US Next Generation Submarine To Destroy China In Seconds

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the most significant element of the modernized feature is the actual nuclear reactor materials that will increase the survivability and performance of the submarine in the threat environment so once it goes in service which will allow us to operate 12 Columbia submarines super sign and propulsion nine billion dollar submarines the Cold War reignites U.S Next Generation submarine to destroy China in seconds China continues to pressure the United States for the first time in history the Asian country will keep at least one nuclear-armed ballistic missile submarine constantly at Sea to perform patrols this allows China to threaten a nuclear attack even if land-based missiles and systems are destroyed in addition Chinese submarines are now being equipped with a new third generation missile known as the jl3 with an estimated range of over 6 200 miles and armed with multiple Warheads the jl3 enables China for the first time ever to strike the continental United States from far away Chinese Coastal Waters these new capabilities and patrols hint at improvements in many other areas of the Chinese Navy including Logistics command and control and other weapons countering them will put a strain on the resources of the U.S and its allies as they're already spent doing all of that on nuclear-armed Russia it's the Cold War era all over again but this time the U.S has two world powers to contend with however the U.S seems to have an effective response to the new challenge underdevelopment is a fleet of new nine billion dollar nuclear-powered and nuclear-armed submarines that would feature some of the most Advanced Technologies the U.S has ever built they are their core weapons used for hunting the ballistic missile type submarines China has planted in the Seas hunting requires immeasurable stealth and although American Subs are already the stealthiest in the world these new submarines taken a notch higher with a new type of ultrasiland propulsion system that features no moving Parts but can still thrust massive submarines to record-breaking speeds with jaw-dropping efficiency this propulsion system is known as the magnetic pump magnetic pump a magnetic pump employs a Magneto hydrodynamic Drive accelerator or mhd accelerator to move its payload an mhd accelerator achieves thrust by accelerating an electrically conductive fluid in this case sea water using magnets and electricity there are no moving Parts in the process thereby making this a very silent method of propulsion this makes it perfect for submarines which are engineered to be as quiet as possible to keep passive sonar systems from detecting them as they deal deadly blows to targets the mhd accelerator that makes this possible capable as it is has a simple operating principle a permanent magnet is placed in the center of a fluid-filled ship when an electric current is applied to the magnet it creates a magnetic field this magnetic field causes the fluid to flow around the magnet and accelerate outwards from the ship Action Reaction the ship is accelerated forward the speed of the fluid flow is determined by the strength of the magnetic field and the amount of current applied to the magnet the the higher the strength of the magnet field or the amount of the current applied the faster the fluid will flow few large-scale Marine prototypes have been built the most successful of which is the Yamato one from Japan with its impressive 30 efficiency however despite its impressiveness and a massive 100-ton mhd propulsion system that took up over half of the ship the Yamato one was only able to achieve a top speed of 8 knots as a result of various limitations if the U.S is to use a magnetic pump on its submarines these limitations must be overcome DARPA the defense Advanced research projects agency has begun to do just that as it attempts to produce an actual combat effective magnetic pump here is darpa's magnetic pump DARPA magnetic pump DARPA understanding the benefits of magnetic pumps over propellers is challenging industry to see if the development of state-of-the-art mhd systems could become a reality in May 2023 DARPA launched the principles of undersea magnetohydrodynamic pumps program abbreviated to pump this program sets out to build a marine engine using superconducting magnets expected to reach a field strength of 20 Tesla no not that Tesla this is the SI unit for magnetic flux density but in both scenarios having 20 Tesla is a lot the resulting propulsion system from the program must match the efficiency and exceed the reliability of traditional propeller-based pumps with darpa's Magnetic pump American submarines will reportedly enjoy the perks that come with the mhd systems and finally do away with the inadequacies of traditional submarine propulsion systems traditional submarine propulsion systems use propellers to push water or pump Jets to pump water in both cases generating thrust in the Opera opposite direction while generally efficient the system is noisy the Machinery that powers the propulsors engines Transmissions pumps and other equipment makes noise that can escape the ship and reverberate through the water column this helps sonar systems designed to detect noise pick up on and track moving submarines another issue with this traditional propulsion system is cavitation at higher speeds an underwater propeller will generate gas bubbles that trail The Vessel which then pop and make a cacophonous noise this can be a dead giveaway for a submarine trying to sneak around in the presence of enemy warships the risk of cavitation can be minimized through the proper design of the propeller but there are trade-offs that can reduce overall ship performance and speed as has been well established mhd drives rely only on magnetic fields and electric currents in a process that has far fewer noisy moving Parts than traditional propulsion systems this promises to make them far quieter than existing propulsion systems mhd drives also lack like a physical propulsor mechanically moving water so captivation is greatly minimized in addition with enough power mhd drives theoretically could Propel submarines to higher speeds underwater than they've ever gone and with greater maneuverability too since an mhd system could exert force in any direction should DARPA manage to achieve its goal of overcoming the limitations that Yamato one faced such as the limited electrical conductivity of seawater the inadequate density of the current the low strength of the magnetic field the insufficient power available and so on mhd systems could go from an unimaginable science fiction technology in The Hunt for Red October if you've read the book or seen the movie to a very real technology that helps the U.S maintain its lead over Rivals that are seemingly catching up but all of these propulsion Technologies are only world changing if they're wielded by highly capable submarines that are themselves something for the opposition to fear and in that regard the U.S Navy is working tirelessly by developing a new unrivaled state of nuclear-powered nuclear-armed Next Generation submarines us next Generation submarines the U.S has a nuclear Triad which means it can launch nuclear weapons from the land using intercontinental ballistic missiles from the air with heavy stealth bombers such as the B-2 Spirit and from the sea with its stealth submarines these nuclear-armed submarines called ssbns are the most survivable of this Triad and this is why they carry a massive 70 percent of America's operational nuclear deterrent Arsenal currently the Ohio class submarines are the US's Prime ssbns but after over four Decades of service they are close to their retirement in the late 2020s their replacement the Columbia class is almost here and has already entered the engineering and Manufacturing development phase Columbia class submarines are currently the number one acquisition priority of the U.S Navy 12 Columbia class Subs costing a combined 110 billion dollars will replace the 14 Ohio class Subs in service to enable the U.S to maintain a continuous at-sea strategic deterrence each Columbia class sub will therefore or be a 9 billion dollar 21 000 ton submarine tasked with deterring Rivals from war with the U.S or nuking such a war to an instant end they'll be powered with nuclear reactors that can run for the entirety of their 40-year service lives this gives them an unlimited range that could see them travel to every corner of the planet without stopping it also eliminates a usual midlife reactor refueling overhaul thereby saving the U.S Navy 40 billion dollars in the process despite their large sizes each columbia-class submarine would be operated by a relatively small complement of 155 people thanks to high levels of Automation and other operation simplifying features to spot threats and Targets in the oceans Columbia class Subs feature a significantly enlarged version of the impressive sonar on Virginia class attack submarines which are currently the U.S Navy's go-to attack submarines although that'll change in a few years the Navy is also building new six billion ssnx attack submarines to replace the Virginia class simultaneously with the nuclear-capable columbia-class subs to wield nuclear warheads and other explosives each columbia-class sub will feature 16 Trident D5 submarine launch ballistic missiles and two torpedo tubes all of these features combined with a near silent magnetic pump propulsion system a columbia-class submarines would be a huge part of what the U.S Navy needs in their quest to handle the recent threats from China and according to experts the threats will be handled even better when you subscribe to this Channel and give this video a like so do that now and thanks for watching
Channel: Militarist
Views: 277,249
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: us navy, us military, nuclear submarine, submarine, nuclear submarines, navy, submarines, underwater, next generation submarine, us submarine, us submarine missile launch, us virginia class submarine, columbia class submarine, us navy columbia class submarine, columbia class, largest submarine, columbia submarine class, ssn(x) attack submarines, ssn x submarine, us navy ships, united states navy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 24 2023
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