Using winged Eyeliner on Wrinkly eyes or hooded eyes :)

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all right i'm just gonna try and do a quick demo of how i do a winged liner on my um wrinkly folds okay so i'll just do a quick close-up there you can see i'm going to do it on this eye because i think that that's the hardest eye my other eyes slightly differently as it's folded in different place but oh so i'm going to do it there i'm gonna use this one that i've got here it's a oh it's all reversed i know that but um it's a fuera one and it's got um double ended because they're slightly curved which i like okay so i'm gonna figure out which one's the one for this eye hang on um no that's the other side okay so it's the other one right so and when you pull them off um i don't know if you can see that easily but it's like ah there you go that's yours it and it's like a little v with a cut-out bit because that allows you to and match it up with your things anyway i'm supposed to be showing you instead of talking sorry all right so basically i'm doing this absolutely i've got nothing on my face apart from my moisturizer from last night so you know i have done the wrong way because when i turned it down i had the right one in the first place but right so you get it ready and basically what i do is i actually try and keep my eye as as down as possible now i'm gonna try and do it just by looking in the video but i might not i might need to do it in here if that's all right right you can see what i'm doing though anyway so basically i'm gonna ignore the fact that i've got folds and stamp it right so you can see it's nowhere near perfect right now because it's over the folds and everything if you look i did manage to get that quite well but the little cut out bit at the start allows for a bit of leeway on your actual fold then the next step is to take a normal liner this one is an ico one which i quite like because it's long-lasting but it's not waterproof and i my eyes water a lot when i use um waterproof stuff right next to it so then my next step is really careful and it takes me blooming ages so like i'm basically going to go in and with my eyes open don't shut him with my eyes open i'm gonna dot in where spaces are i'm gonna bring that not very far but i'm going to be washing this off in a minute so it's a hair dye um day for me so here we go right so i'm just dotting it because i'm so wrinkled um i can't do a line or no um so i'm just dotting it like uh filling it in doing a little bit there oh my i sound so northern on these videos right there you go and i've just um it's messy but here's what i know people are not gonna go this close to your eye and go oh that's a bit untidy daisy they're not going to do that are they so basically let's have a look how that looks in distance i've got a mirror behind me you know as well such a narcissist i don't care oh look i've made a right mess of that anyway um if you do make a right mess you can just quickly grab a cotton bud don't you you can lick it if you want but if you know if you're doing it on someone else don't lick it dip it in water right so i've just took off that messy bit but basically all i do once i put that stamp on is like go over my eye a little bit i don't like um eyeliner right over because my eyes are blue and teeny as you can see the light little pistols um and then um i'd only go partway underneath as well and then do a color or something to make it stand out but what you can see is that the wing actually looks it looks alright um and it's the same on the other one you can just stamp it over your crease and yes there'll be bits that don't get the ink from the stamp but don't worry about that and you can either fill it in or know that those wrinkles are going to be there when you when you're out anywhere so it won't matter if you can't see it when when you've got your eyes just natural neither can anyone else it's right oh that helps bye
Channel: YouTubeDaized
Views: 47,252
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Id: eaETgujWwRM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 53sec (353 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 13 2021
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