US $100B Next Generation Aircraft Carrier Is Finally Ready For Action | Russia Is Shocked

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U.S aircraft carriers the decline of an era or a powerful navy of any state determines the political status of the country for several centuries Great Britain was considered the strongest Naval power however after the end of World War II the United States of America took the palm of Supremacy a significant strength of the country's Navy and a National Treasure and pride are nuclear-powered aircraft carriers the United States is the only country in the world with 11 operational aircraft carrier ships in this video we'll talk about the current state of the American nuclear-powered aircraft carrier Fleet and reflect on its place in today's Hypersonic world the idea of creating a floating Runway belongs to Americans and this is not surprising major battles almost always take place far from the coast of North America and the U.S has always sought to control any military conflicts in 1910 for the first time an airplane took off from a ship it was a light American Cruiser Birmingham on which a wooden platform of 25 by 7 meters was erected after five minutes the aircraft equipped with special floats successfully landed on the water the following year an American officer safely performed the landing of an airplane on the artificially created enlarged deck of the cruiser conducting further research in 1915 was developed catapult necessary for the takeoff of the aircraft from the ship and since then the USA has been the unquestioned leader in this field of armament for more than a century during the century their Navy served 18 types of aircraft carriers starting with cv-1 Langley converted from a ship carrying coal and ending with a huge nuclear aircraft carrier CVN 78 Gerald Ford which embodies the latest achievements in this field for its technical performance in Firepower the Gerald Ford is also called a super aircraft carrier it's the first ship in the world that'll serve on a single reserve of nuclear fuel for the whole time of its operation which is half a century it does not need to be reloaded and Carries 90 airplanes helicopters and uavs including fifth generation f-35c Fighters three of himaw's latest electromagnetic catapults are used for takeoff providing smoother acceleration of the planes and a quarter more performance than steam catapults the enormous machine is 337 meters long 78 meters wide and 76 meters high six meters taller than the Cathedral of Saint John the Evangelist in New York and weighing almost a hundred thousand tons can accelerate to 30 knots or 34 miles per hour you bet because Gerald Ford has two unique nuclear reactors Bechtel a1b 700 megawatts each or 952 000 horsepower that's a total of almost 2 million horsepower such an enormous power costs 13 billion dollars but aircraft carriers themselves do not go as they have a rather weak defensive Armament and are not adapted for independent action therefore they go to combat operations as part of a carrier strike group it includes one aircraft carrier one to four guided missile Cruisers abbreviated as uro two or three destroyers or frigates uro and one or two multi-purpose nuclear-powered submarine Supply vessels thus the aircraft carrier strike group consists of six to ten warships if necessary the number of cover ships can be more based on nuclear-powered aircraft carriers are also created fast nuclear-powered aircraft carrier strike groups consisting of an aircraft carrier two nuclear-powered Cruisers one nuclear-powered multi-purpose submarine the total number of personnel of the aircraft carrier strike group reaches 9 000 people of which six thousand on the aircraft carrier such a group can fight without resupply for up to 14 days to strike ships at Sea to a depth of 575 miles and onshore objects about A Thousand Miles the ability of an aircraft carrier strike group to move within a day at a distance of seven to eight hundred miles provides relative secrecy and hence the suddenness of action allowing you to quickly arrive in the designated area it would seem that such a striking power should ensure complete dominance of the US in any corner of the world's oceans and no money can be spared for it according to analyst calculations the maintenance of one carrier strike Group which has one aircraft carrier five Cruisers and destroyers a multi-target nuclear submarine about 80 pieces of aircraft and at least 6 700 people cost the Pentagon a very large figure about six and a half million dollars a day there are 10 such groups in the United States that's a total of at least 65 million dollars a day the average cost to build a new hospital in the U.S in 2019 was 478 dollars per square foot so a 1.2 million square foot Hospital would cost about 574 million dollars or just nine days of operation for 10 aircraft carrier strike groups we didn't take the 1.2 million square foot figure by accident that's the square footage of one of the leading medical centers in America NYU langone Hospital all of its six inpatient facilities are Tisch Hospital Kimmel Pavilion NYU langone Orthopedic Hospital hasenfeld Children's Hospital NYU langone Hospital Brooklyn and NYU langone Hospital Long Island but it can be said that for the sake of the country's security and credibility such expenditures are well Justified one could probably agree with that however the aircraft carrier strike groups really fulfill all the functions assigned to them in the event of a military conflict and will then in 2005 the U.S military held a special exercise to test the durability of the aircraft carrier USS America cv66 which was first launched in 1964. the ship was repeatedly bombed torpedoed and attacked by cruise missiles but all attempts were unsuccessful eventually after four weeks the giant finally sank from the damage it sustained the data obtained on the survivability of the ship were applied in the creation of a new generation of aircraft carriers this allowed Talbot manvale who was one of the leading designers of this aircraft carrier to declare that instant destruction of an aircraft carrier is Possible only with the use of a nuclear strike but a nuclear strike is a third world war in which there will be no winners everyone realizes that and Biden Putin Xi Jinping therefore a conflict is quite possible in which the parties will not press the red button even in the hottest phase so can an aircraft carrier be sunk with Conventional Weapons it's all relative in 1941 some nine days before Pearl Harbor tragedy there were a number of articles in the American Media about the Battleship Arizona extolling its power to the skies it's clear that up to that time no one had sunk battleships from the air nevertheless Arizona during the attack of Japanese planes received four bombs and sank and to this day remains underwater as a memorial of course the Arizona cannot be compared to the super aircraft carrier Gerald Ford if we talk about the capabilities of weapons against Air Attack means submarines and surface ships the forces of the air strike group create a deep Echelon defense depth of 220 to 400 miles for the most complete use of the combat capabilities of the air defense means it's envisaged that they will be arranged in zones primarily in relation to missile prone direction for this purpose three air defense zones are being formed long-range medium range and short range the forces and means of the long-range Zone must ensure timely detection of means of Air Attack destruction of aircraft carrying anti-ship missiles before their launch and prevention of enemy airstrikes by destroying reconnaissance electronic warfare and guidance aircraft the long range Zone uses long-range radar detection aircraft radar surveillance ships combat Air Patrol fighter planes and medium-range surface-to-air missile systems of anti-missile barrier ships the Middle Air Defense Zone must ensure the destruction of cruise missiles and aircraft attacking the main forces of the compound it includes short-range ships and helicopters Prowler electronic warfare aircraft anti-missile barrier ships using anti-aircraft missiles electronic warfare equipment of the main four ships and anti-missile barrier in the close Air Defense Zone anti-aircraft self-defense Firepower and electronic warfare memes are used in the interest of individual ship cover the aircraft carrier is directly covered by at least one USS Cruiser to reduce the effectiveness of airstrikes the main forces of the compound operate in dispersed orders two or three tactical groups and false orders are formed that are equal in terms of demasking features in duty mode the air cover of the carrier group is carried out by a group consisting of two fa-18 hornets and a okay long-range radar detection aircraft which are located at a distance of 60 miles from the center of the order if an enemy is detected another pair of Fighters immediately takes to the air and along with the first they move out toward the enemy 180 or 200 miles from the carrier the group barrages perpendicular to the direction of the threat hokai by radio electronic radiation determines the exact bearing of the Target and begins to approach the enemy at this signal other Fighters are launched from the aircraft carrier to intercept the air threat the air defense forces are controlled by the Aegis combat information and control system this system provides a collective defensive ships allowing them to intercept almost all modern means of Air Attack including ballistic missiles the Aegis system detects and escorts 250 to 300 targets simultaneously and erects up to 18 anti-aircraft missiles at the most dangerous of them deck-based Fighters and long-range radar detection aircraft can also be used in repulsing a strike the decision to engage targets can be made automatically standard 2 sm-2 and more Modern Standard 3 sm-3 anti aircraft missiles are used as the means of defeat the aircraft carrier is also protected from attacks from the sea the main means of anti-submarine defense of the aircraft carrier strike group or s3a Viking anti-submarine aircraft they Patrol at a distance of up to 185 kilometers from the aircraft carrier making shuttle flights from the center of the group and back in the direction of the likely appearance of the enemy the intervals between the approach of each aircraft to the center of the group should be one to two hours each aircraft searches in its own sector s3a aircraft are armed with depth bombs Torpedoes mines and up to two anti-ship missiles harpoon the main means of Submarine detection are radio hydroacoustic buoys which the airplane drops in the amount of six to eight pieces per hour The Jezebel system uses passive an ssq41b directional radio Hydro acoustic buoys this system can detect submarines at a range of up to 12 miles the Julie system utilizes explosive sound sources if a submarine enters the zone of the sound effect of the explosion the signal reflected from it will go to the buoys and from there to the operator on an airplane the Julie system provides detection of low noise submarines at a range of up to five miles more systems work in conditions of strong acoustic interference in areas of busy shipping with strong sea waves there are also magnetic detectors an asq-81 is one of the main non-acoustic means of Submarine detection they work on the principle of registering the magnetic anomaly created by the ferromagnetic mass of the submarine the submarine detection range of a magnetic detector is 2300 to 3300 feet the an aas-36 infrared station can detect a Submarine by the thermal radiation of its Hull and its Keel track the range of detection of a submarine by its Keo track is up to 12 miles the an aps-115b radar station can detect submarines under Periscope or antenna operating on reception at a range of up to 10 miles the an alq 78 radio reconnaissance station can detect a submarine conducting radio Transmissions at a range of up to 370 miles also used in the sea defensive or submarines they Advanced 45 to 100 miles on a course from the center of the marching order and can detect enemy Subs up to 60 miles away sabrock torpedo missiles and homing Torpedoes are used to engage enemy Subs close protection forces include helicopters and surface ships their main task is to prevent torpedo attacks by enemy Subs the range of detection of submarines close protection is up to 45 miles from the center of the order as you can see getting close to the aircraft carrier is very very difficult but it will be attacked not by light Japanese piston aircraft Nakajima ki-43 Hayabusa and Nakajima ki-27 but by much more formidable weapons what will counter this American might China and Russia are the main Rivals of the United States and it's no secret what weapons do they have against aircraft carriers let's start with China this country has an extensive arsenal of weapons to destroy U.S aircraft carriers for example launchers with anti-ship ballistic missiles dong Fang 21d dongfang 21d is the world's first and only anti-ship ballistic missile and the first weapon system capable of engaging moving aircraft carrier strike groups at long range using land-based mobile launchers it has a kill range of 1100 miles the df-21d's maneuvering Warheads can be equipped with various types of guidance systems such missiles could have been tested in 2005-2006 to provide targeting guidance for anti-ship ballistic missiles China has launched a series of satellites yaogan 7 and opto electronic satellite yaogan 8 and aperture synthesis radar satellite and yowgan9 a series of three Maritime electronic surveillance satellites U.S Navy Captain Henry J Hendricks is estimated that China can produce 1227 dongfeng 21 anti-ship ballistic missiles for the price of one U.S aircraft carrier how many such missiles would it take to fatally strike an aircraft carrier a massive Salvo of such missiles flying at Mach 2 to Mach 5 speeds insufficient numbers can simply break through the air defense of any aircraft carrier order one missile of course will not sink a ship of such size with such a margin of survivability but who said there would only be one missile and about distance and aircraft carrier's primary weapon is aircraft the range of the current fa-18e Super Hornet is between 390 and 450 nautical miles the F-35 Strike Fighter will have a combat radius of 730 nautical miles that's without the additional outboard tank that significantly reduced the other capabilities of the planes the U.S defense intelligence agency estimates the range of the df-21d anti-ship missile at 1100 miles with some suggesting the range will be greater recognizing the fact that these numbers would require aircraft carrier strike groups to be positioned well beyond their range this immediately calls into question the effective use of the carrier itself and its weapons Robert Ruble former dean of the naval war College observed successful carrier defense is of no use if the carrier cannot in turn successfully attack enemy Naval forces he's echoed by military analyst Robert haddock even more ominous are squadrons of Naval Strike Fighters capable of launching dozens of long-range high-velocity anti-ship cruise missiles in volumes that threatened to crush the most sophisticated Naval defenses or as an example China's use of its missile boats there are about a hundred of them mostly of the hubai class each one carries eight cruise missiles with a range of 160 miles that's a total of 600 to 700 missiles that can be launched at one time now what can Russia oppose the United States when Russia's mentioned the first thing that comes to mind is the granite anti-ship cruise missile and the Zircon Hypersonic anti-ship missile the granite anti-ship missile or by NATO codification SSN 19 shipwreck is still a Soviet supersonic long-range anti-ship cruise missile designed to combat powerful ship grooves including aircraft carriers it was adopted into service 40 years ago in July 1983. speed and altitude is mach 2.5 near the ground Mach 1.5 range 400 miles the weight of the Warhead is 1600 pounds carriers are six project 949a anti-type nuclear submarine Cruisers 24 granites each heavy nuclear-powered nuclear missile Cruisers of project 1144 eagle kirov Admiral lazarev Admiral nakamov and Peter the Great 20 granites each heavy aircraft carrier Cruiser admiral of the fleet of the Soviet Union kuznisov of project 1143.5 12 granites as you can see the range of this missile does not allow its carriers to be out of range of aircraft carrier Aviation but on the other hand the systems of the aircraft carrier group as we said before are capable of detecting a submarine at a distance no farther than 200 kilometers therefore Russian submarines may have time to fire their entire ammunition at the aircraft carrier and that's 24 Granite missiles but much more dangerous are Hypersonic missile Zircon which has recently been adopted for service range up to a thousand kilometers the weight of the Warhead 650 to 900 pounds speed Mach 9. the Russian government plans to replace the Soviet missile Granite with this missile the Russian military has simulated strikes by granites against an American aircraft carrier calculations show that one to two hits will restore the aircraft carrier to full operational capability within a few hours catapults and air finishers are functioning although not all three to five hits of granites the carrier will be able to regain partial combat capability and will require serious repairs at the base more than half of the Air Wing is gone six to eight hits of granites the aircraft carrier completely loses the ability to restore its combat capability the maximum possible to use only helicopters the ship requires a very long overhaul which could last for many months or even years and the ship may not be able to return to the end of the conflict that is it'll no longer be of any value in the current conflict 9 to 19 hits by granites the carrier is so badly damaged that there are doubts about the feasibility of repairing and rebuilding it 20 to 24 hits of granites I.E a full Salvo of project 949a submarines of the anti-type or heavy Cruisers of the Orlan type the carrier turns into a charred hole and what about Torpedoes it's known that Russia has a unique torpedo shikval which has a speed of 200 miles per hour but its range is only 8 Miles however theoretically a submarine can get close to this distance the anti-torpedo protection is 20 feet thick which should withstand the contact blast of a standard 21-inch torpedo with a 660 pound Warhead the protection is made according to the so-called American three chamber scheme an expansion chamber at the outer skin followed by an absorption chamber these are tanks with aviation fuel and finally an expansion chamber in front of the main watertight bulkhead protection against bottom explosion is provided by a double bottom throughout the ship and a reinforced Keel the hole is divided into a series of watertight compartments by 23 transverse and four longitudinal bulkheads ensuring the unsinkability of the ship in case of significant battle damage in order to sink such a giant it would take at least 10 Torpedoes of 21-inch caliber as we can see both China and Russia can theoretically destroy American aircraft carriers so why does the U.S invest huge sums of money in their construction and operation there are several reasons first aircraft carriers still continue to Be an Effective show of force yes they can be destroyed but that requires building and maintaining sophisticated weapon systems as well for example the Chinese have a pretty good chance they can fire about 600 missiles at an aircraft carrier strike Group which equals 75 percent of China's total missile Armament however this would create a dilemma for the Chinese military get rid of most of the missile stockpile to disable the American aircraft carrier for a few weeks since there's no guarantee of a complete sinking and what to do next there will be no more missile weapons left for other battles so aircraft carriers remain a lethal type of Weaponry drawing significant enemy forces to themselves another thing is that in our opinion the U.S does not need to maintain 10 aircraft carrier groups which devour a huge amount of Financial and production forces many experts in the U.S believe that the weakest point of the U.S Navy is that the fleet spends money not on acquiring new weapons but on maintaining the old ones and this is a dead end way it's not by chance that in the U.S there are more and more frequent voices about reducing the number of aircraft carriers the most frequently mentioned figure is four that's how many aircraft carrier groups are going to be mothballed let's summarize briefly despite the emergence of hypersonic weapons aircraft carriers continue to be a formidable Force forcing opponents to attract significant resources to counter but now it's no longer possible an expedient for the us to have 11 aircraft carriers their numbers should be reduced in order to free up funds for the development of advanced weapons the same Hypersonic missiles in which the US is still behind Russia and China what do you think about the future of aircraft carriers write in your comments below if you enjoyed the video give us a thumbs up as a reward for our labor also please don't forget to subscribe to our Channel there are many more interesting videos about modern weapons ahead see you soon
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Length: 22min 18sec (1338 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 02 2023
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