Using React Native To Build Desktop App - Glotravi Tech

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hello everybody welcome to my channel in today's video i'm going to talk about developing desktop application using react native as you know react native has been used to develop cross-platform mobile application for years but now you can develop desktop application also and this project was developed by microsoft this is their home page so now let's get started in this video i'm gonna make an example with windows application with mac os you use um react native mac os library and with window you will use react native windows library before you go to get started with window you have to go to system requirement and install everything this library need so that you can run the desktop application using react native so to do that you will run this command in powershell open powershell by run as administrator i already installed him so i won't do it but remember you have to do this before you can start so now let's get to get started with window first we need to create a react native project i'll copy this then i'll paste it in glochavi tech folder i'll name the project um glotravie desktop app then press enter you know it will took a little while for the project to install now we have a project a react native project i will go to the project as you can see here you need to navigate into newly created directory okay now i'm in the project the next thing to do is install react native windows library into the project i'll copy it and paste it in press enter it will take a while not so long okay as you can see now we successfully install react native windows in this react native project let me check the project directory as you see now we have android ios and windows folder in the project now to run the application you will have to run this command okay as you can see now it's building so as you can see the project has been viewed and started it will also start a new command line tab from metro i don't know what is this maybe it's a server some kind of server i don't know and in your browser it will create it will open a new tab for the butcher ui and of course your desktop application here you can see we has a desktop application by react native and i will open the project in the visual studio code as you can see here i will change the app.js so let's see if our application will change i will put in a new text hello from low traffic tech yeah save it oh now you can see we have hello from cloud drive text here now you may wondering well should i use this in the next project to create a desktop application if you use this library to to learn to explore the library then go ahead but if you want to create a desktop application for your customer i i won't recommend it well because you know that in react native an application will be depend on a lot many libraries we use libraries to build application it's the same in react native windows you can use react native libraries to create everything in this desktop application if that library has been supported by react native windows team if you want to check which library has been supported you can go to this so as as you can see and here we have two pages of supported libraries it's not so many okay so if you still want to use these libraries then my advice is go to this link and check for the libraries you need for the project okay before you start a project because if you start it you do it and then and then you figure out some library you need for your desktop application has not been supported then it will cost you a lot of time okay you will have to wait for them to be supported or you will have to choose other platform to create your desktop application okay so that's how it works okay thanks for watching my video if you like the video please give me the thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe and turn on notification so you won't miss any helpful video thanks again bye
Views: 440
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: desktop app development, react native, windows app, react native windows, glotravi tech
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 49sec (469 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 07 2021
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