Use This Once a Week and Your Hair Will Never Stop Growing| DIY for HAIR LOSS & BALDING‼️

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if you've been trying to recover from hair loss or you're struggling with balding and excessive shedding you have come to the right place because I'm going to be sharing with you a DIY treatment that is going to help to reverse all sorts of hair loss and without much further Ado let's jump right into this video and my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus Philippians 4:19 the NIV version before we jump into the DIY process and application I wanted to talk about an hormone that is responsible for hair loss I have a theory that knowing the root of your problem will help you to solve it faster instead of trying every single thing in this whole world and you don't even know why what is happening is happening the hormone that we're talking about is called DHT I can't even attempt to pronounce it I'll swallow my tongue if I attempt to but I'll put it on the screen the simplest way for me to describe DHT is it is an hater it is an enemy of progress when it comes to hair growth it will will literally stand in the way of nutrients getting into your hair it reminds me so much of barnacles attaching thems to um the mouth of a crab you'll just be standing in the way of the crab's food and the crab will be hungry and getting skinnier and possibly dying from malnutrition that is the same thing that happens when DHT stands in the way of nutrients getting into our hair follicules now this is where DHT blocking herbs come into play they attach themselves to a very small part of the recept so that when the DHT shows up that like I'm ready to come and possess this stolen possession they will not be able to fit in that receptor one of the best DHT blocking herb out there is green tea this stuff is liquid gold and it's so underrated not only is it a DHT blocker it is also able to reduce the amount of DHT levels that your body produces it contains a compound called eccg I'm going to of course put the full pronunciation the full spelling on the screen because I cannot come and swap follow my Tong for you people and this compound literally inhibits the production of DHT there's an enzyme called 5 Alpha reduct AB be whatever you pronounce it like and that is what is responsible for converting testosterone into DHT the egcg compound that is found in green tea basically blocks the action of the five Alpha rig does so that DHT will not form this is what I call double threat it is working before DHT is even formed and let's say some DHT were B and they decided to come into this life it's still going to go to that um receptor and prevent the DHT from attaching to the root of your hair [Music] follicules one of my favorite things about making this hair tea is the fact that it's so easy to make this is a lazy Naturals dream I tend to shy away from trying some new stuff because the process is is always too complicated do this um St stip this for 20 years um allow it to infuse for 1 million years I don't like stuff like that I like things that is quick and easy for my hair growth regimen and green tea is just perfect all you literally have to do is boil water and put the saet of green tea into it and allow it to step cool down and pour it into your spray bottle and that's it straightforward the type of green tea you decide to use does not matter there is not a specific brand that is better than and the other green tea is green tea everything is the same thing okay and the one I'm even using has mint all right as long as there sh green tea in it it should be okay there are many different ways that you can use green tea in your hair growth regimen you can use it as a hair Rin you can use it as a hairspray you can use it as um a scalp massager as a midweek moisturizer a leave-in spray you can literally use it to replace basic water there is another way that you can use green tea in your hair growth regimen but me I would never recommend on social Media or anywhere in this haai world for anybody to swallow anything because that is between you and your doctor that is between you and God I'm not telling you to drink green tea oh but me and myself I drink a glass of green tea at least once every single day because working on the inside is just as important as working on the outside okay let's be guided let's even forget about green tea for now how can you be eating like Jaga jantis you don't even have Healthy Living you don't eat healthy and you are saying that your hair is not healthy how does that correlate how can that work I know you probably didn't expect me to be diving into this topic but yeah start eating a little bit healthy it's not every day you'll be eating cake sometimes eat vegetables grab your carrot instead of grabbing your French fries ah forgive me for coming for your edges but it just has to be said If you're looking for the best way to use green tea you should definitely use it as a hair Rin or you should make sure that it is in the products that you're using on your your scalp green tea is in the shampoo that I use on my wash days and I don't even need to do a hairin just because of the fact that this shampoo has a high amount of green tea in it one of the best things I've done for my hair growth regimen is finding products that contain herbs that I desire so that I'm not spending too much time making it myself I don't want to ever compromise on the health of my hair because I don't have the time to make things the one downside that green tea may have is is that it can be drying to your strand so make sure that you're moisturizing after I posted a video recently showing how to use or steel as a DHT blocker that is also a very great alternative that will not dry your hair as much it is one of the main ingredients in this hair moisturizer that I'm using I probably should have shown you guys how to use green tea as a hair rings as opposed to using it as a hairspray because that is the way that I usually usually use it I just really did not feel like washing my hair just yet and I know that my hair is given the braids I've been in for 100 years I know it's looking very very rough I match my wash day routine to my menstrual cycle and this was not the week that is scheduled for wash day if you know you know so I was trying to stretch it out a week more actually if you want to know how I SN my hair growth regiment to my menstrual cycle I'll link up a video of me discussing this topic in the in the card so make sure to check it out after you've watched this video in totality t for TS to summarize everything I've been saying for the past few minutes basically you want to focus the green tea more on your scalp than on your strand also make sure you condition your hair right after applying whether as a hair Rings or as a hairspray I follow the lco method whenever I'm moisturizing my hair so I usually would spray a liquid then go with a cream based moisturizer and and then seal everything in with an oil this is the top tier way for me to moisturize my low paracity hair but this video is not about that even this oil that I'm using contains DHC blocking herbs it has nettle and it has hor steel and I've even posted a video on the both of them so make sure to check it out if you want to know more about them I just realized that most of the herbs I use in my hair goat regimen has three things in common there's a lot of DHD blocking properties there's a lot of zinc for treating hair loss and there's a lot of silica for strengthening my low paracity hair since I can't always use protein every single day everything I use in my hair growth regimen will be linked Down Below in the description box I want to make one last point about green tea and if there are follicules on your scalp that are dormant and they have just taken a very long break from growing they've given up on life the kachin and green tea will encourage the follicles to enter the active growth face so if you're dealing with alopecia or hair thinning greeny can definitely help you with that at this point what is there not not to love about green [Music] tea that is all I have for you guys thank you so much for watching today's video I hope you are proud of me for delivering on my promise to make an updated video on DHT and DHT blocking herbs make sure you like comment and subscribe and also make sure you turn on the notification Bell so that when next I post you'll be the very first person to know about it I love you and Jesus loves you too bye riches
Channel: Beautosal _
Views: 836,999
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cloves for hair growth, rosemary oil for hair growth before and after, i'm still shocked your hair will never stop growing, your hair will never stop growing if u use this, only one ingredient and your hair will never stop growing, am still in shock use this once a week for faster hair growth, use twice a day and your hair will grow like crazy, mix ginger and cloves for hair growth, onion juice for hair growth, how to use rosemary oil for hair growth, hair growth, 4chair, do this
Id: 6F3E7HolzcU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 30sec (510 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 15 2023
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