Using Mac Reminders List Templates

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hi this is Gary with let me show you how to use list templates in reminders [Music] macmost is brought to you texture a great group of more than a thousand supporters go to patreon there you could read more about the patreon campaign join us and get exclusive content and course discounts now a new feature in Mac OS Ventura and also in iOS 16 and iPad OS 16 is that you can now create list templates and reminders so you don't have to start each reminders list from scratch let's start with a simple example say you have a grocery shopping list like this now you could go grocery shopping maybe on your iPhone you're checking off the different items as you get them and then it removes them from the list and the next time you want to go grocery shopping you could go and scroll to the top of this list click show and then uncheck those items to add them back or you could simply select all of those and then go to edit and Mark as incomplete but another way to do this now is to create a list template so you start off with a regular list like this and then you go to file and then save as template now you're going to give it a name it's going to start by default with the name you already have for the list and in this case that works so let's create it it's going to take the icon and the color you're using for that template list as well so if you wanted that to be something different you may want to have gone to show list info first and change the icon and color there now let's say you go shopping and you complete all the items on this list like that they're all done you're finished with shopping you can delete this list and then next week roll those along and it's time to go shopping again now you can go to file and new list and notice that you have the option to create a new list name it give it a call or an icon or all of that but you could also go to templates and then select that grocery shopping list and create list you can also just double click on this and it will take all the items that were stored in that template and create a new list from it and it uses the title the icon everything so in this example with grocery shopping the idea would be to put all the items that you regularly pick up when shopping on this list then when you create a new list from this template you can go in and edit it so you can get rid of an item that you don't need and then maybe add a new item to the list it's a lot better than starting off from scratch here's another example here's a list that you may start off with when you want to pack for a trip and you've got your basic items here you can create a template from this as well and now you've got two templates if you want to go and create a new list you can select templates and select from the list but you could also go to view templates and then you see all your templates here now you could double click on any one of these to create a new list from the template you could also select it and click create list there's also a variety of options you can choose here so you can show template info and this is where you could change the template name which uses the default when you create a new list from this template you can change the color and you can change the icon if you want to something else like that you could also go in and edit the template and this will open up this list in its own window and now you can go in here you can't check off items because this isn't really an active list you're just editing the template but you can go in and you can change the name for each of these items you can add new items to it you also have buttons here at the bottom for deleting this template or creating a new list from it you can also go here and delete the template or rename it right from this list now another thing you can do is you can share a template so as soon as you hit share there it's going to now be a shared list you can decide to send an invite via email or messages or you could just copy the link to send it to somebody else like that they would get the template and be able to create their own list from this template but not edit it once you have it shared you go back here go to manage a link you could send the link again or you could stop sharing now each reminder in a list can have other properties such as a tag like that or perhaps maybe a time like that in that case when you go to share the template you're going to be asked whether or not to include these times and tags in the shared version now you would think that if you use a time here and you create a new list from a template that the time would adjust so if this is today at 11 then if I were to use it three weeks from now I would still get today at 11 but at least in my tests it actually uses the original date instead so you have to adjust that so using times with reminders doesn't really work very well with templates so here's another example of how to use this so let's say you have a list of tasks that you need to get through every day so you can create a list like this I'm going to go in and save this as a template and then once I have it as a template let's say I'm starting off fresh here and I want to view my templates create a new one for today and then I'll give it a date like that then I can go through and mark off the items as I've completed them and then the next day I can create a new version of it and give it a new date like that I could even go in and archive this by creating a new group and call it past days like that and then close it there so then all of my lists move into here once I've moved on to the next day but if I wanted to go back and review the day and see what I didn't get done I can and notice that since I used a tag here for this one it'll be the same tag for every list so if I did a search here for all of those I could see them and you can see how I haven't completed these if I go back here and say okay I did complete it on that day and then I look at the tags I could see only the days that I haven't completed it and show the days where I have so that's just one example of how you can combine features in reminders to do different things so of course these lists here could actually be things like training list the list of exercises list of medications you need to take every day that kind of thing hope you found this useful thanks for watching [Music] if you like this video click the Thumbs Up Button below to let me know I publish new tutorials each weekday hit the Subscribe button so you don't miss out
Channel: macmostvideo
Views: 11,501
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Keywords: apple reminders templates, apple reminders list templates, mac reminders list templates
Id: NnfsygAJKn0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 59sec (419 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 07 2022
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