Using Opinion-Marking Signals || GRADE 8 || MELC-based VIDEO LESSON | QUARTER 2 | MODULE 2

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time check it's english o'clock [Music] english teacher nihuan [Music] i made learning english easy for you please like comment and subscribe [Music] [Music] opinion marking signals the target most essential learning competency for this video is using opinion marking signals to share ideas [Music] [Music] but do you think it is really easy to identify opinions from facts or facts from opinions in the internet nowadays like in social media we encounter a lot of fake news one opinion with a twist of fact can be taken as true and not as a false fact there is a blur line between fact and opinion to avoid the confusion let's try to find out some ways on how to identify an opinion from fact [Music] let us first define these two terms fact and opinion what are facts facts are statements that are true and can be verified objectively or proven in other words a fact is true and correct no matter what examples the sun is the center of the solar system there are 365 days in a year manila is the capital of the philippines [Music] [Music] i feel like malolos is the capital of the philippines because i am from malolos in expressing facts there must always be a basis to support it a fact is always objective not subjective [Music] now let us talk about opinion what are opinions opinions are statements that reflect the views or ideas that people have about subjects and topics for example your friend says that chocolate ice cream is better than vanilla ice cream [Music] that is their opinion because not everyone may think the same way nor can it be proven to be true this is objective and it depends on one's preference opinions may not be rooted in fact or be supported by strong evidence though there are exemptions such as in the case of expert opinions [Music] now try to identify facts from opinion in this short exercise is this fact or opinion the sun is a star how about this one i think the performers that we watched are the best [Music] kovit 19 is life-threatening is this fact or opinion [Music] now take a look at number four christmas in the time of pandemic is the worst christmas ever number one and three are facts and we cannot argue with that because this statement can be proven by science while number two and four are opinions [Music] in the examples we can easily see if the statement is an opinion through the clues that are used in the sentences i think the performers that we watched are the best christmas in the time of pandemic is the worst christmas ever the first sentence is only based on someone's preference and it doesn't reflect everyone's belief about the performance [Music] as a performance perro talent shows hindi in the second sentence we can say that this can be true for some especially to those who are affected by the pandemic just like those who lost a loved one or a job but there are still people who feels positive about it some chose to be hopeful and still are happy despite the situation basis now the underlined phrase or words are what we call opinion marking signals what are opinion marking signals opinion marking signals are the words and phrases that we use to help us better express or share our ideas and opinions the following is the list of some opinion marking signals opinion clues qualifiers of quantity some most all none qualifiers of time occasionally sometimes now and again usually always never qualifiers of certainty i guess i think i know i am absolutely certain qualifiers of relative quality good better best worst finest nicest sharpest heaviest descriptive adjectives beautiful ugly delicious disgusting enjoyable horrible inferior superior smart foolish amusing scary introductory words or phrases i think i suppose it is my belief i know i believe i strongly believe i feel in my opinion from my point of view based on what i know as for me speaking for myself in my experience as far as i understand or as far as i can see if i am not mistaken i know you will have to agree that i totally agree or i totally disagree examples of statements expressing opinion number one side dishes are delicious and mouth-watering 2. it is better to live in singapore than in japan 3. i prefer using facebook than twitter 4. i believe that ramon magsaysai is the greatest president of our country 5. some are not considerate enough to check the mental health of their employees 6. in my experience traveling in asia is more fun than traveling in europe 7. the death penalty is wrong 8. i think most filipinos are not happy with what is going on in our country today [Music] but we also have to be careful sometimes there are cases when statements contain facts but are still considered as opinion this is particular in editorial writing where facts are often used to support opinions i totally agree that papaya aids digestion because it is high in fiber the underlying clause is based on fact but the entire statement is considered an opinion because of the introductory phrase i totally agree which signifies opinion everyone will agree that katriona gray won the miss universe 2018 crown because she is the most beautiful among the contestants the underlying class is based on fact but the entire statement is considered an opinion because of the introductory phrase everyone will agree and the words most beautiful which signify opinion remember good opinions are based on facts but they are still opinions now opinion marking signals do have different functions number one to express opinions stating our opinions and ideas are part of daily conversations you can politely express your opinion using the following marking signals i suppose i think i guess in my opinion as far as i'm concerned in my perspective i believe my impression is that i am convinced that number two to express agreement there are ideas we hear or read that might be pleasing to us or of the same belief as we have in this case we agree with a person's idea here are some of the opinion marking signals that we may use to express agreement i agree or i totally agree precisely absolutely i second that that's true i suppose so that's convincing i think so too you're on point [Music] number three to express this agreement other ideas may be different from what we believe in or are just contradictory to what we think in this case it is necessary to express with due respect to the person with a different idea to properly state that we disagree we can make use of phrases such as i see your point but i'm afraid i disagree i'm afraid that's difficult to accept sorry but i beg to disagree well i see it rather differently i agree up to a point but [Music] number four to politely interrupt interrupting a conversation is necessary for some reason you might be in the middle of a conversation when you want to clarify things or you have to leave while another person is still speaking it will be helpful to use phrases such as i don't mean to intrude but excuse me but in my opinion if i may interrupt before you go on i'd like to say that that reminds me if i may add so again to help you distinguish facts from opinion just take a look at this chart basis for comparison meaning fact refers to something that can be proven to be true or false opinion refers to judgment or belief about something basis fact observation or research opinion assumption or personal feelings or view verification fact can be proven true or false through objective evidence opinion cannot be presently verified nature fact objective reality opinion subjective statement change fact universal opinion differs from person to person words frequently uses measurable or verifiable numbers statistics dates and measurements opinion uses value judgment words and comparisons such as best most and others to avoid confusion in identifying if a statement is an opinion or not ask the question does this statement tell what someone thinks feels or believes if the answer is yes then it is an opinion [Music] so did you learn something today should i call him a nosebleed if you want more of this video tutorial and learn english in a light speed walk kalimu tang muk subscribe and turn on a notification button updated lessons an english teacher in iwan class dismissed see ya [Music]
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Length: 14min 42sec (882 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 30 2021
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