Using Evolution to Make the Best Catapult Car!

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today we're back in scrap mechanic doing another Evolution challenge this time we have to evolve catapult cars which is a really simple principle you take a car you drive it at full speed into a wall the car then Heats you off and you go forward it breaks off your seat and somehow you make it ahead of the wall this one's pretty bad scrap man made it so we're gonna try and evolve one that's slightly better and hopefully eat ourselves all the way across the map so let's just get right into it five minutes on the clock get ready to build your Crasher bolts in three two one begin foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] foreign guys let's see these first generation crashable cars are we gonna go we're gonna go one at a time like we did last time right so who wants to go first two attempts I can volunteer okay you're gonna volunteer yeah oh my God it's actually coming back yeah it is coming back isn't it nice car subscribe man look I'm gonna help push it come oh get your left get your lips get ready it's too far it's too far it's too far steer it in I can't even slow it down it has more power oh my God I just saw the spud gun shoot backwards that was funny I'm not proud of this wait no wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait okay never mind wait what what like I say we did rock paper scissors last time to go all right I don't think I don't think that's gonna matter much for this first round what is it you know it's not a lot of bearings dude what it whoa wait a minute that many bearings yeah see we're doing something similar definition five minutes [Music] I know you're not sometimes you have to stay in the like in the pool before you start growing legs and stuff you know like you can't just evolve yeah and one so if we all three of us actually what if we all three of us maybe uh we might actually get together we'll get some momentum going you really need a second attempt Mumbo to see if your results are different let's spawn it closer yeah move it there we go it's it's uh wait do you not have a sensor on here either no no I don't but I'll get in the seats and you guys start moving me it's not helping all right here we go just let me touch the wall just let me touch it all right okay so your distance is here okay I'm the back of his seat yep yeah about right there right there perfect do you need a second um well here let me just spawn it in one more time okay there it is attempt number two or made it further that time is that yeah so this is mine I spent a little bit of time after because scrapman said he had problems so I I also hooked up my seat to my engines at least and my steering progress but my spud gun doesn't have any disconnection so here's my first attempt okay wait oh my gosh my seat is closer [Applause] let's mark this we're actually gonna have uh so yeah let me do a second attempt just to make sure here I feel like I can really just you could get closer yeah no no hold on wait oh hold on hold on this is this is my real second attempt here I got an idea I just gotta do this and then [Music] [Music] as you can see my catapult is just uh currently connected to nothing so you know you got bearings wait it looks functional it's all cardboard it is all cardboard yeah well I mean I needed I need a cardboard for that and I didn't I just didn't want to have that cardboard it's lighter than wood that's interesting it is I think it's the lightest block I might have to do some cardboard and Bubbles stuff oh did I forget to oh my goodness [Laughter] start right here yeah you need to go further than basically nobody yeah all right yes come on Wheels please do your thing this might be very good [Laughter] wow amazing great great first round guys great first round thank you really I mean I do have an advantage of having built one of these before oh yeah so that's that's clearly why we failed yeah yeah we didn't have the experience there's room to improve though right I got the experience yep all right so now we only get two minutes to modify things yeah that does not seem like we're gonna have not much no all right you guys ready yeah I am ready two minutes on the clock begin in three two one go [Music] [Music] [Music] it was a hard competition uh two people with negative scores Paul being zero all right version here this is Gen 2. it's got some I've added a couple wedges I've changed my sensor distance and that's pretty much it that's pretty much all I did in two minutes so your sensor triggers off that front plate and I added steering oh you added steering nice yeah I am steering so let's see him all right here we go this seems like it's gonna be really good right oh it was not yeah that's true that's true yeah I forgot about the engines doing their thing yeah oh it's flipped it's up look at it it's uh moonwalking now oh look at this oh wait did we Mark oh did we mark my uh thing oh well it's we can mark it yeah let's mark it it's somewhere I don't know because I still might I might do better number two that's true actually number two there you go there it is yep give or take yep I don't know version two yeah number two I think I know what my problem is so I'm gonna do a little bit of a different approach this time oh slowing it down ah yeah wow my problem is okay you did better but not as good as your first attempt first attempt so uh there is that so we're doing it from the first back point of his seat right not the attached cardboard yeah yeah all right so he's here that's your that's your second attempt subscribe man V2 version starting to really get into what I'm trying to do here oh okay so you can kind of figure it out if I hit this you know that's gonna do some pivoting stuff but maybe it is I don't know something you guys with your mechanical leverage you know so you like levers yeah levers exactly so here we go uh first attempt I guess let's see what happens should be good I don't know I don't know what happened the Piston just ended up behind like I ended up here I couldn't even see what just happened so fast yes I would recommend uh please please you got that scrap man okay there you go just back it up yeah that's good that's good I'm gonna go a little slower maybe a little closer and just yeah that's what I was gonna say go go slower so you can actually look at what's happening yeah here we go uh oh oh oh I don't know what happened it's still freaked out here that was really really violent wow that was surprisingly I don't know what's happening I just know what's going on like violently explodes but you know I mean that's the best one so far that was a good attempts all right all right so uh version two you know it's gonna look different but there's still a massive problem here it just you know sometimes Evolution takes actually you know it's funny though oh my goodness you know what's funny look that's you you just pushed against the wall and you moved your seat further back so you did worse than your previous I did worse it is technically worse it's like background oh no I can't either actually that's I wasn't even thinking about that yeah all right good good attempt mobo that's you might have put an engine on maybe yeah I'll be I'm gonna have a I have an engine ready in my inventory right now so all right two minutes on the clock and three two one begin here we go [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] alrighty boys are you ready this is my catapult car V2 or V3 I extended the arm out I also encased the um plunger a little bit with the so I'm hoping that'll prevent it from snapping out I don't I don't know if it will but you know but what we're going with and uh I switched it to a button so it should all right I don't know here we go first attempt it's gonna be good right what wait are you gonna put your feet on top of this gun that's not you're attached to your spud gun I don't want to talk about it I don't want you know what let's wait I'm gonna hold it here Mark the seat s right about here it looks like yeah yeah I totally for I need a bearing on the stupid I forgot you need a bearing on the yeah I made a mistake oh that's fantastic no I was like I was hoping that the spud gun would help like provide the seat with like a surface to launch up I totally forgot that it attaches oh my God all right well that's it attempt for me guys we're we're good yeah yeah no reason to do another one didn't spontaneously combust that was good yeah that looked like a strong lunch I feel like if you guys get yours dialed into a functional Point it'll be good out of the water I'm hoping yeah I'm hoping all right scrap man's okay all right every it's just this little Ed piece that changes everything yeah well I also changed my sensor distance and I uh lowered my seat starting point so it starts lower than I did before interesting yeah all right interesting all right here we go please disconnect at the right point oh yeah oh my god oh I gotta grab my vehicle I'll mark it up scrapping you need to put your vehicle on a button because you are clearly the worst offender of driving away mubo's vehicle doesn't even move mine doesn't seem to leave the wall yours just keeps going on at Adventure mine's just excited okay it's doing wheelies yeah chase the stupid thing let's see here we go [Music] [Applause] I got it I got that word that was something to even add up all right well that does not make any sense I can't believe your card repeated it was like it was one of those cartoons where the guy swings the baseball bat and the bat stays stationary and the guy goes flying you know oh wow all right Mumbo let's see yours is it functional now here we go does it have an engine mine has two engines I went I was like you know what I got a compensate I gotta get two of them in there why do you have two engines that's really good because why not all right do you have a disconnecting mechanism at least I have a disconnecting mechanism you're on top of your spud gun I know I did the same thing wait does the barrel I don't think the barrel has Collision I think it's just the body I know it's true okay it does it connects everywhere okay well let me just back it up a little bit just a minute more disappointing for sure okay here we go I have a problem with this too wait what it's a momentum thing it's a momentum thing that is so much articulation and you guys are yeah that's gonna go so far I hope so it's just a matter of can you get the settings right within five generations yeah I don't know two more right yeah that looks that looks good though again I wasn't looking you want me to try again yeah attempt number two we didn't even mark yourself you gotta push right up into the wall and then we'll mark how far forward your seat is I think it's gonna see it I've just got too much momentum here on my thing but oh it is his best way look at the snap he gets though do you see that yeah that is crazy I'll take it it's better we are evolving all right yeah here we go in three two one begin all right I'm not gonna attach spud gun to the seat this time foreign [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] looks like I'm up first yeah you super excited man the bar is not very high I don't know Matt I I couldn't think of good modifications to make I just pretty much lowered my starting position of my seat again so I have more swing momentum oh wow but at some point this like end point here is going to get higher than the wall I know see that's the problem and then and then the other problem is I was trying to experiment with extending this down but then it hits the ground before it gets to the sensor so like I'm so limited I'm I have so many more limitations to my range of motion than you guys will eventually yeah all right well uh good luck all right did you put your thing on a button or are you still you're still uh no I did not have time no one was thinking about actual useful other useful stuff all right here we go yeah you didn't let us Market yeah that's like we didn't Market yeah I was somewhere right here yeah yeah something like that that's it number five not feeling good about this one definitely not feeling good about this one yeah we're not changing the Wall height either so you got to really works all right here we go hmm oh okay wow grab that grab that stupid God dang it scrap man your car I want to be a part of this competition see you later all right you go measure him up all right yeah wait did you uh did we Mark that where'd you go you were this was closer yeah yeah okay perfect man I don't know what the spud guns seemed to not release me at a good point which is weird because I didn't change that setting uh this is version four okay oh don't walk in front of it oh my god oh I see okay you got a bearing I was like you're still on top of yourself yeah I got a bearing there now um I have some extra holders here now so before I had some issues with momentum gain and the lever mechanism activating oh now I have yeah I have some braces oh wait they're not even behind it they didn't even actually make it behind it okay I have too many things I didn't make it so that's not gonna do anything it's one block off it's supposed to be uh behind that blog right yeah to like stop it from sliding and then from sliding before actioning yeah exactly but I mean I guess we'll see what happens I'm gonna go maybe his release is scrap man we're done like it's gonna go so so far yeah we'll try right here um wait do I not oh I forgot to re-hook up my steering just that was part of the uh the massive mistake there hold on here we go oh boy this is where it's gonna happen what's going on my button no I accidentally deleted my seat I accidentally deleted it I'm sorry all right all right here we go my steering is backwards if that's any consolation okay to be honest okay uh here we go oh boy I'm moving I can't believe that I mean I'm happy I made it over it like doubled back I don't know why it did that it was like once then that is funny I'm not sure I guess I have to really watch closely what happens on my next attempt here I think it's still trying to go by the way make this count okay what ungone why doesn't why didn't my spud gun shoot spot gun's so delayed it did I think you're moving so much that the potatoes no I I just think that you're moving too fast and the potatoes not hitting the cardboard because it's moving at such a fast rate oh maybe it's Gotta like disconnect before his thing moves yeah yeah oh maybe huh yeah because I I saw your spot gun shoot but your seat did not get disconnected so I just said it's one of those things where um okay yeah wow that cardboard is moving out of the way of the Spud before it gets before it hits it yeah I guess that gives me something to work with here's V4 oh wow all right is it's all cardboard so even if it misses the first block whatever it hits is gonna still just yeah and I put it on a bearing this time so it should yeah it should um yeah should disconnect disconnect I hope I don't know we're gonna find out and then I extended the arm out just because I'm trying to like combine some air I don't know here we go we're gonna full send it oh wait I I pulled the rainbow I broke my seat there you go there you go that's what this is all about qualified all right here we go all right here it goes oh no let's go it's gone oh I am out of this competition now no way wow that actually that went no that went real well that uh I'll leave that seat there all right I feel like there's more room to improve it too I feel like it's good wow yeah that went I don't think anything good ever comes from trying to get to max speed and describe mechanics oh it's squirrely it's dancing and he's got it he's got it oh it didn't go no it was so dancing wow too much is it better or it's worse it's way worse yeah it danced around too much it didn't have that extra all right wow all right you guys ready yep I'm ready two minutes on the clock and three two one [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] did you make it longer it must be longer I made it I made it longer and I cut out some of the wheels so I figured too many wheels it wasn't helping you know I figured too much gripping and then I reduced the steering angle by a lot so it doesn't it only steers like 10 degrees which just gives me a little bit oh yeah yeah you gave it four-wheel steering yeah and I think it was too Twitchy yeah so I'm gonna I'm gonna do the first one from here I don't I don't know I think it'll work I mean everything everything should be hooked up I I think it's the sensors of spud gun is still on a bearing all right now we're gonna do this here we go first attempt let's go for a distance speed [Applause] I cannot believe how well that works that is insane it's just gone you're gone uh all right game over [Music] oh my God the distance oh dude I was I had so much Hang Time there I was up in the clouds it was great I was talking to some birds for a bit like oh my Lord wow yeah just mark it wherever screen I don't even know where to all right wow all right I'm gonna go with a little bit of a run-up this time not that it I don't know if it's gonna help but you know we're gonna find out here we go full speed full speed still a little Twitchy and bouncy together my first run up I think I'm gonna go from a little farther back just I had too much speed remember and it was it was too much yeah but you were much farther back than where I am here I think you were way out there everything's hooked up what interesting with the backboard behind your seat yeah that might have been a bad idea right you might you might throw yourself into the ground potentially and then you put the spud gun super close to the seat oh yeah I got the little carriage here this the Piston holding system is fixed as well so yeah I see that all right okay so here we go my first try here on this is it gonna you know what happens oh hey oh look at the bad babies are you serious yeah wow he showed off I don't want to go anymore gone dude you went so far it was that was a lot you could see how much energy got transferred so fast straight line wow it's okay there it is yeah oh my God yeah there you go you know we're pretty close we're actually that is close if I had a better Arc imagine oh my god dude I can't believe how fast that went launching off here now really fast that was pretty satisfying to do it that was not even a catapult that's a straight up Cannon yeah no it's just yeah holy cow dude that's insane here we go number two final attempt let's see what I can do come on oh no I'm so high up hold you it's gonna be shorter okay no that's interesting though because that means you're not consistent on your launch like sometimes it's a bullet sometimes it's not all right scrap man you're up Mumbo uh so far with the first place I can't I thought for sure my launch would have gotten first place I can't believe mubo is just I'm speechless honestly well hey you guys haven't seen my Gen 5 yeah it's your gen 5. let's see it it's uh it's pretty much the same thing you lowered this a bit more um I added a lot of weight and uh like basically a wall on the front oh because I I was having an issue getting over on the front and bouncing I think my front end was bouncing up a lot so I'm hoping to counteract that and actually get a good hit on the wall this time all right here we go let's see this oh something it's awesome not as good as my third is that second yeah right here I got the line for it all right attempt number two here we go see this crap man it looks better with this the big one sideways I think my spud gun needed to trigger sooner because I think I saw me I saw myself hit the edge of the uh range and then the spud gun went off so I lost all that momentum once again scrapman's vehicle does not want to be part of this competition I think there's a after that performance I'm not surprised all right well that was a fun Evolution idea um and let us know what other ideas you might want to see for this kind of series down in the comments below and we'll see you guys in the next one bye [Music] laughs
Channel: kAN Gaming
Views: 79,753
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kan gaming, scrap mechanic, scrap mechanic multiplayer, scrap mechanic multiplayer monday, scrap mechanic multiplayer challenge, scrap mechanic catapult, scrap mechanic catapult car, scrap mechanic evolution
Id: 9m3Ry21iwHc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 33sec (1833 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 27 2023
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