Using ONLY Spawners Unit In Toilet Tower Defense

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today sunny and I play toilet Tower Defense but we can only use spawner units can we defeat nightmare mode using only spawner units I guess you'll have to find out melon I've been telling you about this challenge for ages bro it's time for the spawner units only let's do this thing Sunny I've got the scientist TV Man helicopter and engineer cameraman yeah plus we got our little money makers those are always allowed guys cuz it's more fun with more money vote for nightmare mode sunny and let's do this thing it's time bro and we need to protect our walls so yeah go ahead and place some units like that yo that is a good idea Sunny place our pumpkin patches down instantly yeah where's yours bro right there Sunny chill chill you were scaring me melon and I've turned on Autos skip so we could start to get paid let's do this thing Sunny we need to place down our pumpkin Farmers to make maximum income I love imma moms shut up bro learn to speak I know you're just a watermelon with four melon seeds for a brain but Focus up otherwise these toilets are going to end us oh no keep Autos skip on Sunny we need to place another pumpkin farmer and scientist cameraman and then after that it's probably a good idea for us to get an engineer soon yeah we just need to skip one wave and then place our Engineers down we might even be able to afford two let's count 1 2 3 350 yeah we'll be able to afford two engineer cameraman in no time Sunny let's go cuz some of these toilets are turning the bend bro they're almost at the end game it's okay I've got an engineer cameraman at level two baby yeah let me Place mine back here as well I actually have two Engineers you are crazy sunny I went for an alternative strategy now we have maximum Rovers cruising in now Sunny I'm going to request that you turn off Autos skip bro you're getting crazy out here what dude I'm trying to make that money like look bro look I got all of my units in bro we're going to die so quickly you got to be careful okay I turned it off I turned it off oh no Sunny you skipped another wave well time to level these guys up I should be able to get my engineer cameraman to 10,000 HP units we just got to clean up a few of these smaller toilets that's right bro and I've ranked up one of my units as well so I should have 5,000 Health coming through and a puny little Rover and 10,000 units are being deployed Sunny that's good that's good now I do hope we survive melon cuz that is a lot of toilets coming up slap them I think we should be fine we just got to worry about this boss and mutant toilet you're right hold on let me get another engineer level there we go th000 Health at least oh bro I'm not worried about these look how far back they are by the time they make it to the front lines we'll already have so many of our camera toilets look at this bro we are mowing down these little toilets and getting paid let's go and at 400 Buckaroo skis melon I'll have enough for two camera toilets that have 5,000 Health that's what we need Sunny that is what we need and the cool part is they spawn fast the ones with 5,000 Health only take 15 seconds are you telling me it's a better upgrade to get them both to that level then to have one as the level above yeah pretty much you are a genius I always crunch the numbers out here all right sunny I need to debate something would it be better to place our wall people here let me see I'm just getting my engineer up there we go because they can only shoot forward and ahead so they'd be able to cover this entire track yeah but if you put them here where I'm standing they're going to shoot all of these units here I have a feeling if we put them even here they might shoot across you're right actually right here a good spot the only thing is melon if we were to put them where I'm standing we're running a pretty huge risk cuz if they don't shoot then we kind of wasted them I think this isn't a bad spot either though if we place them here or perhaps here instead oh it's tough I really want to gamble it and put one over here I'm just going to place down some more pumpkin farmers in this corner cuz the thing is melon if I have a wall here and it actually shoots across we're going to have crazy damage throughout the whole game cuz he'll never die all right sunny I think it's worth the risk it could backfire horribly you know what we only live once oh wait we beat all those boss toilets I didn't even realize yeah bro that was easy time for more farmers and time to get my engineer cameraman to level five brother you need to chill actually we do need those upgrades we're going to need a tank as soon as possible otherwise we're going to get leveled by those flying units I know sunny I need $4,000 that's a lot of money also when you place your wall guy down make sure you place him here not at this corner cuz he could end up facing this way I don't think it matters which way they face dude all right I think it kind of does Sunny I'm not going to lie to you either way I'll put him at this corner put him like right here YOLO that's what we needed that's a good placement bro this could be a huge mistake at least get my pumpkin Farmers to level two each yes they must be level two we need Maximum cash flow now it's time I save up for that $4,000 upgrade yep that's a really good idea how many levels do you have on your pumpkin patches um they're just all level two I don't think I'm going to go past that for now yeah then once I get tanks I'll start investing yeah I was going to say you can't really spend more money to make money because if an airplane shows up we're doomed you're absolutely right so in the meantime I will save up for more money I was going to say the same thing oh no Sunny what um can we hit this guy I don't think we can actually hit this guy Sunny wait a second I have an idea deploying attack helicopter upgrade upgrade upgr UPG upgrade upgr upgrade upgrade wait no our toilets can hit him let's go d that's good but it's the airplanes that they can't hit bro I know Sunny we've got to save up but we could also do a lot of skip waves if the airplane comes true and I've deployed a large cameraman unit out of this helicopter which does do some damage flying buzs saww toilet Sunny I'm pretty sure that's definitely going to go over our toilets yeah we're not safe we're definitely not safe but don't skip the wave yet okay let's let more toilets spawn in wait he hits our camera toilets oh we're chilling then let's let this wave get clean clean up cuz that's a lot of Boss toilets with a ton of health and then after it's over you should have enough money you're right Sunny yes I'll be rich we need that bro we need that so satisfying watching these camera toilets melt through the spider toilets yeah it's going to be kind of sad though when this large cameraman gets there no it's okay he's going to put in work I feel it let's see how much work he does to this boss toilet he's tickling them oh no he did like a th000 damage then he died let's see I have 700 Buck arusi what should I upgrade I think we should probably just hit that massive skip wave soon Sunny yeah give me a second to ponder on it cuz I'm going to upgrade a patch all right do what you got to do wait hold on first let me invest in some money makers yep same get the Army building up bring on the tanks melon get over here let's dance at toilet City look at that beautiful bugger he's going to absolutely crack these units and now we don't even have to worry about airplanes let's go and you know what that means upgrading my money same here Sun I just need to get some money to do that dude we're making Investments we're basically Wall Street yeah exactly we're actually a hedge fund would you like to invest with us we have the finest toilets and the largest pumpkins and a lot of dead toilets too bro your camera toilets are useless they only have 5,000 HP chill bro they're going to get big one day but for now I need more money same here same here don't skip w bro let's maximize our cash here that's what I'm saying Sunny yo your first tank is still so far back Palm Paradise is the ultimate map for spawning units it really is bro the track is so freaking long yeah but then it's the slowest gam playay ever it's okay sunny soon we'll be skipping waves like nothing that's true we'll be speed running my first tank is engaging in combat and he absolutely melted them yeah that wasn't even close bro he's killing the glasses toilets let's go t thanks yo they're going to level these toilets they're not even going to die here no they're not bro that was so awesome and now I have $2,000 I'm thinking I'm going to go ahead and Max this out actually I need more money still yeah I'm just going with my scientist cameraman you got to get them all to level three and your patches to level two and then you start maxing out your pumpkin Farmers is that the optimal most efficient route let's go they see me rolling patrolling no melon I meant down here look what he's doing yo let's go tanks yeah bro they're sniping all the units before they even get out here that's what we like to see look at these tanks melt the dual claws let's go front lines front lines front lines payday payday oh yeah that's a lot of money first tank has fallen Sunny that's okay because we're about to kill this minigun toilet and get a maxed out pumpkin patch yeah don't skip I need to invest in my pumpkin patches as well all right hurry up oh I didn't skip no oh I missed it your tank skipped it full tank why well melon it's another wave of free money cuz none of these units can even get close to our toilet City exactly Sunny we're wrecking them we might as well skip wave no melon oh I'm an idiot bro I miss my money making opportunities oh no and sunny do you see this Wave It's actually looking mighty terrifying yes and I'm still only spending money on money I'm not getting any more damage yet but soon I'll acquire more damage bro I can't wait till they put another spawner unit in I hope they put a mythical one in that would be awesome it's about time we get something stronger than these and they need to update the scientist TV man his walls are actually trash they need to make it so you can delete the walls and replace them somewhere else and they need to give another level up to it that gives it a million health I absolutely concur Sunny speaking of insane the first airplane toilet's here I'm pretty sure it's the first one at least it definitely is but Sunny we're going to wreck this thing yeah you've got a lot of Tanks out here on the battlefield I'm not even worried about it no way you already maxed your patches out I sure did bucko and my scientists are all level three bro this airplane toilet is just sniping my tanks yeah but then it's going to delete itself yeah it's dead it's dead and now melon I'll save up for some engineer upgrades maybe I'll make this guy maximum level so he's also spawning tanks yes I just need a bit more money and I can invest in money let's go and at the start of the next wave I will have a maxed out engineer ready to roll yes indeed and over the BL that's what we need shall we skip I think we should be a little bit more careful with these wave skips yeah you're probably right one slip up but we're going to be doomed now I've invested so we can skip now really all right that's a maxed out engineer now we have two tanks spawning in so I think we're going to be good for a little while and my pumpkin farmer is maxed Sunny I'm maximizing my profit now I also would like to upgrade my scientist cameramen to make me more money Sunny do you see this I think it is time for a skip wave wait no no no we need to let our tanks build up a bit bro there's a lot of HP to kill you're right and to do that I need to make a new tank and to do that I need to skip wave melon melon that's not how it works relax breathe skip wave you might have just cost us the game I hope you know that and I invested Sunny don't you worry I have two tanks coming in now and I'm upgrading this helicopter to level four so he's going to spawn in more powerful units sunny I might have messed up I didn't even have enough money to Max him out yeah I I realized that dude you only get paid like 3,000 per wave I thought I was going to get get paid a lot more than that I'm not going to lie it's okay we have three tanks spawning and this guy's creating a pretty strong unit now and wait this wave was heck a weak Sunny we're actually chilling we're chilling you sure bro look at this wave there's literally nothing here oh yeah you're right that's pretty chill let's go that's what we like to see and new tank upgrade wait you have two tanks as well now yeah let's go and I think that time I think the time has come Sunny for the scientist TV man no no don't Place him yet don't Place him yet I want to see if this guy can reach let's go with his next UPG UPG grade to Sunny you'll have even more Health now check this out or single-handedly take down the flying rocket launcher toilet check this out yeah you need a lot of upgrades and hold spam that upgr oh he slept never mind that was embarrassing he even Flew Over the barrier Sunny he didn't even take it out he just dipped he said nice low wall bro I'm flying well I guess it's time for another engineer I mean yeah that's all we really can do sunny I think it's time for a skip wave as well if you insist bada boom bada bing up upgrade this scientist TV man to his maximum capabilities very good I want to see this TV man on the other side start shooting missiles so I need to save up 6,000 bro this boy is about to die yes he's shooting his machine gun oh that was cool to see and the UFO toilet destroyed my wall okay my wall is about to unload yes that's awesome you know what I should probably Max this out yeah why not there we go now he does 2,000 DPS and has 15,000 Health that's what we like to see can't wait till we have four of these helicopters and eight tanks bro we might actually be able to take nightmare M out with this we might actually be able to take nightmare out with this strategy I'm pretty sure we're going to win dude I don't know I'm still a little scoured Sunny anything's possible melon anything is possible and sunny check this out maxed out wall nicely done bro you're blasting them by the way your scientist here is only level two what are you doing wait he's not even level three that's just sad bro I wasn't going to level them up past level three it kind of seems pointless but check it out he almost took down the rocket toilet as well he just survived that whole wave he soloed that wave that was insane yeah and that's why I'm going to upgrade this wall to max level and let's see what happens where's he going to shoot imagine if he shoots them over here yo he is Yo yes let's go he's so strong I'm putting my other wall over there too I think we should have three walls there so I think we should Auto skip we're going to waste a lot of Tanks if we don't yeah skip should I place another wall there too I think we just put all the walls here so that they can Auto fire yo I got that corner barrier yo you Max him out first I want to see if he's actually able to hit them from behind I assume so but you could even put one behind my other wall it should work all right let's see if he starts shooting his machine gun they're dying too quickly bro skip wave yo he's it is working yeah is he shooting his little turret I didn't see it he is he is look he's unloading at them even further away now cuz he's closer up yeah put yours here where I'm standing are you sure Sunny where else would you put it I don't know I'm scared I feel like they can't shoot behind them but I think you're right maybe they can this is in front cuz the track is in front if I place him here he's going to be facing this way Sunny yeah but I think it's programmed so it just checks the tracks that's in front and then checks the AOE are you sure I don't know honestly I'm making things up or should I just be safe and put him back here that's really far Bro Look your guy isn't shooting behind him look check it out yo it's shot over here melon okay I'll Place him right here Sunny dude look at this corner it's an absolute Fortress and maxed him out Sunny Auto skip just Auto skip Auto skip bro look at our tanks and I'm I'm going to have another maxed out engineer here yep same here brother I have too many units I have four maxed out Engineers Sunny yep I just sold off one of my scientists so that I can have four of these and Max that out really quick there we go go and melon there's only one unit left for me to buy so I'm going to sell this other scientist right here you know what yeah I can always sell my patches later and create more decoys so now let's put another helicopter right next to this one yes exactly sunny and then melon you can put yours on the other side of this road exactly check it out all right B Bing I have maximum units bro there's nothing left for me same here Sunny we're absolutely goated this is as far as the strategy could possibly take us I'm going to turn auto skip off bro your wall is about to get melted bro it actually stood strong for quite a while and I can't tell all three of our walls are shooting or just one or two oh no yours is not working my boys are firing this is what I was worried about sunny it's okay though it's still good in the back lines it still will fire a lot of this track so you know what it's not terrible but it's not as good as if I put it right here so my point is why can't you just sell this it's so dumb you should be able to sell it and replace it just like any other unit I agree shny I should have went with my gut though I knew this might have happened I didn't tell you not to put it where I'm standing I just said don't put it over here this far back bro are you kidding me whatever at least we have three three cannons blasting these Noob units skip wave bro and the rockets do 10,000 damage in an AOE let's go I wonder if your guy will shoot them when they get here at least it's a little camera Rover how did he make it to the front lines and he's dead all right I'm looking at your wall and yeah sadly it looks like nobody's doing any work melon would you like to skip this wave of course I would like to skip this wave Sunny wait a second melon I just thought of something it's a really really bad strategy but technically if I sell an engineer and respawn it and I keep spamming that for $200 I'm pretty sure it'll spawn a camera overover each time how is that going to ever be worth it let's just see if this works for fun bro cuz I got nothing else to spend my money on so here here we go here we go look at the spawn area Rover cell Rover cell yeah it's working sunny but that's never going to equal a tank you'd have to do a 100 of them yeah but look it's cool I can lag the game stop it what are you doing I'm making an army bro you don't have an army of Rovers do you I don't but I don't even want one yeah this is a pretty stupid strategy but I have $30,000 what else am I supposed to do bro I feel like I'm myth busting or something at least you need to spawn and place pumpkin patches as distractions Sunny you know what I'm just going to max out this engineer back here now instead I was the one that wanted to place it behind the other walls yeah yeah yeah do you have video evidence I do actually wait what are you going to tell the viewers to rewind to like minute 12 bro I'm just saying there's literally video Ed there's literally video evidence of that happening H questionable debatable not question it it's true what are you talking about I'm talking about these vacuum toilets getting deleted and skipping away bro they're kind of munching on our tanks nah bro they ain't got nothing and your Rover armor is dead by the way they they just like all died no no they're still coming look there's still more and he goes in the front I appreciate their bravery bro the smallest guy is going in the front they got small camera syndrome they have to go in the front lines always they are ballsy I'll say that much yeah we got Titans in the front lines again again let's go melt these boys and they got melted themselves it's okay they did their best wait a second melon I have a better idea check this out attack helicopter spam because these units do 100 DPS that's a terrible strategy if I have an army of them melon you don't understand that's literally a horrible idea Sunny I'm taking them directly to the source watch this ready sell sell get in there boyos yo they're shooting from the sideline wait what the heck that you just found a way to make a tower Sunny wait a second melon what if I start amassing an army outside of Spawn check this out I'm going to place the helicopters back here ready yo look at these little guys rolling in wait no no I need them to go this way bro they are doing a mission right now do you want to help do you want to assist the mission bro they're going to enter the toilets let's go they did it yes they're going to defeat our enemies and I want to watch my wall collapse again my wall is the homie bro he went to the front lines with no help he's a lone wolf actually he is two other walls helping but your second wall abandoned it shut up you literally told me to place my wall there ah melon don't blame others for your shortcomings oh my goodness sunny and now these helicopter parasite toilets are going to kill my wall you know what the camera helicopter should be spawning these in that should be the last unit that it summons spawning what in like flying little helicopters oh you're right Sunny that actually would make a lot of sense cuz he is a helicopter toilet exactly and the engineer summons toilets so why can't he mutant toilet has defeated shy it has been deleted from the game why do these guys have so much health for no reason obviously because they're turret spider toilets so annoying they're so tiny and you think they're weak but then they have 600,000 HP yeah and then they run through your squad and then you skip wave when you really shouldn't do it oh my goodness Sunny you are a crazy Bane whatever bro I wasted about 3 seconds if we lose with 3 seconds left you can blame me don't do it sunny don't you dare do it yeah we would definitely lose oh my goodness this laser toilet is insane I haven't even seen that before destroyed your wall like it wasn't even there bro is this human always been here why do I not remember it cuz normally we have tons of Titans and this guy dies really quick you've never seen the laser beams hitting your Farms I have but I thought that was just a normal UFO I think both of them do it but this guy does it a lot my goodness Sunny we killed him though sure took him out real nice and good like are you nice and good l oh no that is a lot of Health on that UFO all good I hate how it goes invisible it's so annoying yeah and how it just absolutely deletes your wall darn UFO tlets so disrespectful of them to disappear on us it's absolutely ridiculous I wonder where the enemies are going to meet our tanks it's probably going to be yeah about halfway right here Sunny so that's not good just for the record that is not good this is a light wave for our tanks S I wouldn't call it a light wave bro we have so much health to finish oh wow I did not see all this stuff that is trouble it's still light compared to the last wave though yo yeah you chilled their vacuums you let the Titan cameraman shoot you for a bit they got to our tanks Sunny they're getting to our Fortress do we have what it takes to survive wave 39 it's actually terrifying bro that is a lot of Health back behind here no we're fine Sunny we're chilling we chilling I mean our walls are going to melt most of these if they get close but the fact that they're even getting close is concerning uh it's a little bit Scurry I won't let but we should be able to do this sunny I believe we can take down nightmare mode I'm glad you believe bro cuz that's sometimes all it takes to succeed is a positive mindset absolutely and ideally if we could spawn in 10 engineers then we'd be better off oh 10 Engineers we would crush everything but Sunny we are melting these buzs saw toilets that's insane dude the walls when they all work together the AOE Splash damage is nuts yeah they actually put in that work and your Wall's dead so Kad Sunny we're going to take down these minigun toilets like it's nothing boss toilet 4.0 we've got one in game oh no it's okay sunny we've got them we've got him Sunny this is an actual light wave bro that's 2.7 million health I don't know what you're talking about that's a lot of Health that's fine Sunny we've took out more Health before you know what the wall should have a feature where you can pay to rebuild it and it's like 3,000 coins or something because we have so much money but we can't spend it anywhere that would actually be sick okay keep this Wall Alive as as long as possible please please and he's dead well we tried sell that one but look our boys made it to the front line that's it bro we got to keep slowing all of these units down oh no there is a claw toilet with a lot of Health here too but at least he's super slow he gets Mega distracted yeah dude I think we'll actually take him out as long as he goes on one of the patches come on come on yes he did it suy yes that absolute buffoon and now we'll start slowing down these boss toilets he's still going to take out my wall though for sure but he's very low now it's working I'm slowing them down maybe he'll stop yes he stopped to sleep this one bro this is a lot of Health that's like 3 million Health this is like 7 million Health coming at us I know that's why it's very important to sleep them bro this guy is straight up melting our units right now Sunny yo he shot backwards and he wasted my distraction plot bro this guy is clearing house right now brother it's okay he's getting real low right now yeah this is uh this is getting close Sunny this is definitely getting close yeah and it's wave 41 we've got more to contend with after bro they almost made it to the First wall here but we stopped them just before that's good and I'm trying to distract this claw toilet as best I can he wasn't interested in that patch maybe this one he was going to get interested in this one either way yeah but the further back we get him distracted the better yeah actually want to keep him as alive as long as possible come on oh no it's okay it's okay he's not going to take out any more tanks we got him way 42 let's go and now I protect your wall again yeah Place him more like here cuz we want to distract them for these walls oh I see I see we have lots of distractions for those walls I'm just putting this in the very front of your wall as backup yeah this is another tough wave but I think we've got this why is this guy standing still I mean that's good let's keep him busy wait you're right I'm an idiot bro these are way better distractions yeah the only reason I was using the patches is I wasn't sure if they were bigger and it made a difference but I don't think it matters definitely doesn't matter sunny this is the most important part for us to slow them down Sunny you better have all your units placed is let them get slowed and bazooka take them out boys take them out oh no there's a claw so many Strider type toilets and then a toxic mutant it's okay sunny we can take this wave out I believe bro I feel like I'm playing Starcraft there's so much to do right now really I'm haven't been doing anything why are you not spawning things in oh my bad my bad hold on let me sell these guys off don't you see what I'm doing I I need your help okay fine I'll slow him down sunny it's worth it bro it's actually going to make a huge difference it'll also slow down the toxic mutant so make sure you get both distractions in I'm trying bro there's just so much buying and selling to do oh bro they almost made it to the walls but they got melted yeah but this guy still has 2 mil keep him busy for as long as we can ignore the toxic toilet just focus on this guy put him all to sleep I'm going back for the toxic toilet now oh no he took down one of our walls it's okay we have two more now we need to Sidetrack this toxic toilet okay this guy won't even make it to the walls yeah I sold my moneymaking units who cares though we got them no way okay selling all of these so I have more units yeah absolutely Sunny we're going to need to distract a lot this wave yep and don't forget to put them back I think we got it though I Believe in Us yeah we do we're doing a good job slowing them down guys comment down below if you've ever seen someone use this strategy and actually lets us be nightmare mode I'll be so impressed with myself oh no oh no they busted through all the walls are you kidding me I thought the walls were going to be fine I was worried about these two oh no hopefully the walls respawn wait I got to keep them distracted we need the walls to reply we need the walls to replenish I know Sunny we desperately need this yes the walls are back no way that's what we needed stop them it's going to do a lot of damage but maybe it's enough now yo it's enough it's enough bro we actually beat wave 44 don't know how much more we can manage do not skip this intermission whatever you do now what do we want to focus on well I guess just Spam them everywhere whoever we slow down we slow down this wave is actually a lot easier than the last one I mean there's still a lot of units out here bro don't get too excited it's not easy but it's easier than the last one for sure this is actually a mbba ton of vacuum toilets Sunny I've never seen a maon like this there's so many come on boys take them out okay distract them distract them distract them I'm trying here I'm trying and they're actually going to kill our walls oh no oh oh no don't tell me don't tell me this is a wave the wave I said was easy it's going to kill us Sunny no no no no no more distractions s we got to survive wave 45 oh no Sunny oh no this is not looking good bro that thing still has don't tell me that's 1.5 million that is hny we died wait maybe we kill the tripping flying toilet and then can we tank one hit tank a hit tank it you stupid City how can you not survive one hit dang it bro we made it it's so far in nightmare mode and that last unit that was coming in slow was going to melt to our walls if only toilet City could handle one bit of damage well sunny I think it's safe to say we've made it farther than anybody in this challenge that is the maximum level you can make it to unless maybe you had one slightly better play Scientist wall shut up and if you watched until the end of this video please make sure you're subscribed to our Channel
Channel: Sunny and Melon
Views: 822,841
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 53sec (1673 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 24 2023
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