US Visa Slot Booking Tips & Tricks (New US Visa Portal)

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almost no one plans to get a US Visa 6 7 8 months or even 2 years in advance before they have to go to the US right that's why these waiting times simply won't work I know many of you watching this are students many are parents many are workers many are tourists this video is for all of you I'm going to be telling you about the five most important tips and tricks that you can Implement to make sure that you get the slot when the opening happens and there's going to be one bonus step so let's begin the first step is to monitor 24/7 the way to do that would be to implement WhatsApp groups with people you trust and that's important you can also go on to telegram the problem with that is there's not enough people that you would trust on those groups and that's why take the telegram group advice with a pinch of Sal simply because even if you are going to go for it it may have a lot of updates which are wrong incorrect faulty and on top of that a lot of times people may persuade you over there that they will help you book your slot and these are agents telegram agents per se what they will do is they will take your credentials with you and on top of that basically what will happen is they will change your password change your ID hijack your account and then ask you for money in return for the account so that is a mistake you should never make hence do not trust people on telegram don't send them your credentials now when you are monitoring let's say multiple people are monitoring right some of these multiple people could be your family members if that is so make sure because they will be using the same account as yours right so so make sure that they don't log in at the same time as you you can only log in a limited number of times a day to be very safe keep it under five if possible log in less than five times a day monitor the slot and every login of course you can only monitor once right check all the consulates get out of the account and of course if multiple people are using your account to check at various times and they're clashing as well what will happen is that due to over usage of your account for checking it will get blocked hence that's why we use hundreds of accounts for monitoring in fact try to log in not more than once or twice per account per day point number three errors that's expected don't worry but the worst advice you will get online is that if you're facing an error just start using incognito window some of these people per se have faced a placebo effect which essentially means that you just were lucky at that time when the incognito window worked being a software developer being someone who has been in this industry for a long time I can tell you we' have built softwares we built trackers for this usva website and incognit window is really not fixing anything so yes when openings happen you will see errors a lot of times you won't be able to access the website sometimes a VPN may help let's say if you're blocked by Cloud flare but in most cases just refreshing will help because refreshing will continue to carry over the cookies and take you to the next and next steps if you don't understand what's going on over here don't worry just refresh move on but remember if you refresh too many times on your account as well that is prone to getting you blocked so avoid doing that too much unless and until the slot is in front front of you number four cancel slots do not show there's some influencers online who may not have worked on in this industry as hard as we have so they don't really know enough and they're giving the wrong advice inadvertently it's not their intention to give you wrong advice but it's just that they don't know so it's important that we set it right if you are thinking that okay I have a slot for let's say 15th of March and I will just cancel the slot right now and you can go ahead and book it that's not how the embassy builds their software so you cannot potentially make a sale like that you cannot do that I'll sell you my slot I'm canceling mine you go ahead book it trust me that slot will not show and that will go onto the pool of slots that the embassy has and later on will be released in a minor or major opening Point number five in 2024 avoid applying from other countries it's very important back in 2022 in times of CID when it was ending mostly we did a lot of this we sent people to Sri Lanka Singapore Nepal other countries and we got them interviews in UAE as well we got them interviews everywhere so they were as a tourist going to this Embassy in another country and of course you know this was the embassy of the US and they was and they were allowed to hold the interview over there and many of them actually got through as well but then came a time when the embassy understood what's going on and then they stopped this this technique that was ongoing that means if you go now the chances of rejections from another country are usually close to 95% as per my experience once you you get rejected in another country but it shows is that you're are very desperate to get the visa that means if you even interview in your home country later on chances of rejection would be very high finally my point number six to you which is a bonus tip is that you can follow me on Instagram because we do work for the clients that we work for but at the end of the day whenever these slot openings happen my intent and my obligation to you is that I will always go ahead and tell you guys that look an opening happened and this opening is ongoing you should go ahead book your slot because each opening last somewhere around 5 to 15 minutes only in most cases so make sure that you follow me and you check my story whenever I put it so that you will know as to when they are opening the slots and whenever there's an update you'll be able to go ahead and book them remember once these slots open up missing them is going to be a blunder the reason why understand this I built a chart in 2022 there were so many openings I couldn't even complete it in 2023 we tracked these many openings before the new portal came in and after the new portal came in basically after August 1st you will see that there's been very limited openings in fact in 2024 till date there has been no opening till the time I'm recording this video that means that the embassy has really limited its openings and you do not want to miss the slots when they open up remember if you need help with your case you can also reach out to me my WhatsApp number is in the description you can reach me directly or you can take a look at the visa application help page where we've helped thousands of people just like you get their student visitor or tourist Visa or even work pza slots in many case on top of that we'll fulfill your application and ensure that we train you check your documentation and make sure that you get through the interview by hook or crook that's all for this video make sure to subscribe for more such updates and thank you so much for spending your time with me goodbye and take care and all the best
Channel: Yash Mittra - YMGrad
Views: 64,151
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Keywords: LOR, MS in USA, BS in USA, Bachelors in US, Bachelors in USA, Masters in USA, PhD in USA, Study free in USA, H1B Visa, Trump and H1B, GRE, Scoring 330 on GRE, TOEFL, toefl 120, IELTS, TOEFL Tips, indian students in usa, jobs in USA, h1b jobs, phd in usa, universities in usa, indian in usa, usa visa, f1 visa
Id: ubXoh2aQpPE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 15sec (375 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2024
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