Using Horizon Mobile on-site

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[Music] hi it's Allen Carson here from carson dunlop today we're gonna have a look at inspecting a house using horizon mobile we're gonna capture the report data as we move around the house we're not gonna focus so much on how to inspect the house but how to use the horizon tool so let's go ahead and get started so the process goes like this we book the inspection online and we sync to horizon mobile now the night before the inspection typically you look at the work order make sure that you've got the address correct you've got your directions in mind you've paid attention to any notes on this inspection for example there's a note that the clients going to be late for the inspection so we should go ahead and get started when we get to the house the first thing we typically do is take a title page photo let's go and do that okay so now i'm going to take the title page photo i've got my phone in hand and let me go do it perfect so that is done title page photo two clicks it's in the report in the right spot don't need to fuss with that we're all done okay I've noticed this is a modern subdivision house and we have a great template for that so I'm just going to take a couple of seconds and apply that template there we go we just applied 34 items to our report now when we proofread we'll go through and check that all of those are exactly the right items for this house but they're pretty generic and that should work out well everyone has their own inspection process I like to do a first exterior pass going clockwise around the house then do my roof inspection then do my second exterior pass going counterclockwise let's go ahead and get started so we've got vinyl siding here we've got aluminum gutters and downspouts we've got aluminum soffit and facia we've got a poured concrete foundation here nice to see good clearance between the bottom of the siding and the soil level we've got our poured concrete front porch electrical receptacle there that we would test with the tester front door exterior light coming along we've got some shrubs in close to the house and as a matter of fact they're right up against the house and there's two issues with one is that we like to see the shrubs set out away from the house to avoid holding moisture against the house and inviting insects and rodents into the home and also it obstructs our inspection of this part of the house so I'm going to make a note of that and our recommendation will be that those should be trimmed back so I'm going to go into the exterior recommendations and I am going to go to the landscaping section and I have got trees or shrubs too close to the building so I'm going to capture that and for direction it is on the south side of the house or the front of the house the task is going to be to correct that situation the time frame is going to be as soon as practical it can be a kind of a spring cleanup thing and we'll get a photo of that and I'll maybe just grab a photo over here as well there we go and all set okay we'll continue to make our way around and around the west side of the house we've got a downspout with a small extension doesn't go quite out as far as I would like but it looks like they're probably getting away with that we'll check that corner of the basement when we go inside basement windows above grade so we don't need any window wells gas meter got an exhaust vent here and I did notice a plumbing stock there so we've probably got a bathroom somewhere nearby and that's a bathroom exhaust vent I'm assuming outside hose bib that'll probably be shut off for the winter from the inside of the home we've got our furnace intake and exhaust we've got our water heater exhaust here we've got our air conditioner covered for the winter we've got a disconnect on that I'm going to pop the cover off and just check the data plate on that air conditioner okay so we've got a Lennox air conditioner and I'm going to go to my house systems I'm gonna go down to recall Shack I am going to go to air-conditioner and heat pump I'm going to scroll down to Lennox and grab a photo of that data plate perfect so this is a two-ton unit and it is about 16 years old these guys typically lost 10 to 15 years so this one is pretty close to the end of its normal life expectancy so we'll make a note of that in the report put things back the way we found them okay so we've got a projection up from the wall here and we've got an exhaust system this looks like it's going to be from a gas appliance perhaps a gas fireplace we'll check that when we get inside gable vent up for the otic Space Foundation wall keeping an eye on that as we go around looking for our crocks or any movement windows have dripped out flashings look appropriate downspout extension looks good okay we've got a deck with some weathered wood I've got an exterior receptacle we would check that we've got the deck sitting on concrete pads that's a good thing we've got an exterior receptacle here that is not designed for outdoor use so I am going to make a note of that and we'll get that in the report so I'm going to go to electrical recommendations and we'll go to outlets and they're going to put not suitable for outdoor use and our direction is going to be we can say on the north side or we could say the rear of the house and the task is going to be to replace this and the time frame should be immediate anything with electrical we generally put as immediate and we'll grab a photo of it alright and on the deck we also notice that we've got a missing step coming off the deck so I've got an opening here and although there's some snow here it looks like it's going to be about twelve or fourteen inches down to the ground so let's make a note of that so we'll go back to exterior and recommendations and we'll go down to patios and decks and stairs and landings and we've got a missing step and again that's on the north side and we should provide the missing step time frame I'm going to say less than one year and we'll grab a photo of that as well all set okay and as we make away our way around the outside we'll see looks like I always keep an eye out for the easiest spot to get up on the roof and have a look at that we've got a discharge pipe here could be for a sump pump will verify that when we get inside just have a quick look up on the deck okay the step down from the back door onto the deck is only about four inches ideally that would be about six inches but doesn't look like they've had any problem here deck boards have whether it looks like they were stained once and then the stain has worn off and they haven't bothered redoing it I see a couple of replacement boards in the deck which is pretty typical and we would be going around checking the strength and support of the railings all the way around the deck so come along here so this pipe looks like it connects to the discharge we saw at the back of the deck and coming out of the house from here so yeah it looks very much like a sump pump and again we'll check that when we go inside okay exhaust fan here we've got a shed that's been added on not attached to the house but close to back door into the garage we'll get a look at that in a little bit and coming around to the east side of the house we've got downspouts that are closer to the house and we'd like to see I can kind of understand why they haven't carried them across the sidewalk because then they become a nuisance and a trip hazard this is also the garage here so they may well get away without any problem by doing this but we will make a note about that okay so let's go to our exterior downspouts and discharge too close to the building and this is on the east side of the house and the task would be to extend those and again we'll grab a photo and actually there's a couple of spots so I'll grab two photos on this one there we go so these photos are now in the right spot in the report I don't have to fuss with them anymore there we go okay and as we make our way along the the east side we've got to exhaust vents here clothes dryer vent bathroom exhaust fan and possibly we'll check that we get inside I'd like to operate the fans and make sure these exterior vent terminations operate properly we've got our electric meter here and probably will have our breaker panel inside the garage just on the other side of this wall and coming back to where we started our garage door we will operate from inside the garage and test that and the next step is going to be to get up on the roof so let's go ahead and do that okay we're up on the roof we've got a laminated shingle here nice quality shingle looks to be pretty new maybe a year maybe two years old looks to be in good shape our aluminum gutters are pretty much filled with leaves a pretty typical situation at this time of year but we will make a note of it even though it's kind of a regular maintenance item so gutters clogged and this is at the east side of the house and the task is to clean them and we will grab a photo of that good stuff so that's in the report and we're good to go all right I'll make my way around the roof generally walk the perimeter of the roof never walk backwards on a roof have a look at the siding as we go soffits and fascia we can look at the edge here and I'm able to verify that we have just one layer of shingles on the roof so looks like the roof is fairly new but they remove the old shingles first which is great oK we've got two plumbing stocks ABS plumbing neoprene boots flashing looks to be well done everything's in good shape there we've got six roof vents across the back of the roof up near the ridge looking at the installation of flashing on those as well nail heads are cocked as as usual okay we've got a mature tree on the west side of the house the branches are away from the roof and not touching it yet that'll be something to keep in mind over the long term in terms of maintenance back of the roof is a simple gable front of the roof is a simple gable with a small door more for the front porch closed valleys are filled with snow so we will mark that as a limitation to our inspection ridge singles look good again this roof is pretty much brand new so in good shape we've got some other gutters with leaves in them so we'll just make that location various as we describe the clogged gutters and we do have a couple of surface patches nails that have been sealed and looks like a crack and a shingle has been sealed here this is a regular roof maintenance item I'll just grab a shot of that so we'll go to my roofing recommendations asphalt shingles and I've got cracks here and crack is going to be on the south side task will be repair time will be immediate and we'll take the photo [Music] there we go okay so we've completed our clockwise exterior inspection we've had to look at the roof now we're going to do a counterclockwise look around the exterior just to make sure we didn't miss anything so got another exterior hose bib there we won't test that at this time of the year exterior lights on the garage look good again paying attention to the foundation wall where it's exposed looking for any problems so far things look good okay we had a look underneath the deck see anything unusual there we've commented on the receptacle and the missing step okay don't see anything new or different from this perspective so far air conditioner is on a bracket to keep it up off the ground and that's a good thing the wall penetration where the electrical conduit and the refrigerant lines go through the foundation wall looked to be well sealed okay shrubs being too close to the house we've talked about the general grading is pretty good again we'll have a look inside the basement but the lot drainage I would say overall is probably somewhat above average there's a couple of very localized low spots but all in all looks pretty good okay so we've got the garage door open I'm just going to check that the auto reverse mechanism works and that the door retreats when I close it so coming over here and we'll start to close the door and that's the way it's supposed to okay it's tough here we are at the electrical panel and before we get too far into what the first thing we're going to do is just touch it quickly with the back of our hand you just want to make sure that it is not energized and we're good here so we can take the cover off the distribution panel just look at her breakers and the wires connected to them good to see that the panel is labeled so we've got some idea of what each breaker controls okay so what we're going to do is check each of the wire sizes against the breakers and make sure when we have a red and a block breaker indicating 220 volts we've got the breakers are linked or bridged okay it looks good got 40 at breaker here probably for the air-conditioner we have a gas range so we don't have that and our clothes dryer is gas as well okay the box looks good no evidence of rust and O knockout holes missing ground wire is properly connected this is all copper wiring looks good we'll put it back together and I'll just grab a shot of the panel with the cover off now we're all back together we'll just take one more shot show the panel in place all set good stuff okay so we're in the garage and we've got an attic access hatch here my suspicion is there's going to be another one inside the house as well but we'll take a look up here wouldn't be unusual to have no insulation in the garage ceiling since they're both unheated spaces [Music] yeah so we've got no insulation up here in the attic we've got a truss roof that insulated ductwork running outside that fiberglass bad insulation I can see in the living space and I'm just going to grab a couple of photos for reference okay here we are in the basement so we've completed our work on the exterior and the roofing and we come inside the house and we start at the bottom the way our inspection flow works is we spend about 1/3 of our total inspection time on the outside of the building 1/3 in the basement and about 1/3 going up through the interior of the home and end up in the Attic now in the basement we're going to focus on the foundation the mechanicals the electrical and of course water water is the number one enemy of homes of course and so we're gonna spend a bit of time going around the perimeter looking at the foundation looking for evidence of moisture penetration we're also going to look at interior finishes where they're applicable in the basement and that's the story let's go ahead and get started ok one of the first things we do in inspecting the basement as we do a perimeter tour around looking at the foundation looking for evidence of moisture problems we see one vertical crack here it's been patched some time ago doesn't show any evidence of reopening or any leakage but you know the homeowner is going to be nervous about it so what we're going to do is make a note of it document it let the client know we've seen it and tell them not to worry about it ok so I'm going to go to structure observations and recommendations foundations typical minor cracks and the direction is in the West four level is basement task is to simply monitor and we'll grab a photo of that before I do I'm just going to give the client a quick note the foundation crack has been repaired and shows no evidence of leakage or reopening period simply keep an eye on the crack over the long-term period okay we've got that and we'll just grab a photo of it perfect good to go okay so we've got a gas-fired high-efficiency furnace here and the first thing we're going to do is take a photo of the furnace we always take one with the cover on and then another with the covers off so let's go to heating description the system type is a furnace and it'll take a photo here we usually take our photos in landscape there we go looks good okay and now I'm going to take the covers off the furnace so we can inspect the inside and also get a photo of that okay perfect and I see that we've got a data plate for our air conditioner evaporator coil so although we've captured something on the exterior for that I'm going to make a note of that and we'll put a photo in of the evaporator coil data plate as well so we'll go back to cooling systems and description air conditioner type air cooled and take photo okay so we got that and now we'll go and get started with our inspection of the furnace itself okay so we've got some water here accumulating underneath the induced draft fan so we've got a condensate leak and I'm going to make a note of that in the report and take a photo of it so we're going to be under heating recommendations and gas furnace mid and high efficiency condensate problems okay so the room is going to be in the furnace room okay and the task is going to be repair and the time is going to be immediate and we'll take a photo of it there we go and I'm going to take one more photo for good measure and put a indicating circle on it to show where the problem is okay take the photo and at my highlight perfect okay got it and the other thing we'll do is take a photo of the data plate we've got a Lennox furnace here and it is a 70,000 BTU furnace manufactured about 16 years ago so getting toward the end of its life I'm going to capture this photo of the data plate in recall so I'll go to recall description furnace scroll down to Lennox there we go and add the photo perfect okay so we've got a furnace that is 16 years old and we say the life expectancy for this type of furnace in our area is 15 to 20 years so we're going to make a recommendation that this is approaching the end of its life expectancy now we have this set up as a preset which means we have given them the defect but also the location and the task and the time and we've also got this one automatically appearing in the summary because replacing a furnace is a pretty big deal so what we're going to do is we're going to go to heating recommendations and we're going to go to furnace life expectancy and we're going to click near life expectancy and we've already got a photo of the furnace but I'm going to take one more to attach it here I've already got my task and time and location in and the furnace is usually in the furnace room by the way so that's why we preset that and I'll grab another quick photo to attach it to the recommendation here perfect and in the same vein our air conditioning system also 16 years old life expectancy 10 to 15 years also near the end so we're going to make a recommendation and again it's another one where we've got the preset set in so I'm going to go back to cooling and I'm going to go to recommendations and I'm going to go to air conditioning life expectancy click near end of life expectancy and again we do have the photo of that already and I'm not going to go back outside and do that again and we are done so those recommendations have been made with all their details and they have been copied over to the summary because they're both big-ticket items okay we've got our gas fired water heater here a conventional tank type we've got an induced drive fan we've got PVC plumbing on the exhaust side and I am just going to make a note of the size and age and capture that so I'm going to go to plumbing description water heater type and tank and we'll grab a photo here okay and this one is manufactured about nine years ago and it is 189 liters or about 50 gallons so good sized water heater for a house this size and I'm going to take one more shot of the tank itself from a distance further back so we've been running the furnace for a couple of minutes and we've got the condensate line coming along the floor here and we can see we've got water running along the floor there so we've got a leak at this connection where the elbow is here the condensate line goes down into the basement floor it doesn't go into a floor drain the floor drains acts about ten feet beyond us over here but minor repair needed to that condensate drain line okay we typically identify the main water shut-off valve coming into the house and we've got it in front of us here so I'm going to go to plumbing description main water shut-off valve and it is at the south end of the basement and we will grab a photo of that [Music] [Music] perfect and we'll put a highlight there we go all right and got it oK we've noticed we've got some electrical wiring contacting the heating duct work so we'll make a note of that it's a minor repair but something that should be taken care of so we're going to go Electrical recommendations scroll down to distribution system we're going to go wiring installation and - close - duct okay mark that and our direction is at the north side we're in the basement the task is to repair and the time is immediate and we'll grab a photo perfect and I'm gonna add a highlight to that photo all set good stuff okay we're at the laundry tub here and we've got a small leak at the cold water faucet and luckily it's dripping into the laundry tub so it's not an urgent situation but it should be repaired so we'll make a note of that so under search I am going to just type in Lau and Dee for laundry and then tub and then leak and there we go under tub leak and the location is going to be East and basement the task is going to be repair the time is going to be as soon as practical and we'll take a photo of that that's good and we'll put a highlight there save it and we're all set okay so here we've got a sump pump remember when we were outside we wondered about a pipe coming out through the back corner of the house and wondered if it was a sump pump discharge line and so it turns out sure enough it is it's got a plastic cover on it I'm going to pop the cover and just have a quick look okay grab a photo of that perfect and I'm going to reach in and lift the float of the sump pump to make sure that the pump comes on we do have water in the sump so we're not going to hurt the pump [Music] perfect cover back on okay we finished our work outside we finished our work in the basement and now we're up to the main floor our process is to do a pass through the main floor moving in a clockwise pattern to make sure we don't miss any rooms at the end we'll turn up the thermostat operate the furnace and do another pass through usually moving counterclockwise checking the heating supply registers and returns and giving us a chance to have a second look okay here we are in the living room we're going to make our way around and in a clockwise pattern and we're going to test things like light fixtures electrical receptacles we're not going to worry about the heating supply and return until our second pass through we'll look at walls floors and ceilings for anomalies evidence of moisture problems deflections crack that sort of thing and it'll just make sure things do what they're supposed to do okay and closed receptacle it's all good like to shine my light parallel to the walls to get an idea of how smooth they are for anomalies it's a pretty cruel way to look at walls you see every imperfection but that's alright we've got two thermostats here this one will be for the furnace and air conditioning system and this one looks like it might be for we've got a gas fireplace over there we'll touch that when we get there and we've got smoke and carbon monoxide alarms here a lot of people call them smoke and carbon monoxide detectors more properly alarms but it doesn't really matter okay we've got a fixed window here this is just check this receptacle okay gas fireplace I can see the pilot is on I'm going to turn up the thermostat here and fireplace has come on just gonna have a look at the controls underneath [Music] looks good fairly clean under there and we do have a fan that can be set at various speeds to come on as the system heats up and so we can deliver some heat into the room as well okay minor cracks in the grout joint at the tile where the hearth extension meets the mantle that's pretty typical in cosmetic okay I'll turn that thermostat off turn the fireplace back off okay always helpful to remember where the thermostats were set when you turn them up so you can get them back to the same spot okay another fixed window here and coming around again looking I like to look below windows on the inside as well as the outside it's where walls typically show leakage and we've got an operable window here pop the latches and operate the crank there we go the normal amount of dirt and dead insects and the window this is pretty common screens in good shape locks work properly okay and making our way through here we've got one operable and two fixed windows here my routine is to check one operable window in each room so I'm not going to operate those lemons got a textured ceiling up here this part of the house has a cathedral ceiling so there's not going to be an attic above us here other parts of the house have a flat ceiling and do have an attic space okay and we'll just move around the room everything looks good and I'm going to operate these doors just to make sure they open and close properly okay fair enough and I don't worry about testing every electrical receptacle a representative sample is all we need to do and again looking for movement in the wall surfaces okay looks pretty good so we've done this room and again we would now go through and do the same things through the other rooms on each floor and that's the pattern so we're out of the living room into the bedroom we've got an 8 foot flat ceiling here so we will have attic space above I've got an air return here at a high level and no low level return got a fixed window their fixed window here and two operable windows here let's try this one it looks good but as we mentioned outside that vegetation is infringing a little bit so we would like to get that cut back at least a foot away from the building and when you open the window the shrubs want to interfere with closing the window not seeing any evidence of water damage staining or deflection on the ceilings I've got our ensuite bathroom here we'll come in and operate the fixtures both hot and cold [Music] everything looks good under here and I'm going to flush the toilet and make sure it is well secured so the first thing I like to do is make sure the toilet is well secured to the floor which it is we've got a a small flush and a larger flush on this toilet bolts are intact isolating valve in place we never operate these isolating valves because they are prone to leakage this one's got braided stainless steel connector to the toilet which is nice I'm going to let this tank stop running and then I'm going to flush it again on the larger flush to make sure both work we've got our heating source here looks good and we'll let that tank fill and shut off before we leave the road we've got our exhaust fan here and when we were on the outside of the home we saw a sidewall event that was just through there so that's gonna line up makes pretty good sense that that's the case okay and give that toilet a second to shut off and then we'll move on make sure the door operates properly it doesn't want to latch so although there's a lock there so I could do a minor adjustment to that door I'll make a quick note of that okay let's move on we come in and we've got an electrical outlet we can test to see my supply heat there as we'll deal with that later we've got our door to the back deck operate the door operate the screen works well this door only has a small step down to outside so I'm just gonna use the moisture meter to check looks good that's good side will operate a couple of cabinets click look inside the corner ones are always of interest to me drawers operate a sample of the upper cabinetry and again we're just checking a representative sample of the receptacles those are good we've got our stove and microwave oven ok and the microwave oven is also the exhaust fan to the exterior so the fan is controlled from here so we would turn the fan on and check that the exterior vent louvers are moving and showing air movement and for recall Chek purposes I'm just going to grab the data plates for the a stove in the microwave so I'm going to go to recall Chek and description and we're going to do is the range and this range is a Frigidaire so I go down to Frigidaire and it will take a photo perfect and same thing with the microwave which is a Kenmore microwave Kenmore and photo there we go all right and we'll move along and operate kitchen sink and a gate and operate a hot and cold water we operate on both sinks we'll have a look underneath after the waters been running for a little bit make sure the hot gets hot and I'm going to let that run for a minute while I checked the window is the optimal window here [Music] Oh isolating valves for the hot and cold all looks good okay and over to our dishwasher and dishwasher is a Kenmore and just close these guys back up and we'll do a recall trap capture of the data plate on the dishwasher and dishwasher and more all right okay and we'll do the same thing on the refrigerator Raider is here down a plate is here I'm gonna have to move this chair okay it is an Electrolux refrigerator Electrolux take the photo of the data plate very good okay and again checking walls floors and ceilings cabinetry we've had a look at countertop we've looked at operated the sink windows one more look around the flooring okay and on we go into the laundry room okay here we've got our washer and our dryer and the washer has got braided stainless steel supply hoses which is terrific for the clothes washer clothes dryer up here vented outside and we did see the venting running up through the attic going out to the side wall got a utility closet here just have a look looks good okay and move around to the door out into the garage and it's on a self closer as it is supposed to be here and put that back the way we found it I'm gonna check this door okay and I'm going to capture the data plate information for the washer and dryer for a recoil check for this is okay and go to a clothes washer and it is an LG okay and grab a photo but it and the same thing on the dryer we'll just stay closed and the dryer is also an LG and got a flavahz over here grab our photo okay so that's all in the report and done we don't have to touch that again good to go all right and we're all set okay we'll continue around and into the hallway and have a look in the closet check that the doors work properly at which they do got smoke and carbon monoxide alarms above and we'll head into the bathroom okay turn the light on turn the exhaust fan on sounds like it's working it's a little bit noisy what we would typically do would be turn it on go outside and make sure that there's air coming out on the exterior we won't do that for now we've got an electrical receptacle here we can test we've got power and it's a GFI receptacle so we'll trip it and it trips properly and we'll reset it there we go and look at walls floors and ceilings of course going to repair up in that corner but everything looks good so far check that the toilet is well secured look for evidence of any floor damage or water problems around the base of the toilet okay things back the way we found them and we'll operate some water so we'll turn on the cold water the basin at the shower okay and we'll flush the toilet and watch for any significant drop in water pressure at the shower or the basin it all looks good so I'm going to move to the hot water side test the hot water at the basin not water at the shower toilet is still filling water pressure still looks good I'm gonna test the drain stopper on the basin as I turn off the a shower the showerhead back the way I found it the tub diverter the door seems to open and close we always have a good look below the shower door seems to be 5 I think that's pretty full turn that off and as the sink is draining we'll have a look underneath just to make sure everything is great I called it a sink it's really a basin of course ok everything looks good there all right ok and we are all set one more thing sorry I'm just going to check the door there we go ok and on we go gained a lot ceiling textured got air return air supply under the window again just one operating window we've got a closet here alright I'm just going to operate the door make sure it opens and closes and that brings us full circle and we're finished with the interior two things left to do I want to poke my head up into the attic and I want to run the heating system checking all the supply and return registers to make sure we're getting good air distribution everywhere the other advantage to doing that at the end is you get a chance to tour the house one more time make sure you didn't miss a room make sure you didn't overlook anything also gives you a chance to make sure there's no plumbing issues that have occurred and water seeping through a ceiling after you've run the fixtures alright let's go do that okay so let's turn the thermostat up so that we can get the furnace to come on so we can check the air flow in a couple of minutes and we will poke our head into the Attic from the walk-in closet everything looks good up there the otic access hatch doesn't give you much room to get out of the way nice to see the weather stripping on the attic access hatch nice to see the polystyrene insulation on the top of the hatch and a good depth of fiberglass insulation all the way through I can see that our vents are open our trusses look good our sheathing looks solid and no issues plywood sheathing by the way rather than OSB which is my preference okay so we finished our interior tour we've gone ahead and turned the thermostat up so the furnace is on and now we're going to do a second tour of the interior and we're going to make sure our supply and return registers are working and have a second look as we go through so we've got a return grill here because the returns are very large and the airflow is relatively difficult to measure with your hand or descends with your hand we typically just use a tissue to make sure that we've got airflow which we have and then on the supply registers you can pick up the air movement easily with your hand very good and we don't move large furniture to check supply air registers and that's everything for this room and we would just continue on through the rest of the main floor again checking both supply and return and keeping your eye out for anything that you might have missed before okay so we've completed our inspection we've done the exterior the roof been through the basement been through the interior and now we get to use speed right our powerful tool that's going to help you get through all of your required items the things you need to put in the standards in lightning speed and the magic of speed right is that you don't need to the gate it does the driving for you and you just go along for the ride so we can make tons of entries really quickly let's see how it's done now in our case we applied a template at the beginning for a modern subdivision home so that we'll have covered off some of the speed right and required items for us so we'll go through the process and see what we need to add the magic of this is we don't need to navigate speed Wright is going to do the driving and we're just along for the ride so I'm going to touch menu speed right and here we go we want to tell people which way the house is facing so I'm going to go south the asphalt shingle roof so I'm going to go asphalt shingles and the roof flashings are aluminum the flat roofing material we don't have so we simply hit the next button roof flashings do not apply how did we inspect the roof by walking on it gutters and downspouts are aluminum downspouts discharged above grade which we like the lot slope is predominantly away from the building siding is vinyl the driveway is asphalt the garage is attached and there was some storage in the garage that limited our inspection a little bit the configuration of the house it has a basement the foundations are poured concrete the floor is our joists the exterior walls are wood frame you get the idea so I can fill out 50 or 60 entries in a matter of less than five minutes speed right makes life so easy there's no navigation you don't have to search you're good to go so we're completed the inspection and now is a great time to summarize with the client this has been a really good house the issues that matter are the air conditioner at the end of its life the furnace getting close to the end of its life expectancy we've got an exterior electrical outlet that is designed for interior use and we need to clean that up right away we've got a few maintenance things like clogged gutters we've got a drip at a laundry tub faucet but nothing very scary nothing very serious so what we're doing is I'm going to push everything up to the web so that the report goes back there and I'm going to show it to the client on an iPad and what we'll be able to see is the photos we've put in the report the illustrations and they'll get a preview of what they're going to receive now I'm still going to insist that I proofread the report before I send it to them so they'll receive it later on today okay one of the magic things about horizon is if we've been connected to the Internet throughout my inspection we are working connected to the web and as a matter of fact horizon has been syncing for me every few entries so most of my entries are gone I'm just going to do a simple push here and the report that now goes up to the web so we're 100% sure everything has gone to the web and then we're able to open the report so I'll go into horizon on the web open the report and be able to preview it and show it to the client with the title page of the house in place and we can scroll down through the various sections of the report the photos are in there the illustrations are in there so they can see what they're going to get and they will receive their report as a PDF by email later on today it's a pretty elegant system clients love it agents love it I'm Allen Carson thanks for watching you
Channel: Horizon Inspection Software
Views: 4,081
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Horizon Mobile, Home Inspection App, Inspection Software, Horizon, Carson Dunlop, iPhone, Android
Id: TR4X54lRQhY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 45sec (4065 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 03 2019
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