Using CD players for transports

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today we're going to talk about CD players used as transports and our question today's question comes from a yoosh from Pune India Wow I I've been the India teri and I went there and my son Sean our son Shah and what a great place we went to oh geez just some we went down the Ganges River we it was one of the more amazing experiences I think I've ever had in it in all my travels I just absolutely adored India and I don't think it's for everybody when when we first arrived in India the our our guide the guy that met us there said well half the people that come here want to turn on the around on the plane and get right back home and the other half can't wait to come back and I find myself and in the other half that's an absolutely wonderful country that I really loved anyway I use asks how our standalone CD players are transports like the marantz CDs 6006 or the Cambridge Audio CX C transport how do they compare to cheap multi disc blu-ray players like the Sony or the Pioneer BD P 164 playing audio CDs and why should I buy them if I have a separate DAC like the [ __ ] model multi bit connected via digital coaxial cable will there be any perceivable improvement in sound quality over my current set-up if yes how could that be so here we go with one of those challenging questions and and the reason this is challenging is because it really depends on the resolving power of your system so if you have a reasonable system let's say a decent set up then I don't think that I would recommend spending a whole bunch of money on a really excellent transport because we're talking about diminishing returns here now to back up a second on a system like mine the IRS fives in music room one oh good gosh yes there if you took one of these even your your your CXC transport the Cambridge or the Moran's which are okay products and I know they're they're kind of high-end for you but if you took one of those and excuse me and compared it to a direct stream memory player transport or to an older perfect wave transport or any number of high-end transports you'd hear a remarkable difference here in this music room but in your home in my home where I've got a rather mediocre system by high-end audio standards I don't think it's likely worth the money to put that into a better transfer because I don't think you're gonna get your money's worth if you will again diminishing returns now if I were you and and don't get me wrong the [ __ ] back and this is for for those on the podcast fourth videocast the [ __ ] audio SCH ITT is Jason and Mike they're there they're friends of mine they they do a direct only company they make great products at low costs they are absolutely high in some of them are just excellent sounding so nothing nothing against [ __ ] audio I thought those guys are total Jokers I love them Jason Stoddard and Mike Moffet anyway the the products they make are great are they as high-end as something that we might make no and but I mean we're talking a magnitude of ten times lower cost too so if if I had to spend money if I wanted to do something I would either upgrade my speakers which is my advice too everybody start with speakers first get your speakers correct and and revealing and then work your way backwards through the equipment chain but in your case I use I don't think I would recommend that you would spend any more money on it and I think you're gonna get reasonable results out of a cheap blu-ray player connected up digitally to your [ __ ] audio DAC just as you would through your your Cambridge or here Marantz alright I hope that answers your question thank you for asking and we will talk to you tomorrow [Music] [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: PS Audio
Views: 75,093
Rating: 4.8371181 out of 5
Keywords: Ask Paul 11
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 25sec (325 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 21 2018
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