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we are supersonic at level 1 speed oh and look how slow we are oh no now let's see we can outrun baby sonic all the way to the ferris wheel three two one start the race oh he's fast wait hold on baby sonic is super fast oh no oh no guys we gotta catch up to him and win this race so we get 10 speed levels oh look at this we got speed level two speed level three come on keep it up supersonic okay okay can we catch up to him come on catch up to baby sonic yes yes it is all right now we're gonna run up the stairs super fast oh he's right behind us he's right on our tail oh boy oh boy run run run run come on nice and fast guys we're gonna win this race leave a like a video and let's see we can get a hundred thousand super fast likes and i want to become the giant supersonic boom at a million speed baby sonic we up on the race so now we get 10 additional speed levels see you later buddy let's see how fast we are three two one run come on run fast whoa whoa oh guys we are so fast but when we're at giant with a million speed we're gonna run across the entire world hey wait a minute what do i see over here whoa they get super jumps too oh but i got an idea this is giant knuckles can we jump over him boink come on jump over him oh he's very hairy no i can't jump over him oh we gotta get more speed levels jump whoa hey we got a speed level from there whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa super starting super sad again coming down man look at him let's jump over him again jump whoa look at that jump lots of speed levels so we got to show this to baby sonic all right let's see can we jump over his head and jump come on whoa look at this no way whoa into a wall we just got a lot of speed levels from there check this out whoa ow oh no i ran into a net guys this is difficult all right we are so flipping fast look at this wait are we fast enough to run on water oh no we're not but look it's sonic oh he's gonna be way fast come on sonic let's see who is faster and run god damn wait why am i so slow all of a sudden oh wait there we go there we go oh man oh man oh man sonic is way faster than us right oh he's way faster come on sonic show me how do we get a million speed oh wait over there let's cook it over here man all right let's run let's run super fast whoa whoa whoa we just got a lot of speed levels from that all right if we run with sonic do we get more speed levels i think so or oh he's so fat he's pushing us oh that's why we're getting speed levels that's awesome all right we gotta get to a place right over there that's the airport where we got a lot of space to run you know wow look at this jump holy moly oh yo look at that it's a private airplane can we outrun it no way guys we are so fast speed level 200 already watch out for the airplane though all right sonic stop it come over here you gotta push me to a thousand speeds you hear me come on and go oh yes there it is there it is there it is oh he's pushing us oh we're getting big speed levels oh we're ready to enjoy speed level 500 come on sonic 600 yes 700 there you go eight nine a thousand whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa look at this guys over here so fast no way sonic wait sonic thing this is sonic it's blaze hey what are you doing here wait where's sonic guys we're gonna find sonic and also baby sonic to show them or epic speed look at this speed level 2 000 already oh no blaze fell blaze you okay let's see we can run on water and let's see we can outrun blaze for ten thousand speed levels three two one jump over wow look at this go no way and we can run on water we can please do that too man she went right to the bottom are you kidding me blaze where are you where's blaze i want to outrun blaze oh man oh man oh man we gotta get out of here whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa boys we don't have enough speed levels oh no i'm gonna sing i'm gonna sing we gotta get out of here i can't go up here oh no guys i'm actually gonna sink ah don't sink sonic oh no no no no this bad this is really bad come on get up on the shore oh whoa and blaze is fast all alright so i don't want dry land let's see if we can outrun blaze is she faster than sonic oh wait i got an idea we're here in a parking lot nobody can see us we're gonna steal some speed from blaze let's knock her down i'm sorry and now let's do the speed tornado oh oh no blaze i'm sorry we're getting so many speed levels no way so what's happening to supersonic right now oh no why amy has gone and now whoa we get her speed that's that speed level ten thousand i wanna try it out but we don't have enough space here we gotta get up on oh yeah right over here oh this is perfect all right let's try it out three two one go holy moly this is so fast are you kidding me this is crazy well well well hello there supersonic oh wait dr eggman where did you come from well i noticed that you want to be fast like me at a million speeds but you've got a million speed yes and i can use it to destroy the entire world including baby sonic boy but that's terrible i gotta get out of here i gotta run oh no oh no he's following us he's following us oh this really bad guys we gotta get a million speed otherwise dr evan is going to destroy the world and baby sonic he's actually following us he can't fly wait don't die we can fly oh we gotta run we're gonna run super fast let's use our fastest boost when we get back to the water yes right over here amy has given us this power let's see we can use it three two one still behind us three two one go holy moly that's so fast no way all right we gotta get to the beach right over here maybe this is a place we can hide from dr eggman all right i think here we are nice to see whoa what is that what's in the mega robot oh no oh no oh no no they can also fly of course he's so fast he knocked us into the water oh that's really bad we gotta get out of here thankfully we now have enough speed so that we can run on water oh my goodness he's actually following us no way dr eggman sends out on the mega robot to destroy us well if we are fast enough maybe we can outrun it let's see can we run through the mountains watch out people watch are we gonna get fast right oh yes we can we can we can we can run over the mountains with all of the speed that we got from blaze so we gotta find a way to get rid of that omega robot wait i've got a plan what if we crash him into the train all right we gotta find the three oh wait it's right over here all right let's check this out let's check this out the train is over here what's the mega robot oh no he's preparing an attack isn't he we gotta make him run into the train and then you know he's done for and because we are fast enough we can outrun the train all right let's stay close to the train oh there he is there he is there he is ow oh no oh no no no no we gotta walk right in front of the train come on we gotta get him in front of the unstoppable train oh he's so fast you kidding me how many speed levels doesn't the mega robot have guys if you know that post a comment below is it ten thousand is it twenty thousand oh man we are at twenty thousand now so he's gotta have at least twenty thousand oh man oh my god rubble run nice and fast in front of the train come on whoa whoa what what what what did he just do he just he destroyed the unstoppable no way okay this is this pretty bad this is pretty bad now we gotta run a lot faster oh my goodness what just happened how did he destroy the unstoppable train i mean it's called unstoppable for a reason you're not supposed to stop it wait a minute we outrun him hold on look at our speed levels wait what we just got speed level 100 000 for whoa outrunning that a mega robot yo look at us know why we are fast we're gonna find dr eggman again maybe if we outrun him we get a million speeds so we can become the giant sonic hey yo where are you at man i got myself a hundred well it's 103 000 because we've been running a lot now but yeah i got myself a hundred thousand speed wait i heard something i heard something over here that's him what is he doing oh he's lasering me that's what he's doing come over here i will destroy you oh no what did he do oh no no no no we gotta outrun him we gotta drive run people run oh they're all so slow they're at speed level one like we were in the beginning oh they're gonna get totally roasted by dr eggman right oh no he's attacking everyone who are you kidding me what is the matter with this doctor eggman dude oh man we gotta get out of here big time oh no sir watch out wait what he's got a super sonic dash how is that possible run run sonic run we are getting big speed levels that's right 200 thousand we're going to try a booster when we get on a nice straight piece of road oh yes right over here right over here all right we're gonna try and boost three two one boost holy moly look at this go let's go is that enough to outrun dr eggman i think the answer is uh yeah i think it's no dude eggman what are you doing man stop it oh oh oh that was not good at all are we slow now no wait we're still fast we're still fast right we gotta find a way to absorb the powers of dr eggman so we get all of his speed come on aggie where are you we gotta knock him down and do the same thing we did to blaze wait there he is no wait no that's helicopter wait but that's him that's him punch him punch him bang yes and now use the tornado guys look at the speed levels look at the speed levels let's go um hello are we a giant sonic wait but our speed level is 900 000 but we're so slow what's going on how is this possible guys we can never get to a million speed like this and we can run what we are so slow we gotta find baby sonic maybe he knows how to unlock a million speed let's see if he is still at the beach somewhere oh there he is baby sonic computer man let me just grab this dude come on look baby sonic how do we get fast man come on buddy you gotta tell me you just have to jump all right i'm gonna try and jump i forgot about that we did unlock very fast the big jumps with knuckles over there let's go back maybe he does know how to get speed all right buddy i'm back for another jump three two one jump whoa holy moly that's a big jump i mean it was really fast but oh it was not very far 910 000 speed well we're getting there three two one jump whoa guys how do we go forwards how do we go faster watch out watch out watch out with y'all watch out sir what's up whoa who knows i landed on a dude 925 000 speed we're still very slow jump again all right so we jump up whoa very high and then we jump again whoa what was that no way look at this that's crazy we could fly look at this i i had no idea this was possible guys this is a new world record our speed level is over a million oh my goodness like this oh this is bad oh this is bad where are we oh there it is there it is no way can we fly back guys we gotta land it we gotta let it there bang that is the world taking the speed guys check out these videos ice cream and thank you for watching
Channel: Jamesify
Views: 5,563,444
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jamesify, projectjamesify, gta 5, gta 5 mods, gta 5 funny mods, game, gaming, gameplay, funny
Id: NdaJx-o-s00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 58sec (658 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 06 2022
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