US Tests World's First AI-Powered F-16 Fighter Jets: All You Need to Know |Vantage with Palki Sharma

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is a nuclear bomb the Ultimate Weapon in the age of artificial intelligence this question does not have a yes or no answer and I'll tell you why the US has recently tested a new type of weapon an F F-16 fighter jet operated by AI That's Right a fighter jet flown by artificial intelligence instead of a human Soldier so instead of a pilot it was AI in the cockpit the technology is still under development but the US Air Force is betting big on it they plan to introduce a fleet of AI enabled fighter jets the first planes could be inducted as soon as 2028 our next report brings you more it was a sunny afternoon in California Frank Kendall the US Air Force secretary was a man on a mission he was supposed to test a special aircraft from the outside it looked just like any other fighter jet in the world but don't let the appearance deceive you this plane isn't flown by a pilot instead it can be controlled by artificial intelligence or AI That's What secretary Kendall was there to experience and he wasn't disappointed the AI powered plane went head-to-head against a manned F-16 jet it was a simulator a dog fight the result was unambiguous the AI outperformed the real pilot secretary Kendall having witnessed the technology firsthand is now convinced of its potential he feels confident enough to let AI fire real weapons the computer is not going to get tired it's not scared um uh it's it's going to follow its rules and do as as close to a perfect maneuver as it can do uh whereas the humans are obvious going to have some variability in how they perform to be clear AI is not replacing real life Pilots anytime soon but the US Air Force wants to invest in it that too in a big way their plan is to build an entirely new Fleet of aircraft a total of 1,000 planes which will be equipped with AI the first lot could enter service within 4 years the US Air Force calls this technology Vista that short for variable inlight simulator test aircraft how does it work the AI on board the aircraft doesn't have a brain of its own it relies on data and machine learning to recognize patterns and make decisions this aircraft uh in the x62 has one purpose which is to advance the state of machine learning once it's Airborne the aircraft can analyze specific situations and execute both defensive and offensive Maneuvers the technology cannot fully replace the pilot in the cockpit yet especially in combat situations but it can assist them executing specific tasks with greater accuracy like executing tighter turns engaging in more risky moves and helping fire shots with better accuracy in the case of more routine missions where human input is not required the AI can be trusted to fly the aircraft on its own and complete the task at hand the technology is not perfect yet but the US clearly has a head start it is believed to be the only nation with AI powered planes America's Rivals will accelerate their efforts to catch up if they haven't already but this breakthrough could Mark the beginning of a new arms race where AI is at the front and center in the absence of any regulations this could lead to the birth of new and more dangerous threats one that our world may not be fully prepared to deal with first post reports from the world's second largest continent hello I'm Allison lrange a very warm welcome from Durban South Africa we get you the news and the newsmakers from Africa South Africa goes to the polls on the 29th of May I will track the election and bring you ground reports is at the end of the road for the African National Congress and will former president Jacob suuma stage a dramatic comeback from elections to climate change to Innovations and opportunities as the world's attention shifts we report from Africa the heart of the global South join me every weekday live on first post [Music]
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Keywords: firstpost, vantage, palki sharma, vantage palki sharma, firstpost palki sharma, us f 16 fighter jets, f 16 fighter jets us, us fighter jets ai f 16, f 16 us fighter jets new, us new ai weapon, ai powered new weapon, ai powered us new weapon, weapon new us ai powered, ai powered new us f 16 jets, us new ai powered weapons, ai powered f 16 fighter jets, fighter jets ai powered f 16, f 16 fighter jets ai tech, ai f 16 us fighter jets new, american f 16 jets ai powered
Id: RYOlKlc2A94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 25sec (325 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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