Using Servo Motors - SG90 (ESP32 + Arduino Series)
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Channel: Simply Explained
Views: 26,669
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Keywords: esp32, espressif, arduino, tutorial, microcontroller, c programming, cpp, easy, howto, guide, simple, cpu, flash, program, programming, diy, project, ide, aws, adc, ble, battery, blink, power, deep sleep, development board, explained, freertos, getting started, introduction, gpio, pins, sensor, iot, iot project, led, low power, control, nodemcu, overview, platformio, vscode, visual studio code, relay, rtos, setup, esp8266, servo, servo motor, servo motor arduino, SG90, SG90 servo, SG90 servo motor, ESP32Servo
Id: dJAlkrXbfbQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 59sec (299 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 26 2020
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