Using Assassin Spec (Ranger 4th spec) to assassinate a Champion! Wartales Late Game Party

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welcome back to another war tales video alrighty uh so tonight uh we've got a couple of different things that we're going to be doing um i'm currently playing on uh the no scaling mode region locked and have been running around with this party for a little while have used them in a couple of little videos uh we're fairly well equipped now because we've actually managed to go and finish the arena netting ourselves a level 7 viper plus 37 dexterity is quite nice uh we do have a luns hammer that's only level six that's sitting in our camp at the moment and we also managed to take out a level nine uh alexa grathan so she gave us a level nine splitter which i've also put some strength oil on unfortunately the strength oil is bugged and not working at the moment so it just looks nice to have um anyway our taurus is a little bit of a beast of a fighter so he is one of our main characters um and basically because we've now finished the arena and alexa um i'm kind of more or less like i know i'm not done in the virtuous province i've only finished a tiny bit of the main quest um but what we're going to do is show you once you've finished the arena how you unlock the fourth assassin assassin specialization and then we're going to try and put it into action against the remaining champion so once you are finished the arena up here in the truce you can actually head back down past maheim to this little windmill the trojan windmill that's just here and if you talk to this guy here stoddabit he will actually ask whether you want to learn the assassin specialization for 200 influence which we are going to learn we can right click on it to preview the specialization it gives you um the main two skills that they use but i mean look i know that i want it so i'm going to take it um what the assassin specialization does is uh let me open up one of the characters and have a quick look at it uh it opens up the fourth uh skill tree here fourth specialization tree assassin so it's a skill that you normally pick at level three and you get a skill called right between the eyes inflicting a whole bunch of damage and applying bleeding also doubling the damage if the target is already bleeding so quite useful in conjunction with like a spearman or say a couple of warriors which i've got in my team um so pretty cool uh the other thing that they get is this thing called ordeal so every time a unit attacks a bleeding or burning or poisoned unit the attack also applies fever now i want to see if we can get this in action against one of the enemy champions just using a little bit of poison from one ranger and um some of the others and maybe some bleeding and whatnot from from these guys um so i think that what i'm going to do is uh go spend a little bit of gold on a respec and then get cracking from there now because the only remaining champion is kagal and he's obviously all the way over in the arthas region which i haven't explored yet i'm just going to pause the video uh run over there so that you don't just have to watch me running back and forth and i will pick up when we're about to begin the fight uh so i will be back very soon okay and we're back uh well no time has passed at all for you but a few minutes have passed for me as i ran across the world uh we're in the middle of a snowstorm at the moment so i think i am just going to sit here and wait because um fighting these fights in the middle of a snowstorm and not being able to see patches of the ground can be a bit annoying uh whilst we wait um i will show you what i've done so i went and spent about a thousand dollars respecting the two uh cutthroats in the group and i've made one of them an assassin uh so that we can test out this right between the eyes i gave them fragility because against the champions that we're sort of aiming to fight here fragility is really strong because you're pretty much guaranteeing that the champion you're fighting is taking 30 extra damage per round um and then the other one i have given cutthroat and ordeal now the reason that i've chosen cutthroat or sorry and frenzy with ordeal is that every time the unit attacks a bleeding or poison unit the attack also applies fever so cutthroat and frenzy will give us the highest number of attacks per round and hence will give us the largest number of um ordeals and fever stacks per round that's pretty much what we're going to do the other guys in the group that we've got uh a couple of tanks one swordsman one brute an archer who's an infantryman with the barrage skill um also our captain who can galvanize um the reinforced arrows every time they land a critical hit applies bleeding so just another way that we can stack up bleeding and then we've got two warriors one who deals extra damage on the first hit and one who deals extra damage when units drop below 50 health so i've kind of planned this guy to be a bit of an animal killer you know doing his swings one two swings we'll hopefully get them below 50 and then kill them pretty quickly but let's see how we go um i guess sitting here and trying to wait for the storm to pass whilst in uh in a character screen is not actually gonna cause any time in the world to pass so the storm is still going on um it does look like we're also in the middle of the night so our ghost back is just sitting over here just out of range and i am going to launch this attack before our fatigue reaches zero uh just because i kind of want to do it you know soonish um i'll give it a tiny bit more and see if this storm is going to abate though and i'm curious so actually i i picked up the contract for kagal from town um we are going to get 615 gold if we completed which is a very nice crowns bonus but i don't know what level uh kagal is so uh matthias lund was level six in the first area uh alexa grathan as i said was level nine and smot in the arena was level seven now did you just see those little birds fly off the trees it is actually a little hint you can use when you're walking around the world if you see birds fly out of trees you know that someone has interrupted them and so kagal and his team actually just interrupted those crows i imagine they're crows anyway they're little black birds all right oh is that the storm snowstorm abating no all right we're just going to go for it let's do it all right good girl we meet again let us see how this goes oh look it says his own level five here so this might actually be a pretty straightforward fight level five is a bit lower than i would expect so it seems like when you do the region locked mode the preferred order is going from tiltron to uh arthas to the truce seems to be the case yeah so these guys are level five uh it does look like there's a little bit of a uh a bug on there visual bug on there debuff as well okay so we've got a couple of animals uh kagal himself is probably sitting in the fog over here somewhere all right he's down the bottom uh and we've got a fairly large party so we have actually been split up so my aim is going to be to take out the wolves as quickly as i can and two of the balls uh and then the third the last ball i'll just kind of either let roam around or engage depends on what he wants to do and i'll just attack kagal directly from there now to get all of our bleeding and our fever stacks up we might um where's our other ranger gone there you are hack it what's your movement like you can't get there yourself yet you've got 16 movement and you've only got 14 let's switch them you can still get there all right cool cool uh we want to take out probably these two first of all so what if you were there can you still reach him just probably won't get behind him though all right let's just go for it let's start getting rid of a couple of these these animals uh first we'll just do a nice big standard attack then we will chop chop and one more bonus attack because it's an upgraded cutting maelstrom so if he gets a fatal blow he does swing again and then we'll just run a little bit closer so hopefully we get engaged by this actually this ball won't engage us because balls don't engage he's meant to charge through that's a little bit weird all right well we get engaged by one all right kagal's up next he's just going to run up and do a shot um i don't think i'm too worried about that no i'm not i can tell you i'm not too worried about it uh now frannis over here is our executioner and we'll deal an extra 150 damage on the first attack of the battle which will allow us to get another kill on the wolf over here so you can see this is a party that you would consider a pretty end game kind of a party just being able to run in and take out a lot of these enemies quite quickly and easily um [Music] i did kind of want to see if i can get a tank down on kagal just to allow my rangers a little bit more space to to do what they do best but i don't think we're going to be able to get a kill here yet um let's run the tank over that'll be fine so i actually have a feeling that the snow storm is it plays with the boar's ai a little bit and they're not as not quite as clever at charging all right so both our ranges will probably get shot here 61 damage that's a fair that is a fair hit all right uh well let's go down and let's get some let's get him engaged so that harem takes a shot for us here all right let's apply our blue let's do a little stabby stab and you can see we we can deal a fair bit of damage despite the fact that uh his damage reduction uh would actually be what would his damage reduction be at the moment i wonder if there's a little bug on his damage reduction because with three animals alive he should have about a 30 damage reduction at the moment he's got wrath hmm yeah anyway that's all wood now we can't get behind him that was a mistake and we need to poison him as well so let's head down and we're going to need to heal this guy very soon uh i'm actually just going to disengage from the wolf and start running down myself here i've got a couple of people with first aid i'll put a little deflection it means we can heal him run down engage get his back turned that kind of thing and our brute here is going to apply poison through his poisoned impact because we've already got bleed on kagal too down you go haram for now at least don't worry you will survive okay our archers just gonna do a little damage probably just keep this wolf busy for now more than anything and you're gonna run down this way but you're not going to attack this turn i don't want to i don't want this ranger in particular to engage uh just because he's got frenzy so i want him attacking from behind get us the maximum stacks of frenzy all right so we're going to run down and do a heel and then we are going to go over this side and engage i could weakening blowing but i'm actually going to save as many valor points as i can here all right then we want to apply some poison now i might have to actually take a step back here there we go boom that is our poison applied two stacks very nice um that's a valorous chain so we're not going to earn anything from that all right our tanks with their shields can take a fair bit more damage than any of our rangers can all right now we're going to go and start trying to stack up our ordeal and fever stacks so first attack 94 damage that's insane we get one fever on then we're gonna do a frenzy we get another few stacks of fever and we're doing 50 damage per crit on the frenzy very nice i feel like we might be able to take him down uh even before we uh before we take out many more of the animals now we can earn just a little bit of valor our tank may actually get taken out here we'll see oh 61 yep down goes the tank there we go well the archer he won't get engaged because he's uh got his barrage up and you can see even though um these are well they are level five enemies um and our characters a bit of a late game party you do still take quite a bit of damage in this fight all right so the two balls are going to go kind of hoping this one doesn't run down this way because i don't have any way to heal this character at the moment uh i could just engage this boar but it's not going to kill him might give me a nice frenzy attack though i mean a nice wrath now 73 damage wrath that does 110 because of his uh madness bonus and then let's head down and we can do a 137 damage spear throw it's only a 76 chance i don't want to risk it maybe we'll leave him there till next turn all right let's engage this ball and what do we want to do next let's take a shot with the archer and we'll run him down see if we can another another point here oh we can even use a galvanized get some bonus fella and we'll get ready to take that wolf out okay now he's bleeding this is gonna deal double damage and he's got poison so toxic blade's also gonna do pretty well we deal a 122 non-crit with right between the eyes and our toxic blade is going to deal 68 apparently very nice and kagal goes down not bad not bad well we had a couple of characters get pretty low but overall i feel like it was not a particularly risky fight for us i feel like we we had it fairly well covered now one thing that i do find interesting from a fight like that and obviously i'm just wrapping up the animals here is that the um [Music] the characters who are you know incredible in round one um like the the warrior over here who can deal a lot of damage um can still get outshone by some of the others even though they are just dealing more damage against the low health enemies i don't know anyway that was that was good um we get a level seven bow fantastic even though we only killed level five character um sorry kagal i am sorry bad luck but i'm going to appreciate having your bow and so we go from above the brave with 20 dexterity to the indomitable one uh 37 dexterity that's going to be very nice indeed we'll take a little rest here uh i am probably going to keep going up with this party i might go and do something like the tomb next uh but i might save that video for another day and we'll see how this party goes in the darkness thanks for watching have a great evening and that is kag over and out
Channel: Kaghal
Views: 7,746
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wartales late game, wartales end game party, wartales assassin specialization, wartales assassin, wartales assassin specialisation, wartales ranger 4th spec, wartales how to unlock assassins, wartales right between the eyes, wartales vertruse arena, wartales secret content
Id: 1AedcDbKKPg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 17sec (1097 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 17 2022
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