Using Eurotunnel from England to France

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I've always been curious about the whole process of using eurotunnel how to get there how to bring my dog with me how long the documents check will take and how easy will the process be I looked for some information about the process of using eurotunnel to drive to Mainland Europe in my own car with my husky aboard I couldn't find any step-by-step directions nor a write-up so I decided to make my own [Music] foreign [Music] first of all I found out that it's not possible to miss your train they provide you a ticket for the next train as soon as you arrive but please don't count on this as it was my one and only experience and that might be related to me having a pet while entering the eurotunnel premises make sure you pay attention to the ticket booth Direction this car in front of us has made the mistake to drive into the wrong lane and the booth window stayed at the wrong side of the car I also almost done the same mistake thank you [Music] here I had my ticket printed automatically after entering my reservation details the process is straightforward and takes only a minute everyone driving with their pets has to first stop by the animal Reception Center your pet's passport and health certificate will be checked there I unfortunately didn't know about the animal health certificate until the kind lady told me my dog wouldn't be able to travel without one she then gave me a flyer with the closest vet's addresses and phone numbers on it she also told me my train ticket wouldn't be invalidated and I could take the next available one after I come back I called the Vets while still at the eurotunnel car park only one of those was able to help me on the same day I rushed to the clinic with the fear of missing my train and getting late for my hotel check-in in Amsterdam the clinic was called Abbey World vets a very nice and kind gentleman welcomed us it took them less than an hour to fill out the paperwork I paid 200 pounds for their services and went back to the eurotunnel station the animal Reception Center then validated the paperwork and gave me a paper hanger to put on my rear view mirror this Hangar ensures French authorities to know while disembarking that you're carrying a pet with you and check your paperwork if needed that wasn't the case with this a couple of minutes after disembarking the train we found ourselves cruising on the French Motorway after animal reception gave us a go we followed the signs and queued to wait for our train to leave a technical difficulty added 35 minutes to our wait time after waiting for almost an hour to Embark we got the green light foreign foreign getting on the train was just like a breeze I was a bit nervous about my car having a low ground clearance going slow and covering the slopes with an angle did the trick foreign foreign foreign I was stupid enough to put the hangar right in front of the dash cam apologies about it I still published the video as it's better than no video anyway there are tons of signs and warnings about driving at the correct side of the road I chose the ferry while going back home which is going to be discussed in another video have a safe trip and please don't hesitate to ask questions [Music] [Music]
Channel: Firat Bey
Views: 29,052
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 19 2022
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