how to get perfect aim using steam Dead Zone and response curve in Apex Legends so uh first go to steam settings and uh choose controller and uh enable Steam input for Xbox or for PlayStation um which one do you use just enable it okay let's come back here go to settings go properties click on controller and make sure this says enable Steam steam input says enable here go here click on this icon choose any layout here for example maybe this this will be the default for you too and click on edit layout and after that go to joysticks and write joystick Behavior which is the right stick like we're going to only work on this so as you can see I'm going to explain uh the the the things that will be useful for you guys so basically uh when what okay so for the average player I think every average player should in Apex play um in like in game settings should be four uh four hiire and three ads with classic spawn curve and with um non dead zone so this you can actually get good with this settings with these settings but if you cannot you can uh adjust a couple of settings here to make to make to get perfect Aim so for example uh the first one is stick response curve you can choose a linear or you can choose any one of these um it's based on the feeling so you must find the best feeling for you you can choose any of these if these don't work out for you then choose choose custom curve after you choose custom curve I'm going to explain what's the left and what's the right will do so if you pull this slider to the right it will make uh your crowser move fast when you when you go left and right it will move fast so um this is I guess for if you're already like good and you're trying uh to like uh track faster and uh you can manage uh um micro adjustments really easy you can just increase the slider uh a bit like uh um like a 10 every time until you reach something comfortable and uh your crowser your ads will move faster in game like you can track faster um but the small adjustments will be hard so if you're a good player you can increase this uh but if you are having problems with micro adjustments and uh tracking and then you can lower this slider uh 10 by a time until you find it comfortable and you can actually lower it on the flight so you can have the game running the background and uh every time minimize it and lower it and it will just take effect immediately so lower it and if you lower this your CER will move slowly like it will move slowly but it will also move fast so this will give you a lot of room for micro adjustments and uh that's pretty much it so you got to find the best feeling for you and experiment with this experiment both ways and this and you can actually find the best sensitivity for you using this custom respond curve and okay so go down after that and Des on type choose custom always choose custom always and um make sure this this slider so it's going to be like from uh from zero or from 10 to 88 make sure these both sliders are on the left is on zero and the right is on 100 so everything's on the maximum so you you will have non Dead Zone with maximum uh size so you'll have more room to move and this is the best one trust me you do not want Dead Zone make it that you don't have any dead zone and after that uh I mean you can experiment with this I guess if you want you can create 5% Z or 10% dead zone or even uh lower the maximum size of this of the of this circle but I mean if you lower this maximum size it will you again your Crower will move faster because the size has decreased so if you're a good player I guess you can lower it by 99 98 95 to 90 I mean any if you lower it by 2% you will feel a lot of difference in game so um I'm talking about the average player should should have this like this so you will have a better control um and um it says here dead on shape this will also change your aim so click on it there's three and um the default is circle you can choose cross and square experiment with this see which one feels the best for you this is a personal preference you must experiment with it I cannot tell you what like what you should do you must experiment yourself but this will change the aiming for you really really it will change so experiment and if you don't know choose Circle it's it's the default and a lot of controllers and a lot of games you can just stick to Circle just like me and I will come to the this here anti anti- Dead Zone this setting here will also change your aiming a lot because when you increase this value to let's say for 500 or 1,000 or 2,000 it will make uh like it will delete I don't know how to say like delete remove the dead zone basically so if so your Crower will move faster when you go from left and right but it will also uh give you some stick Drift But like I think the stick drift is manageable at 2,000% 2,000 if you WR here 2,000 it will be manageable but after 2,000 2,500 maybe 3,000 it will be a lot of I mean not a lot but it will be a little bit more of stick drift if you're a good player you're going to manage it but this this right here the anti- dead zone settings will make a huge difference for you so um if you increase this basically it will remove the dead zone in game and basically your crer will move left and right faster so better so in in in like in in paper you can say you can track better because your CR will move faster this is not like this this is not like custom curve respond curve this is like the dead zone like the anti- dead zone so your crer will move like this so it will move faster and this anti dead Z for if you increase this this basically works with this if you enable this if you increase this this you can change this but I don't recommend it because this um like um cancels this dead zone if you increase like by 500 or 200 it will increase some of this I I mean it will decrease some of this so uh I don't want Dead Zone basically so if you increase this your game Dead like if you play non a non Dead Zone Apex uh if you increase this non Dead Zone will feel more even more n like even more none uh your your crows are will move basically like this you'll have a little bit of drift but you will track targets better and the drift at uh below 2,000% for my controller is manageable and it's really really good so I suggest you guys experiment with this one but leave this one I would say leave this one because Dead Zone just if you have a dead zone you cannot in my opinion you cannot build consistency because you lose some space on your stick so um yeah and uh that's that's pretty much it um for this video and um I I hope I explained a lot and if you have any question you can just ask [Music]