Use Angular Signal and RxJs together in your application

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Today, we will see how we can use Signal with  Observable inside one application and use the   power of RxJS and Power of Signal combined in  your application. So let's start the video.   Hi everyone, this is Subrat, and you are  watching Fun of Heuristics. So on this channel,   we make videos like this, which is related  to programming and web development. So   please consider subscribing and hit the bell  icon if you haven't yet. On our last video,   we have discussed what is Signal and how  you can use Signal in your application,   and we have developed a to-do application  there. If you haven't watched that video,   please go ahead and watch that one. I  will link them in the card. In this video,   we'll discuss how you can use Observable and  Signal together to have a fuller application. So here, as you can see, we have an  application, which is just a to-do   application, and this application we have  developed in our previous video. So here,   you can add something, search the task if you  have any, or you can delete something. Okay,   so this is the basic functionality, and  we have used Signal to achieve that.   So today, we'll try to make this application  and try to plug that with a backend call.   We'll simulate a backend call. I will not be  going to make an actual backend call here. I   have created a data service here. If you go  here, it's just a mimic of a backend call. So here, what we need to do first, we need  to inject the data service and to change   our Signal to an Observable. We have a method  called toSignal, which we can use either while   instantiating a variable like this, or you  can use it inside a constructor. So first,   we'll make a call to the server to have all  the tasks. So for that, we'll do this. So here,   we are using toSignal, which will convert your  Observable to Signal. That's why the name is   toSignal. And in that, we are passing our getTask.  If you go inside getTask, it is just returning an   Observable of string array. So here, the strings  are our tasks, but think like this is mimicking   you are calling a backend, getting the data as  a list of string or any format that matters. And if you remember, in a past video, we  saw that while instantiating a Signal,   you need a default value. Suppose you are  instantiating a string Signal of type string,   so you need to pass either an empty string or some  default value. Signal must contain some value. So   here, we are saying that our initial value is  an empty array. And one thing to note here,   and that's the benefit as well, when you do  this, Signal takes care of subscribing to   this Observable and destroying that. That means  here, whenever our component will be destroyed,   Signal will also be going to be destroyed,  and in turn, Observable will also be going   to be unsubscribed. You can think this like  an async pipe, but you can use it everywhere. We are saying that we got our tasks, and  we are setting our old task array with the   user task. Now, if you just save and you will  go to our application, and here you can see   we are getting the data from the service,  and that is populated here. And everything   else will be going to work because we haven't  done anything apart from calling the server,   converting the Observable to Signal, and  assigning that value to our Signal here. Now we will see the addition scenario, how we're  going to add a task by calling our backend. So for   that, the approach I have selected to create  an Observable here, I have just created an   addSubject. So here, I will just comment this, and  inside this, I will just use   and just emit some empty string. Here, I will  use this addSubject inside our constructor,   and for that, we can do this. So what I am doing  here, I am using the addSubject, piping that   with switchMap, calling our service addTask,  whichever data we are returning from that,   I am just using a tap operator. You can use map or  tap according to your scenario, and just updating   our tasks Signal here and assigning this Signal  to another variable just to use it in the future. And now, go and see how this works. Go to  our task, and I'll just try to do something,   hit add, and see, after two seconds, it will be  added. And I have made a mistake here because I   am emitting an empty string here instead  of the input value which we have entered   there. So I'll just go ahead and update  this. Now, if you go to our application,   and here you will see whenever I type something,  it will take 2 seconds to add, and it will be   added. And why it's taking two seconds? Because  we have added a delay in our addTask. So this is   what the power of toSignal with Observable. Now  you can pipe multiple operators. Like suppose   I want to add a loader, so I will just create a  loader variable, and I will go here, tap operator,   and just set the loader to true. Now, whenever our  subject will trigger, it will set loader to true. So one thing you can do here, you can use another  tap operator just to make this false. But here,   we're going to use effects, and that you can  do like this. And what is an effect? Effect   is similar to computed here. So if there is  any change or any trigger with the Signal,   the computer will be going to execute. Similarly,  if there is any trigger in the Signal using inside   effect, the effect will be going to execute.  So if I save, so here what we are doing,   after this Signal will execute, we'll  set our loader to false. And in our HTML,   we'll just add this. So when the loader  is true, an adding text will be visible. So now, if you go to our application  here, and I will try to add something,   we are able to see the loading screen or  including text, and the thing is getting   added. And to delete a task, we have added  a deleteSubject similar to our addSubject,   and we'll use this deleteSubject inside  our delete function. So instead of this,   we'll use this. So we are using our deleteSubject  and passing the index as a next value. And I will   just comment this. We'll use this deleteSubject  inside our constructor as well. So here,   similar to our addTask, what we are doing, we are  using toSignal, and here one point you can notice   that I am just using toSignal here so that it  will subscribe to this, and it will also be going   to unsubscribe to the deleteSubject or to  addSubject whenever our component is destroyed. So what you're doing here in our deleteSubject  is we are piping it with our switchMap and a   tap operator. Here we are using switchMap and  calling our deleteTask, but here you can also   use concatMap because switchMap is not a good  scenario here. And if you want to know where   to use concatMap, where to switchMap, I have a  video. I will link them in the card, so you'll   be more clear to that. So here we are using  concatMap because you can delete multiple items   before you get a response back from the server.  We're using concatMap, and you are calling our   deleteTask from our data service, and whichever  index we are getting back from our data service,   we are going, and we are updating our task  Signal similar to which we have done here. And we'll go to our application, and here you will  see I will try to delete something, it is deleted,   and I'll try to add, we are adding it. And now  we'll see how you can use toObserver method to   use that. Suppose in this scenario, what we  can do, if you have an autocomplete service,   so whenever you are typing, you want to give  some delay timeout, and that is very easy in   the case of Observable where we have debounce time  operator. We can pipe that with our input field,   and we are done. What we can do here,  we already have our task string Signal,   so I will just use a temp variable  here. So just temp Observable,   and I will say equals to toObservable, and I will  pass our Signal. So this will be this.taskString. And now our temp Observable is an Observable  of our task string Signal. What you can do,   you can directly pipe it here, or you can use  the variable to pipe. So I will just pipe our   debounce time, and I will give some time as a 300  milliseconds. And then you can use your switchMap,   exhaustMap, concatMap, or any map that matters.  And you can use a switchMap, and you can pass the   data to a server, call your server, get the  response back, and update whatever you want. So that's it, guys. Today we saw how  you can use toSignal or toObservable   method to combine use with our existing  Signal so that our application will be   fuller. And fuller means now you can call your  server, and as our HTTP calls are Observable,   so you get an Observable back and pipe that  with various operators which RxJS provides   and use the power of RxJS and power of  Signal combined in your application. So please hit the like button if you like  the video till now. Please do subscribe   to the channel and don't forget to hit  the bell icon so that you'll be notified   for the future videos. Please do share  this video among your friends, family,   colleagues. We're going to meet in the next  video. Or till then, stay happy. Bye-bye.
Channel: Fun Of Heuristic
Views: 1,456
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Angular, programming
Id: xyj-XrXXvVM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 49sec (589 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 21 2023
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