Using Official PDFs to Fill your PF2e World - Foundry VTT v10

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good day Adventures my name is Chris and today I'm gonna be having a very interesting tutorial tool for ages long by has just been updated and that specifically is called PDF to Foundry what does it do basically the gist of it makes the PDFs you already purchased from the pisa's official website compatible and installable directly in Foundry vtt and let's let's start through with the beginning I already set up the bestiary and you'll see that some of the tokens were already created and I will guide you on how to do that okay let's start with the beginning I'm gonna be following the steps and you'll see exactly uh what I'm doing on the screen I'm calling running version 10 build 291 I made a I made another tutorial prior to the module being updated when how to get it to version game but it's currently already here okay as usual you go to install module search for the package in this case it's going to be PDF to Foundry uh and it's created by fryguy we're currently running version 4. let's go back to um Pathfinder 2 version okay I already set up a world I'm I'm assuming you already know how to do this do not forget to activate your module okay so that is well manage modules I have my own module PDF to Foundry important this is what we're interested in um in the settings tab you'll notice that you actually do have another button here and it's kind of straightforward it's going to be uh explain exactly what you you're going to be able to do on the AP tab it shows what Adventure paths are compatible what's Standalone Adventures what Pathfinder Society um uh seasons are compatible so far bounties and best CRVs okay I already did the best theory one just to have a run however [Music] let me put it up however I also have the best cre2 unfortunately I never got around to buying the best year three things most likely I'm gonna be saving money for the token pack that is provided directly by founder that being said let's get into it so right now I'm simply trying to populate the this Theory 2 with their images importantly as you can clearly see nothing is here so choose file I already set up a older and he this is basically two I believe okay this is simply the best year however I'm going to be taking the liberty and [Music] showing on how you can add a module as well since it's a little bit of a more more of a two-step process that I mean says it does not help us let's remove these so foreign depending on how big is the book it's gonna take a bit and I feel like it's taking a little bit more since it's importing Maps as well if you're gonna be doing adventure paths and we're about to be spout [Music] I I could open the base here right now and see exactly what's modified [Music] however that's something which I'm gonna do in a moment after this completes so do bear with me enjoy the music I hope you hear it just fine and we'll see exactly I already set up um I believe part three from the um agents of edge watch I'm trying to remember how it's called it's been a while since I've run that thank you all of All or Nothing um I have that I'm trying to select specifically that since it's somewhere um outside the overall scope it's in the middle of a campaign just to show you that it's it works as in then okay come on boy come on you can do it I'm not gonna try to speed up the process just bear with me as to see exactly how much you can take it also can freeze do not worry just be patient with it foreign [Music] [Music] as you can see now I do have token support as well looking forward to you as you can see the image is not updated though I believe it after importing I might be wrong with this one apologize there we go after importing you should have the image for the creature as well I did play around with it a little bit earlier okay so we covered on how you can add art to your NPCs well monsters more specifically now let's actually add a full adventure oh AP I'm gonna be having age of Agents of WeChat uh sorry agents of edgewatch part three so let's go to that and this is what what the file name is when you download it from the pyzos website okay import ant now it's gonna be slow okay not that slowly as before but most likely it has to get a little less information uh as you can see it also adds the NPCs and actors and everything stay a while since there is another step that you need to do [Music] okay you're good [Music] okay you should receive a notification every time you complete an import here in the chat it's only to the game master so your players even if you're doing it live uh I'm not gonna be using it all of the NPCs from the campaign are going to be imported into the actor staff with art and Associated references inventory what they have on them everything is accounted for I would say Okay items I don't believe any items were wearing this campaign only in the first one now you do have the whole company over here and with quick reference the monster you can actually do so like this and drag it on top of it but the most important one is this the map of Absalom which is where the campaign is taking place and all of the encounters you're gonna be having in uh said campaign you can add multiple APS on top of each other and they should work as intended oh speaking of going back a little bit onto the maps the maps can be updated let me show you what I'm referring to momentarily so let's go to the Alex kirmish let's activate this so we see exactly if you zoom in closely you notice they're a little bit uh poorer quality than usual however you were provided a very good quality map as well with the adventure hopefully you did or uh you managed to get it from a pack now if you zoom in it's a little below quality let's change that this was the actual step I wanted to inform okay we picked the interactive maps start again and this should update to the higher quality maps from the PDFs [Music] [Music] okay perfect [Music] well that being said thank you so much for watching and I do wish on the first of everything go check my module as well maybe you'll find something useful in that [Music]
Channel: RolePlaying Kris
Views: 1,378
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pathfinder 2e PDF to Foundry, PDF to Foundry v10
Id: WKO6B8iiXSo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 58sec (598 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 23 2023
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