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my friends and i decided that it was time for us to open up a restaurant in minecraft welcome to drumroll please numpty's restaurant yay it is our job on opening day to make sure that all customers are happy each of us are gonna take turns cooking and i want you guys in the comments down below to tell me who was the best head chef also hit that like button if you want us to try to open our own restaurants and serve food to each other i think that could be really fun let's get right into the video we opened the rest yeah [Applause] josh yeah i did what do you think numpty's restaurant good job josh that is a good name for our restaurant all right all right i love it as long as i get my one third of a share at the end of the year no you don't get anything guys come on candy customers oh we got customers already hello everyone hello hello welcome hey guys how are you doing whoa you know that's our candy like kind of did you just steal our guests stop okay come on i didn't steal anything you stole the whole vending machine i'm hungry i'm just gonna i'm gonna keep that okay it's mine as well here we have a jelly burger this is some of our oh that sounds gross all right well we sell a lot of things wait wait wait what about the fish eat that chippy yeah okay we're done with this before we actually talk to our um our guests though we need to get dressed up uh-huh oh you're right you're right we need to oh yeah proper we've worked there i forgot we got a chef suit over here right we know what we're doing in our lockers tastes great you're a recipe book as well i don't need a recipe book i am that good of a shout out oh check this out yours sticks through the no oh that's supposed to happen okay wait no that's not that's not sanitary our hair needs to be covered or we drop it in no it's okay this is all right whatever this restaurant guys come on we need to go take our first order it's delicious yeah hair and food is actually our specialty that's disgusting guys wait who are you gonna talk to josh you know what josh what since you named this numpties restaurant you get to pick me first oh so that means i get to be head chef for the first order okay yeah for the first order i'm super hyped i'm so excited okay i'm gonna take an order from gabe ooh i thought it's gatewand uh he wants four slices of hawaiian pizza no uh i don't know i will not accept pizza on pineapple in my restaurant bit on your food okay guys come on let's get into the game wait are you guys pineapple on pizza people no no no yeah i mean these are so annoying to me you have to cut the pineapple oh well all right so let's figure out how we make this thing we have our little recipe book oh yeah how do i how do i find this hawaiian you can go you can google up in the corner pizza pineapple pineapple pizza well i don't know which one it is um it's not on our menu this guy's ah this is so bad wait i see pizza slice i see pizza slice okay so ham and pineapple pizza right okay yeah right tomato um wait this is josh's josh's job is to command us around now jelly uh okay yeah josh i'm standing by head chef give me your order head chef what do you want what do you want from us ketchup crainer crainer i need you to collect um uh cooked pork chop uh sorry sir uh tomato sorry sir it's a tomato cheese and a pineapple okay i can't remember that much can we just what do i do jenny you're on the dough on the dough yeah i got tomato i found tomato what else did you say you said something about the pork chop isn't there some dough in here where's the park at where's the park oh okay well that's what i mean i just literally go in the fridge pocket okay and then baked gold on the ground okay park and then spit on it jelly don't spit on things wait so bring the dough come on sorry there you go okay okay i got i gotta stop the dough down on the lake ware on the water yeah is it down yes okay okay crainer i need you to i need you this is really difficult josh you're a really bad head chef justin crainer i guess um this is going to be wonderful training you go cook the pork chop okay no and jelly we need a special pizza dough wait how do i cook the pork chop chef uh put it in a furnace and cook it i guess or cook it or are you new to minecraft wait there's an oven here whoa jelly i need you to slice the tomato all right all right all right can i cook this wait i think you just need to put one in there check that out all right slice the tomato whoa yo the ovens are sick in this place man oh yeah that's cooking good job okay put the pork chop in there i already did it's already done the knife is here jelly what do i do with the pork chop check the knife give me the pork chop i'm i'm the one like actually assembled tomatoes right there as well no no jelly's chopping the tomatoes wait jenny put them on the cutting boards you numb to eat why are you chopping them on the floor jill where is the cutting board bitcoin equator look at this [Music] no right click the chopping board with it he's so bad at this oh whoa whoa slice tomato yes all right next stop um wait no i can do some more guys isn't it supposed to cover the whole pizza no wait wait wait wait wait i got some more all right okay okay guys i'm the one building the pizza it's my i'm the chef you're standing on it okay we'll just put the pineapple on then full okay okay pineapple how hard is it a few moments later this looks like the worst pizza ever sorry oh i need this hey oh wait are you just slapping it yeah he's slapping it he's slapping the pizza wait maybe we're gonna feel like i'm supposed to do you guys have any more uh some more dough no we don't need dough jelly this is pizza though um i ain't making it i'm not sure i'm just drinking some fresh mint head chef we trust are you drinking milk oh there we go okay but oh wow seriously you just made it in there put it in the oven quick it's gonna get rotten otherwise hurry up how do i put it in the oven um well there's instructions i think how do we put the sticks in oh there we go wait okay you just put the sticks in look look yeah stick the pizza in that chef the pizza the pizza oh yo okay our client is not getting raw pizza nope but he is getting pizza they just spit on them get burnt pizza though if we're not careful oh yeah you need to be careful with this watch it it cooks really fast i am be careful how do i know when to take it um oh that might be too early i got raw hawaiian pizza bacon there we go cook cook okay we just gotta be really careful this is exciting wait guys you know this is our first order right we can't mess this up oh yeah we want to get good reviews we just opened the restaurant yeah this isn't very sanitary sorry it's done i think right no no no it smells good it's done hey yup okay put it on the pizza i keep picking it up there you go are we really throwing around yes we are that's how we do it here okay hey okay pizza pizza watch out watch out watch out all right he's got a knife oh oh wow whoa oh my god all right well you can have a slice because i've got four i gotta taste this bad boy dude oh i'm not hungry actually but i'll just keep it all right let's go give it to our customers he's got to be so heavy weight jellyfish is a pizza did you spit on the pizza jelly but we've got pizza and complete egg buddy i got nothing wait give me the next order hey no no no jelly jelly he just took the money we need at least uh two percent third of the share please yeah okay i'll give you a third there you go like that and then there's that so thank you thank you chef oh i feel oh anyway who's next oh what is dawn wants oh oh how perfect a mango jelly sandwich oh that is the worst thing i've ever heard that sounds really bad you're head chef so okay chef okay we gotta hurry up yeah that's right otherwise you'll get paid for the day wait jelly's not a good head chef he just yells at people see this kitchen counter over here i'm putting all of my leftovers absolutely not i'm gonna do the same both of you in the corner right now okay okay in the corner in the corner okay chef i'm going to open my recipe book and i'm going to tell you exactly i liked you better as the head chef josh all right okay just give me a second i'm looking for a mango sandwich oh this looks pretty easy i got the mango jelly sandwich right here pulled up give us our toss yes are going to make some delicious pistachio butter okay peanut butter you mean no he said pistachio but you get out of the corner the mango recipe says all right josh oh it changes pistachio butter yes get the mango jelly greener you can make peanut butter okay bread i got the pistachio butter sir seriously yes we don't make it fresh in this restaurant no we do not everything is microwave sorry yes sir leopard sandwich what did i need mango you butter right jelly jelly wait what else did i this is just the potential buddy you wanted me to get chef chef head chef yes hey chef head chef don't throw things in this restaurant what am i supposed to do do it again you're throwing it how are we giving it to you without throwing it there's cabinets put it in the cabinet and i'll take it out we do not throw our food on the floor can you stop yelling so much sir when i'm in charge it's just a lot smoother gusting he josh just threw it on the ground and you didn't yell at him but this isn't food yeah loser stop trying to drop me in corner boy i'm not gonna call him boy all right all right all right corner you can come out again i'm going to craft our beautiful mango jelly sandwich okay can you guys please remind me on how this works again no we don't we have no clue jelly jelly um mango jelly and then bread i figured it out wait you did it look at that wait you made it already mango jelly sandwich oh you just were on the ground jeff you just do it on the ground okay guys a mango sandwich because it is peanut butter it can be quite dry can you could you give it back please okay so i think our as a specialty because i'm the head chef for today okay i'm gonna give dawn you're gonna stay on all day yeah just for dawn just for dawn i'm gonna give him his beautiful sandwich all right uh-huh and some fresh milk glass of milk on the house dawn can we glass a milk can we get our cup jelly yeah we need our cut jelly josh how much did you get three it's lying how much did you get don just pays more it evens it out if i just give you one what yep it's true wait a second wait is that a beard or is that a what is that yo you supposed to be some kind of farmer oh okay yeah i'll take this guy this is a child yeah this guy looks like he knows what he wants let me talk to him you know guys you know this is like this is like a child who's really trying to convince everyone that he's an adult guys jayden says first of all that the restaurant looks great thank you jayden and he wants a blt set what's a blt sandwich bacon tomato oh i like that jelly you get the bacon josh you get the lettuce trainer you get the bread guys what i also want to order you just do it on the ground didn't you josh i need a tomato tomato jelly i need a toast i need toast it says toast there you go tomato wait am i supposed to chop that up dude no it's completely fine the bacon you do not find bacon i will are you a band from my restaurant have you read where is bacon okay i'm sorry i read the i read the recipe wrong head chef mistake i need to cook guys i found tofu bacon yeah that's the one i need cooked [Music] how do you pronounce that josh toficon did you cook it it's it's it's a vegetarian bacon so we didn't need a pig that's actually yeah we didn't that's good it's still wrong no it's not no only the brown one it needs to be cooked you spit in my face as the head chef i spit back josh i need butter jelly i need bread and jelly i need bakeware right now it's this sandwich uh-huh all right this is a hot mega sandwich wait i gave you bread crater crater look at this there we go good job now i need butter josh josh seriously butter like there's so much butter everywhere yeah where is the butter i need the butter and cashew and chestnut oh i found the butter thank you what do you need the bread yeah i already got it there we go i now have toast check this out guys toast toast wait toast did he order toast no but if i put toes together with a cutting board with the cutting board [Music] now if i combine all of these things inside of this thing i get the i'm on the edge of my seat blt [Applause] [Music] this is the ultimate numpty sandwich jayden let me know what you think about this plt a lot of hard work really went into it here we go complete oh he didn't give me any money oh he did wait how much did you guys get i got five i wait so you gotta split that with us yeah yeah one that's two for me one for [Music] you [Applause] might as well take the coca-cola vending machine too see you later goodbye losers thanks for coming to our restaurant i think that my sandwich was the best thing that we made let me know what you guys think though and also check out these two videos if you haven't had enough of me yet which hopefully you haven't please check him out
Channel: Crainer
Views: 479,669
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PG, Child Friendly, Kid Friendly, Family Friendly, Funny Moments, Slogoman, Jelly, Crainer, Slogo, Minecraft
Id: QDbS4e0FCQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 43sec (943 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 07 2021
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