USD IMPORT | Blender.Today LIVE #164

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[Music] i almost go with the ghillie outdoor song all right hola community welcome to another episode another weekly video what's new in blender in the community around blender and in the branches to come in the future to come how is everybody doing everything is okay mike fine thank you everybody for the thumbs up in the chat we are gonna start with some little announcements then the bigger announcements and then uh who knows we are streaming live from amsterdam like every week so make sure that you leave your questions if you want to ask anything on in the blender today page right here ah it's a blog post it's already done by sun souls thank you for working on it like every week the big announcements okay i have two big announcements one is virtual one is real so the the real one is that we have socks we have blender socks actually they were posted on social media some days ago i don't know if you got to see them but they are uv and wrap socks like doesn't get more nerd than this and i mean it's a really good and wrap to to be honest like it actually goes around um it has a little that has the seams over here um but it's actually really well done um so yeah there with love from blender uh you can grab them at the blender store they are i mean they are probably not the cheapest uh socks you're gonna find out there so it's good for like a gift i wouldn't fill my entire uh wardrobe with this but they're super fun and they contribute they help blender by getting this or anything in store.blender you're gonna you contribute to the blender it's like a donation to the blender foundation if you will if you will um it's uh you're gonna find also a few other t-shirts as the one that i was mentioning not this one because it is from cosmos laundromat it is a one in a lifetime but uh yeah you're gonna find there the rest of the gears little hats here and there i think we don't this is the first time i promote the blender store for real in a while we want the uv suit it's a cotton um it's uh let's see it 80 cotton 17 polyamide three percent ls el stain whatever that means um all the info is in the description so okay let's uh i'm gonna drink something before my voice goes out because i got a show before going into the full-on what's new in blender look at this sighting that samir shared with me um and we tried putting it in different this is the ghostbusters afterlife making off and we tried putting it into that art department to practical effects to places to graphic design so we sent a drone up in the art department and we captured the whole thing in 3d and we tried putting it in different locations i know those icons scene 23 take three mark so yeah um i learned so much tested not too bad who are you gonna call now you can yeah you can call blender or uh canonical in this case right now the what is new in blender okay there's plenty of news you probably read the title of this video where i gave it away about the usc import but also i i made a video a less than one hour long video on this youtube channel believe it or not and it was um very well received i'm glad you liked it i mentioned that it was used export but it was actually usd import i always mix them up but hey the whole pipeline is now complete and i showed it in that video but let's start with uh something something else let's let's start with the with our user interface we don't talk about user interface that much lately but there has been a few um improvements here and there um not completely user interface but uh more the um the viewport this one in particular by folk david add light count to viewport statistics so you can have now the number of lamps in the viewport so you just need to enable um stats and it should just show in there if you have compiled lender which i didn't after this or no wait let's look at the patch even the lights were parts of syn stats they were not used dispatches the lights count back into the statistics when the light is the active object there you go there you go so it's not all the time there makes sense um so you don't see them constantly but is it it should also be the same for others for cameras and for i think it was mainly just to bring back the functionality that we had before like in um like here does it show here scene stats it shows the objects and it doesn't show the it doesn't it's a bit inconsistent though does it work in multi view if i have a bunch of lights and i take this these two to local view this is two this is okay okay now works and now if i don't select anything okay it's uh yeah it works and then if you don't select anything that that works and it also works in local mode but it doesn't show up down here do you think it should down here if i move myself to the other side um i think so right would be good to have one on one but here we show all the lights that you have selected next improvement of the day it's the oh this one it's a community contribution even so this option allows you to draw the um face normals you know you can control the side the size however you can now make it screen space so that means that no matter where how you are zoomed in or out in the scene they're all going to be constant um a constant size so that is super handy let's see let's let's look at the patch also to keep proper credit viewport normal drawing with constant length by piotr mccall look at that um it's just a setting and it's uh it's a toggle that you choose for screen space it looks like a like a measure i thought it was a bone at the beginning maybe the icon could be could be different but uh super handy um how's the chat going by the way well it's people asking about age who is over 60 21 14 13 29 how did you guys come to that by the way i'm i'm uh here reading you uh as you guys come to this um it's funny though okay let's continue i am 34 uh still so the next question no next question no it's the next feature this is a a loop cut if you if you want and it's a fix that if you have like um the you know like this talks we call them and that when you see something and you cannot unsee it well there were a few overlays in blender that were not well actually you can see here the normals they're not smooth you know they are they are very non-smooth so the anti-aliasing is not great uh there was there were some tools that also didn't have this treatment like loop cut if you do control r um this line used to be non um non anti-aliased so it was completely jacked which can be a bit annoying it's not only about about it looking nicer but also uh depending depending on the angle that you are it can be really not not precise so now this is working um there are a few let's look at the tasks by anthony edlin also crashed so many contributions by the community this week so a small patch but a big change in blender in the in the [Music] future maybe we could tackle some other towels there is or if you're watching this and here goes a feature request the knife tool is also not anti-alias yet and the snapping tool that happens in the middle also is not at the earliest look at it ugly lines the 19s are calling uh yeah that would be great uh feature request those are probably good candidates for new developers to to mess with the code go in and check i have a few other of those today i wanted to show like a shout out but let's continue with the user interface this one it's uh related to the feature that i showed last week about the the fonts viewing now the browsing of fonts in blender at least on windows i didn't and the post was made by harley he develops on windows so i need confirmation by mac os and linux users if that's the case of listing the fonts by their font name and not their font file name so fun title though that would be pretty that would be pretty nice however in the meantime the name of the data block for the fonts is now taken from the name of the font to the title of the font so that's super neat what else this changes it looks like why we're in downtown before some years ago however this my favorite feature this week i mean usd import is cool okay you know but this is my favorite windings and symbol fonts on the video sequence editor look at that yes harley made it so now you can load your best you can go back into when was this like cool back in the night early 90s er yeah 90s early i used to use them on the world back then when i was like 10 yes symbol fonts um this should open the possibilities to more stuff i guess the so far is only done in the video sequence editors not for text files so i'm not wrong yes it is in the video sequence editor next improvement it's um i think we're we're good to change topics yeah let's switch into geometry notes this week in geometry knows we have a couple new nodes and a fixed nanofix an improvement on usability the two nodes that arrived this week one is to set the spline type for curves so you can choose nerves you can choose vectors you can choose pretty much anything that it's um yeah uh polyzone vector would be the sierra or the original spline types and it seems to be super yeah internally and geometry nodes legit super good work so i think the 3.0 release will be the geometry nodes curves uh release for for in the world of geometry nodes um unless we have attribute processor and all the other goodies coming too but uh yeah curves workflow is getting pretty complete especially with this other feature that allows you to select by handle type so the same way you can select by materials now you can select by handle types and um it's super cool that people are using the uh the spreadsheet of course developers especially um but it shows how useful is this left side sidebar um showing the control points the splines i i use it all the time it's like my reference when i have to when i want to debug what's going on i just scroll through all of them if i find anything allows you it has a free attribute to define where the point is free or not like free handles nice the next improvement is the what i mentioned just before sometimes we get people saying that they want to contribute to blender they want to code for blender they want to you know add little things here and there but they're not like the best developers in the world or or maybe the most experienced developed developers in the world you don't have to be you know you don't need like five phds to be a developer not at all you can contribute even with with just small things here and there i did a shout out a couple weeks ago about adding descriptions to to operators that don't have any description yet and i think we still have some some cases that the some items don't have operators i think in the outliner so there are some like there's some operators here that say undocumented operator there is a ah it's a doorbell again one hour that i go live every day every monday and i get doorbell i'm not gonna reply um answer ignore that please i don't know if you even hear it anyway uh select operator why it's uncommented it's just it's pretty obvious what it does so yeah those are the little things you can do or in this case eaton for example he uh went into the code for geometry notes and in the cases where the words maybe not allowed to do to perform a specific transform you know you need at least two vertices to operate to do one kind of operations or three vertices um he went ahead and did it basically he added more warnings for outer bound parameters out of bounds parameters so um for example here if there's less than three vertices then give an error and an error so the little the note shows up the you know shows the little thingy the the warning here vertices must be at least three and this is like this the simplest thing is like segments less than three rings less than three and then um just uh add an error you need you know this really helps we need to have more warnings everywhere they really help to debug issues do you still hear the um doorbell i hope you don't but yeah spammers at the door i know i get real life spammers one hour that i stream live every monday and they pick that hour to come please open the door oh no i hope not why are they gonna assume about police illegal software and i can say nope you know i have the i have the license for everything i use i i own this 3d software and everybody watching these three months is 3d software okay um off topic we uh yeah you hear it okay sorry i'm gonna continue otherwise i get distracted i will go and i have to go pick up some package somewhere in amsterdam i guess at some point it's autodesk no let's continue the other improvements go in a different section let's switch into grease pencil in the grass pencil grist pencil corner we have a two new operators options and a short key shortcut hotkey what is the difference between a shortcut and a hotkey please tell me the feature the first feature it's super super handy when you're drawing now you can choose the cap type in chris pencil so you can have rounded or flat caps it's a setting in the header you have two icons these are not the final icons these are just work in progress and now i'm blown out um the icons were added in a separate comment that's why they're on show up here and maybe i have it in blender maybe i can i can go into nope into 2d animation and then i draw here there you go these two icons so one is for round caps look at this round little cup or square ones just like the old days isn't that cute so nice the this is a big game changer i don't can't believe we didn't have that before the next improvement is not um it's still on grease pencil but it's an operator that already exists in other places in blender especially for mesh select now you can select random so if it's yeah it's an operator allows you to simply um select in edit mode you can um it must be here select random and i just say x random items with a ratio with a seed and that's pretty much it and select ends oh this is new this is not in in other places and i am blocking the view but there's not really much to see um it's just the the extra settings from the operator the next improvement it's um it's a shortcut but it might change next week i gave some feedback to the team it's a shortcut for merge layers so wristbands will have layers right in like layers within an object which makes it very special compared to other objects in blender however the merging operation already exists in mesh modeling for example in curves you just press m and you choose from a menu what do you want to merge from the active to the selected the first to the last one or in the middle by distance the operator already existed but the shortcut they added was shift ctrl m which i was discussing with the team that that shortcut is actually used already in edit mode for mirror for in mesh edit mode for select the mirror vertices and maybe the merge layer could be merged with the merge with the m um oh because m is moved to layer um but in in objects m is merch okay now i'm a bit confused okay maybe we have to have bigger discussions with the team with the responsible module team i think i'm gonna get in touch with them after the live stream because m would be probably better to keep as um as merge and then shift m for moving i guess which is similar to what we have in um in object mode for link to collection so yeah next improvement is the well let's talk a little bit about the usd importer just just to mention that it happened address it it's in the title of this video so i gotta talk about it it's the big thing that happened last week i made a video you know on youtube lender usd and um here using import and export four minutes super short to the point i was playing with the lighting in one of the shots that nvidia provides as part of their usd library and i imported it and it even imported the materials because they use mdl which is not um supported by blender for export then they cannot export mdls yet with the in with the usd so yeah there is a still a one one-way kind of export that can be imported back into blender but itself um this is a new ui in blender right like in blender sorry in on youtube that has separated into right the the name of the sorry um oh the good was here studios would love this it should improve platforming to prove interpret no that word if you watch the video you will understand that's cool um the uh yeah but what uh andrew says here it's true but studios are going to love this studios or even if you're working on your own personal stuff also it's quite um quite a quite an improvement on the cloud there is a blog post coming i believe that talks about the let's see if i can find it has not published yet but there is a blog post coming about using cache for animation and with alembic not with usd but i think a similar maybe workflow could be uh obtained with that interoperabil or opera bilit hey is that how you say it cool okay interpreter i will i will practice the interoperability in spanish probably sounds like puppeteer to you like the italian version of a family guy okay let's continue actually there's not much to talk about it i already made a video on it and most comments say about the usd money laundry and that kind of stuff for us dollars very original guys all right let's switch gears into actual well years it's a good name for rigging let's talk about rigging for once look at this patch and look at the love of this patch bunch of thumbs up a bunch of hearts this is a new improvement by alexander gavrilov on the constraint on the action constraints that allow you to split channel mix choices from the copy transform something we covered a few weeks back but now for the split channels mix in the action constraint you can see here how the user interface is allows you to choose before the original separate before the original without or after and after original separate the inspiration is actually coming from a video so you see when you make those videos on youtube talking about specific parts of blender um it's um it's good that you do that kind of stuff you know because this inspires developers so thank you louise pinsart for inspiring developers to improve especially on rigging the rig inside of blender is instead of evaluating the the links are in the description for this and for all the changes that i've been showing today um here's the actual use case and a tweet oh maybe the tweet is more clear than the image i just updated my add-on to force blender to evaluate the translation translation of all the actions before evaluating all right you don't need the addon anymore it's now in blender okay the that's it for rigging actually let's move into assets and assets there's not huge changes but there are important changes that make it so the asset browser is finally becoming a its own separate thing right now um whenever a new editor appears in blender usually you have to choose you make something from scratch which is a ton of work as you can imagine or you take from you you get inspired by another um editor in the case of the asset browser since it's browsing assets with a preview and the made more sense to use the file browser as a base um but yeah you end up with a bunch of uh file browser operations that you don't need that cleanup is ongoing right now and there are they actually i think they got rid of pretty much everything that didn't make sense in the asset browser so the pull downs are uh as the browser specific the ad menu as add as a details toggle for the sidebar um they remove some menus that were not needed they hide some filtering options that didn't make sense and display settings also that didn't apply for um for the asset browser and even the context menu now it's its own thing for the asset browser so if you are working with add-ons and you are tweaking the asset browser to your add-on to use the asset browser you may want to revisit this to add to the proper menus and stuff okay um we're getting close to to the end actually we have a couple more yes let's talk about cycles not cycles x but cycles there is a new setting that allows you to um control global illumination approximation i mean occlusion distance per object so now each object in the so the goal here in the comment by sergey says allow to easily use i'm in occlusion approximation in scenes which combines both small and large scale objects so basically when you have a different objects that are too different in size it's good to have a per object setting for this approximation where can you find it in the let's go to general um in let's switch to my evil twin on the other side here when you have an object selected and when you are in ev in not when you're in cycles you should check out the object panel under shading there is a sub panel called fast gi approximation ao distance i don't know if we're going to have more settings here maybe it's not even worth to have it's separate sub panel for it making it too long but um for the time being it's super handy and the other improvement that i actually didn't um i didn't get the link let's see if google smarts to get it yeah actually got it from boy okay well the change this week is super exciting at least if you get excited by stuff coming from other parts such as cycles into blender for more consistency such as here render writes move cycles visibility hold out and shadow catcher properties to blender but you may think isn't that blended already no there are many settings features that are only cycle specific or other render engine specific not too long ago the um depth of field for example for cycles ev was completely the settings for those they were completely separate they were its own thing in each engine now there is a few values that they share making it easier and more and also accessible because cycles is an atom ultimately the there is an api to access that data and that makes also makes it easier for other render engines to access and also as a side effect eevee now supports per object hold out yay so you have visibility on ev for holdouts um this is super cool they're super cool there is the visibility settings there are only cycles now they are let's see how it looks let's go to ev um and under object visibility we have hold out there you go nice the next um improvement where is it oh no i thought it was in cycles but it's in cycles x so hold on i'll get to it in a minute first um let's go into a popular section it's a bit of everything the b in b mesh the laplacian smooth supports n-guns now if you don't know anything what i'm saying you probably nor don't use it don't use the laplacian smooth on n-guns on multiple more than four vertices polygons but speak news mac os support for portable builds with dynamic libraries libraries that is super welcome as well especially mac users library overwrite there is this is this is mainly a shout out for people that um make add-ons it's not a shout out it's a psa for people making add-ons uh using overrides if you're in a studio and you're a td at a studio and you want you're making scripts to handle the overrides now there is an api um access to reset and delete overwrite so if you're making add-ons for that keep an eye out and all right let's go into cycles x there are a couple new changes this week first cycles x remember this is not in master yet this is a branch you're not going to find it when you go to and you download blender 3 alpha master that being said more flexible open image denoise pre-filtering settings now there is three settings first none assume that the guiding passes are clean so this is the this is what it was um no the before one was the first one so it gives a non it gives the best results without extra processing time in expense of requiring to have enough samples rendered to give clean guiding passes corresponds to open image denoise clinox true so this is from people are familiar with the library itself the next fast this is the old behavior color and guiding passes are denoised together this is the fastest way of giving the noise result in the expense of possible loss of details if you're rendering something final maybe it is not the one you want yeah one do you want is probably accurate so use a special guiding passes pre-filtering before the noise in color passes and gives the best results in the expense of extra time needed to perform pre-filtering avoids over blurring details again if you're having blurring details like your bump is going away when using open image denoise you may want to first give it a bit more samples and also select accurate now in cycles x and the last but not least at all look at this cycles x add camera visibility and shadow catcher options for lights have you ever wanted to see a light like have a light and then see it in space without the volume is now possible for lights that's awesome how do they even look well uh be aware that anti-alia alliancing can be a problem with directly visible bright lights this i don't think that can be avoided uh you may want to have different passes for that i guess or treat them differently but hey or maybe you can have a low intensity light for for the camera but doesn't affect anything else and then an actual light that is not visible for the camera but for everything else for lighting maybe that would be a good way but hey you can do it now super cool awesome let's uh wrap up i think yep everything i answered i went through everything remember the links for everything that i talk i mentioned in this live stream are in the description below that like button like mkvhds under below that like button the links to everything that i show everything and now i think it's time to that's a long title let's uh let's first read the oh 20 23 comments nice okay let's uh start without further ado i do i didn't know it was ado i spent three years i think it was last year that somebody sent me a message very kindly saying hey pablo i love your show it's super nice but i think you're saying ah you're saying do and it's ado without further ado and i was super happy that somebody said so if you notice i'm saying something terribly bad please explain to me i will be super happy to learn that's the only way to learn where else will you read ado that doesn't tell you and nobody tells you that in school hey pablo i hope you're having a great day i'm having a great day except that i have to go pick up a package somewhere in amsterdam this week simple question what is the future of fx in blender will physics be treated as a first class citizen or as a secondary good to have features um everything is treated as a first class citizen some more than others because well okay let's continue but mainly it's up to the developers that like to work on that area um it's it's yeah it's more up to the developers that are passionate about our area mainly the [Music] premium pretty much all aspects of blender are comparable to other software and the modeling in blender in my opinion best among all dcc except physics no no modeling is still also behind i like if you don't have um hard drops or box cutter or that kind of stuff uh it takes time to do some things that could be faster in reality it is possible to get a very decent result with manta flow and soft body maybe except the rigid body stuff because it's very basic and to get an organic feature people have to use an old branch not ideal but one has to have the patience of a monk or something to deal with the crashes and lags to get the best result and that's most probably because of blenders people performance and the only hope is the high poly mode that was in the blog post made by pablo no no no the no i don't think it's pablo's what pablo divider was sho was mentioning in that blog post has anything to do with um with manta flow dealing with more data with simulations dealing with more data so okay in the viewport and maybe other aspects of blender as well um no i don't think it's related i think uh manta floss needs to be gpu like cpus it's not great for that kind of stuff and the quick effects are cool but it's really basic and there isn't much of it something like quick c or quick explosion or quick shockwave or quick destructions will be much better hint this quick whatever in blender these are all just python add-ons no items but but yeah they are quick for for example quick explode quick it's just a bunch of commands to run it's like a macro so this is um yeah this could be expanded and anybody is welcome to contribute with this but you have to you have to make a good example first and then use it for example quit quick ocean maybe it's easier to do but again um it just takes someone that really knows the good settings and making it good looking and then we could have more quick effects i think hey hans is in the chat the it mentions that manta flow is 50 more than 50 faster in 3.0 already um [Music] i think so yeah thanks to eddie abrahamson awesome good to see you hans okay next the other question or is still on the same question currently doing any realistic simulation is massive pain we know we know it's impossible to do anything then the user instance fears we know we it's a very wet experience yes we know i think the node based system could solve that with much easier and positive way to adding those and also like a proxy system for particles yeah that's a good idea and to correctly represent the simulation of a high number of particles i see i'll feel your pain unfortunately there's not really a lot of physics developers out there it seems to be a difficult topic physics who without that who would have thought um hi pablo how are you evil fervor i'm doing great important part question for pablo everything okay let's uh let's see i'm wondering is there a way in blender to have an animated object per scene using one blend file no linking from other files to have animated object first scenes i mean literally the same object for example can an object cube have the said animation shift kiln action on scene at the same time yes but you should use armatures for that then you can have um you have even more flexibility you can have yeah you can make it use one character have multiple actions you can use the nla for that even um i'm tired of hiding stunt doubles like q001 for uh now yeah you should use armatures for that mainly um so yeah i think i answered your question right that uh if you want this kind of animations the best thing to do is just treat it like a character just make an armature a group like a collection and then you instance the collection in other scenes it's it's going to give you the most flexible flexibility all right next question by emily porter extrude instancing and transforming hi pablo would be very useful if the extrude operator had this widget to rotate and scale following a path even a curve in this case what is a widget is this a widget the line the follow path will verify the extrude operator had this widget okay so you want the extrude tool so this to have like a like a tool for go around a line like you can go around how would even work or scale as you okay because right now it only pushes up but you want something that can extrude and also scale and rotate i think so through the long path yeah but you need to define a path first right or how do you define a path how does it even work is it a new tool i need gifts it's not i need answers i need gifts um because this this is this line something you draw before or after it's something it's just like pull and draw that would be actually pretty cool like just pull and then draw a line um like a hook almost in in scope mode um the second instant topic is about instancing in geometry nodes would be also used useful if you could attach a custom geometry inside the current node 3 yes there are patches there is a patch for this already and hands if you're watching this i don't know i don't remember the number of the patch but it's being reviewed right the instance of geometry instead of object and collections only i saw the patch somewhere i'll get back to you when i get the answer if somebody else in the audience is also aware of that patch let me know the next question hi paulo you're i hope you're doing well says m pinterest v um i was on a viewing blender could website and i noticed that settlers was in the film section even though settler isn't a film perhaps change it to projects instead so you can add your frankie also i was sad to hear about dungeon animation closing down yeah super sad news [Music] i hope they on all the artists are doing well in the current situation also how did i not nazi notice that cosmos laundromat was on netflix how did it get there did a studio talk or to netflix or just there cause cosmos is public domain um so okay many questions here is blender cloud the blender cloud yes the blender cloud has a section called films and there's a settlers which is not really a film so yeah should it be projects and then they're all projects and then we can have your frankie here um but then you could also call training a project no we we've been through this so many times we at some point we call it open projects in the in we actually call it openprojects if i'm not wrong yeah about open projects and here settlers not even here um but this is the first coming and this is here even though it's not a blender kind of and your frankie is here the yeah we could we could rename this section i agree there are kind of big changes coming on blender cloud though this year i would say name um what else dungeon animation closing down yes super sad um if you've been following the social media news lately the tangent animation studio closed down and they're related to blender because they are they were part or at least at some point of the development fund they contributed code to blender and they were using blender up until like five or six months before closing down so yeah they were really close to blender for a while also i hope the all artists are doing well i hope so too cosmos laundromat is on netflix yes how did it get there um they no it's not because it's public domain i think it's it's it's not really public domain it's actually cc by there's the difference there public domain anybody can do anything you want with them uh cc by cosmos laundromat and all the open movies you can do anything you want as long as you provide credit that's a little small different there they no actually netflix requested the cosmos for being there because it's in hdr that's a difference that is not available online you have to compile it yeah like run it encode it yourself and they did it to be compliant with netflix stuff here the link thinks hence this is the patch initial support for geometry instancing work in progress july one month ago and uh it's getting a lot of love as you can see so it seems to be that part looks fine look wow you have everybody involved jack made it brecht here then there is clemont evie hans jack i would say it's in good hands merch branch to master last week so yeah it's in good hands i would expect it soon-ish hopefully it will be really soon cool next question okay how long are we we have four more questions let's do five more i see my hand like yellow but i think it's just the color as my t-shirt okay uh hey paulo you got any juicy blender secrets to share with us we don't know about yet and also i just realized i can like my own comment on here should it that be possible i don't know do you guys like on on twitter that you can also like your own and it's a good way to see if someone is lame or not basically and when you see someone uh liking their own stuff it's a good sign of lameness so i kind of like to leave it there um however in here you can't see who liked your comments yet however in uh in up here you can see who liked the posts if you click on the number of likes and i don't know if you guys know this but on right click select now you can see who voted for the idea so here if you click on the upvotes you see like in this case event voted up for this feature and in this case drove damage voted down you can see more clearly about um it's a bit more transparency it's uh i hope it doesn't make anybody mad of the downvotes but it's it's cool to see who agreed or disagreed with ideas um then next question where will i say oh any juicy blender secrets what kind of blender secrets do you want to know like blender there is an account called blender secrets uh yeah the blender secret is that now you can see who voted or downloaded your idea your proposal that you have you worked so hard [Music] the i don't know excuse me blender secrets next um oh yeah you can you can mark as duplicate i should i should mark this as duplicate the this thing this is new also we avoided it in we we released it a few weeks ago and i can mark as duplicate and i can choose the original idea and then this will link it to other ideas that have been duplicate so super cool um i can't think of a juicy blender secret right now but you should follow blender secrets on twitter the twitter well i mean i say you should follow um but it's because sometimes they share some cool uh stuff here so that should be here like this one the form using scale cage apparently a lot of people knew about this feature um i was really surprised it's right there it's next to the to the scale but i agree although this could be could have maybe like this could be a transform widget where you click on the corners and it can could become like a rotate or with an on with a with a shortcut so it could be a one cage transform cage to rule them all maybe the next question number four can you please update the line snap mesh tool what's wrong with it i want this as well what is update do you find that some shapes don't close some many triangular prisms what version of blender you should use 3.0 because there are some updates there i'm on blender 3 alpha and i got the same um yeah it's i don't know what is update but um maybe report the issue if something is not working but the update is a bit vague hi pablo is there is is there an idea to replace all modifiers with notes i mean fully replace modifiers panels with geometry notes no not at all the geomet here the this this section it's super cool like being able to have just quickly um enable and disable settings is super nice it's handy it's visible it's easy to understand so geometry nodes internally could replace most of at least the generate and some deform um some in some cases maybe this too but uh it shouldn't replace everything i think the there is some power in having both um internally good just exposing it but uh yeah that would that would be the best i think can we wait more advanced audio tools eq compressor well i don't know there the one developer that was working on audio i've seen him on developer.blender sometime not too long ago but i don't think he's working actively on the library anymore so yeah we need a module owner you know someone that loves audio and wants to contribute to blender number this was two three four hi paulo question why the asset manager can't append the mesh with the armature connected i kind of append my mesh with the armature from file menu but not from the asset manager uh you need to bring the object because the object will bring the modifiers and armature is an modifier so it's not connected to the mesh but with the object the last question hi everyone by 3d i was wondering why was susan selected as the name of the monkey and does the usd exporter maintain shaders names on exports okay completely unrelated but uh susan the name suzanne is from a film um that i wasn't it's a monkey susan um grumpy now this which one is the film a monkey now about kevin smith film jay yeah i think so there jay and silent both strike back there you go so if you search um for that and monkey maybe you find the monkey scene i think this one yeah i think um they have a monkey and it's called susan yeah that's susan um [Music] that's yeah that's the that's the answer i know this is what you were expecting but um next the use the exporter maintain shader names on export not that i know it doesn't export shaders at the moment does it remove the dots like alembic does i'm sorry i don't know that one um but you should try at least i mean i think they are as consistent as possible but yeah if there is any difference maybe you can report it because the idea is that they're as close as possible within limits right within following the um the conventions of each file type format just wondering because it breaks material assignments on re-import with alembic would that be was that reported ever i would report that like export and re-import it shouldn't break it shouldn't break things should be especially within blender shouldn't uh shouldn't break that kind of stuff okay the last one i have a question will path guiding on cycles x list allow great caustics with cycles well they are like the the team when we presented um when the cycles x announcement happened here that we had wrecked on board and uh sergey they mentioned that caustics in uh cycles x would be possible with this um with path guiding i think you can rewatch that but i think the that was answered during the live stream i think we can call it a day oops how was it for you how was it do you did you have fun susan you learned something new cycle sex will have path guiding that is true um suzanne the ape yes it's an ape it's not a monkey it's an ape yes and is an orangutan in the film okay that is all for this week i had a blast i hope you did too it's been fun remember if you want still want to have the socks i haven't i don't know i i don't dare to use them it's just they're pristine just as they are right now um but i will have to i'm and you know i'm also coming back to the studio this week we have jack luke from the geometry notes project here in amsterdam i think for one week and uh that would be maybe a good chance to do something to do some videos so make sure you follow blender on social me on social media especially on twitter and on maybe on instagram instagram on instagram we are blender.official that is all for now we have to get again and get again together next week i'm going back to the studio maybe next week or maybe not next week because i have to bring the cameras and stuff but soon soon this place will be gone and will become a office a regular work office not my house anymore face masks no they're not mandatory anymore at least not in the blender studio so face mask i'll blend their face masks like this but but they are for how much longer do we have to maybe it doesn't make sense maybe it was a bit late to the party to start making them now or we are ready for the next one i hope not all right that being said with that happy tone we have to get together next week same place same time for another episode of blender today live [Music] thank you everyone for staying until the end see you [Music] soon [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Blender
Views: 12,469
Rating: 4.9566789 out of 5
Keywords: blender, b3d, blender 3d, 2.8, 2.80, blender 2.8, blender foundation
Id: t3Da2GGnghU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 28sec (3688 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 09 2021
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