USC vs Iowa Football Bowl Game 12 27 2019

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Conny credit union holiday falls on fs1 and boy do we have a great matchup for you as the 22nd ranked USC Trojans out of the pac-12 will face the 16th ranked Iowa guys [Music] this series dates back to 1925 USC leads at 72 and as one strain when were under way from San Diego California the Hawkeye Smith must set he is upended as he crosses the 20 gets closed down in ten of the 25 yard line Tyler Goodson the single setback for [Applause] [Music] is dappled up immediately truth Stan short drop there's it down elects to runner and it crossed the line of scrimmage [Applause] Stanly right up the middle and here they come sergeant puts it in the backfield Stanly out of the shotgun off through [Music] Goodson in the i-formation through the whole the field inmate Stanley second down and seven at the 39 his nearside nice throw and tax again Goodson from mate Stanley first down at the 46 sergeant in the game at running with machetes a burner and spit marcet send up some of the seams inside when you get that defensive end to stop second down in one of the with Janie the most reman run it straight ahead for the first down fool [Applause] get started with that ball strip whoo Bessie providing some tight windows in the secondary so after the loss of nine at second and 18 at the 43 Stanley still in the shotgun Stanley the feel and it's caught beautiful cat Ragini if she's going to come straight up the field he's going to go out and then he's gonna head back inside right up that seam and does a great job of creating space [Music] besides it no they and here they come Tyrell Tracy jr. touchdown ha ha 23 yards that run play watch on this side you're gonna get right here you're gonna get the defensive in that's rector you got the fungal you got the safety you got all of them committed and then it's wide open versus out there he takes out the corner Elijah get into the extra point and it's good Iowa begins the game on a tip him he only won a Super Bowl in this building one of the bombing we got to imagine the emotional night for him right watching Michael his son Eamonn slope this has just taken the ball that's such a good player so calm in the pocket very confident for the ball we'll throw on first down goes through those progressions not dance the party fires to the farce up we'll get into that all game long on second down now slow the Sprint's out of the pocket look these most intercept today's reads decisive or third down there's slovis up the sideline he's got a receiver bro first down at the 40 yard line this time they run it with jitterbugging and allene a fence and it's tough to beat set it down into slovis [Applause] Pitman and completed building penalty and it's more obvious and that's when you get the longer close to another first down seeding yards second down and short where's it back looking for the fur so he all this offense like you said we get to see them race out there was horses first out ago and it's throughout the mountain potent as he's ever worked with next season's second down a goal of 12 they get inside at the 5-yard line they love to target hitmen in this scenario Harry's bottom screen [Applause] say brah the motion man slovis looks that way tax down SC direct London they did a great job saying Brown number eight he's going to be flying out into the flash that gets the width of the defense's spreads them out and then Drake London SS he goes on a nine play seventy-five yards dorami a slovis to London hope so I definitely hope so talented young man this ball fielded by Smith Marcel and he gets through the hole before finally being chopped down as he grew backs very good on their opening drive empty backfield for mates Stanley here's Stanley to throw it with time underneath all he has his receiver Goodson and Goodson will pick up eight and a half maybe not [Applause] and they'll give it a good sign looking for the first down formation Ross and Goodson Hawkeye is it again posted through the hole with room north opening series second down at five it's good good to get close to the first down not and no powerful up to up front it's hard to stop them they're down in one good today looks like it may be close you will see says it's their football or they're not yielding that first a good push by the defensive line J to fate late number 78 doing a nice job so tough to see where that ball expect the Iowa to at least keep their off for Iowa second series of the game [Applause] Smith marcet the motion may play fake Stan under pressure dumps it off it out of bound goods in a single setback they'll give it to him Vegas be looking for a hold of USC whitetail this crowd these patients so happy to be here and thank you very much Jenny third down and nine at the 49 sergeant still speed picks up a first downs cut blocker in front and goes out sergeant the deep man [Applause] here's a reverse Smith misete wants to throw in cup plate he had his man Faris he crashed into the wall after the incompletion second down intent now [Applause] Stanley took throughout his time in the flats and he's got his received a sample of porta and the horridest spinning first out of the 16 Stanley guns that underneath we did it at the 16 what in Iowa this third down six at the 12 standing looking underneath looks like the first down nice first down and goal at the 6 yard line for Eyal Smith Marcia Cross [Applause] they give it to a money [Applause] that's done the near Smith marcet school check out this block this is beautiful he's going to come all the way out and then come back this is Nate bleeding from his tight end spotty influences out and then he gets the angle that's the block right there that Springs for the touchdown furniture his jet sweeps and reverses to talk about this for Iowa their first drive 10 plays coverage sevens Big Ten style football you know toughness offensive line play and sometimes it's hard for teams that are not in that conference to adjust her around Ms Jones on the return he's going to get that and then make up his mind but I gotta tell you I think it's gonna be really tough to beat this kid out even slovis is a really good player on first down slovis and he delivers [Applause] now this offense this air where you're trying to get me the ball and the answer is always let the offense get the ball to use first let the offense work York thinking that these receivers pop in 100% is one of the reasons why they were throwing ball so Walt late in the year first dollars checks it down it takes a big hit before being have the routes that stay on and the theory is because we're not going to convert around we're gonna the route that we told you to run and you're gonna occupy defense in the bail will go elsewhere protect the passer empty backfield for slovis and slowly was looking under stands the defense the structure and what he's trying to do against it flow [Music] from 2002 to 2003 second and 19 at the 44th locus over the middle Londyn breaks the tackle third down and three at the 40-yard line under eight minutes to play in the first half bounces it outside stiff-arm first down Malafaia cuts it back in konna continues to fight for yardage up that left side alipay i missed five games after knee surgery but returned against UCLA to rush for sixty yards but dumped it down I know tiptoe fun Ross ain't Brown is a great slot player he understands space like I said we're out running terrific player second down and two at the play fake slovis sideline Pittman and he steps out about Richmond who's actually not even playing tonight he's injured at right tackle he soon graduating started slovis 11 play the drop touchdown everybody's open this is the air raid at USC five star guys trust in the offense right here the ball will find you in particular if you get the matchup he gets it Malafaia runs a great route a little skinny's kind of switch down trophies extra point up bent good 11 play drive covering 77 yards SD scores in 5:19 as s he sends it away spits Marsh set its he can fly [Applause] you later touchdown haha 98 yards [Applause] it's going to be Jayden Williams number 14 that has really the only shot at Smith marcet watched 14 right here there's the shot he misses the tackle great little hurdle and then you see the speed Amir Smith marcet burning down the left side takes it to the house to the boom explosion Amir Smith marsett from when he won 14s seized her second pitcher didn't hop back to me was gone first down to the 25 for SC [Applause] [Music] going in the tackling Department and these quarterbacks are gonna have to score a lot of points set it down at 11:00 slowest [Applause] we'd be lucky to cross the line of scrimmage Ria's right there watch Michael Pittman receiver at the top of your screen he's been their go-to guy all year slovis it as he plays he's poor [Applause] Nik Neiman knocked it out of his head let's here's Neiman on the kind of middle and he's coming straight up the middle and he gets their design Austin protection maven goes right after the appointment and that's gonna be mostly those review you could make an argument based on that call that that hand could have been moving forward but no I think that's gonna be somewhat of an empty hand because it was at that bat moment where that hit occurred and it started to come loose obviously we're gonna [Applause] Tracy jr. in motion play phase [Music] the screen LaPorta the point of taking down direction on the jet sweep to reverse went for a touchdown he's done a really good job of playing the aggressiveness against USC this would go against Iowa for the Hawkeyes second down and nine at the 49 [Applause] taking his time boxes it yeah Stanley delivers nice play Neko the overzealous - that official on the far side second down and 14 at the 44 they play that's over at the third irrigate II this toggle Thanks and eight Stanley calls timeout that check from his coach on the sideline down at the 32 for Iowa good trying to get outside [Applause] tiptoes out-of-bounds close to the first down [Applause] [Music] get the first down wrestled down hard to thin first down to the 22 empty backfield for Nate Stanly Smith again we've been calling his name and first down at the 12 for Iowa 124 to go the whole touchdown this guy is explosive it's down to the game for Smith Marsh said to come out and get the block and then number 10 John Huston gets lost in space he goes up the field he should have gone out to the wide receiver and now you're just gonna get the race to the endzone marcet is gonna win that race and down the field on the Trojans tonight the near Smith Mar set with the rushing touchdown risks at 18 remaining in the first half this one in the end zone for touchpad Sunday it's a touch you lux according to Warner wolf first out of 10 that would deflected at the line of scrimmage - offense Chauncey Goulston with the slovis airs it out Michael Pitt his pass rusher on the field he's going to be rushing off the left side of that offense already with the sack in the first half Louis dancing slows us throws over the middle that's a great catch in track we have three timeouts remaining slovis under pressure slovis try to reverse and does creating and it completely Pitman just couldn't hang on that vault knocked out at the 40-yard line slovis wit time it's time tech bytes third quarter third down for at the 46 slowest leaves the first down parents took a timeout from the sidelines slowness it's gonna be a first down as Pittman catches that one in traffic I gotta get going here get bards to be comfortable comfortable about a field goal opportunity slovis working guns it another first down this time Tyler vault 59 it's passing in the first half first down at the 39 but could he pay it off slovis drops back sideline st. Brown touchdown first down at 10 at the 14 slovis they'll just air this went out of the back of the end zone he was under Pitman here gusts that's what they like he's receiver in the slot at the bottom slovis doesn't look his way slow goes to the inside complete safe and it's perfect so the Trojans get three 28-7 Amir Smith Mar set three touchdowns rushing receiving and a kickoff return for 98 yards Hawkeye's look slowing down that pass rush from the ha shoot at the send it away Jones in car the deep med for SC and it's a touch back to go downstairs to Jenny Taft 28 point opponents under 24 points the second longest at 5th Street to Clemson we will be playing in the College of the Baltic our second down at five Lotus [Applause] Pittman in traffic and goes down that ball is out it's on target and Pitman nice the chains first forty yard line slovis he's got a receiver [Applause] he dropped it in the slovis gets absolutely drilled on this play right in his chest BAM but he delivers a beautiful ball foul roughing the passer defense number 95 at the distance and a goal added from the end of first out cédric Lattimore called for the penalty eight catches 152 now ready [Applause] touchdown Trojans and just like that USC gets into the end zone opening 131 good push here from the offensive line on that left side you're gonna get guard you can get center then they get a nice little push provide a hole that's fair a Tucker 75 Bret Nealon number 62 down and they come in to keep that great first half for Iowa and close this to a four point game throw what I said she said mom I'm old enough now here's an off side kick did it go 10 yards Clayton shook the dice any Iowa's trying for that big return their sinking back and this is excellent unbelievable he's able to kick it right to himself that's Michael Brown now the pay I in the backfield slovers to throw on first down to the sideline had it's got Tyler first down first down it is my good luck good luck it being on the snap they'll wind the clock coming out of this because it was a fumble and and Dean if I'm not mistaken here they're based on the recovery this is gonna be a couple of yards different it awkward and precarious position [Applause] trying to pick his way feeling he won't go far the first format thing coming in for Keaton slovis at the forty to play fake think stumbles it and one is free in the quarterback's news [Applause] throw jizz put it away max Cooper the deep man and jumps on it quickly possession from the 10-yard line Iowa starts first down standing strong in the puppet good sit at the camera possessions for his opponent second down and five delivers of the little Stanly underneath and thoughts and LaPorta one yards full LaPorta first down at the 23 [Applause] in complete [Applause] Goodson on the stress but nothing doing a fad the 22 50 cent for Stanley here they come Stanley standings truck great catch by Sam laborda and a first down forever on young players aren't supposed to be able to do this Stanley has to deliver the ball because he can't follow through with the rush in his face and LaPorta goes up the ladder beautiful catch with his hands and hangs on in front of the [Applause] to a first out for Iowa Stanley 14 of 17 156 yards and a touchdown torn young comes in now give it to them straight ahead [Music] as these slices through the Trojan defense second and two Smith must set in motion is to give to y'all looking for the first down station [Applause] over the shoulder Topol Hawkeye's the pitch Goodson with blockers in front of it and finally out of bounds at around the principally 11th play of the drive second [Applause] laughs - one will they do it again yes they will [Applause] and they will not get it that'll Brian Ference do it again and they don't they touchdown Tyler Goodson and Iowa takes the 34 most talented player the Mahler number 74 Tristan Dwarfs on this side watched the push that works gets on the outside that hole he's play in the endzone that allows Goodson the opportunity at a little jump step and he gets in did look like he got that ball across extra point up and good for Duncan enough faithful probably wonder themselves like where was this offense all season long what part of the problem is you faced six top 30 defenses as far as yard out in 10 of the 25 here's fake throwing on first down Tyler Vaughn's aim they haven't even 1:10 second down first down it's the side stays honesty plays off and USC is going to have to move quickly methodically get the ball down the field delivers damn who it's gonna want to jump start this off so offensive second down and five at the 50 the rhythm that would be a first last it picked up by Iowa but he may have been down for type of scenario here here's the catch the initial contact watches he spins right here and now he's going to lunge forward and that ball did look like it was flopping out just before that right knee hit the ground the knee is above the ground that ball is out on the second effort that looks like it's a turnover and Iowa's defense comes up with a huge play guys take over at the 43 [Applause] the motion man [Applause] Beatson the setback for the Hawkeye's [Applause] deep drop number 28 incomplete b-47 yard stay nikla sleep Dalton hunting it away under pressure this air caught at the 15 rocky Jersey first down at the 15 and incomplete a child second and ten at the 15 think zaps it up [Applause] by the game is at the bottom of your screen Russians from the defense's right third down to nine to the 16 a kanessa got back there see rolling out and I'll just throw it out one yard line max Cooper is the deep man [Applause] Google has it and goes down quickly Tyler valhalla states seven times they're so complete they never threw out a dud I think Ohio State gets it done [Music] that second down and five of the 37 Stanley looking and Lead Belly throne they're down to five Stanley then complete Smith marcet yeah say Brown is the deep man take a bounce and it will be down they call first down [Applause] the Vaught they need it for family look into the first down and he runs into a brick wall which is Christian well two points his since was certainly felt trying to stop Jonathan goodness the ball is loose at the USC five they try to get into the big set here wide receivers in trying to pinch down and get this first down with Mal up AI and the snap goes high it's one of the things I don't love about this new style of football where you're in the shotgun regardless of situation cuz Gus when you're in a short yardage situation that Center is trunk Goodson in the backfield stanley to throw its deadly LaPorta than gold the six let's see if they run towards 74 here Stanley a kickoff return 98 yards were touchdown can he get for third down goal at the 6 what a mistake here did they get the timeout or is this gonna be a delay [Applause] here standard steps up big fella got to run it drugs call court touchdown but there is a flag Brandon Smith [Applause] there's Stanley watch him step up in the pocket and now he gets over to his left and there he's run right down that original line of scrimmage he throws it to Brandon Smith you see the Flemish Stanley is running right down that line of scrimmage certainly part of his body is behind it yeah there's no doubt he's behind the line of scrimmage and he's this offensive line is given Stanley a nice protection this evening 42 to 25 AJ at Vanessa [Applause] I send it away into the end zone for touchback herd yards and he tied a career-high the four catches one of them a touchdown [Applause] Kristen first time we clean that game in particular in the second half and similar field tonight more to the run game there just has not been enough run game and so the pass rush for their opponents can just start teeing off on their quarterback I know it's difficult right because thus they've got a great quarterback they've got great wide receivers that's how they move the football here's attached the problem is that's against good defenses you've got to keep the pass rush honest for somebody has got to be looking at the place Vanessa instead of that Griffin collapse someone's got a call time out there [Applause] intended with some iowa body blows super deep as it [Applause] and young the nine of the 27 [Applause] Hawkeye's in no rush at this point is Stanley [Applause] Stanley a slide down at the line of scrimmage from our septum ocean man here's Stanley two three he gets room is the deep end [Applause] and this one down three think to throw it up to the deep ball with an open receiver incomplete that one thrown late Pittman tonight on same brown as he clips that century my second down [Applause] pick his way forward to be tackled twelve of the 45 and think great route go down in set from Cincinnati during the middle of the football season [Applause] [Music] he does around this program and it's been been tough it's been a tough road for us he feels the line is Kermit's three defensive line six offensive line [Applause] underneath incomplete Vaughn Xenopus at the 13 think whether right now on the scoreboard blows into them [Music] brat 1015 programs in the country of loss 10 or 15 years what a great job the late and Pavin front six of the 25 Goodson think you're talking about Tristan worse as a potential top to three pick in the entire draft if you were to stay in school another first died and Gus just pounding away at that USC defense with a big physical offensive line [Applause] got to be proud of the way this offense is played second down and 11 at the 44 third down father Stanly to throw it look a bit of first down to end the game made complete Smith marcet bought a flag on the play coaches him from the front he can block him though from the front and if the defender turns that's on the defender puns in the redzone so we haven't seen Keith Duncan and he didn't get a chance to kick his three field goals and set the all-time FPS record four field goals in a season interception and it's intercepted Niemann touchdown hawk eyes exclamation point huh guys 48 to 24 that's a special play for Nick Neiman his father is on the coaching staff Jay Nieman is the assistant defensive line coach here for Iowa and he watches his son Nick in the Holiday Bowl read the eyes perfectly get the pick and gets all the way into the mix a kick return for touchdown to passing touchdowns three rushing touchdowns 50 of Southern California is strike feel for tell you that see just such a great program so many great Blake you know this is they gotta they gotta figure this out quickly this is the University of Southern California Kristen slammed to the ground down and they need to move forward and they need to move towards excellence in this program because that's what their fan base disease he's dropped to cap off the season the right way [Applause] the 24 what a performance Kirk Ferentz his staff did a great job getting their team ready for this bowl game had a good week here in San Diego they came out here and totally dominated all three sides Gus what a great performance by a very consistent program 49:24 the final sack strip was just all over the field is he
Channel: Matthew Loves Ball
Views: 176,311
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Cv32jdg8ywA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 42sec (2262 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 27 2019
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