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in this Minecraft hide and seek I place down security cameras in order to win I know you're watching me sunny oh yeah and what are you gonna do about it if 1 000 people subscribe right now I'll do something epic three two one wait what no sonny are you ready for this epic game a pie and see in this school I'm afraid of you melon what is going on are you okay yeah I'm ready I'm ready to sniff you up buddy you got two minutes oh my gosh get me out of here guys melon has lost his mind he's turned into a town I'm going back to school guys get me in get me in get me away from him he's a freak okay guys I made it back into school and you see this in the main hallway I'm at a cold Melody freak but I'm on my villain art and I'm going crazy today I'm not gonna use any ghost blocks I don't need that for my hiding spot get rid of it I'll leave that there for melon though to mess with him a bit instead what I need is security cameras and the camera Monitor and that's it but we need a lot of them and now I set up the security cams and Link them to my camera monitor the question is where else do I want these let's see definitely down the main hallway so let me replace this and make it my own and then we'll come over here yeah we don't need anything in the broom closet that's fine we've got this hallway covered and let's make sure we get a security camera down in this hallway as well and if melon asks Guys these cameras have always been here okay don't rat me out and then we don't need any in this classroom because I'm not gonna be hiding there yes just outside the library I'm gonna put a camera that spies on the entire playground and this area is pretty big so let's put a second camera over here yeah we need one in the cafeteria just in case these kids get up to no good and start a food fight and yo guys check this out melon's over here doing his countdown I'm gonna put a camera right here to spy on him and now I gotta sneak back into the school really quick perfect and I need to choose my hiding spot now I think I want to go inside of this room underneath the staircase and be like Harry Potter but let's just put one more camera somewhere not too suspicious like above the supply room perfect and then I'm gonna come in here and I really hope he doesn't check this place but just in case melon does check it let's cover it up so there's nothing to see and now let's check this out yo guys there he is look at him counting yo son are you ready yet bro you only got like 30 seconds left oh dude that's plenty of time I'm actually in my hiding spot I'm looking at you right now bro what you can see me where the heck are you Sunny wait is that also can I look for you now are you done yeah yeah I'm in my hiding spot time's up good luck I'm gonna find you you said you could see me so you're looking at me through one of these windows if you can see me huh buddy yeah totally bro totally now where the heck wait bro you left a ghost block out no you didn't see anything melon you didn't see anything dude that means you probably broke a ghost block and forgot about it you're somewhere around here aren't you Sunny yeah bro maybe I'm in the girls bathroom where's the girl's bathroom he's so dumb he just walked past it bro oh oh female I can't go in there though I feel weird I feel weird I'm gonna go in the guy's bathroom first yo guys he's actually checking out the bathrooms this is so epic ah security cams are overpowered security cameras are epic always train if you're doing some weird ghost block trick I'm gonna be very upset no I would never use ghost blocks and I would most importantly never cheat in hide and seek ever wait were these always here these security cameras I I don't remember them being here last time dude it's a high school they always have a surveillance system for safety purposes uh that does make sense I just don't remember seeing them because we played this map before but all right take your word for it guys he's so smart it's unbelievable now where are you hot and sunny you get hot for me forever okay oh but I can for my first question which floor are you on Sonny I'm on the ground floor bro oh ground floor that would make sense I feel like maybe perhaps actually I don't know how that makes sense at all but you've got to be in one of these front rooms because you said you could see me so you're looking through one of these windows for my second question are you using these ghost blocks to hide I don't even have a single ghost block I never even placed one bro why was there a ghost block on the floor then that makes no sense to troll you bro I'm living in that melon red free dude I'm so confused yo I don't really know if this is the ground floor or if this is the ground floor but because I went up the stairs here I'm gonna say it's this one now where the heck are you sunny I am in your head rent free melon and I've already told you I'm on the ground floor dude did you check where the grass grows and then enter the building bro chill I'm checking everything I'm in the library right now and I bet you you're sweating because you're also in the library wait why is there an iron golem here are you this Iron Golem bro I bet it's you yo stop hitting me dude chill wait he can't whack me back what the heck yo leave him alone what did he do to you you bro it's not you but like at least I don't think it's you I think you'd be you'd be doing something else this looks like a boss guys he's so close to me but he doesn't know it you can see my name tag on the camera back there dude but just a heads up melon can't see this only security cameras can see name tags melon can't see me are you in the cafeteria Sunnyvale yo guys yo guys he's in the cafeteria I gotta get a good shot of this wrong camera yo look at him melon you want to have a food fight bro dude where are you hiding like what are you up to I'm way closer than you realize oh yeah yeah way closer huh yes bro you in this fridge that is not a fridge okay I'll give you a hint what's the hint dude I'm hiding near your favorite color red yo my final question are you in the cafeteria close to it and I'll give you a bonus hit I'm also hiding near my favorite color bro wait red wait wait where are you oh guys I'm terrified he's so close but he doesn't realize it dog what the where did you go I was thinking you were near this red and yellow thing ghost block ghost block no what dude what you said you're on the ground floor no this isn't even red or yellow yo melon how's that cafeteria treating you dude I'm so lost three times what do you mean I walked past you I'm so confused look for yellow I and look for red it's not that hard also you only have 10 seconds bro what no no I at least got 30. I at least got 30. I'll give you 20 seconds we can compromise but you can't be on this floor I keep wanting to run up here bro what are you doing what do you mean I ran past you I've checked everywhere [Laughter] 10 seconds melon Sonny where are you yo you've got to be in the courtyard you've got to be in the courtyard please no no please the courtyard would be a good hiding spot but I'm not out there where are you what the heck bro five four three two one where'd you hide dude yo go back to the cafeteria go back to the cafeteria I'm here hey melon what I was right in here bro oh my God I needed to right click didn't I oh my you said no ghost blocks you literally lied to my face no I didn't have any ghost blocks there I don't know what you're talking about bro you're such a scum bag holy crap no melon melon melon there was no ghost blocks but there was a full block it was a real block yeah I was right here oh my God bro that is so cheap you're such a dirty cheat Sonny what are you talking about there was a door leading to nothing that's so suspicious and you didn't even think about it I thought maybe it was a closet dude I'm sorry I didn't expect there was something behind a wall oh melon bro there was so much more going on during that round than you even realize what is there more secrets back here come on come on where's it where's the secret where's another secret where is it I can't believe I'm getting away with this you know what Sonny you want to put secrets in this room that's fine that's fine by me I don't mind that I don't mind it at all melon come on out don't do that building deserves respect I respected it by exploding it whatever bro I'll clean up the mess I'll pick up the debris it's your turn to hide okay I'm gonna give you two minutes all right I'm out of here I gotta find a goaded hiding spot guys melon has no idea his TNT just blew up a security camera that I placed about five seconds earlier if he had just walked out of that broom closet and noticed that there was a new security camera he might have caught on that I'm cheating oh he is so dumb okay sunny wants to play these games with me huh well I'm gonna go back to that secret room that I exploded and I'm gonna use the ghost block that I found on the floor to make my very own secret room [Laughter] oh on second thought I don't really like this hiding spot too much I'm gonna go sneak out to the Courtyard now where do I want to build my little trappy poo Hmm this looks like a nice killer or this one one or this one nah I've got an even better idea guys check this out just gonna enter creative mode drill this hole out get inside here let me Squeeze In Yo guys what is melon doing he just built a ghost block secret spot for him so let me back oh my God there we go boom now I'm hidden and Sonny's gonna literally walk right below me and have no idea it's gonna be hilarious all right Sonny I'm ready okay bro I think I have a good idea of where to look for you this game yeah you think so I think so you went back to that swimming pool didn't you yeah I went back to the swimming pool Sunny because I love swimming so much why are you being so sus bro why are you acting like that I'm just giving energy to this video melon this is why nobody likes you oh well that got really deep okay guys I'm right next to where melon's hiding and now I'm gonna go into creative mode and grab some custom TNT I've got a perfect idea for this check it out I'm gonna grab the drilling TNT which is gonna make a huge crater hopefully down to bedrock and then I'm also gonna get the funniest TNT in the whole game say goodbye it's literally Rick Astley singing a song and then I'm gonna get flint and steel to finish this Rick Roll troll but before I use all this on melon I'm gonna ask a few questions to make him think I'm still looking for him bro I feel like I've checked half the school where the heck are you hiding I don't have to tell you anything Sonny actually you do I got three questions bro okay okay question one are you hiding inside or outside I that's an interesting question but I'm hiding outside okay that's good that's good that's good if you're outside my second question to help locate your position is gonna be are you near the football field or at the giant swimming pool um football field or giant swimming pool could you uh tell me where those are because I really have no idea well then that means you're um you might be right about that perfect so I've narrowed it down I've eliminated two of the largest outdoor locations on the map final question melon would you consider yourself near an iron golem oh near is a very subjective term you know I would say I'm in the vicinity of it in the vicinity of an iron golem that's very interesting uh why is what is it why do I hear TNT no oh how did you know bro say goodbye you didn't say it melon how did you know I was hiding there what the heck melon you didn't say goodbye but you said goodbye how did you know I have my ways bro it's because I asked such good questions I knew exactly where you were hiding after those three questions well you're up to something you're sus you're so sus right now whatever bro it's my turn to hide give me my two minutes all right you got two minutes good luck okay guys I need a fresh camera monitor because I slightly died falling down that Pit of Doom so where should I hide this time I really want to get melon good now I'm gonna break out of here and I'm gonna go to the football field but I need some new cameras and I gotta put one right here yeah that's good that's good that's a good track I think I'm gonna need an instant replay camera you know just to make sure people score those field goals right there okay okay where else do we need a camera yeah we need one up here the stadium for sure this is good this is very good and then one super tall security camera up here on the light post and now I hide myself using a secret trap door check this out I'm gonna go in the center of the football field and I'm gonna place it right there and I'll make it obvious so that melon has a chance I'm gonna surround it in this Stone so it's really random and now I open it up and I drop into my hole melon I'm ready Sunny I'm also ready to find you and murder you with an ax so you need to relax dude what do you mean I don't think I need to relax I think I need to chill out on being so calm and start breaking the school apart and kill you melon you're actually losing the plot right now you need to chill calm down remember we said not to eat too much sugar on a Sugar Rush right now Sonny where are you hiding for my first question are you inside or are you outside I'm outside yo guys I can see melon on this camera all the going through the school he's actually losing his mind breaking stuff Sunny you say you're outside huh yes no for my second question are you being a little cheeky and using some invisible blocks huh okay you got me there I I actually do have one invisible block just gotta put on this little item right here guys this isn't good he just put on goggles of true Vision this is not good look at that doofus I just hope he doesn't see the football field where are you sunny sunny would you say you're closer to uh maybe the courtyard or the football field I don't know what you're talking about melon you have to answer it's my question I would argue I'm a little closer to the football field just a little oh just a little bit huh that sounds a little bit sus you know oh guys he's right there now where are these ghost Vlogs melon chill dude show you on this football field Sunny no I'm not dude I'm near it I'm not on it why don't you go check the uh the forest out behind it or maybe stop trying to distract me Sonny this is very bad this is very bad oh no what is this huh this is so weird I'm looking at him looking at me what is this spell it please smell it stop hey Sunny hey hey hey it's sunny we could we can work this out we can work this out you're right we can how about you take my ax in your forehead and die no what the heck is this guys I've muted I cannot believe this he's a security camera and a camera monitor he's been spying on me the whole time this guy yo melon dude dude let's just go to the next round bro let's just go to the next round it's fine it's your turn to hide let's just go yeah let's go to the next round Sonny let's go to the next round okay I'm gonna give you your countdown you have two minutes starting now that's all I need Sunny one wander melon two wander melon three Sledge Hammers and a wander melon smack and wander melons breaking up melons crushing watermelons oh sorry I was yes oh I was just imagining you're gonna regret that Sonny I'm gonna make you regret saying that what I was just imagining what I'm gonna do when I find you that's all I've developed the perfect plan to kill sunny in such a satisfying way I just gotta get up to the top floor and then I'm going to destroy him I am literally gonna explode him now bring me all the way up this looks like a good spot look at that idiot look at him he's so dumb I can't wait to get my revenge on him let me just go into creative and grab my TNT's of choice yes okay let me grab melon you've only got one minute left to hide dude hurry up dude shut shut just shut that's it be quiet okay I am shut all right hold on hold on let me get that okay I am shut oh Sunny is so stupid okay I've grabbed my say goodbye TNT and now I'm gonna grab my other one evil La Cupa TNT boom and now we're good to go alright sunny I'm ready I'm taking my blindfold off and can I move bro this door is shut I can't open it yeah you can open the door you can become open now okay it's on shut okay good thank you where is melon hiding let me just get one of these really quick guys and let's see dang it I died and I lost all my security cameras this is not good this is not good melon where are you what is this uh melon you tried to TNT me are you crazy that's my thing no no I didn't try to do anything sunny I didn't try to do anything at all I gotta get out of here this backfired heart get over here God dang it these doors take so long to break this is just a dead end please break this door please where are you melon I'm nowhere Sunny don't worry about it don't worry about it melon I'm Gonna Make You sing goodbye get over here oh you broke this door that's not sus where are you no oh my gosh I have to break this are you kidding me oh God I gotta keep running I gotta go I gotta go this is not good oh he's breaking the story he's coming out the other way where do we go where do I hide any day now door hurry up and open yes I'm through finally melon get over here no gotta keep moving where did you go jump down oh I'm so low I'm so low open these doors run what where'd he go okay guys I have a plan I need to go get the backup camera monitor which should be if I can make these jumps right down here I need to get to the maintenance room which is at the bottom floor and conveniently right here yes maintenance room the backup security cam monitor where's melon gonna go now you guys there he is guys I gotta find a place out of here wait maybe the computer lab that sounds like a good place close the door and run into my spot let's go yo guys yo guys he's in the computer left this is perfect okay guys I know where melon's hiding I just need to leave the maintenance room really quickly swing by the teacher's office and grab myself a lever give me this give me this and now I could detonate this TNT and destroy him back this way he's just chilling in the computer lab guys and now I just come down this way this is the science lab this is the library and in here melon's hiding in the computer lab but I don't want to go in the computer lab kind of boring I want to surprise him so let's go into the science lab and put the tea T right there and a flick of the switch boom no why do I hear TNT again no yeah yes yes why'd I put myself on fire you're stupid security cameras I can't stand them okay over here die no he's got the ax that's right you run melon this is your penalty you should never stop by trolling just die no that's it melon for this hide and seek make sure you guys like And subscribe and click the next video on screen for more awesome hide and seek let's go
Channel: Sunny
Views: 373,125
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: FFmvxMLoZg0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 30sec (1230 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 17 2023
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