Using Substance Painters Mask Editor

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[Music] okay welcome to this substance painter tutorial in this tutorial we're going to bring a couple of layers together and expose one under the other using a mask editor so first of all i've gone to file and open samples i'll discard that and i'm just loading the preview sphere in and then i delete all of the layers that come with that just to give me a starting point and then i'm going to want two layers so i'm going to have two fill layers uh one will be my metal layer and then the other one will be my paint layer okay so on the metal i'm going to use perhaps one of the steels so i'm just typing in steel in the filter and with that selected i can click on steel rough and it will apply it i can't see it at the moment because we've got the paint layer above it just turn that off we'll see and then above that um i'll put a plastic as a kind of you know starter for our material excuse me sorry about that bit of a frog in my throat right so we've got two layers and what we want to do is kind of um use them to build a material and we want you know to see the metal through uh our paint layer so what we do for that is we add in a black mask and that because it's black it's completely empty mask is just showing the the metal now and then on that black mask we'll add a generator and in that generator we'll click this little generator thing here and we're going to use the mask editor okay so you'll see immediately um it's coming through and it's showing some of the blue of the of the paint layer over there but it's the wrong way around i want to kind of show metal on the edges and paint everywhere else so for that we'll hit invert and then we'll start to adjust our parameters so with the mask editor you have all sorts of parameters to uh to play with so we've got the global blur and a balance see the balance there is increasing our increasing our mask and then we can we could blur it or take the blur out let's take that down a little bit and we also have a contrast to see how you know how many how sharp our mask is going to be underneath that we have texture and texture too which we'll get to in a moment but then we're going to use ambient occlusion curvature and our normals to to change the way our mask behaves so for the curvature this is going to say how much our curvature map is influencing our mask so if i increase it the curvature effect increases if i decrease it goes away as you can see most of it's coming from the curvature at the moment um so having an occlusion again we can increase and decrease and we get a little bit of effect there as we uh slide up and down uh world space normal that's basically its position in you know in the universe in the in space if we increase that you'll see it's starting to come down from the top so it's saying i wanted this to be worn more on the top than i do you know on the bottom so you can adjust that to your liking a position gradient is quite similar if we increase that but that's the position in its kind of local space rather than in world space and then we have the thickness map and we can change the opacity on that to show how you know how much the thickness is going to affect our mask so all of our maps are down here they're pre-baked in this particular scene the uh the ball the preview sphere so you don't have to do anything with those but i wanted to introduce the textures so the texture adds then to our mask to our curvature etc etc etc and we can find our textures in the textures bin here and i'm just going to type in grunge to get some selections out and we can drag and drop any of these black and white masks into our textures one and two we're just going to use one for now and i'm going to drag and drop that over there and that will now start to have an effect on our um on our mask itself so with the texture if the opacity is at zero it won't do anything but as you can see as i raise it up it becomes more and more prominent in the in the viewport in the mask and if we open up texture we have all sorts of options to change the way it works so i can invert we can take our grayscale conversion to different levels uh we can increase and decrease the scale well we can't really go smaller than zero but you get what i'm saying we can change the contrast of the map and the brightness see that has quite an effect it's quite a nice effect we can change it from being projected to being triplina and so if i click that we should see what that does and you know that helps us to hide seams and such like uh what else have we got ah then it's just the opacity so that's our map without our texture in that's our map with it in and i think you'll agree that it's much nicer with it okay so that is essentially it i'll just finish this off a little bit so i'm going to go to my paint layer and i'm going to turn on height whoops and then just increase the height a little bit so it's got a little bit of depth to it there we go and then let's change the color so um i wanted to do like a military kind of paint over steel so in my pure f i've got some army greens so if i click on the base color and then click and hold on this little uh eyedropper i can come up here and pick whichever of these i want there we go we'll use that one let's minimize that whoops there we go there we are so if you wanted to extend this you know you can add more and more layers to it but i just want to show you you know the mask editor and you know how that works and how it can really help you um you know bring things together and start to build up your textures so i hope you enjoyed that video i'll talk to you again soon
Channel: 3DMegaverse
Views: 466
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Substance Painters Mask Editor, Substance, Painter, Substance Painter, Masks, Mask Editor, Worn, Painted, metal
Id: nzOTmAtyk9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 14sec (494 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 07 2021
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