USA vs. China - Full Match | Women's Volleyball World Cup 2015

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saving this game three from day three of the World Cup in Japan and that's the perfect start for the USA well for China it's the worst possible start for the USA shape pass a nervy start for the USA get out and push me for gently she was just off-balance get the ball back over the net incidentally Jiang Cheng Ning is a former beach player from 2010 to 2012 she played in the world tour and then transferred indoors she missed out the World Championships because China had to put a team into the Asian Games and she went there instead same thing would have liked to have her at the world champs [Applause] then the other player I know of who has come from the beach and then Ghana indoors to present their country is in the men's game nickel cotton ski for Russia winning its first cap for the national team in the world league this year the playing a few seasons on the beach for Russia and doing very well as well as some of my gold medals on the world tour if you know of any others let us know you can tweet hashtag fi v BW w cut if you aware of any other players that started on the beach and ended up playing in gears when C players webtoon indoors to the beach that is pretty much how it went so USA after that nervy start fire themselves three one up Kim Hill with the serve that is what's China are all about shooting just phenomenal what a swing from the 20 year old it's a mistake from Larson they are looking for touch and here comes challenge accept the champ referee it's gonna be busy six points in and he's already got some work to do he's the man you need to challenge ref was there a touch yes of course there was huge damage [Music] [Applause] Beatson no sir surprised maybe surprised a few maybe not that she gets the start ahead of to Tory Dixon through the middle one thing China were worried about desert self-perception in the USA making things difficult obviously be quick from I can right away interesting serve actions no from their Dixon to throws I feel like my hands are really tight them to a faces to operate stable to serve over and pass the locus of massive confidence booster with that swing six to down or start China wanted and they call timeout [Music] [Applause] [Music] nicely done by the captain for China gently a puts the settin out back to serve for China changing see big front row for the team in blue ice white by cast alone [Music] [Music] good cuts the line from suiting she's got all the skills she has to serve the linkage between glass then activator whoa technical timeout the USA will be pretty pleased with the way this one has gone so far they lead by four [Music] [Music] go fast on that what do we have Jamie what do we have [Music] [Music] that's interesting with the couch talking about so rarely hits line of the red the talking about that shot from shooting that she just hit down the line and they said that's not a worry don't have to get caught up in that she rarely hits it and so it's and not the consideration for us and that's what volleyballs about you have to could I go with the percentages to a degree you know and again you might decide you know what we're going to go for this so in this particular glow because as a chance it might happen China with the side out [Music] [Applause] could fall in from hill so gas is linking up nicely with her attackers she's he was stacking right there she's used Hill and she's also used blow we've got a chance to work with decent across the front row to be keen to get that link established good touch from Dixon and again that's such a great hits from low just leaning towards her right away from the ball so unforced error from the USA hands China the point ball in from ban artists work though from grass putting yourself under pressure it's a solid transition play from China to bring themselves back to within to USA might think about the timeout here I don't know that tip on is another thing coach karai this has to let it ride for the moment is a good decision Hill puts the ball away you know say back to three in front and into a solid series of rotations as well now nice high contact right now at the top of the antenna from hill glass to serve cast a low into the front row with Hill and deeds have pretty much their tallest lineup time to put in the ball the way down the line charming lovely swing good cover nice up from Vanuatu China USA will have a better chance potentially but there's no one at four has to go behind and low can only tip that one and China take advantage in the end will us a scrambled really well but they got themselves all stuck over on that near side of the courts of the first official no one able to run a routes that for now unable to run a route in the middle on the pipe and China eventually took control of that rally that's something that the USA have been developing a bit like career stacking over on that side which allows low to come in as the opposite player and hit a half ball through the middle taking the forehead to all the way over to four instead of being at two with this better to penetrate around behind one time flat again on the next series of rotations when we get that to go as well she wanted it [Applause] bit of a wild swing from juggling good to see that the way that USA have responded to their defeat against area right here knowing that they have to win this one really already so early on in this tournament which is a round-robin event 11 matters to play China currently undefeated but it's the USA who are holding their own here keeping this lead in the first set nice I doubt by un chien you a [Music] get out from banner off you know it's off the block is it no they didn't catch any hands I'm trying to find some fingers to work the ball with trying to call another point back chin you a serves again but David's antiques in Helmand opposite number middle blocker down near at alleged alas in a one-on-one three four [Applause] [Music] so cash is in to serve play some defense really it up to shooting it's an easy swing number two to China to put the ball away over the top of the block [Applause] [Music] changings he just seemed to stutter she went to see the ball I've got a mid pause and a complete mess of it the double substitution for the USA this is part of their plan they are gonna do it with all their matches Creek Road comes in to replace low and force it comes in to replace glass three frontcourt attackers backcourt setter now that's three rotations about another three plus and substitution after that so nine rotations are the setter in the back row it's not the best of starts for Craig close it's earned a little bit of pressure now she gets ready to serve very nice not afraid to go to the middle even from the three eater line [Music] [Music] I'm into old habits [Music] [Music] [Music] so far so good then for the USA lasting with the serve into the final third of this first set we've had the two dress rehearsals this is the real thing Nick yes a have eh in China on the comeback trail [Music] oh good serve from China the cart still has two timeouts available to him that is bandwidth got to take it lovely swing can't force it you can see them said China trying to make it difficult for Hill the frontcourt swing hitter for the USA there's no middle coming nice set though from that Craig quote giving force its space to use the line with the serve the dig is not quite gonna come back or is it oh that's a shame never say die attitude from the USA clear for all to see King to Ned captain for China with the ball blockade for China there on level terms now the USA cooltime egg so team showing her versatility not just the front door attacker that you get the pipe to [Applause] [Applause] black towing a chunky lucetta's some information looking on China a level of desire timeout that he's taken will give his team the side out given the lead that was almost a brilliant pickup with China reading the situation very well and they have turned this one round in their favor now eighteen seventeen after trailing for most of this match find themselves in front at a critical time well it's a great black they were trying to hit her way out of trouble but she's having to make some room and leaning to her left the line was the shot that was available she take it Larson leaves it USA in trouble time I called again [Music] we knew at some point they're gonna fight back here we came out strong push back now it's our turn to push here really good call and confirm on the angle here so we can run our USA faster devil yes [Applause] this is a big point now so I need to slide this out to get back to it in one yes it does it we could see China's savings been very good USA of Harvey run the middle [Music] the devil substitution is half reverse slow comes into the front row no setter on court for the USA but Larson's got a good pair of hands on it it kind of means there's no middle attack coming whatever here China will know that so they'll be stacking up on the wings should the USA make the deal make a continuation block and then they don't need to make a dig because that's gone way wide and a bit of hard work from the USA pays off after eight spot looks of it eight-nine of their serving targets sports it going in deep target and it works but positive set act because the balls guards are eight over at position one and then passed in front of the setters continue to stood at the ball bar that just fell very nicely for the USA they were stacking out that way great play great call from Oscar I China Charlie positive said is going cook cops the low Redick she was up early knew it's going to be a fastball [Music] Chinese fans in happy to be on the telly not so sure they'd be happy the way things have just gone for their team now it's China who are feeling the pressure force it with the serve same target no middle coming high and wide here chance for the USA and they take it decent getting a hands on the ball and justifying to anyone who might think otherwise why she's starting as a chorus of walk [Applause] laughs trying to get the side-eye [Music] glass comes in as it goes off great serving run from her the USA gonna stack over on this site normally Hill would be over where banner arthas and grass would penetrate from behind their grass must make sure she stays behind hill she can be in front of a libero so it's a stack on the left-hand side and watson stream lacrosse themselves in position so it means dixon hits a quick ball behind low on the half ball in the middle and then hill who's already out there as a release hitter is up early and able to put the ball away you know with the serve deep breath from her she gets herself ready just a bit tight glass and does well to get something on it your pickup from glass and fan wha-what can deep sand do she keeps it in play and keeps it from going back over at the USA side as well nice swing from suiting putting glass under pressure great rally and it might be China with a chance here but it's going to be an off ball [Applause] Chang Chang name gets it off the block and out of play when maybe when you look back at that it might have been worthwhile USA letting her hit it and not putting a block up that was just a straightforward topspin role which would him picked up by ban Wong what a time to miss your serve USA nag - away from taking the scent of water fantastic fascinating first set it's been involved you can do go to the social media Twitter hashtag FIV bawwk see what everyone's saying have your say so far the way this one's going from the set agenting c setting it towards the net so if the fire mr. it would go over not sure she intended that to happen note themselves a lucky side out with the USA they side this one I will have set point that's an easy serve [Applause] the low coming in whipping out hand through the ball to bring up setpoint I say with the luxury of knowing that even if they don't make this they've got a chance from side out to get it done get that first set in the bag and just as well really wasn't it just a look doesn't really show much emotion feeling the pressure of that that's for sure sitting for China the ball goes down puts it on the floor the USA take the first set that psychologically is huge for the USA and also a massive blow for China first set this best-of-five is done USA have taken at 25 23 [Music] that wasn't easy for either team couple of errors too many really for China the key moments that cost them the USA you have to credit them they block very well [Music] see all the coaching staff having their little complex but that was so close that set there was not really any clear indication said you know what she's played badly oh she's played badly do we need to change the system do you change sir I think both sets of coaches are probably thinking I'm gonna leave it as is because China could have taken back set a few individual errors that costume they didn't make any changes let's have a look at the highlights [Music] with various stats China's points made up of 14 attacks couple of aces two blocks and five errors from the USA but the USA though seven from China plus sixteen attacks and two blocks that was a difference it was the errors that cost China [Music] the job is by no means done for the USA but they know that that was a big psychological boost to take that first set the upper hand mentally now it's going into this second set and it's getting nearly quit and this one China might be struggling or still to play for though and it's best of five sets count it I guess China should be looking at this is its kind nothing to lose they've already got two games in the bag their next biggest match next side of this one Japan they know always being difficult to keep or the height power should deal with it so even if they lost this only puts the USA and China on level pegging where we go then with the second set hill with a serve for the USA USA leading one set to nothing a really good start for Kim Hill and team he'll once again kept in play three attackers for glass to go and find she gets decent books apart put the ball down it's a nice right shooting off the block and out will a wasted opportunity for the USA then waft it for the ball pretty close the net the glass wasn't able to come in now there's gonna be a challenge here I think they're gonna challenge whether or not there was some kind of net touch at some point during that rally so karch saw something things he saw something charge referee just getting instructions as what to what to look for very easy when you watching the game just to follow the ball coaches rarely do that they know what's happening there where it's going and especially the challenge system now they're kind of watching all what I specs and what's going on the other side of the net she asked for this particular reason where they can say oh I saw that in the rally that was a fault wasn't spotted has it been spotted and was it a fault we're gonna find out [Music] so the official review is there is no fault but that's not what he's looking for it's just there's on the same time the attack [Music] dots that particular play and he did say they did make the arm movement out for an attack [Music] so slight misinterpretation of what was required so they can have another look nor are they [Applause] no no no no I said no I said Blok touchnet so so please look at the block you didn't look at the block up there so a little bit of a delay I think they I'm not gonna get what they want and it's gonna be served potentially or are they still looking I think they are still looking at it so here's the officiating with you [Applause] I still haven't quite found the right connect don't get me wrong I think the challenge system is a brilliant idea and it's great but when there's a communication problem you get this kind of a delay and then it's not so great because you kind of wondering what's going on karch is doing his best not to blow his top here to catch now being spoken to by the referee delegate control committee [Music] so they're still trying to find the right point and say there was block touch at the net and it was set another a net touch by China but we've got to no-fault reviews we are now gonna get the official one so is that what they're looking for was there a touch here at the net and no there wasn't let's moving then we got there in the end try that will serve decent seeing the funny side of it [Applause] and it wasn't touched by the block so USA to one-up so China again sitting is able to go over the block such a good leap on her she touches 327 when she's spiking three meters race is dropping when it's only 224 past alone another player who can hit from high and hard he touches 315 in the spike at 305 in the block doing its job slowing the board a man what can mrsa do only the continuation hit from hurtful it's not confusion but the killer faster swing that was nice lassen could see that was probably a bull meant further but Kim was in the right place to have a swing glass and didn't try get involved let her have the hit Kimberly Hill with 50 cups that ball away is a very good athlete great blocker lovely height gets across the net what she doesn't do is watch what's happening she's not even looking at the core she has no clue how that ball is and that can be an issue [Music] [Applause] [Applause] as good an athlete this year she still drifts past the point of impact more often than not ship accolade oh here she goes gone she's past the point moving away from the board didn't take away the cross-court power very nice movement by ocupado as she goes round behind glass glass just holding on the ball for that split second enough to keep the middle fixed and then it's easy for lassen she had options whichever way she wanted them she has to serve [Applause] glass over complicating things really simplest and probably the most effective option of her there was to keep the border hill that was calling for a play as well she could have gone a little bit quick would have probably put it down force the ball wide didn't work square five apiece ice ball in from Hill use of the scene in between the two blockers good swing that's a good mismatch Thanks the USA have especially if Hill's hit smart against shin-chan the AV captain she's got better height that's a good swing right in between the block again good seam shot matter work China have been wary of her serve plos scored loads of points during this competition with her service very low to the net that's a really good swing from Chang Chun Ling or may have been going long doesn't matter at USA side out they lead out six they lead by one sets and ethically [Music] and ready to go fast talk to her gift up multiple pages what do we have you're up [Music] [Music] [Music] so James is by China ding Jia comes it back Rosetta good out front Ben laughs [Laughter] and again really good play from the USA that one's off the block and out grasan couldn't get on it great dig from her though and they're making the court seem really small at the moment for China [Applause] and a very nice start number 19 million had the opposite glass for their first swing grab a flare tell you what Hill played poorly by her own very high standards against Serbia she knows it she was substituted at CalSTRS Robinson came in and took her place and played brilliantly he just wasn't quite enough for the USA to get the job done but looking at that time on the benches come out firing here in this match steady Eddie performance from Larsen stop gawking from the captain [Applause] for China [Music] [Music] [Applause] the sense of urgency about Jenny Liang pings timeout [Applause] many people fancying that this was a good time for China to be playing the USA after their two previous performances for this China who are struggling here credit to the USA with the way that they have bounced back so far from their defeat to Serbia yesterday so team goes over the top but doesn't find the court the time 8 has not helped but visit challenge coming did it touch the block we're about to find out [Music] as I said a challenges system is a good idea but maybe in terms of trying to find the best solution for it you can only challenge the the end point in a rally as opposed to everything that happened in the rally or maybe just make it so that it's the last rally so in other words once the ball goes over then there the last time is that act those instances the ball going over the net in terms of a block and then the attack and the other team and you only can go back so far cause you have a really long rally it's a lot to go through as we saw earlier you don't quite get misunderstood what you're asking for and you've asked for something at the start of the rally and it's a really long one then there can be issues but this must be quite close because the challenge system is still yet to make its decision as to whether or not this ball is touching the block so having a good look at this from the different angles the official review says that's not a tight I think there's no oh it's definitely no touches there [Music] we're saying that there is attached as it goes over to the left hand as the girl comes over and like ping think that there was a touch but it's been been decided that there was no touch system although the picture on the screen is blown up somewhat the pictures that the challenge system have to review are very precise and they are pretty sure that there was definitely no touch [Music] it's starting to fall apart the seams here for China [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Hill for the USA this is not good for China suiting so reliable such an important player for China maybe the pressures just getting to her that's two errors in a row she's way over the top and look at that glass is in a really bad position as well giving up all that line for that role shot the USA and there's a chance here for the USA to go further in front nice dig it's better from China just wondered why glass didn't get a decent in the middle she's yet to go to her in the middle she turns way over the net puts the ball down by set decent nice white from Larson [Music] the teams will practice that they'll train the hot ball situation it's setup not available middle blocker having to put the ball up ok ship is in calcium Robinson keshia's new nickname given to acquire teammates really nice play making the demo just up early lean back slightly so that you can hit the ball across your body a technical timeout the essay will feel senator coaching staff we've probably got this second set in the bag here yeah she just leaves back slightly able then to hit the ball over her shoulder doesn't drop her left sight really good swimmer [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] double substitution we saw in the first sentence here in the third and thereafter as well correct low into serve for see another net very nice serving deeply bill here for the USA they're touched by China and neither guilty party every time Coco's come on she's gone to after the daylight for the first opportunity so yummy as gone and ranking ching replaces her number six through the middle brilliant surfing suiting is the front porch swing hitter on this rotation they could take her out the past unit that woulda mean that could say the opposite player Liana Han would have to pass that's not going to happen [Applause] lovely setting sharp fooling Larson just about got enough on it for China then to have the swing something to serve lovely pickup not gonna make it over though really good effort from Lindy [Applause] did give up on it but couldn't be brought back over the net Glasson apologizes for her missing sermon she'll look to make up for it with a good pass make sure goes off deets and comes on Dickson goes off van Roth comes on from sitting at a trance night for the u.s. a good swing force it gets offered chaining likewise not working [Music] [Applause] good serve that's what China were afraid of from thank you very whoa this is a real something isn't it he slipped up to the scoreboard for the first time I think the USA players probably haven't actually looked at the scoreboard yet they're that focus 2011 sideout this is definitely gonna be two-nil USA the USA team full of confidence is a difficult team to stop in China finding that out first hand double substitution is reversed as grass goes back to serve castelo position forth [Applause] sucked away by hill so two away from taking the set [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] lyosha Tom comes in to replace number nine Shan Chun Ling [Applause] [Music] another serving target was number eight that's what this couch guy has been saying but you just got a player coming in the core hasn't been on in the match gotta be worth a serve out there I was trying to force something that just wasn't available glass going too deep to use slightly in front have no angle to put the bill away that's better Dixon on the slide behind brings up set point for the USA [Music] [Applause] supports a v' this should be a for me glasses back row that should be surely pulled as a block [Applause] so China take the point save another set point yes they seem to be drifting off to sleep that's another point here for China I can't want to call a timeout but he's gonna have to when he does so a bit of a confidence booster for China they get some momentum behind them okay sparkles it's alright nice angle let's hold on that everybody we still like that matchup on 19 hand is a good thing to talk about [Music] [Applause] [Applause] just one side out needed and they get it low turns to the line USA take the set 25 17 they lead to nothing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so the stats for that to tell you all you need to know very good game only seven errors between them but okay at USA 79 points and three aces plus the block we did control that game to believe really that China are playing in the manner they are given the way that they dispatch Serbia and the way that the USA played against the server themselves when they lost other when they played against another one doing nothing but we didn't play well at all USA it was well it's just a performance but a way to come back at the moment by the USA to nothing against China a chance to move up the table into second place potentially and into Olympic ticket position if they can win this one one set away from what for them will be a huge win given the circumstances are they defeat to Serbia [Music] where we go with the third set China serving ding Jia is in number 16 and number five King jack is off for China either changes beeps and again combining the castell oh [Applause] [Music] good covering by Dixon lovely nice fast arm from castelo have a big swing does not open up their shoulders particularly just comes in very quick with that swing [Music] takes both sides of the net has to tight nice inviting a good position to hit and it's payoffs for the USA Larson obviously couldn't hit it that's why she decided to follow it but of the anyone spotted one who's gonna happen the air glass was like to react so I put it in three nothing it's two one finds a gap get up guys play glass and bits of sucking up this is to have a swing and puts the ball away brilliant work from Jordan blasted birth back for all of you budding for it is that there just watch this she gets up look how quickly balls puck picked up brilliant but look how put your shoes actually available to hit and get up and put the ball down so importantly get off that net drive back out to the three meter line give yourself a chance to have a swing [Music] [Applause] [Applause] they should set to miniature glass a set of full of confidence finding a hitter full of confidence net tax against the USA Canada with the guilty party [Music] [Applause] trying to find themselves a point from serve [Applause] recovering from low such a good swing from Larson [Applause] [Music] it's time the tip is good enough this is a much better effort from China they've come out firing here in this third set you know they had to [Music] couch giving Lawson some serving instructions Oh brilliant unlucky play magnificent in terms of the rally in Hill somehow got that ball to roll up off the forearm I put over the net serving targets gonna be number eight year for Larsson it is positive set accessing that fastball right wide puts them in rhythm they are enjoying what they're doing at the moment the USA [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] so China have changed their serve receive unit they've dropped the opposite players genuinely out of the pass we try and deal with this certain Larson works [Applause] trying to have the side a good work for Mills is over the top of think sharks good mismatch in the USA's favor glass making the most of it by going to Hill [Applause] it's a trouble when you've got someone like suit Singh you can at the ball so hard you tend to sit end up setting up further and further back look like cast Aloha she's nearly on the baseline and in fact she's stuck behind their own block as well not sure that's a great position for her to be in needs have been in that gap down the line to see the ball except for that linking the dick by putting the ball away inside a [Music] [Applause] [Applause] ting shape three came a little bit too late for hell because the role for two floor would have won the point shall not gone to her backside ever touch against the captain when the USA have the point since Annette [Applause] [Music] [Music] that's to go wide there's an opportunity for lassen to get in on the block you'll say no often get three blockers out wide left or right but since that ball was off the net charts stuff that cross court over from being here [Applause] [Music] China scrambling around free ball for the US a little late to rehab hit the best ball into her so advantage back here potentially the China that's too tight and now the USA have a chance [Applause] good take is it coming back now it isn't suiting got something on it from castelo but not enough for China to put it into transition once again twelve nine to the US a substitution made kosher comes in goes to the bench this a serving substitution and then the hill will go off for Billy Barrett Bama - come in half this serving run ends [Music] [Applause] it works and Fang master sir so nothing hits the floor that's what the block has it yes it has China was celebrating so vigorously the ball was long but it caught the block on its way to China back to it in a point brilliant what a pass that is from Kelsey Robinson as that ball at the net and the devil substitution begins [Music] [Applause] [Applause] as well left terming under pressure now every time Craig blows come on she sets it I could though out she continued not with that fall into her she can't so it goes out the faucet to China once again now having to find a side out [Applause] Jason Robinson specialist therefore you know she's not going to get to have an attack potentially so just trying to keep the ball up the floor we also in the rally we need to transition again get it done still though can't quite get themselves in front in this third set which is a must-win set for them when a Kari karch wanted a massive carry for that is a really unhappy and first it goes off the block does she know she doesn't know glass and straight others say they're always that not given as a carry it's a one handed set off the back of a dig are you having a laugh right now play is allowed to continue to China you have leveled the USA have to remain calm here gets I doubt it ball in put away of this it to me I can go it doesn't matter even if I have backspin I can still explore those they're always the ones that hit the floor with backspin on the ball [Music] that's a great dig from Larson third back trying to have to go again switching comes even further inside so hammer that ball away find an angle and she does inside force it over Deeks good up great swing from faucet and really good play from Pretlow she knew there was nobody at 4:00 available to her to go behind perfect set false it puts it away USA need 16 15 they lead by two sets to nothing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] force it with the serve blows back into the front rope that's faucets serving run comes to an end glass will come in like a combination play from China certainly a puts it away I was chatting with the FIVB press delegates launching new from China and he'd had a chat with the team before this one of the things that was concerning him as a fact they felt the team we're a little bit worried about the USA in their serving and their ability to pass the ball themselves and so knows he isn't it as that one comes off the block and goes out of play it's become a self-fulfilling prophecy here for China a team that have won two matches a team really good worrying about a team that worked the time particularly well allowed the USA to play well in this match lead again Hill with the serve [Music] it stayed down here she's okay she's hurt her knee or ankle or something might be a need some tears there take a few deep breaths and get itself ready to play yeah coach can rise gonna call the timeout I'm not sure if they've got any substitutions left the USA yeah Detroit as Dixon Johnny I'm just checking he only had six substitutions and I'm hoping that he has have used or six we've done a double substitution with glass and I'm pretty sure Robinson's been on I don't think he's got any substitutions left no maybe he has then just checking the score as thing to get the substitution done there's still a bit of delay here Dayton's been off and robinson's come on for her [Music] [Music] it's got smile on the facebook chat so play will continue and the injury to decent relying for the substitution [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so timeout call by China so most of you are wondering why USA we're allowed to make that change I know they've had six and Dixon had come off and Robinson have been in for most Dixon that's got injured they can in supper right and any player can come in for her taury Dixon will serve for the USA [Music] almost touch by from your demo they pick up from glass lasts and tries put some spin on it and go it by China good play chiming [Applause] the block [Applause] [Music] they're once again dominating through the middle say that they just have to keep doing that keep putting that ball down inside out they've managed to make China side out for silent pretty much throughout this set there's no reason why they can't keep doing that and that helps although it's off the block and out look like it is just a narrow looting finds a finger chattering this one well good sir Shang Shung name gets the better of Caleb do you see that happen that embarrass bollocks actually right this tournament so far happy with that time I cool by the USA [Music] [Applause] oh that was nice really nice play from the USA just opening up China's defense the ball in the middle to cast a low on the pipe USA enjoying that play so to low teens trying to level again important for the USA to remain focused now pressures on them with every search trying to cut in equally when there is pressure on China in the USA half of all as much is finally poised at the moment and here all delivers to put the USA back in front the better of Dinks yeah this could be good for the USA that came a demo to say I do not like dealing with this earth knew that was coming he was screaming at the team that that was coming and still they couldn't stop shooting from the ball inside just over the top of the middle and it's signed out again for China te anau with the serve it's a lovely pass very good wipe again from Hill she gets the better of jingchun da as she did with goo shy we get the feeling this is probably gonna go 24 and first to get to clear unless the USA can make something happen here glass with the serve I've got a good touch they're gonna have a swing to bring up a match point Castille oh I see a sport at match point from the USA and a great swing in transition from low match points to the USA China called timeout [Music] [Music] they've worked themselves into the perfect position here at the USA and what they've managed to do is that swing from castle oh they have match point but expect China to side act what the USA have conjured up which is worth its weight in gold you see ability now that they can if they don't get anything from this service they've got a side out opportunity to win the match glass for the USA swing from suiting grill venom in that but is it too little too late for China it's still match point for the USA [Applause] and China making a substitution off goes the opposite player and in comes new Yohanan because she's taller they want some height at the neck to try and stop the USA here stacking up over on the left-hand side as well Dixon low and Hill who's going to get the ball what's gonna have to be Hill for the match [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Volleyball World
Views: 454,157
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FIVB, FIVB International Volleyball Federation, volleyball, Fédération Internationale De Volleyball (Sports Association), FIVB International Volleyball FederationVolleyball Match, Volleyball, Volleyball live, Volleyball World, Live Volleyball, Volleyball full match, PLArchive, volleyball full game, Volley, women's volleyball, usa volleyball, china volleyball, Women's Volleyball World Cup 2015, volleyball world cup, world cup 2015, volleyball world cup 2015
Id: -NaitLey88Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 48sec (5748 seconds)
Published: Sun May 24 2020
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