Creating the best Decayed Master Sword to Defeat Ganondorf

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foreign a few weeks ago I took the decayed Master Sword to  defeat Ganondorf and honestly I didn't feel good   about how it ended I could only use it to get the  last hit if you could even call it the last hit I tried to do more with the  sword but it failed miserably   I had to do the dragon fight three  times just to get that last hit the sword's durability only lasts for six hits unlike the master sword you cant fuse anything to it all that fight really did for me was solidify the  fact that maybe maybe my sword really is fragile I understand that you don't know me that well  but did you really think I would give up that easy? how did I fix my fragile ego I mean sword  therapy yes I mean no wst weapon state transfer WST allows me to transfer fuse durability and  the weapon bonus from one weapon to another   by crouching and dropping our equipped weapon aka  the weapon with the stats that we want and then   equipping another weapon then dropping a shield  that's not equipped hit plus plus quickly and drop   the equipped weapon we should see that we have the  weapon still equipped but it's also on the ground pick up the donor weapon first then you're free to pick up everything else and now we  can see the transfer was successful the only problem with this is that you have to be  able to drop the sword that you want to transfer to  and the game isnt willingly going to let us  drop the decayed Master Sword solution zuggle zuggling will cause link to hold multiple weapons  in his hand and if we overload link the weapons   start falling on the ground so when we equip  the decayed Master Sword the sword is in the   state we need equipped but not in our hands this  is called unload wst and it works on 1.0 to 1.1.2   there's a link in the description  to a more thorough guide   if you want to learn more about how  this helps us only use the decayed   Master Sword for the final fight without it  breaking keep watching but if you want to   move on to the next part of the story go  to this time or skip to the next chapter weapon state transfer Works to refresh the sword  in multiple ways durability is a huge factor for   Success when doing wst the current durability from  the donor weapon is transferred to the new weapon but the new weapon's durability cannot go past its  Max so I have that Branch with four durability and   I have this bigger stick with more durability  this Branch currently only has two durability   left and if I weapon state transfer the big stick  to the branch it'll have four durability again highly recommend you check out the  video in the description for a way   better explanation about how durability works if I do this in reverse and use the branch as the   donor weapon it's going to transfer  this two durability to the Big Stick so to weapon state transfer  to the decayed Master Sword   I need a donor weapon with a base  durability that's greater than six wst will also transfer the fused item in most  but not all situations a fuse item will give   25 extra durability a weapon can only ever  have a lifetime of 25 extra hits from a fuse   but wst bypasses that and gives us whatever  the fuse duration of the donor weapon has   wst also transfers the weapon bonus I'm going with   durability up because it gives me more  damage over the lifespan of the sword the durability weapon bonus gives you randomly  anywhere between 6 and 10 extra durability I'll   be using the silver linal saber the silver libel  this the Lionel horn it gives 55 damage plus 25   durability and the master sword has one damage  and six durability in the worst case scenario   that I get plus six extra durability 37  durability times 56 damage is 2072 damage   overall but if I went with the plus 10 attack  modifier 31 durability times 66 damage equals   2046. I got lucky with a plus nine so that's 40  durability times 56 damage equals 2240 damage   I'll be using the attack of food and  that's 1.5 times so in this example   the durability is giving me 3 360 damage when  the plus 10 attack is giving me 3069 damage   it doesn't matter in the long run but that  extra 300 damage gives me a little more room   to breathe in case I hit the Phantoms or  do a jump attack did you guys get all that damn it with all that there's still one  true obstacle left even if I wst to the   decayed Master Sword how long is it gonna last  it's definitely not gonna last the whole fight   well that's the good thing about wst I can  just do it again whenever the sword gets weak   but that means I have to do this mid  fight multiple times so when you watch   the fight disregard the piles  of weapons that start showing up   now I just need to grab a few things to create  the donor weapon and some stuff for the fight foreign we will talk about why I need the  hover Stones a little bit later foreign so a few things before we get started  I won't be showing any army or Boss Rush   I cut up some of the cutscenes and left them in  mainly the ones that showed the decayed Master   Sword or just the ones I thought looked cool I  cut out all the times I needed to refresh the   master sword normally I cut the weapon change  frames or the item use frames and and all the   stuff like that because it quickly removes you  from the vibe I'm trying to make but I left   one in where I changed back to the decayed  Master Sword just to show you that I did it   but if you do want to see an unedited version  of the fight Please Subscribe leave a comment   let me know I could post a version of it without  any edits so that you can see it start to finish so here we are I'll have to take the donor  weapon with me plus another weapon to zuggle   with but here she is I even thought  of a really cute name for Flex tape foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign thank you thank you foreign okay so there's something we need to talk  about I think we all know by now that the   last hit is with the real master sword I know  you will forgive it and let it count as only   using the fragile sword it's basically a cut  scene and there isn't much we can do about it well I'm super Petty and I and spend all this  time to come all this way to have to finish   this fight with some souped up sunburn million  year old dusty Dragon brain sword that I didn't   even send back in time to begin with so I'm gonna  get out of this by any means necessary take a look that's right there's nothing in my hand if Flex  tape can't have the last hit nobody gets to as   you see to the left here right before I landed I  used a hover platform to create a place to zuggle   just like how we needed a zuggle to make the  decayed Master Sword not show in my hand when   I equipped it I zuggle here to do the same thing  to the master sword special thanks to generic NPC   for coming up with this last minute and this  is how he explained what you're about to see   instead of physical damage Ganondorf  is gonna take a final mental attack   and die from the humiliation of  being beat with a fragile sword foreign well this has been a journey for me it's  definitely had its ups and downs huge shout   out to generic NPC who helped me test and theorize  a lot of the things you saw in this video a link   to his twitch will be in the description  if you like the video consider subscribing   I can't believe I'm so close to one thousand  either way I would really enjoy your feedback   if you could leave a comment with the part  you like the most or even the part that kind   of bored you but above all things I really  do hope you enjoyed it thanks for watching
Channel: Timber
Views: 50,774
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Speedrun, Totk, Tears of the kingdom, Totk glitches, Ganondorf, decayed master sword, Master sword, Mastersword, Totk Challenge
Id: l3evRPKl4b8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 52sec (1132 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 31 2023
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