US Citizenship Interview 2018

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Oana santa maria door 3 please are you one of Santa Maria yes I am please raise your right hand do you swear to tell the truth yes I do please have a seat may I see your green card and passport what is your full name Monica de la Santa Maria where were you born in Chile do you wish to change your name today no I do not would you like your full name on your certificate of citizenship yes that would be fine how did you come to this country I was petitioned by my mother and when did you become a permanent resident I have been a permanent resident since January 2001 what is your birthday I was born on June 9 1984 how tall are you I'm 5 feet 6 inches when was the last time you traveled outside the United States the last time I travel was in 2005 and where did you go I went to Chile did you stay outside the country for more than six months you know I was gone for one month what other trips did you take in the last five years I took two more trips one to the Caribbean for four days and I know the one to Chile for five weeks what is your address I live that 74 Cecilia Drive in Perth Amboy are you currently employed yes I work at Pearson plumbing are you married no I'm divorced was your husband a US citizen no my husband was a permanent resident how many times have you been married only once do you have children yes my daughter is one year old and where does she live she lives with me have you ever claimed to be a US citizen no ma'am have you ever registered to vote in the United States no ma'am do you pay your taxes yes I do have you ever been in a mental institution no have you ever been a member of the Communist Party no have you ever been a member of a terrorist group no since becoming a permanent resident have you ever called yourself a non-resident on any tax return I'm sorry I didn't hear you please repeat the question did you ever call yourself a non-resident on your tax return no I did not have you ever committed a crime for which you have not been arrested no have you ever been convicted of a crime or offense no have you ever been to jail no have you ever been a prostitute no ever had any problems with alcohol or drugs no have you ever helped anyone enter the country illegally or lied to a government official no have you ever been ordered removed excluded or deported from the United States no have you ever served in the US Armed Forces no do you support the Constitution and form of government of the United States yes I don't do you understand the full oath of allegiance to the United State yes I do what is the oath of allegiance it means that I'm loyal to this country and if there were war I'll fight for it if the law requires it are you willing to bear arms on behalf of the United States yes I would if the law requires it are you willing to perform work of national importance under civilian direction yes I would okay miss Santamaria are you ready to take the civics portion of the test yes I am how many states are there in the Union there are 50 states what country did we fight during the Revolutionary War we fought against England what is the Constitution yes the supreme law of the land if both the President and Vice President died who becomes president the Speaker of the House what are the three branches of government the executive the legislative and the judicial what is Congress I the House of Representatives and the Senate for how long do we elect each senator for four years that is incorrect it's six years but you don't have to answer them all correctly who is the head of the executive branch of government the president what are the first ten amendments to the Constitution called the Bill of Rights who said give me liberty or give me death Patrick Henry what is the Court in the United States the Supreme Court what kind of government does the United States have a republic what special group advises the president the cabinet okay that's good I'm going to dictate two sentences to you here is a pencil and paper please write the first sentence are you ready yes I am okay I like living in New Jersey that is correct here is the next sentence I want to be a United States citizen that is correct congratulations you have passed your citizenship test and will become a US citizen today please check this paper and make sure that all the information is correct if it is please initial your name where indicated and sign over here to my sign on this line yes please write your entire name and then initial here and also here I'm returning your passport and green card this paper indicates that you passed your citizenship test today please complete this form also by filling in your name and address and checking no in all of these boxes and then go back outside and wait in the waiting room they will call your name in the next hour or so and when they do please bring your green card and this form to the window then you'll have a seat again and you'll have to wait for the oath ceremony all right thank you very much you have a great day congratulations you
Channel: Youtube For You
Views: 1,767,483
Rating: 4.7166371 out of 5
Keywords: Citizenship, US citizenship, interview, test, Interview and test, Citizen interview and test, U.S citizenship interview and test, citizenship new, US Citizenship Interview 2018, Full-Citizenship Interview test, youtubeforyou, citiview interview and test 2018, ten video, Youtube For You, interview and test new
Id: h4XsC2-w054
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 43sec (583 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 02 2018
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