USGI Mag Refinish to LIKE NEW!

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hey what's going on guys in his 85 a little project take care of as you can see in front of me I have some aluminum usgi magazines for the ar-15 or m16 and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna refinish them and I'm gonna show you exactly how I'm gonna do it hopefully you're gonna go from something like this which is obviously seen a tremendous amount of use to something like this which looks almost brand new so I'm also going to do some upgrades to the followers and the floor plates and add Magpul Ranger floor plates and anti-tilt followers and just to give you an example this one does not have a Magpul anti-tilt follower and as you can see it and it just doesn't work that well take a look at this one it does exactly what it's supposed to do and it doesn't tilt like this one okay so first things first I'll be secret I need some magazines to refinish and like I said these are usgi mags they're just aluminum you can do your own research if you'd like as to which manufacturer makes them things of that nature I will provide links down below if you click show more to all the products that I'll be using specifically the Ranger floor plates and the anti-tilt followers bed magnet all I ended up getting from Howard at the bunker there's his information there I'm sure you guys have heard of him before extremely extremely nice guy talked to him over the phone and he was the only one that had these around when I ordered them back in December alright so let's go ahead and go over what we're gonna need first thing we're gonna have to do is we're going to disassemble each magazine take the spring out the floor plate and the follower then we're going to want to clean them really go decrease them so I chose to use simple green and an old toothbrush and some steel wool just in a plastic container tub like this with some water and we'll go ahead and decrease these I'll go through the whole process but when we're done with that and those are dry then we're gonna hang them up with some wire through the holes here so you'll need some wire you want to do it that way or maybe a wire coat hanger and then the coating we're using here is ever lube products perma slick G this is the mil spec coating that gives you that flat gray finish this is a dry film Lube and basically my understanding is a dry film Lube is something that provides good corrosion wear and like resistance especially with putting in and taking out the magazine it provides kind of a lubrication but without the oil or the ability to attract dirt and dust and things of that nature so I'm sure you can Google information on that I'll have a link below as to what dry film Lube is if you want to learn a little bit about it so let's go ahead and get started with disassembling these magazines no specifically on the floor plates to take these off there's an indent here that makes it so it can't come off but as you can see this one's pretty well damaged which is another reason why I'm changing the floor plates out for the Magpul Rangers but basically you're gonna want to do is slide this off keep your finger or hand over it because that spring is gonna come flying out okay just pull it out and don't pull on the spring you want to stretch it out take some work and you'll get it to come on okay so hang on to the springs cuz I'm in I'm gonna reuse those and you can reuse them too so there's the magazine there that's what's gonna go into the tub we're cleaning just to show you another view of how to get that floor plate off and you can see I'm trying to slide it forward but it's not going you can see here those those lips and all I have to do is just cleared enough be able to slide that off so I went ahead and filled this up with some hot water and I am not using the exact science at all for this I'm just going to take the simple green here and looks good enough to me so I got the simple green in there a little bit the first night and then and I figure we might as well do the Springs as well and to get the follower off you look underneath here there's a little hole that the spring goes into and you're just gonna manipulate that out of that hole you may have to use a player's I'm just gonna go over each one and I'm gonna scrub it inside and out you just want to make sure that the all the dirt and grime is out and then it's nice and decreased because you want the dry film Lube to adhere to it very nice and remember what I said to is that you can use some steel wool just to make sure you get all the extra and grime off make sure you're getting all the grooves too when you're done scrubbing one what I'm also doing is I have a container of nice cool water I'm putting them in there to rinse off any additional residue and then I'm gonna put them on the paper towel here all right I'm all done cleaning them and I think to make sure that they're perfectly dry inside and out I'm just gonna throw them in the oven just to show you here I don't know if you remember the color the water was clear before but it's definitely pretty much gray black now so there was definitely a ton of stuff that came off of those and like I said just to make sure they're completely dry I went ahead and just wrapped them up in paper towels and I just put it at 170 degrees and I'll just let it sit there for 30 or 40 minutes that way I know that there's no water on the inside at all all right so I got a fresh out of the oven and I'm outside in the garage now and as you can see I just kind of have a kind of a sawhorse stand going on this is actually what I use for target stand but I have these wire coat hangers that I put over the wood and then just kind of bent them down and that allow me to just take them and hang them just like that that all those set up and this does say that if it can air dry degrease areas did it shake container gonna do it and it says 12 inches from the surface and ready for handling one to six hours after air drying and you're going to pick this up real good and get this spring so far they're looking pretty good as you can see it's a nice matte gray color well let them sit for about an hour and then we'll come back out and take a look at them all right so give them about an hour to dry and as you can see they look really really good specifically this first one here if you can remember what that one looked like so I'm gonna go ahead and take these off and bring them back inside and show you how to apply the floor plates and the new followers all right so we're back indoors let's go ahead and get the follower under our spring here it's pretty easy you take a look here there's a spot where this loop goes through and then this back end just fits right in between there I don't know if you can see that and then I have to do is just simply take this and manipulate it to go into that hole as you can see there pretty simple then the way you're gonna want to feed it of course so it'll look like this you can see it fits right in the slot there okay here's our follower in place now for the Ranger floor plate it's a little bit tricky but not too difficult you want to compress your spring all the way take this piece that goes on like so just think that this tab kind of fits right in that spot there so we're gonna push this down like so and then this piece which is the rest of the floor plate will then go this tab goes right here so make sure if that's pushed down good and there's as you can see metal slots right here you just want to line those up and then push forward and it'll click and there we are so I have to say that looks pretty darn good if you ask me everything came out quite nice so I would say that this is successfully refinished and fully operational I hope this video is helpful guys if you have any questions comments or concerns please leave them below and I'll get back to you I'm really good about doing that so have a good day talk to you later mo seats good boy how was your day today I'm glad you're here Oh
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Views: 96,221
Rating: 4.9433107 out of 5
Keywords: nsz, nsz85, guns, gunsmith, gunsmithing, mn, minnesota, ar15, ak47, ak74, magpul, ranger, anti, tilt, floor, plate, follower, refinish, new, usgi, military, m16, ar-15, mega, colt, stag, build, rebuild, assemble, disassemble, perma, slik, silk, mil, spec, dry, film, lube, coating, clean, take, apart, together, replace, how, to, fix, repair, buy, hi, cap, magazine, mags, the, bunker, psfsd, inc, moly
Id: -7LF3Lb7Jec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 22sec (682 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2013
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