US Passport 101: What's the first thing you should do with your passport

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uh so you're probably seeing this like QR um sticker at the back of the passport if yours has the same thing we're gonna get to that in a minute and I didn't want to just rip it off of the passport without showing you guys and without telling you all of the important information that um comes along with getting your very first US passport so now that you have your US passport the first thing I want to say is congratulations go ahead and erase your right hand and pat yourself in the back because you definitely did one hell of a job trying to get your U.S citizenship from one citizenship to the other and not only that it took you I think at the very least five years for my green card to your citizenship it took me 10 years but you know every race is different it's not always a Sprint sometimes it's a marathon so first things first congratulations on a job well done for you you have now achieved a goal and now you have a privilege to travel to places okay so now that I actually have my US Passport there are sort of so many things that I actually want to do like after getting my passport like first up I actually really want to just go and travel and you know go to different places go see my family um so many different things that you can do now that you have this blue US passport so the first thing that I would advise is when you first get your passport in the mail you know you want to make sure that you go through every single page or you go through at the very least the first page where with your identification on it you want to make sure that everything in there is correct the spellings your name your birth date uh your birth year your gender is a very important information now more than ever second I want you to take a look at the expiration date of your password I know that they have the issue date on here and I want you to look at the expiration date also because you're going to want to keep that deep in mind because you want to have at least a six months of validity to your passport before your last or your next travel I know you just got a passport but if you keep on traveling throughout the how many number of years that your passport is valid for make sure that you have at least a six month validity period before your passport expires and what I'm gonna do is if you have a smartphone to set a reminder for your passport expiration on your calendar so that way six months or at least in the same year go ahead and do that renewal because you never know it may take up to eight months to get a renewal I don't know the process that's gonna be the first I'm going to have to renew a U.S passport so I don't know how long it will actually take so when when you get into all of that the third thing that you probably want to do is make sure that you sign your passport so um on the page right after the information section of your identification it's like a plastic little credit card thing um texture um there's a part where you have to put the signature of the bearer you have to sign this in either black or blue ink like don't use a marker don't use you know use a pen because you don't know what kind of um kind of optical variations a marker would cause to your passport so I would suggest to just use regular pen but that's important because if you if your passport ever gets stolen you want to make sure that the identity that you have on your passport is not going to be stolen by somebody else's signature because they were the ones that signed that blank line after you after your signature page there's gonna be another important information behind that so behind that will tell you the security information and all of that information that kind of goes with it and what it entails and that's why I only advise using it black or blue pen ink and not a marker or anything else because there are certain or sensitive informations and technology that are on your passport that you awesome so after that signature page I'm not really going to talk about what the exact security information on that page because I don't want to be I don't want to disclose that kind of information anyways um if you want to know more about your passport if you want to know more information about your first US Passport click that subscribe button and hit the notification Bell so that you can get notified every time I find out more new information about the US passport and I share that video along with you so that way you'll know when that video is out because yes I'm gonna need to find every single information about the US Passport you know what am I gonna do after I fill out all of these Pages you know what's going to happen if I lose it what's going to happen if I'm abroad and I lose my passport or I can't fly I accidentally watched my old passport in the washing machine am I supposed to call the US Embassy like what happens with all of that you know so moving on after the page of the security information make sure that you go over the documents that are on that page um there are like a series of blank lines on there make sure that you read it make sure that you fill in all of those information with correct and valid information by the way this is an important section especially because you are going to be traveling around this is kind of like your information booklet your identification card you want to make sure that people who are trying to reach you if you ever lose your passport can contact you and the people that are important to you your emergency the people that are important to you your emergency contacts can reach you if anything ever happens to you personally and the only information they can find or identification they can find of you is your passport so that is important that this is your emergency contact information and along with other um personal identifiable stuff so I'm not even gonna show you what that looks like it's just on page five so just read your password when you first get it admire the designs admire the quotations that are on there it's very deep and inspiring and motivational if you're into that kind of stuff what other thing am I forgetting oh right so if you're gonna be traveling abroad and if you're gonna be someone like me who's going to be working from you know outside of the United States and at the same time getting a paycheck from your um work or if you're going to be doing um International work from home or virtual work any kind of those kinds of things make sure that you visit um Social Security Administration or to make sure that you can follow all of the rules and regulations about taxes and receiving payments when you're outside of the country um if you are already outside of the country when you watch this video um just try and get a hold of your U.S embassy or your consulate that is in that area where you're at to find out more information and how to adhere to those rules and regulations I don't know if any of those have changed before 2023 and now but going forward that might be something you want to keep in mind that if you are going to be traveling outside of the country and you're going to be continuing to get paid with the US currency or work for the US government or the for the U.S companies and whatnot reach out to SSS or SSA Social Security Administration and make sure that you're following all the rules and you don't want to you know be viable for any taxes and penalties for not following the rules so now that you are all set uh go ahead and get ready look for your next destination prepare to travel go for an adventure once you have all taken care of everything that we have talked about in this video start planning your next adventure and now go towards your next goal I wanted to get it right trying to find some balance in my life
Channel: This Is Pjae
Views: 30,245
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: us citizenhip, filipino to american, how to get your first passport, apply for my first passport,, how long does your passport take, how to, passport, how much does a passport cost, passport card vs book, us visa, us greencard, permanent resident to citizen
Id: 9_b2Kw421ec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 41sec (521 seconds)
Published: Mon May 01 2023
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