excited scary H those plants eat people yeah you can just tell yepy look at him holding on to [Music] [Music] throw whoa what is going on here scary maybe they're just glowing red butterflies [Laughter] M they're bunnies oh that ain't a bunny okay what [Applause] [Music] that no don't trust it stop huh is that a chicken wolf a panda bat a panda bat and a rooster Fox what is this a cocka [Laughter] dooodle what is this like the wizard behind the curtain oh yeah probably yeah ew what the little trap this is hilarious no is that [Music] true okay good thing he's rubber ah scary spoby [Music] trapped okay that was [Laughter] cool or is that a treasure chest it looks like it wait what is happening [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] oh my gosh chaos so fun okay that was funny what is he doing I me a doesn't he chase them all [Laughter] away oh oh no oh my gosh scary oh my gosh they look like [Music] zombies [Music] wow he I mean he does have good luck he [Music] does what for okay wait that's the same guy right uhhuh because he has a unibrow back then too [Music] yeah oh is he going to land in the chest oh no [Music] oh my gosh that's so sad this is actually terrifying [Music] yeah [Music] okay Luffy okay good girl feel like she's going to charge him interest though for a price this is fun oh my gosh what is that it is a turtle cow it's a turtle cow it's a turtle cow uhoh uhoh no what's happening [Music] a what I don't want to toss it down ooh what's happening doing even Nami was going to give it up [Music] mhm oh how sad oh yeah what what is happening right now how sweet the animals a a [Laughter] a how [Laughter] [Music] sweet does this become the island of rare animals was wondering [Music] that a cuz he deserves it he does by the World by the world wow amazing I Lov that one that was really cute I wonder if that is the island of rare animals I know is it I don't know maybe there's rarer animals I feel like they would have called it that if it was I know that was good though how sad though he wasted not wasted but spent 20 years of his life protecting a treasure that was empty yeah and Luffy was just going to lie yeah to make him feel better I thought we were going to get another random crew member I know me too I was going to be like what [Music] awesome [Music] the
Channel: Haylo & Kiss
Views: 36,798
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: OrX5K1IE0jY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 40sec (1480 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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