Using & Reviewing POWERCAST WAX castable resin with an Elegoo Mars - detailed home casting

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hey guys look at this nice a it was sent to me by the owner of this website along with the few others completely free with no strings attached I think his hope was that I'd show his wares on my channel and he gets some free advertising and you know what I'm actually happy to do that and I'll tell you why firstly it's actually quite nice it's stainless steel and it's really cheap and that's not a bad thing we can all afford precious metals and wearing something cool-looking there and then he's a nice thing so do check out the website secondly I thought it would be a great opportunity for me to try and improve my casting I thought I'd used these real examples and try and do my own similar versions not the same as that would be copying but similar fortunately I'd already had a bash at designing a signet ring on fusion 360 and whilst it had a circular top rather than an oval it was a good starting point [Music] [Music] [Music] I was quite pleased with the design but I decided to do with test prints prior to casting for me things looked a little too cramped so I went back and tinkered just a little before coming up with this second test print not too bad fairly similar I think for the past two or three videos now I've been using a certain castable resin and this is it power cast wax it's made by the same guys who make power cast Berlin which I've already reviewed and thoroughly loved it's often used in jewelry casting and most specifically for models with stone settings just as with the burn this stuff isn't cheap coming in at around 120 u.s. dollars for 250 mililiters a game there's no older and again there's no need for post printing you feed light lacking any data I went with the same settings on my Telugu Mars as I'll use before and these haven't let me down just as previously priming the build plate is essential power resins even say so on the bottle now before I shared a technique involving a brush a few coats and a few soaks under the UV lamp and me being me that didn't take long to become old so I decided on an easier method printing a prime coat you simply print a prime coat then immediately afterwards print your main file the coat is the size of the plate at Northpoint two millimeters in thickness printed in just four layers with nothing formal to go on I just doubled the bottom layer time and gave it a bash and it worked perfectly some might hate this idea some might think it's wasteful well even at these prices the prime coat only costs a few pennies and it's much less wasteful than a failed print it works for me but do whatever makes you happiest my theories that this primer coat doesn't actually stick it sucks itself into place it seems to be held by vacuum because whilst it stays put it's really easy to remove really easy a game look at the quality of these prints I did in the meta labs test print with the power cast wax and that came out great to know it might be a bit dusty putting this castable racing is easy and once again it's sands and files beautifully making cleanup very simple despite its name it doesn't have a waxy feel or texture you'll notice I included sprues he might print design and again that's just a preference I find it makes things much easier [Music] [Applause] when it came to metal look at this this massive beast is silicon bronze and it's the first ingot I've ever bought I've wanted to try proper foundry grade metal for a while there and while silicon bronze might not normally be used for jewelry he's apparently flows nicely [Music] well if I hadn't cocked up the camera position you would have seen that he does flow nicely oh it goes darker when it casts must be oxidization after a bit of a clean it doesn't look too bad the power cast wax has done each job well yeah I'm not very good with this jewelry so I've broken every bud I've got so it looks like I'll just be cleaning up the one ring [Music] [Music] well that's not looking too bad it's not perfect but for a complete amateur just having a goat I don't think it--and grumble too much it's my first time with this metal and the casting first guy used is a pain for shedding bits when it's hot but things could have gone a lot worse the pail or caster wax has done a fabulous job and I'll be honest I prefer these to the para cast burn I think the opaque coloring makes it easy to see what's going on it prints wonderfully retains the detail and clearly casts well as experience today to show me now it is pricey but after I asked them nicely and promised not to turn off pretending they're of his party's power residents have offered some very nice discount codes which I'll have included below I can't promise how long at least won't last but at this price any saving is a bonus and believe me this really stood castable resin so did I do what I set out to do did I make a similar signet ring well if I'm being honest I'm quite pleased I think the original is better detailed and better finished being stainless steel it won't tarnish as quickly as most silicon bronze ring but all in all I'm content I think I've managed to show that an ordinary guy with largely homemade equipment a resin printer castable resin and a desire to have a go can actually make a fairly nice ring at home though I admit buying one would have been much easier I hope you enjoyed this one guys take care and thanks for watching
Channel: VOG
Views: 96,898
Rating: 4.9405203 out of 5
Keywords: Powercast Wax, castable resin, Elegoo Mars, 3D printer, home casting, resin, casting, signet, ring, vog, vegoilguy
Id: xNipIFMKta4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 0sec (660 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 22 2019
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