USC 2023 LBR4 | [7] Texas vs [9]Massachusetts

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foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign welcome back to our second and final match of the evening this time we have got Texas versus Massachusetts team 7 versus 19. I think it's gonna be another good one I'm yet again joined by t1g how are things fun what's uh what's new in the last 20 minutes um um well I have been roundly made fun of for what happened on Hard Rock 3 last match so we're going to do our best to make sure that doesn't happen again um I am a little worried for Massachusetts because I am understanding is that they may have had a little bit of internal trouble with the reschedule timing not being communicated quite properly so we're gonna see who they have available who's warmed up who's ready to go um and hopeful that things go well for them but um you know not necessarily expecting much depending on exactly how serious that particular situation is uh so we will monitor that as we go um I do think Texas is favored in this one regardless but that is something to keep note of that we'll see what kind of players Massachusetts has available and uh we're getting really sick on warm up it's four and a half minutes long but it's gonna be the only warm-up so I'm just gonna say it's both teams's warm up and it's two and a half minutes long each both teams have agreed so uh we will allow it I guess we can go over the rosters pretty quickly on the side of Texas we have got a very very strong roster Bowie decayton lights out uh ninbu Toy bot and cut Wheezy uh this team has slept really really good on the GTS really solid on the ratings and it's best to get on some of the tank fixture throughout this tournament so far and so I think that's where they are going to look on the side of Massachusetts uh we have got in theory uh trailer Scythe out TJ Josie I also love Uma and minigon now is once again unclear how many of the players are actually here um but we'll hope for the best yeah [Music] um um Isis I'm not sure if they have Josie and if they don't have Josie it's kind of doomed yeah Josie was in for a ton of maps uh you know plays the Hard Rock attack plays the place they didn't even um really the only thing Jersey isn't in for is those GTS usually and even then does sometimes step in for the GTA Aim so that would be a very very big loss for Massachusetts foreign [Music] just last week so you never know if uh Uma can keep up that performance from last week and that chillier can do what Chiller has been doing then maybe they can get some points anyways problem with Chile you're doing what chillier has been doing is that decayton's on the other side and like a lot of the stuff that chillier is good at decayton is just like kind of better at [Music] um yeah okay we'll see also decayton has a has an absolutely messed up score on this map uh he's like a hard rock to miss or something oh my God so that may be why they're picking this for their warm-ups very possibly have to show off a little bit [Music] um uh yeah I think [Music] I think Texas was distributed as a team like top to bottom that roster as you discussed is terrifyingly scary so I I don't know what I'm not sure what Massachusetts like picks into to try to win maps in this matchups uh I mean it is it is tough because Massachusetts one thing they've looked uh really good on so far is that hard rock Precision but I don't think that's really something you want to pick into decadent that is much too risky unless you think you have somebody who can uh do very well on the map and this is not your typical Precision this is CS 8. uh what is it 8.45 8.45 3.54 uh 8.45 you got it the first time okay and self-doubt soft out's a wonderful thing it is and that seems right up to Caitlyn's wheelhouse so maybe we're gonna see Massachusetts try and go for perhaps see this thing again I would if I was Massachusetts I would look to go for some of the more alt focused picks but same problem oh yeah but it's like we same issue with Washington last match this pool just doesn't have that much off doesn't have very many options uh the other thing label looked great on is the free mod [Music] so we'll see if they do want to go for some of these free modes I do think if they have Scyther back yeah which they appear too is in the lobby I do think the speed picks uh will be really solid for Massachusetts but again the speed picks this week are not super speed intensive yeah I mean I don't think there's anything in this map pool that Scyther would like 1v9 no I really don't think we're at that point and the pulling style is not such that we ever will leave like [Music] there's about like dd4 baby better than that yeah I mean potentially if the free mod 2 could be a pick for Massachusetts no it's only 220 BPM that's the place that in his sleep no exactly it's not really fast enough to have Scyther just be kind of dominating everybody else but kind of the best you're gonna get uh on this pool and I think there's a very possible chance we just see Texas ban out the uh the Hard Rock because outside of Lights in Decatur they have had a bit of a tough time finding that really solid uh third Hard Rock player to be in there confusing sorry I'm just like saying to let's get going here because we're just sitting around waiting for zero yeah and even then if if Josie is gone right like we are speculating then that takes away a lot of Massachusetts power to really pick those hard rocks alike they may have liked to because Josie has been a third Hard Rock player otherwise you have to go towards Uma uh or towards Saito who uh well yes Uma had a very impressive performance on the Hard Rock position last week has not played much Hard Rock at all throughout the tournament and so even you know before we've gotten to the picks before we've gotten to the bands this is going to be a tough one for Massachusetts and I think they are certainly on the backplate here yeah I mean you know even if you're in a position where you're trying to pick into uma's wheelhouse like [Music] what does that give you like no mod for hidden one uh [Music] not even like Fremont one Fremont three maybe I mean there aren't enough picks to roll with but like yeah and I think we're just gonna have to see Massachusetts uh looking solid enough on their own picks to make sure they secure the points on those and if they do that they can definitely get a lucky break point against Texas at some point throughout this match so uh while I would definitely favor uh Texas on this one Massachusetts is not without his chances don't entirely know what I'm a skill cap ends up being like is he still gonna be as strong as he had been in previous weeks on this pool I I don't I don't know that is a big question because Uma even going back as far back as round of 16 didn't really play a whole lot for Massachusetts you know it was kind of that core of TJ chillier and Josie and it was just last week in quarterfinals or we really stepped up and was looking really really strong so I honestly do not know uh Uma well enough to say whether that was just like a one-time pop-up or whether that is Ina's skill level so another thing that remains to be seen [Music] and what obviously is also important is whether or not they were able to actually get in touch and have Josie available because I'm really not sure what the status of that situation is going to be if she is indeed possibly gone so I don't know too many question marks for Massachusetts whereas Texas like uh they're just they're just the favorite team in this um and I don't know I feel like not a whole lot more to say about the matter at this juncture I'm running out of things yeah yeah Texas is just pretty strong all around you know aside from that HR which is maybe a potential weakness they've got a lineup for just about everything uh lights out has been looking really really solid on the Hard Rock and I I guess that's another area um where it has been somewhat similar to um legit in the previous match uh Maryland where lights out has been able to take the Hard Rock on a lot of these three mod picks and that just frees up to Caden to take the no mud on the Fremont ticks picks and makes it much much easier for decayton to find these big combos to push Texas to the points thank you [Applause] so we continue to watch reuse a gun with mods um of course and uh boys act is very good [Music] heck is pretty good menu go ahead yes oh I'm just gonna say everybody else is on Hard Rock to be fair so yeah it was on the 95 Hard Rock uh oh yes that's true [Music] okay 95 on the Hard Rock is also pretty impressive accuracy there [Music] we are approaching the end of our warm-up you know what that means we're gonna get into the bands and the picks and the actual match itself I I would believe so well don't make any promises but we will certainly hope and we get to continue listening to reuse again we're gonna have by the time the bands are over we will have listened to this song for about 20 minutes okay nothing like racing on on Loop I mean this song is good I'm not actually complaining I just I just realized that yeah because we were listening to it for like five minutes before the war was started in the map itself is almost five minutes long and then we're gonna catch listen to it through the entire bad phase yeah and uh you know it makes me all the more appreciative that they have picked an actual Banger warm-up and not uh you know some some warm up like uh listening to Louie Louie for like 10 minutes plus or whatever yo I see it oh my God I see it oh no I don't know once you enrolled he's 77 on the other team rolled 27. and now I'm gonna get people flaming me um I'll be one of those people uh but yeah Texas wins the roll Texas band second pretty standard stuff almost never want to uh ban first one of the reasons I you know I I did enjoy the idea of uh abva for a while switch things up but uh doesn't actually change anything at the end of the day so forever second band is the way to go uh and it's going to be a second pick for Massachusetts as they ban out the hidden two into it 100 band rate through two maps matches excuse me yeah not the biggest of sample sizes so I expect that will be left open at some point this weekend also not a bad band whatsoever Texas is hidden Tech against woe of course [Music] Texas probably just fans out uh one of the Hard Rock picks now possibly one of the three months as well not sure the order they want to ban those in but could certainly see then ban out something like the uh the free mod 2 uh even the Hard Rock the Hard Rock 2 or the Hard Rock 3. probably the Hard Rock if there's Hardware goodbye tiny circles um I guess it's fine I don't know that didn't feel like a really necessary ban quite or [Music] Texas but if it's just a map that like they're uncomfortable with it's fine yeah I do think outside uh probably the game they don't really have anyone who is going to be able to play a map like that so if you think chillier and maybe one other player can put up a decent score on the map just play it safe fan it out it doesn't feel like Texas has any really like pressing match that they need to ban out so it does feel like they have quite a bit of freedom to ban out whatever they're least comfortable with uh whereas Massachusetts has a couple more horse fans we're in Massachusetts is a couple more four stands yeah the second band here for them probably kind of feels like it has to be like early Nomad one or dt3 against a team with Bowie on it and decayton on it and whatever um yeah could be I would think oh Joseph's here so Massachusetts is good but yeah I do think the dt3 band is most likely I don't think you ever win that uh against you know what we decayed uh but it's gonna be the no mod one instead yeah all right I mean it's not like super reading intensive but it's not not creating intensive so it makes sense no I mean especially if you don't if you are right and they were reading intensive if you're not used to it being more of a kind of extremely name [Music] which it's romantic nope pretty much exactly as expected the free mod two Hard Rock 3 so the presents in the band phase so far maybe they'll surprise us with picks but uh available um this is they have quite a few pictures I think look good for them they have got the uh of course the hidden um sorry the dt3 that was left open by Massachusetts do you think the potentially if there's something like the free mod one free mod 3 looks good for them as well the Kate and so good on the AIM [Music] there it is left up and is the vict and I think pretty Texas favored yep and uh you can't fault Massachusetts too much for not bending this one out if uh if they've been at the GT3 instead Texas just insta picks the no mod one instead and uh it's gonna be a pretty similar outcome but it's uh we still have a map to be played Massachusetts could pull out some big combos out of nowhere uh you know Josie uh chillier could just pop off on the 2009 dt2 or dt3 hey you never know um there's a lot of maps in here that it's like both teams can perform pretty well and [Music] I do think both teams have players that can put up solid scores on this map and you just expect I think Texas to be a little more consistent and have a little bit of a higher skill cap on this one but definitely not completely unwinnable [Music] what are the players are for this well we talk about minu Josie Scyther presumably chillier right Chile's got to be in for literally everything yeah you're not taking failure out on this one um the Texas lineup seems to make a I'm a little bit surprised uh we aren't gonna see the Cayden in for this one but uh venue is quite good on these kind of maps the more of those prize for me is toybot who hasn't played a whole lot of DT throughout this tournament but of course this is very much low AR uh TT and so toy bot being very solid on these low AR picks is going to be in for this one yeah I mean this isn't actually a DT map like it's 270 BPM air 8.3 like this just isn't DT yeah hence we see uh the Texas reading lineup and not yeah this is this is yeah this is actually a reading mode this is sort of thing that's like weird to see in GT pool because it doesn't do anything it doesn't like it DT doesn't do anything to make this um you know it's not like most DT Maps where it's a BPM or an AR that you can't reach nomad I mean I guess technically like you're not gonna see a map like this no mud but you know what I'm saying no exactly what you're saying and in the meantime we've already seen a full reset heard of Massachusetts only woe trading that back honestly the last player you'd expect to miss but they do still have their other two combos going strong is chillier continues to find misses and having a really rough time on the map 84 accuracy toy bot finds a Miss now uh both minwoo still holding very strong effects are in no fear yeah menu again so I thought on a map like this um gonna give the advantage somewhat to minwoo uh not the raw speed that Scyther would like and of course well there's a big solid back-end combo there go Josie and chillier they're gonna Saito as well and that's gonna be one zero League congratulations taxes very good first pick well done about this one yeah well he has found the mess but it's just minwoo going off on this one actually really impressive score good accuracy a team-wide for taxes as well I don't think Massachusetts are gonna put too much thought into this one this was never a pick you expected to win uh so they're gonna shake this one off and go right back with their open pick this is just not a big deal for them to lose they only had two bands and so they had to do something up and it happened to be this one and you just eat the 1-0 and say Gigi go next and yeah that's a really good score for minwoo by the way that's a really really good score from minwoo and wow that is a disgusting team gap of 1.2 million points yeah that's that's a big one uh I mean hey first first FC of the map uh for the weekend overtime as well but you know I heard of out of one match play okay now it's time a rough time oh Josie is on oh she's in like Oregon or something I I feel like I remember that being mentioned is somewhere that isn't obviously somewhere that isn't home but I I now that she mentions that I remember it is in Portland yeah okay [Music] um when your second most important player is not at home it's it's uh it's tough ah it's rough yes t1g Oregon good job thank you stop watching the stream while you're trying to play the match not a good idea I mean I don't think oh I chose see in chat yes I completely agree it should not be watching the stream probably if you're playing really yeah anybody's ever played a tournament match from an airplane no no I don't [Music] sorry I derailed your train of thought uh it's okay that train of thought has left the station and we are moving on to the next one because we've got a dt4 pick he's gone it's psycho time Boys and Girls It's psytho Time Massachusetts is putting all of their eggs inside that baskets yep and uh that's kind of kind of what you got to do here I think Chile shouldn't look too bad on this one either and we've got the speed lineup coming out from Texas Coco easy lights out and probably going to see um either gonna be has played the speed um but not sure if this is this is more consistency and so probably more likely to see the kitten and there he is we have education mechanics map [Music] um I oh wait so Chris Sunset if we're at TJ freaking name change dude yeah good well anyway this is not like a you know pure speed map this is very consistent map uh very very heavy so uh decad decayton is going to be more than flying on something like this [Music] I'm ready to get it started and find out which of those quote unquote comfortable people end up doing well I'm very ready this will be a little more competitive than the last map I I would certainly think so it shouldn't be a uh you know 1.9 million point blowout going to be a little bit closer you would hope here we go and there's an early couple misses by the kitten that's how you want to start off he changes nope okay buddy get it together man hit yourself together man there goes TJ as well just getting the nurse out for the Cayden and I do think this is a really smart pick of Massachusetts especially considering Jersey's situation because Josie has not really been in for the GTS so this is something TJ would have been in for anyways in Massachusetts is going to be picking around uh that fact as much as they can here [Music] yeah uh the problem is she's also been a player who's been really good for them so having being forced to pick around somebody who's been a very solid consistent player is not necessarily an optimal scenario to find yourself in but uh it's a break from kukwizi it's traded it's kind of trading back because Saito had broken a little bit before so it's lights out versus Chile repair and decayton versus TJ and uh Hector's finding themselves coming out just a bit ahead in those two individual 1v1s um he's a little behind sight though though so that's just isn't that far behind in this one but chillier has the edge about 100 combo Chiller has the accuracy lead over to Caton as well so that combo is gonna be worth a tiny bit more and it should be enough to bring it back for Massachusetts let's get into it a bit of an easier section here and I think Chile should be able to bring it back before we get into the next guy [Music] hey okay there goes easy now it's gonna come back a little bit faster it's obviously gonna go over to Massachusetts eventually here at the current rate with the way the combos are situated but it's not gonna be super super fast um you're looking at the accuracy on lights out and cut Weezy versus the accuracy on TJ and Scyther you're seeing a very good thing for Texas trying to hold on to this lead for as long as they can uh chillier is is kind of the Saving Grace accuracy wise having a lead over to Caton but the combo the accuracy on Country Lights Out is doing a lot to minimize the effects of the combo lead on TV inside though [Music] that's the big combo gone for Texas and now it's chillier maybe it'll turn away with this but there is a big guy coming up so chillier does need to be able to hold there goes site though and it's a full reset for Texas that should be the point for Massachusetts chilly or Chelsea is the whole line for another 100 combo or so and they will have this point in the bag yeah and even if chilly it breaks there's still TJ with a backup 500 combo so it really wouldn't be the end of the world even if he if failure broke uh this is I I find myself almost a little bit surprised but Texas not quite with it um on this particular pick 10.3 high BPM [Music] um consistency DT there do go both chillier and TJ at the very end but they've got a 200k lead I'm pretty sure that doesn't come back but hard rock through the last match Far Cry 3 last match uh indeed there is Scyther matching yeah we're just uh not enough time on this one yeah we're good unless we see a hundred hundred thousand spinner battle that's some pretty crazy spinning for about everyone that was some crazy that was like 43 000 Spinners geez uh that's the point though for Massachusetts well done 974k for chillier um best in the lobby buy a lot and they needed basically every bit of that chillier score if he didn't put up that score um if you matched you know decayton for the next best score in the lobby that would have been a pretty scary one but instead of Massachusetts certainly take the point tied up on the one X's performed pretty well as a team but just did not have anyone to match chillier so unable to get a breakpoint there but they are gonna have their own pick now and they're gonna go for the no mod 3. jazz is Fred I don't think anybody is surprised well we should be having a field date with this one toybot is going to come back in possibly we see it minwoo back in as well [Music] foreign I think this is just the sort of thing that you're gonna expect Texas to be good on in this matchup um I that makes it like Chile and Josie can probably play this okay I don't really know what to expect out of iOS but I'd love to be you know pleasantly surprised yep I'm not I think it's really going to depend on the uh the skill cap Uma has looked really solid on the rating all tournament line uh but I do worry about Josie a little bit I feel like these this is one of those maps that isn't really comfortable uh in any sense and these kind of less controlled Maps really uh exacerbate the you know not having your own setup and it caused a lot more messes more so than a one of the more comfortable maps that are just more caffeine uh focused [Music] apparently just coming out already so people good to go for this it seems to Kate toy bought chili or Josie and Uma let's see just wait on the start and honestly it doesn't doesn't get much better than devious Panda Maps oh that depends on who you ask it does depends you ask also it's a collab I don't remember who this is collab with I tell you I am a little biased though all I play is aim control finger control no oh this is a collab with real lazy wow I didn't know that I should have I guess I probably should have known that but I did not know that I'm actually I'm sure I knew it at one time but I didn't remember looks like we've got a quick abort uh Uma may have just unreadied at the last moment uh four uh the match started so we're gonna get right back into this one he raised his Escape key he simply just slid his finger across it and it got pressed down you know I was thinking more of like a you know a cow in a field of grass grazing on uh on Escape Keys instead of grass I don't know that we can speak anymore might be the wisest decision you have made all day Uma and what were you gonna trade willingly put myself on two matches with this idiot I couldn't tell you that's right there is Josie as well it's a full reset early days still but a full reset is still a full reset it's gonna allow Texas to take an early Advantage Uma not having the greatest time 89 accuracy under three breaks um there goes toybot but it's a double reset again for Massachusetts to trade it back Joseph doing what she can but it's what we indicate and just you know having a good time because it's a map that they're very good at toybot feels like maybe a little bit of a thrill player for this but it's fine because he's still doing as well as or better than everyone on Massachusetts all of them yeah this is not a long map either so we're halfway through and Texas has doubled the score of Massachusetts there goes will we but uh with the Caden holding it doesn't matter too much toybot finds the Miss as well so it's going to be a very very slight uh Edge to Massachusetts but they're gonna need more than that to make a comeback here they don't have the accuracy Toy Box continued to miss is gonna help out but again they really need a Miss from the Cayton they need more misses out of Woe yeah I mean this has got to be like decayden falling to the Wayside and everyone's resting solding for a long time and instead of about the exact opposite is happening um it's chillier and Josie find more breaks toybot does as well but Uma just can't match the combined mic of Texas yeah and I think the combined might of Texas is a little bit too much for Massachusetts as they're gonna be down a second second Point uh but again very much expected not something Massachusetts ever expected to win so they're not gonna spend too much time thinking about this one and they're gonna look to get this one back with their next pick but not so easy to find really solid picks for Massachusetts yeah I mean their first pick went pretty well so if they can if there's more stuff that works the way that DT board did maybe but I mean I was still only 130k and required chillier going off that's definitely the two picks from Texas have felt way more Texas favored than pretty much anything in this pool is gonna feel Massachusetts favorite manticating is so Good by the way yeah the kitten is very very good um and it has been really uh impressive how far decadent has come even just from you know last year at OWC um being on that roster pretty much just as a kind of gimmicky aim you know Precision player and now to Caden is I feel like really established himself as up there with some of the top tournament Players so it's been really uh cool to see the Keaton's progression just over the last year I yeah I don't think I had ever heard of him before like you us here which I mean I guess that speaks more to me not paying as much attention to the tournament soon as I once did than anything else but uh he showed up in this tournament performed really well and then obviously they went and got an RWC and just like when and maybe he just went um he's only continued to improve so I still wouldn't necessarily maybe put him quite in the same tier as the absolute top top guys but he is very close definitely approaching that kind of upper upper echelon of tournament Players not quite at that kind of best of the best uh yeah but if value continues this great rate of improvement who knows how far he can go um we are still waiting on the pick from Massachusetts would honestly like to see a hard rock pick out of them something like the Hard Rock 3 or something who number five instead that's going to be I'm going to bed hahaha [Music] this is going to be another good pick for Massachusetts it is going to be the last speed pick of the pool it is very very bursty and so this is just going to be chillier Scyther uh in for this one I would be a little surprised to see Josie in uh typically not a speed player more likely we see TJ in here it doesn't like raw speed it's more like bursty finger control but it is also 2 47 BPM so I guess it is that they actually slot pulled no Mod Five it kinda yeah not quite kinda we also slot hold Fremont one and one data and hard rock one there you go this man actually no mud one if this Nomad one was uh air normal true the hidden one and heart hidden one hard rock one three one one are all definitely like 3D normal ones also Freeman 2 is if you're using the three by two speed slot I don't know does that count I don't think I can't it's kind of counts we can pretend it counts uh you know this might be one of the most Slot full uh USC pools in uh the last two years the last two Traditions I guess I should say yeah well until like last year's semis it's really I think it was I think it was so nice but right what's it finals oh I think you're right I forgot at the start of the last UFC I actually had them were pulling yeah [Music] PJ lagging well sucks to suck Imo [Music] uh yeah that's dropped for Massachusetts okay we are gonna get TJ instead of psycho that is a little bit of surprise but I guess Josie is feeling uncomfortable enough on this one yeah [Music] um should be okay Joel could not agree more and in we go with the Joel spam and chat maybe finally gonna wear off but probably not because I'm acknowledging it and that's not how twitch chat works kakuisi lights out to Caden chillier Josie TJ to me this rap is just really long why is this a better tiebreaker link than the actual tiebreaker that is a great question that you don't have the answers to unfortunately [Music] now you also have to imagine if this is because it's pretty bursty at 247 it's not gonna be too fast for uh to get in or really any of the players on Texas I'd hope so I definitely still give the edge to Massachusetts but should be a pretty close one well we're not gonna know for a long time because this goes a while before you can really tell who's ever going to have a chance at it but uh if we see big combos on one side and big breaks on the other we'll start to figure it out everybody looking decently comfortable early on though 99.99 air is breaking decayton now we want to see if you are team Texas on the bus yeah I mean getting both sided on V2 it'll happen yeah we do not talk about chillier uh there's no such person in this match and this is a very long pretty consistent match honestly I feel like this is the kind of map where if you're comfortable uh with the Bears I would not be surprised to see a couple players in this Lobby getting approaching you know 2K plus combo too she does find the Miss though and that's the first Miss from Massachusetts so it's gonna keep things pretty even as the cayton's combo is not far enough ahead of Josie to make a huge difference no but I mean when it's only a 1K score Gap it's enough it should be enough for the lead to go back over it'll it'll add up over time it'll just take a little bit and we are a third of the way through okay there go Josie TJ and cuck Wheezy were those spider breaks we'll see if those were banjo at all I don't think they were though the Commodore coming back so it's gonna be lights out versus chillier and decayton all by his loan so I'm able to build up some combo Advantage for the Texas Squad how about lights out has a massive combo is matching a chillier and so Massachusetts it's looking a little bit dire for them right now chillier is gonna have to hold on to that combo longer than both the Keaton and lights out [Music] his friends say he should act his age what's his age again um oh that's a great question so it took me a second on that one it's just the sample in the song what's my education we got there in the end and uh yeah there's still a third of this map to go we have probably another minute 45 here and the combos on Texas are massive even kakuisi has a big recovery combo now everything is on chillier we do get into the ending the hardest part of the map by far this is where we're gonna start to see more misses and if there was a time for chile to take over this would be it there goes Josie though not the player you need to miss that's a big combo down as cuckoo's gonna just hold lights out that's the FC gone from Texas to Caden is still there not far behind chillier but chillier may be able to bring this one back though it's I mean there's still so much score to be built up though right I mean literally like look how much of the score in this map is in the last quarter with the note density being as high as it is um chillier's got a lot of score to build but Josie and TJ are unfortunately not helping him out the Cayton with the 14 to come only four to come behind and Kaku is eating on a thousand combo this is gonna be really sad if chillier keeps this up and the map goes as it does anyway yeah but that was by far the hardest section in the map and chillier yes approaching the 2K combo but the necessary misses from one of cuck Wheezy or to Caton just did not happen there there's a chance for misses into the ending but I feel like this ending is not much harder than what we just saw it's gonna have to be a choke from one of these Texan players I mean not even a joke it would have to be them like setting their pens down okay goodbye great point three to one see you later yeah that is devastating for chill your Wheezy not long after if uh chillier still had the combo they've been able to bring that one back although honestly it probably still wouldn't have been enough with the decayton now with a 2000 combo of his own [Applause] this is uh quite the score from Decatur by the way who still has not allowed heat the entire ending okay that is a rough ending that is a very impressive it's so good that's an s-rank oh my goodness what a freaking play like I know it's it's not enough to see but like good God what a play yeah I mean I mean it's clear how difficult that ending is because uh Schiller who was assessing the first chord of the map and is only 200 000 behind decayton has 17 misses yep yep yep yep that's gonna be our first break point of the match and so Texas now have a chance to consolidate Massachusetts of course looking to get one back but realistically I think if we are going to see Massachusetts get a break point back it's likely going to be later on in the match Texas still does still have quite a few comfortable picks left over just taking a look at the pool here they have the no mod for they have potentially the hidden in one hidden three and it is going to be sliders it's slider time for wooey hidden sliders for roast if the man the myth the legend the hidden slider player himself Joseph J he's holding corn playing slide Yep this is the the OG slider player [Music] toy bot uh possibly minwoo gonna come in for this one [Music] there we go in the lobby I love minwoo the man's shows up for tournaments and always plays well there you go oh yeah it's been putting up some really solid scores hidden specialist has been putting in work for Texas time and time again taxes I feel is a team that really makes the most out of its lineup they have players in for pretty much everything and while yes you do have players like I had to Caton that are going to be in for most things it's not like some other teams where you have you know a couple players that are just setting out on the bench the whole match because you have your two carriers that are so good it feels like every player on this roster is utilized and there do a really good job of utilizing them I feel like that's a Hallmark of the top teams right is being able to put together rosters with depth and like put together you know three men for every map that has good players and you know swaps people in and out as needed um I feel like the top teams are more frequently the ones that are able to have all of their players will utilize instead of being like okay we have these guys who are permal lobbied and then like this one dude who comes in for one map yep exactly yeah I'll say I I feel like taxes is probably one of the rosters that has uh the most depth in the the tournament um the biggest question of course for Texas going forward is the the scaling and the carry potential for all of these players see if they can keep up the same level of balance into the later stages but here we go into slotters yeah this map is messed up dude I can't believe this isn't a map Pool it's a banger though like this is so it's cool it's just weird to see um and yeah this is I mean this is what we and minwoo hours for sure um I mean it is like playable you can you can sort of kind of cheese it I mean look at the Akon Uma and Josie um and you'll get through it okay and actually everyone is is holding through 350 combo that's actually kind of impressive back in the life so it's don't need to go full Panic for Massachusetts quite yet uh but you know there's crazy God imagine this with Hard Rock be uh really brutal uh I think alternatively this would be better with an easy HD [Music] Massachusetts good bye they just all got hit by the same Buzz slider there was minu as well wowie is just okay there goes everyone Lobby except for toybot the funny part has done its job it it really has and somehow toy bot is the only one holding in the entire Lobby okay there goes toy bot as well but 40K and there's like not much combo anyway no there's not it's kind of a 50 combo Advantage for uh Massachusetts there goes minwoo but you're gonna need a little bit more than that Massachusetts recovery combos aren't big enough to make the comeback quite yet but toybot finds another Miss oh Uma trades it back I mean if we see Texas keep missing the score could certainly go back over it's down 200 000 but they're very quickly running out of time and woe is recovering very very nicely matching PJ always act man yeah that's something else menu is not that far off either okay there goes Josie and that is probably going to be it unless we see a complete meltdown from where we and they're either with CJ that's definitely it now because there's no combo well I mean there's 275 Uma but like with Chloe and talking about both holding combos okay makeup just toy box oh yeah it doesn't matter I don't think we're close to the end yeah I think Louie's gonna 99 this is like actually all messed up never mind had to say it I did well it was just lost half a percent well this is a funny part so I guess whatever but man that's so sad yeah I'm gonna stop talking it was it's been nice casting for you guys but I gotta go I'm not allowed anymore also you have to give massive credit to menu able to uh keep up with very well I shouldn't say keep up exactly but not far behind what we score an accuracy at all on a map like this is very very impressive I I also appreciate how ever since the Hard Rock 3 we've had we have been like over explaining ourselves whenever a map is completely over yeah we don't want that to happen again we need to avoid that ever occurring again but that is a um Consolidated breakpoint now let's just let's just let's cut to the chase on that one it's consider break point four one lead uh Massachusetts needs to get all their own picks and a break point back if they want us have a chance uh that sounds difficult it does but not impossible Massachusetts has some picks uh possibly there's uh Hard Rock and they just pick three mod one please and just say Uma go kill [Music] that is an idea uh but then you need to find two other players that can play the map well and uh I feel like normally that is going to be Josie uh but of course Josie on the different setup is probably not going to be feeling great on the free mod one so I mean surely you can go surely on free mod 1 you could go TJ Uma chillier thank you yeah TJ on the Hard Rock yeah actually the more I think about it the more I like the free mod 1 pick you have uh you've done you told me on this one not sure if you sold that Massachusetts though I'm Shira Josie's been listening oh there it is yes coach t1g coach T1 coaching also I just love this song so like oh it's great this is one of my I remember I used to listen to this song like when this got ranked I listened to this song so much dude yeah I know not everybody likes it but I do yeah yomi Yori method yo yo me more yo me Yuri method hmm I mean whether you like the song or not it is an iconic song uh you know too yeah I think there's a lot of iconic songs in OSU at this point but this is definitely one of them this map getting ranked was a show actually true [Music] sounds like a story uh uh Forum PVP moments basically there's not a good way to explain it we don't have the time all right all right stuck in gone Canal the original top disc as opposed to Ultimate reverberant gonkanal which is what it ended up being well that explains everything thank you it does I know it doesn't but like [Music] and it looks like we've got Josie in uh okay so it's gonna be Josie chillier I guess and it's gonna be Josie on the hidden instead of Uma [Music] and it should be surprising that's actually surprising to me I really expected this to be um [Music] um and I guess we're gonna be seeing um decayton on the Hard Rock for this one usually they do have uh lights out in for the Hard Rock fremonts but with kakuisi I don't think uh they are as comfortable on the hierarch so looks like the Caden should be playing hard rock this time around no it's gonna be coque easy on the Hard Rock okay they know my toy about hidden Hard Rock Against still you're hidden TJ Hardrock Josie Nomad um chili or hidden that is question mark yeah also someone for Uma go kill yeah exactly uh Chile are hidden over the human hidden is the play we'll see if it works out for them though if Chiller can put up a big score then they'll be looking really good I do feel that like this map is just this is just like an x one I mean you know whatever mod you're on it's that mod one literally just late round one GPM wise and you know difficulty-wise on hidden and Hard Rock at least um so it's gonna be one of the more comfortable maps in the pool I feel oh absolutely there are no slots Aaron listen I'm trying to draw I'm trying to discuss the comfort of the maps not the slots just that those slots are typically relatively comfortable this one very comfortable we haven't in fact seen any misses yet but this is these are the first big jumps and gnomus is a little surprising I'd imagine we're gonna see at least one before we get out of this guy section but no everybody gets through it wow yeah I mean this map is clearly just too easy yeah uh undoubtedly we're gonna see a six-way fc it just does have like a part you know we'll get to the part and there will probably be a few misses at the part but we do have to get there first um and until we get there not a lot is going to happen and nothing interesting is gonna happen and of course big question mark is who finds the missus on the part surely this map will not have a disc bike clueless no what's really sad is if you miss anywhere other than the disc Spike before it because then your team is just kind of screwed oh absolutely thank you [Music] yeah this is just still easy [Music] still just easy yeah no misses what's up five just Spike Maps every pool [Music] all right is it's fine here we go I think it's time it is time the Moment of Truth both of these teams whis is where the player starts to mount nobody misses so far there goes three but it's two from Texas chillier trades it so it's just to Keaton and TJ holding on oh no GJ finds the miss the kitten is the only one to make it through the hard section and that's probably gonna be a point for Texas unless to Kate and just you know his Mouse disconnects bro if TJ hit that with hard rock oh that would have been crazy and she didn't even miss on the aim like she missed on the stream that's really sad like she actually hit the entire aim part of the disc bike with hard rock oh that sucks man yeah that was I mean that was wow yep that is so frustrating because I guarantee you you hit that stream 10 times out of 10 in practice and you get that in section maybe two out of 10 times in practice and you finally get the aim section and it's the one time out of ten that you uh Miss on the stream section [Music] and I don't know maybe something bad happens to Texas on the last Pi but um yeah but it's gonna be too late yep and uh did we get an FC from Decatur very very solid aim mechanics player would not be surprised to see him close this one out yeah I mean it seems likely at this point the last guy here is not that difficult compared to that really tough section yo also shout outs cuck Wheezy by the way um that accuracy also obviously shout outs TJ uh four 100s one miss 14 100s one miss for kakuisi and for TJ on Hard Rock also chillier 8100s one miss unhidden um that yeah I mean this like tell me look at these scores and tell me that isn't just a no mod one yeah pretty much but I mean it is exactly a new model one but with with mods on most people and ultimately it comes down to a singular point of the map and the kitten was the only one to get through it shockingly the best player in the match puts up the best score in the match the map crew true can I get a true in chat for trail mix [Music] all right uh five one uh we could be seeing back to back six ones if uh if Texas wins this next point which is really kind of sad to me considering how we expected these matches to be going yeah these on paper both were very very close matches but I just has not been the case so far I honestly I do feel like part of that um is just like unlucky pools or uh Massachusetts and Washington now I'm not sure they would have won the different pool but I do think they probably could have gotten uh three maybe four points um oh yeah maybe not four I might be executive at all but put it on three points they had you know a little bit more alts a little bit more reading to choose from and it is big black Texas wants to grow it with a bang who is afraid of uh not Texas Texas [Music] I'm not good for that sounded a little bit bad out of context and I'm not trying to get clips regardless we should have pretty similar uh lineups uh in for both teams uh Texas I imagine I would be a little surprise okay we've got Uma back in probably to replace Josie or do we or Dewey [Music] yeah who's I don't actually know is it just is it just TJ Josie chillier again and then yeah I guess okay I guess so and that means the Caden should be on the Hard Rock here like yes yeah this is like an awkward one yeah I mean I think it's toy Bots and we don't really touch the end so it kind of just leaves uh leaves the Hayden [Music] in order to say odd man out because like the game is never the odd man out but can't wait to see Texas three-way that would be something else that we saw in trouble seeing this yeah I would I would say it's a thousand times more likely to get a to get no FCS is hard rock fcing this in a match would uh immediately break the entire game yeah I mean there's probably a couple players who could come close and wreck yeah because he can do anything but that doesn't really count because most people are not embraced this is true malachesky there you go couple players would have to be HD shark true and I don't know about that one black all right well here we go it is indeed going to be woman wait what what no it's the eyes but it says well we uneasy hidden Hard Rock that's some third material right there okay in what world is easy like more logical on this than just going no mod I don't follow that at all what I mean look this is this is I mean if you can get an easy FC on the map then it's actually easy I I love it I'm here for it but like easy like this isn't look normally where you see people going easy in a tournament where it somehow makes it like easier if you're an easy player like this is I mean unless you like just can't read error 10 or something like I don't see a world where easy makes sense on this map but I mean whatever we'll see what happens who cares about indicators still seeing and nobody else has combo yeah I mean I I would not be surprised if uh what we has okay I mean obviously obviously you would grind this if you're gonna actually go easy on in a match I just don't understand why you would bother doing listen this is an absolute Flex in terms of score doesn't make a lot of sense no but I like it anyways yeah that's fair also talking about score is actually nuts so far does it again classic and now it's just I don't believe in commentator curse but that sort of thing is certainly happening a lot recently yep now it's just decayton uh matching matching teacher and well yeah it's not really matching Uma uh does have the combo but oh that's a break from oh oh that's right from Togo okay this goes over um if CJ holds So currently it's um it is still Texas in the lead but not by a lot and it's TJ and Uma continue to hold uh 100K it's 200k so he's gonna win by 200k there goes Uma there was toy bot but uma's more important it's all about TJ coming into the ending now if she can hit the ending it might be okay there was chillier as well there goes TJ it's currently a hundred and something K which lowly makes up for with the easy multiplier there goes away breaking again but with no combo on the side of Massachusetts decayton's gonna keep this close enough that wooey's doubled score should give Texas the win but man is it gonna be tight coming in it's ending at 280k that's 403 that is Texas taking the point and the win yeah Texas by 200k and we are going to get another sixth one as Texas will be moving on of course to the next stage of semi-finals where they will be playing the winner of New York Carolina that is I don't know I keep saying stuff is going to be a good match and then a team just dominates the other one so you know I don't want to talk about it well we'll hope that's not the case uh and if it is then just an unfortunate uh start to the semifinals and apparently nobody on Massachusetts knew that the match was today because Julia told them the wrong time when he was asking for the reschedule I guess that's unlucky I mean that is unlucky although to be fair I'm not sure it would have made much of a difference you know given one extra day to practice I think uh Texas to wins this one pretty uh handily but our next match up is actually going to be at the Carolina New York matchup and that's gonna be 19 UTC tomorrow uh so stay tuned for that we do have actually that is our only match tomorrow yep I know it's well I mean yeah I don't know I don't know I have no words I have no answers there were I think pounding potential match individual potential matches I think there were something like 12 reschedules for eight matches this week so like I don't know anymore there you go no more words no more answers no more stream I think that is going to be it for us very well played to Texas and congratulations to them uh of course huge thank you to t1g for joining me and keys as always for streaming the last two matches I hope you all have enjoyed the match and have a good one see you [Music] [Music] soon [Music]
Channel: lycheetree
Views: 119
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, osu, twitch
Id: oQAo5PDy4Vk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 16sec (4096 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2023
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